1963-03-28 Mr. Webster, presented a sizeable eamplets map of the lands in and around
the sight of the location which has been offered to the Commission of
the" daelc amity College, by the flare of Warren. The location
was studied at length by all 'of tree : ,Board of Queousbur7.
All detailar verb discussed as to tbar mash war b9, presenting
this offer to the representatives of the co ,ege•
t1 ,�
A very enlightening copy of an article which *w `subliched on April 24, 1939,
to do with the ownership of the Mnumset in the square at the center of the
City of Glens Falls, was presented to the board.,, It is definatly a fact
that the nowmant mentioned is the property of the Town of Queensbury.
Opinions here voiced again on the decision of the handling the disposition
of the funds received from the sale of the frontage of the PineView Cemetery.
This money is at present on a Certificate of Deposit with the Glens Falls
National Bank & Trust Company. Mr. Akins presented a lengthy opinion which
was placed on file pending future decision in the matter.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
George Co Crannell
Towe' CZerk
Regulir .Meeting March 28, 1963
Joha 0, Webster Supervisor
N.; Harrmod Beaty council mm
Theodora Turner Councilmsa
Curtis,jAmpson CO
Harold Akins Councilman
The meeting was called to order at 7;30 p. m.
Mr. ..Charles K. Denny, .a member of the .Pineview .Cemetery Commission
was .present as a visitor, as were t#a,.xfollowing 4.
Mrs. .Hulda Ellingsworth -'Upreseatat.ive League of Women Voters
Mrs. M8404 Crannell '- Deputy Town Clerk
Mer. Denny, questioned the board as to whether any decision had
been reached to do with the possible distribution of the funds
realiAq� d. from the sale of_the Pineview .Cemetery frontage. It
was stated by the Superviaor, that a meeting will be arranged
with the Cemetery Ccinmiaaioa., ,to discuss any. possible decisions
as to, the amicable solution to, this problem. At a later date
Mr. Aenny. stated that the commission are in hopes of providing a
new building to house the equipment in use by the cemetery em-
ployees and also afford a space for -transaction of business. It
is undermtood, th,at the .Cemetery Commission has decided that a
25% shAre of the procaeds. of the sale. of the property would be
satisfactory on their part.
Mr. Webster, reported on the result of the appointment with
Dr. Eisenhardt of the Adirondack Community College, to discuss
the offer of a_site for the college which will be constructed
at a later date.
A report was submitted by Coutilman Beaty on the recent meeting
with the Department of Equaliza-, and Assessments at Albany.
Samples of aaaeaamenta,. used. by the department were presented to
Mr.. Seaty for study. The compare. -ion of actual sale of property
is believed to be one of the main differences which caused the
Town of Queensbury to arrive at an equalization rateg, which is
not satisfactory.
A meeting will be arranged with the Board of Assessors to
visit a special board meeting-on Thursday, April 4, 1963, to
discuss all methods being used at present . to :arrive .at assess-
ments. within. the.. town. it is hoped that this discussion may
create a more satisfactory condition to do with assessments
in general.
Albanyg, N. Y.
March 20, 1963
File 417
Town Board Case 451
Town of Queensbury File 1869
Glens Falls, New York Case 2113
RE: Signal 11-F on Route US 9.
,Signal 13-F on Route 9-L.
The National lianual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
for street& and highways, as published by the Bureau of Public
Roads, now requires that two indications on each approach be
displayed on all signals located on Federal Aid highways.
New York State will, this year, adopt this standard for all
The State Department of Public Works is engaged in a
program of reconstructing state-maintained signals in con-
formance ,with the new standard. Permit signals are subject
to the same requirements or standards as state-maintained
signals with respect to public highways. It is therefore
necessary that permit signals_ also be brought up to new
standards. _
When the state-maintained signals in your area are re- .
viewed preparatory to resonstruction, .your permit signal will
also be reciewed and the changes necessary will be determined.
Re-installation of the signal to meet the new standards will be
your responsibility. A rider to your permit will then be issued,
detailing the changes which you must make.
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that tbire will
definitely be changes required in 'your present signal installations.
It will be expected that the .work'necessary to bring the signal
into conformance with, the terms of the rider will be performed
within a reasonable length of time. You will hear from us further
when the permit rider is issued.
Very truly yours,'
Chief Traffic Engineer
A discussion as to possible procedures to eventually develop, -
some_plans to arrive at a system for creating industrial
development within the_ Town. of Queensbury. Advertising was
suggested as a means for discovery available lands to offer-
to possible developers. `
Mr. Webster, urged some thought be made at this time on prep-
aration for advance protection against spring fires of the type
which was experienced in the spring of 1962.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submited