1964-12-30 SP 4- 1 Specie Meeting December 30, 1964 Audit Present.: . John 0. Webster Supervisor . N. Harwood Beaty Councilman . Theodore Turner Councilman . Curtis Lampson Councilman . Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The following town officers were present. Each officer presented the record books of his respective office. Andrew R. Butz Justice of Peace . Meredith Bently Justice of Peace . John 0. Webster Supervisor Bernard J. Codner Superintendent of Highways Thomas J. Flaherty Acting Supt, of Queensbury Water Dist. Justice of the Peace Bentley submitted the following report. Report of Justice of the Peace to the Town Board for the. year of 1964. January 1 to date: Vehicle & Traffic cases 332 Penal, Labor Law & C.C.P. 50 Civil cases 44 Indictable case 10 Dog cases 15 Total 451 Pending cases 22 Pa-icl-to -State Comptroller. $2764.00 To be paid to Comptroller, on or before Jan.. 10,1965 . 257.50 $3021.50 Respectfully submitted Meredith S.. Bentley Dated: December 30, 1964., Justice of the Peace The--fall-owing report was presented by the Town Clerk. The following is a reportlof activity in the office of Town Clerk for the year of 1964. I might comment at this time that the loss of filing fees and lack of carnival or circus permits far exceeds the difference between reports of previous years. CONSERVATION LICENSES 371 Hunting & Fishing $ 92.75• 211 Resident Hunting 52.75• 836 Resident Fishing 209.00- 8 Resident Trapping 2.00 772 Big Game 193.00 6 Ncr-Resident Hunting 1.50 9 Non.-Resident Fishing , 2.25. 9 Non-Resident 6 day Fishing 2.25, 6 Non-Resident Big Game 1.50 S Archery -Licenses 1.25 -4--Lost -Licenses _ _ __ 1.00 412 (Town Clerks report - continued) MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES AND PERMITS 1506 Dog Licenses $ 376.50 86 Marriage Licenses 129.00 32 Explosive Licenses 16.00 101 Search and Certified Copies 118.00 14 Truckers Permits 350.00 10 Mobile Court Permits 130.00 1 Racing Event Permit 25.00 1 Junk Dealers Permit 5.00 1 Delinquent Dog License Report 1.90 Amount returned by County on Dog License Sale 2,266,20 Total amount of Town share of fees for year 1964 32976.85 Amount Paid to County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 31425.00 Amount Paid to County Clerk for Conservation Licenses 7,771.50 Amount Paid to New York State Dept. of Health for , Marriage Licenses 43.00 Grand Total collected by the Town Clerk for year 1964 15,216.35 Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk., Town of Queensbury Supervisor Webster presented the following report: REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD - AUDIT MEETING 12/30/64 Balances in all bank accounts FUND OR ACCOUNT Balance Balance Anticipated in 12/31/63 12/31/64 1965 Budget Highway Fund $ 18,181.68 $ 79724.63 $---------------- General Town Fund 1370962.52* 1329789.99* 28,000.00 Pine View Cemetery 22781.29 1v785.99 ----------------- Payroll Account --------- ----------- Queensbury Water Dist. 4,408.69 1630462.39 152000.00 West Glens Falls Waterl7,022.05* 14,533.04* 140000.00 Shore Colony Water 839.39-- 11038.79 - 800.00 Fort Amherst Garrison Road Lighting 42.06 52.56 ------ Cleverdale Lighting 68.99 87.80 ---------------- Pinewood Lighting 1.70 11.92 10.00 Queensbury Water Dist. Bond Account 552399.85 21,244.29 212025.00 Reservoir Park Sewer Dist. Bond Acc't 500.40 West Glens Falls Ext.#1 Bond Acc1t 39485.81* 39032.88* 535.00 Reservoir Park Sewer 12187.54 1$685.69 400.00 Pershing Ash-ley Coolidge Sewer 659.24 611.74 550.00 Queensbury Drainage 209.47 179.99 15.00 Capital Reserve 312647.83* 34,160.58* ---------k- Queensbury Fire Prot. 536.27 - 31,707.19- 3,000-.00 APW NY52G Queensbury Water District Const. Account 117,308.00 4,639.17 Agency & Tru-st -------- --------- Ridge Road Water 6$433.27* --------- Acct. Closed 413 (Report of Supervisor - Continued) FUND OR ACCOUNT Balance Balance Anticipated in 12/31/63 12/31/64 1965 Budget North Glens Falls Water $ 102183.05 ----------- Account Closed Capital Note Acct 3,134.24 ----------- Account Closed Pershing Ashley Coolidge Ext.#4 - Bond Account ------ ----------- -------------- 411,993.34 $2431,748.64 $839'335.00 Comments retarding bank balances 12/31/64 bank balances include the following amounts invested under Certificates of Deposit: General Town Fund $959000.00 West Glens Falls Water 13,000.00 . West Glens Falls Water Ext.#1 Bond Account 29500.00 Capital Reserve Fund 30,000.00 , $ 140500.00 CAPITAL RESERVE FUND STATEMENT Assets: West_Glens Falls Water Dist. Ext..# 1 Bonds $139650.00 Certificates of Deposit 30,000.00 Checking Account 4,160.58 Total Asset $4718-10.58 Balance 12/31/63 46,322.83 Net gain for year 1964 11487.75 -- From the following sources: Interest on Certificates.of Deposit $ 13,050.00 Interest on Bonds 425.25 Interest an Drainage Note 12.50 Total $ 19487.75 ----w----------w--w w w w w--w---w w---w-w w w-w-w-w w w w-w--w w------w w w--w w w It will be noted that in every instance where the 1965 budget has anticipated a balance - that the 12/31/64 balance in the fund of account more than equals the estimate. I feel that we are closing out the year in excellent financial condition- to conduct the -business of the town for the year ahead. Respectfully submitted John 0. Webster, Supervisor The following letters were received by the Town Board. QUEENSBURY WATER DEPARTMENT Jerome Thorney. .Acting. Superintendent To the Queensbury Town Board, Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor. Yearly summary for 1964. 414 (Queensbury Water Department - Continued) QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT. Water taps made .57._ Water tap fees collected $1,697. Total water rent billiugs•$42,016.61 Total customer water -services -worked on, 100. Fire hydrants repaired, 7. Water main gates and gate boxes repaired, 32 -Water -main -_leaks repaired, -12, - _ . . New 6" water main installed, 570 feet. New fire hydrants installed, 1. New water meters installed, 16. Notices mailed for violation of hose use, 28. Customer complaints, 53. WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT. Water taps made, 2. Water tap fees collected, $100.00. Total water rent billings, . $3,998.95 Total customer water services worked .on, _10. Fire hydrants repaired, 3. Water main gates and gate boxes repaired, 7. New 6" water main installed, 306 feet. SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT. (Summer only) Water taps made, 1i Water tap fees collected, ,$25.00. Total water rent billing, $300.00. System ,turned on April 27, - 1964. System turndd off November 6, 1964. The system went the season without any leaks or necessary repairs. Respectfully submitted by, Jerome Thorne Acting Superintendent POLICE DEPARTMENT Town of Queensbury December 26, 1964 Supervisor and Town Board Town of Queensbury Gentlemen: With the year 1964 now at a close, we can see that it has been a prosperous year for the Town of Queensbury. We have grown residentially and businesswise by leaps and bounds. In view of this rapid growth, projecting its effect, and con- sidering future development of residential and commercial properties in the Town, it -is my belief that the time has come also to consider the expansion of our Police Department to meet the increasing demands for its services that are due our #residents and businessmen. Following are suggestions and points of consideration which I respectfully offer to the Board, believing that we all have but one goal: to serve our consituants to the best of our ability for the betterment and future progress of the Town of ,Queensbury. 415 (Police Department Leteer — continued) I believe that it is time that at least one full-time police officer be appointed. Someone immediately available to answer the increasing numbers of complaints and demands made of a police agency by those whom it serves. In your descretion, this may or, may not be the Chief of Police, but should be someone with prior police experience. A full-time officer with no other ,job commitments to answer quickly shop-liftingg malicious mischief, and other types of complaints requiring immediate attention and investigation would be most beneficial to good relations between our Town Government and the residents. It would also help greatly ,to further cooperation between our police department and the oither law enforcement agencies sharing jurisdiction in our Township. I should also suggest that all police officers, regular and special, may better serve if their terms of appointment were in- creased to two years, or for the same duration as is the term of the Supervisor. Also, that the date of7the expiration of their appointment be extended to January 5th instead of December 31 st. This latter action will give the people of the Town police protection from December 31st through the first week of the new year. As is the case now, the first few days. of January could pass (until the Board meets) when there would be no official police on duty. The former, extending the police terms to two years, would make the position more secure and thereby could attract more qualified personell to seek the position of patrolman. Further, it is my suggestion that the Town Board raise to $0.12 per mile the allowance for the use of one's private vehicle for-Town business. $0.08 per mile is below actual, all inclusive, operating costs of large and medium size automobiles. The appearance of a well dressed police officer on the street -- or at a public function is material to good public relations. It is, therefore, my opinion that the Board should make provision to establish and furnish a uniform for regular police officers. I believe that the Building Inspector should be granted the duty of enforcing all ordinances relating to buildings and construction. The Police Department could assist him should any particularly difficult enforcement problem arise. In closing, Gentlemen, I should like to express my gratitude to you for your kind cooperation and help in the past. It has been a pleasure to work for you. My thanks also to the Heads of all the other. Town departments for. the excellent cooperation they too have afforded me. I do, ,therefore, sincerely desire to continue my service as Chief of Police for 1965. Respectfully yours, LeRoy A. Phillips December 26, 1964-From the office of the Queensbury Board of Assessors In the hope that it might be helpful to the Town Board Committee on Assessments and of interest to .the whole Town Board I have put to- gether some comments and figures concerning the activities and accomplishments of the Board of Assessors of the Town of Queensbury for the -year of 1964. 16 (Queensbury Board of Assessors - Continued) Whenever and whereever possible the assessors attend instructional courses that are sponsored by the N.Y. State Assessors Association and the Association of Towns. All. the members of the board are members of the Warren County Association of Assessors which meet monthly at the Warren County Center. Men from the N. Y. State Depart- ment of Equalization and Assessments, lawyers, appraisers and other individuals appear as speakers and instructors at '-association meetings to keep assessors abreast of the times in real estate appraisal work and to provide sources of information important to the assessors in the discharge of his duties. It might be of interest to the Town Board to know that there are in excess of six thousand pieces. of property in the Town at the present time. About fifteen hundred changes are made on, the tax roll each year. These changes include property sales, split up of property when parts are sold, correction of boundaries and addressees and addition or deletion of names, etc. We have not kept track of the number of visits made in the field during a years work and I do not have at hand a record of the miles traveled by the board in their work. This office has worked in close cooperation with the Town Surveyor, Town Clerk and the Tax Collector to continually improve the description, boundaries, addressess and so forth of the properties in order to eliminate where ever possible -the need to file affidavits of erroneous assessments. This year I have furnished the Tax collector a list of persons that have purchased property sine tax status dayto avoid bills being sent to the previous owner resulting in some of them going into penalty before reaching the proper person. This has been quite a source of irritation to many people and is one of several things that this office is trying to improve on to build better relations between Town government and the people it serves. Considerable time is spent in studies of sales of different property classifications in order to correct any inequalities that might appear. As time permits, these are taken care of, some times as individual cases and at other times by areas. One of such studies during °1964 showed one property classification (mobile homes) to have an average assessment some what lower than the general average. The Board of Assessors devoted considerable time to thought and discussion to 'the matter and are prepared to go forward as fast as time permits in the next year or two in the correction of the values by useing a highersquare foot value than has been used in the past. Mobile homes in courts are to be evaluated on an individual basis and the assessment established for each will be furnished to the court owner and operator. It is the feeling of the Board of Assessors that as much variation in values exist in the mobile home courts as out side of them and that the above described method will result in a more equitable distribution of the tax burden. The Board is aware of the added amount of work but feels -it is a just. duty to be performed. One of the questions most often asked of the Board of Assessors is this, why, with all the construction activity in the Town resulting naturally, in a higher tax base why doesn't the tax rate drop. No doubt the same question is asked as often of members of the Town Board. I will attempt to clarify in as few words possible some of the answers that appear to me to be peculiar to the Board of Assessors. The fact that a tax year does not coincide with a calendar year is in it self. confusing to many people. It is entirely coceivabie that a report ''of intention to build that is filed with 'the- Board of Assessors in the fall of 1964 may not reach a state of completion for a value to be established until the tax status day of 1966. This is not an extreme case by any means either. Many self help projects take many months before completion. In other instances out moded business establishments are demolished for new and improved models and homes make way for business places. 417 (Queensbury Board of Assessors - continued) It is abvious, that in_ many cases this not all gain as the values of the improvements that existed have to be substracted from the 'new. Fire and demolition take. a toll of the tax roll in many instances where insufficient time has elapsed, to get any ,of the improvements at all. Increased number of exemptions of various kinds remove a lot of property from the tax roll each year. When these factors are explained and are understood the individual has a better insight as to why all the improvements that are underway do not have the impact on a given years tax roll as might ,appear they should.; _. 206 entries for increases for new construction 129 If " if of prior assessments 21 k' '' exemptions removed 47 " '' fire or demolition 34 '' " decreases of prior assessments 46 '' '' new or increased exemptions The final .tabulation of the tax roll showed $26,159,502.0.0 for 1964 as against $25,389..,560.00 for 1963. A gain of $ 769.942.00 Respectfully submitted Queensbury Board of Assessors .Leon Nassivera,, Chairman Warren T Varney George Liapes RESOLUTION N0, 233, Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner WHEREAS, the Supervisor, Justice of the Peace, Town Clerk, Water Superintendent =and Town Superintendent of Highways have submitted books, documents, minute book dockets, vouchers, statements, stubs, checks, highway books cash books, etc. , pertaining to each-of their respective offices _far,audit, and _ WHEREAS, the 'town :board. did proceed to ,audit _and examine said documents as set forth above, therefore be it RESOLVED, that after such audit and examination the town board finds. and determines that all officers who are required to account for town money have accounted for the same, and have paid ,out such money in accordance with law, and that such records are kept in a good and sufficient manner. Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None December 30, 1964 To: , The Town Board Town. of Queensbury At this time I wish to recommend the establishment-of the office of Deputy Town Superintendent of Highways, effective January 1, 1965. Respectfully submitted: Bernard J. Codner Superintendent of Highways RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT^OF HIGHWAYS RESOLUTION NO. 234, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Robertson WHEREAS, Superintendent of Highways, Bernard J. Codner, has recommended to this board that there should be established the office of Deputy Superintendent of Highways, and (Resolution No. 234 - continued) WHEREAS, the 1965 annual budget of the Town of Queensbury, as adopted, provides for such an office, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that there be and hereby is established, effective January -1, 19. 65, the office 'of Deputy Town Superintendent of Highways, of the Town of Queensbury, in accordance with section32 of the Town Law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mt. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None RESOLUTION TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GENERAL FUND RESOLUTION NO. 235, Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner WHEREAS, during the fiscal year 1964 the Town- Board has authorized additional expenditures notanticipated -in the 1964 budget, such as increased Purchase of furniture and equipment, Printing and Advertis- ing, Recreation, etc. , therefore be it RESOLVED, that there be and hereby is appropriated from the Contingent Fund .to -the funds appropriated for the following purposes the amount set opposit each item: General Town Fund - Town Hall and Offices Purchase of Furniture and Equipment $2,968.85 General Town Fund - Elections, Compensation of Officials . '84:00 General Town Fund - Elections, Compensation of Custodians 18.00 General Town Fund - Social Security, Town Share 37758 General Town Fund - Association of Towns, Dues 46.00 General Town Fund - Printing & Advertising (All Departments)1,900.32 General Town Fund - Town Clerk, Office & Other Expenses, , 112.04 - General Town Fund - Supervisor, Office & Other Expenses -194.96 TOTAL $59701.55 and be it further RESOLVED, that there be and hereby is appropriated from the Surplus Funds to the funds appropriated for the following purposes the amount set opposite each item: General Town Fund - Insurance, Compensation Insurance $4,740.24 General Town Fund - Justice of Peace, Office .& Other Exp. 50.21 General Town Fund- Police, Constables & Deputy Sheriffs, Mileage & Other Expense 63.11 General Town Fund - Tax Collector (Receiver of Taxes & Assess.) Compensation Part time Clerical) 13.75 General Town Fund - Traffic, Signs, Signal & Lighting 336.06 General Town Fund - Recreation - 811.06 TOTAL $6,014.43 Duly adopted by the following vote: _® Ayes Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None-" 419 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION RESOLUTION NO. 236, Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, the .Queensbury Public School has provided for meeting place for the regular Thursday evening meetings of the Town Board throughout the year, in addition to the regular meetings of the Town Planning Board and the Recreation Commission, and WHEREAS, the use of' the Queensbury School has been of invaluable assistance 'to our town government, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the members of. this town board hereby express their appreciation to the Queensbury School Board of Education, and to the administrative personnel of the school, for the cooperation shown toward our town government by permitting the use of the Queensbury School by the several departments, of. the town government throughout the year. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None State of New York DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH December 28, 1964 Queensbury Town Board Re: Refuse Disposal Area Chestnut Ridge .Road Queensbury Town Glens Falls, New York Warren County Attention: Mr. John 0. 'Webster - Gentlemen: On December 23, 1964 an inspection was made by Mr. Robert Schneiter of .this office of the refuse disposal area in the Town of Queensbury. The following violations of Part 19 of the New York State Sanitary Code existed at that time: DUMPING NOT CONFINED TO SPECIFIC AREA This shall be controlled by supervision, fencing, signs, or equally effective means. The active dump face should not exceed 60' in length and not over 10' in height. REFUSE NOT COMPACTED AND COVERED DAILY Refuse shall be compacted and covered each day the refuse area is used, with a compacted layer of at least six inches of suitable cover material. NUMEROUS RODENTS WERE OBSERVED Effective means shall be taken to control flies, rodents, and other insects or vermin at a refuse disposal area to the extent that they shall not constitute a nuisance affecting public health. 42-0 REFUSE DISPOSAL AREA NOT APPROVED A new refuse disposal area shall not be established until the site and method of proposed operation have -been approved in writing by the full-time health officer in whose respective jurisdiction such proposed refuse disposal area will be located. Your letter of June 15, 1964 states you have opened a new area for dumping, We were also informed you have purchased land adjacent to the original dump site for dumping purposes. You should fill out and return one copy of the enclosed "Application for Approval to Operate a New Refuse Disposal Area" to this office. �. The permit will depend on the proposal of a satisfactory method of operation and a site inspection by one of our staff. These conditions are violations of Part 19 of the State Sanitary Code and should receive your immediate attention. Please contact this office if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Sterling H. Edwards Public Health Sanitarian The Supervisor presented a copy of a letter from the Glens Falls Insurance Companycto do with the damage claim of the Bay Ridge Fire Company. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk