1964-11-05 SP 354 Special Meeting November 5, 1964 Present: . John 0. Webster . Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner (absent) - Councilman Curtis Lampson X ' Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. m. The meeting was opened as a hearing on the Preliminary Budget. Proof of Publication was presented by the Clerk. The reading of the notice was dispensed with at this tinie. Mr. John Webster, Supervisor requested a voice of 'opinidns',of any persons in favor of or against any portion of the Preliminary Budget. The hearing was set aside at this time to allow all persons to arrive at the meeting and heard. The visitors greeted at the meeting at 7:30 p. m. were as follows: Mr. & Mrs Edward T. Hutchinson_ Frank Gilheany . Bernard J. Codner - Superintendent of Highways "Bucky" Corlew - Highway Employee LeRoy Phillips - Chief of-Police Mr.' Hutchinson. questioned the board on the facts involved in` the recent refusal of the Citv of Glens Falls to allow further extensions to the Pershing-Ashley-Coolidge Sewer District. Mr. Hutchinson advanced the opinion that the proposed extension should be set a side at this time until all persons involved are contacted, His opinion is that -several property oN�mers are not willing to .be apart of the system. A letter was received and placed on file from Martin Karig, the president of the Mohican TV Cable Corporation to do with -the proposal to install a Community Antenna Television and Coaxial Cable System. A letter was received and placed on file from Atty. Albert E. Beswick which cnstitutcd the attorney's opinion on a petition which has been presented from the Newhouse Broadcasting Corporation fora thirty year franchise to maintain and operate a Community Antenna System in the Town of Queensbury. . e The Clerk reported on his receipt of a copy of the renewed franchise of the Greyhound Bus Line. Justice of Peace, Andrew Butz, Atty. and Mrs. Daniel Tallon and Mr. Edward Butz visited the meetin¢ at this time. Andrew Butz, Justice of the Peace of the Town of 0.aueensbury was heard at this time to state his basis for an increase in the salary of the office which b.e holds at this time. Attorney Dani&l Tallon spoge to the board in favor of the requested change in Justice Butz compensation for his office. A discussion as to the work load of the Justice was advanced by Atty. Tallon. A comparison to the activities of similiar offices in the locality was exposed at this time. 355 Mrs. Tallon voiced an opinion in agreement with Attorney Tallon's statement. Mr. Butz spoke in favor of increased police protection within the Town of Queensbury. Justice ,Butz suggested an allowance in the proposed budget to furnish secretarial help for his office. Mr. Phillips spoke in favor of increased police protection within the town. Mr. Frank Gilheany stated that he was in favor of mating plans for a future open discussion on the subject of police protection for the town. The public hearing was declared closed at this time. Jerome Thorne, Acting Water Superintendent and Thomas Flaherty employee of the water department arrived at the meeting at this time. November 1, 1964 Queensbury Town Board Dear Sirs: If there is an opening in the Police Dept. , I would like to be considered for an appointment as special policeman and serve the Town of Queensbury to the best of my ability. Sincerely Joseph A. Daire 6 Carroll St. , Glens Falls, N. Y. 12801 -- A letter was receivedand placed on file from Atty. Albert E. Beswick as an opinion on the claim of the Bay Ridge Fire Company. Mr. Lampson moved that the Town Board should conduct an executive session at this time. . Motion seconded by Mr. Beaty. Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None Following the executive session the Town Board adopted the following resolution; RESOLUTION NO. 199 Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Robertson RESOLUTION OF TOWN BOARD ADOPTING BUDGET WITH AMENDMENTS WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the preliminary budget be amended by making the following changes therein: That the appropriation for JUSTICE OF PEACE - compensation of employees be increased from $100.00 to $1500.00. and be it 356 FURTHER RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget as hereinbefore amended, be and hereby is adopted as the annual budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the lst day of January, 1965,. and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify, in duplicate, copies -of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board, together with the assessment rolls for benefit improvements, if any, adopted pursuant to section 202-a, subd. 2, of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Tom to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of this County. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Lampson, Mr_ . Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None _ i i t II 3.x'7 ANNUAL BUDGET -FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY General. Fund, -- Appropriations 1965 General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices Rentals , board room, offices, elections , etc. $600.00 Compensation of employees 100.00 Purchase of Furniture & Equipment 500.00 Repairs Light, Heat & Telephone 200.00 Misc. expenses, Surplus Property 500.00 - Elections Compensation of Election Officials 2,600.00 Compensation of Custodians 200,00 Other Expenses 500.00 Voting Machine, Purchase, Repair 100.00 Insurance Compensation Insurance 11 ,000.00 Official Bonds F-,• Undertakings 500.00 Fire & Liability 6,000.00 Printing & Advertising; (all Dents. ) 22500.00 Services of Attorney,,,.& Expenses 31500.00 Planning Board Expenses 400.00 Expenses of Special Census 2,800.00 Services of Engineer & Expenses 43,000.00 Association of Towns Dues 160.00 Social Security (Town Share) 5,400.00 Health Insurance (Town Share) 32000.00 Employees Retirement System 82500.00 Publicity Fund 800.00 TOTAL TOWN BOARD $53,860.00 Supervisor Salary 5,200.00 Compensation of Employees 2,000.00 Office & Other Expenses 700.00 TOTAL SUPERVISOR 7,900.00 Justice of the Peace Salaries -- 1 Justice 33,600.00 1 Justice 32600.00 Office & Other Expenses 550.00 Compensation of Employees 1,500.00 TOTAL JUSTICE OF PEACE 9,250.00 358 Councilman Salaries (four) $72200.00 Office & Other Expenses (four) 600.00 TOTAL COUNCILMEN 72800.00 Town Clerk Salary 4,00.00 Office & Other Expenses 800.00 Compensation .of Employees 800.00 TOTAL TOWN CLERK 62100.00 Assessors Salaries - Chairman 6: Other (2) 72200.00 Office 6. Other Expenses 800.00 TOTAL ASSESSORS 8,000.00 Tax Collector (Receiver of Taxes & Assess. ) Salary 41000.00 Office & Other Expenses 1,400.00 Compensation of Employees 300.00 TOTAL COLLECTOR (RECEIVER OF TAXES) 5,700.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 98,610.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY Police, Constables ^6, Deputy Sheriff' s Compensation . 31000.00 Mileage & Other Expenses ,_,_r 550, .00 Purchase of Equipment 50.00 TOTAL POLICE CONSTABLES, ETC. 3,600.00 TRAFFIC Signs, Signals & Lighting 6 ,600.00 TOTAL TRAFFIC 6,600.00 Dog Warden Compensation 600.00 Other expenses 200.00 Contract with Animal Hospital 800.00 TOTAL DOG WARDEN . 1,600.00 Inspection Costs Building Inspector 1,200.00 Miscellaneous•.Expenses 300.00 TOTAL INSPECTION 1,500.00 Town Dump Compensation 6,000.00 Miscellaneous 600.00 TOTAL TOWN DUMP- 6,600.00 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 92900.00 EDUCATION �J Town Historian Compensation 180.00 Other Expenses 50.00 - TOTAL TOWN HISTORIAN 230.00 359 Public Library Contract--Mountainside Free Library $200.00 Contract--Crandall Library - 6;900.00 TOTAL LIBRARY• 7,100.09 TOTAL EDUCATION 72330.00 Recreation Town Recreation 2,500.00 Patriotic Observances 150.00 TOTAL RECREATION 2,650.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES Pineview Cemetery (Schedule A) Cost of Improvement Improvements to cemetery 900.00 New Equipment (Mowers etc. ) 200.00 New Office & Shop Building- at Pineview 5 ,000.00 TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS 6 ,100.00 Maintenance Personal Service 10,750.00 Repairs to existing equipment 200.00 Gas & Oil for equipment 200.00 Bond for Commissioner & Supt. 35.00 Miscellaneous 400.00 . Cost of maintenance of outside Cemet. 1,200.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 12 ,785.00 TOTAL PINEVIEW CEMETERY 18,885.00 Construction & Permanent Improvement Town Hall & Others 500.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION & IMPROVEMENT 500.00 Miscellaneous Veterans Organization for rooms 200.00 - TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 200.00 CONTINGENT PURPOSES 6 ,000.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES Mortgage taxes 20,000.00 Dog Licenses (County) 2,000.00 Other Licenses (Town) 300.00 Fees of Tom Clerk - 1,500.00 Fines, penalties and forfeitures 100.00 Fees of Justice of the Peace 7,000.00 Fees of Receiver of Taxes & Assessment 11,500.00 Fees of Cemeteries 7 ,950.00 Per Capita Assistance 48,600.00 Interest 31500.00 Sale of Town owned property 1,500.00 Unexpended balance (Sec. 115) 28.,,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 121,950.00 4 360 APPROPRIATIONS General Government 98,610.00. Protection of Persons Property 19,900.00 Education 7,330.00 Recreation 2,650.00 Public Utilities 18,885.00 Construction & Permanent Improvements 500,00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Contingent Purposes 6,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 154,075.00 Less Estimated Revenues 121 ,950.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR GENERAL FUND 32,125.00 ANNUAL BUDGET Ix I GI-WAY DEPARTMENT Highway Fund (Item #I) Appropriation General Repairs 90,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 90,000.00 Revenues: State Aid 8,600.00 Interest 1,200.00 TOTAL REVENUES 9,800.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highxaay Fund Item #1 801200.00 Highway Fund (Item #3) Appropriations Purchase of Machinery 151000.00 Repair of Machinery 10,000.00 Indebtedness 13,000.00 _ Interest 600.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 38,600.00 Revenues: RentAl'-of Machinery 8,500.00 TOTAL REVENUES 8,500.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund Item #3 30,100.00 Highway Fund. (Item #4) Appropriations Salary of Superintendent 63200.00 Expenses of Superintendent 200.00 Salary F_ Expenses of Deputy Superintendent 41800.00 Removing snow 30,000.00 Cutting brush 35600.00 Miscellaneous e 3,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIOIS 47,800.00 Revenues: From snow removal, 8,.000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 8,000.00 Amount .to be raised by tax for Highway Fund Item #4 39,800.00 TOTAL TAXES HIGHTRAY DEPARTMENT 150,100.00 31 BOARD OF HEALTH Salary 1,750.00 Office, traveling; & other expenses 100.00 Baby Clinics • 1,200.00 TOTAL BOARD. OF HEALTH 3,050.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics 200.00 TOTAL - 3,250.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Expenditures Miscellaneous expenses Fivd' companies @ $5,000.00 annual Payments under contract 25,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 252000.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 3,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 3,000.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 222000.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 90.00 TOTAL- EXPENDITURES 90.00 Revenues Unexnended. balance 10.00 TOTAL- REVENUES 10.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 80,00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance -- Payment on contract 500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 500.00 • Revenues Unexpended balance none TOTAL-REVENUES none Amount to be raised by taxes 500.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FM FORT AMHERST-GARRISON ROAD,LIGHTING DISTRICT • Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 2,025.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2 ,025.00 Revenues Unexpended balance none TOTAL REVENUES none Amount to be raised by taxes 2,025.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of improvement Construction of- improvement 11,900.00 -- TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT 11,900.00 /362 Maintenance Office and other expenses Misc. expenses & authorized refunds 100.00 ';down. Supervisor ((-eensbury Wtr, Dist. ) 600.00 Repairs 600._00 Purchase of water 5)000.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Purchase 6: installation of meters and services 150.00 TOTAL 6 ,550.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES _ 18,450.00 Revenues Water rents 4,000.00 --� Interest income CD 450.00 Unexpended balance 14, 000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 18,450.00 Amount to be raised by taxes none ANNUAL BUDGET WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXT. #1 Expenditures Cost of improvements Bond principal 525.00 Bond interest 410.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 935.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 535.00 TOTAL REVENUES 515.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 400.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance Chlorination Supplies 30.00 Town Supervisor (�;ueensbVry ti-later) 300.00 Repairs 1 ,050.00 Power and light 90.00 Purchase and installation of meters 67services 130.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,600.00 Revenues Water rents 600.00 Sale & installation of ;peters 6 services 200.,00 Unexpended balance 800.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,600.00 kmount to be rai-sed by taxes, none ANNUAL BUDGET FOR QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT Exp end i tur e s Cost of improvements Transfer to Bond Account 17,275.00 Total 17 ,275.00 Maintenance Personal services 9,200.00 Printing, postage and supplies 500.00 Maintenance of hvdrants 500.00 Refunds & Misc. Expense 500.00 Purchase of materials for water connections 2,000.00 Repairs 3,000.00 Power & light & telephone 6 ,225.00 Maintenance of equipment 500.00 Purchase of egt4p-mep-t water 10,000.00 363 Purchase of-material for maintenance & fepair 3,000.00 Purchase of equipment 3,000.00 Purchase -, installation of meters & services 1,500.00 Operation of pumping station 3,300.00 Total 43,225.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 603500.00 Revenues Water rents 422000.00 Sale of installation of service & fees 2,500.00 Supervision of Shore Colony 300.00 Supervision of West Glens Falls Water 600.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Unexpended balance 15,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 60,500.00 Amount to be raised by taxes none ANNUAL BUDGET FOR QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT Expenditures Cost of improvement: Bond principal (5,000. & 14)800. ) 19,800.00 Bond interest (481.25 6: 17,934.) 18,500.00 Total 38,300.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 38,300.00 Revenues Miscellaneous revenues (itemized) Transfer from Queensbury Water Dist. operating account 17,275.00 Unexpended balance 21,025.00 TOTAL REVENUES 38,300.00 Amount to be raised by taxes none Highway Superintendent Bernard Codner reported on the tractor repairs. Councilman Robertson reported on the recent activity of the Planning Board. The base mars for use by the Planning Consultant is being completed as speedily as possible. The problem of the Third Street Ext. was discussed by the board. A 4uestion as to the construction res- strictions in the development has been voiced by the Planning Board. Attorney & Mrs. Daniel Tallon, Edward Butz and Andrew Butz, Justice of Peace returned to the board meeting at this time. Supervisor John Webster reported to the visitors on the changes_ in the budget to insure a compensation for employees for the year 1965. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk