Application TOWN of QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Quoansbury, NY. 12804-5902 June 14, 2018 John R. Buchanan 962. Bav (toad ueunsbury, NY 12804 Re: Poroh and site hprovements 6 Reardon Road Tax Map Parcel: 2 99,11-1-3 8 Dear Buchanan: I am writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project and to document the recent conversations hctween your agents at Jarrett !engineers and Laura Moore of my office. As I understand your proposaI, you are proposing construction of a screened-in porch and a raised walkway to the share_ I have rev ieN ed your plan and find that both an Area Variance and Site Plan Review will be regiiired in order for your project to move forward as proposed. Specifically, an Area Variance i5 needed as the proposed constniction of both items does not meet tic minimurn setback. requirements of the Waterfront Residential, (WR) district. Situ Plan Revinv by the Planning Board is required for the expansion of the current non-conforming structure and for the new hardsu rfac i ng(walkway)within 50 feet of shoreline. This letter serves as your denial letter For the promessing of your applicatiiDns. Please note that the required septic eertlficat€on and signed, stamped survey will be necessary in order for your application to be fftrther processed. ShauId you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincere!! ,0 Craig Brown Zoning Administrator Blsh Cc: Jarrett Engineers, PLL L%CFaig 33rnwn%2018 Lett am%Denial Buchanan 6_14_18_doc " Howe of Naf2i -nl Beauty — A Good Place to Live'