1961-10-10 SP 297 Special Meeting , October, 10, 1961. Present: John 0. Webster` Supervisor Harold Akins Justice of the Peace . Stanley B. Miller. Councilman, Mer3deth Bentley Justice of Peace: - Curtis Lampson Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. The Abilene Pest Control contract presented to the board. Resolution. No. LIZ introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconeded by Justice Bent y: Whereas the town board has authorized to enter into a contract with Abilene .Pest Control for the extermination of rats and rodents at the town dump, for a stipulated fee of$20.00 per month. This authorization to be for a period of one year. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr Akins, Mr. Webster, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson. Noes- None Resolution No.113 introduced by Mr. Miller, seconded. by 1,1x. Lampson. Resolved that the bond of the following be the same and hereby approved as to form, amount., manner of execution and satisfaction of surety. NUT0 ER SURETY PRIINCIPAL AMOUNT E2-31-62 Glens Falls Ins. Co. George C. CrannPll $4000.00 Further resolved that the members of the board sign a certificate on the bond approveing the .same bs aforesaid. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Ms A-�ins, Mx. Webester, Mr. Bentley, Mir, Lampson. Noes - None The members of the board signed a certificate on the bond, approving; same as aforesaid. Hon. Judge Albert Beswick was in attendence on :natters of legal importance. 114r. Websterweleomed the following visitors present at the meeting: Mrs. Grace VanWirt Mrs. Hazel Badman "Ars. E. A. Willis Mrs. Reba 11ason 1A'. Andrew A. Butz 11r. Ted Turner mr. LeRoy Phillips Yx. Leon Nassivera Mr. Joseph Zbozanski ?.r. 1alph Nestle Mrs. Winnie Zbozanski Mrs.. Van Wirt . Arepresentative of the groupe of trustees from Crandall Library.. She explained services of same. She- is meeting with bodies to secure monies for the coming year of 1962. She explains that the total budget is $41,.00. She states that 20 @./o of Queensbury have cards from library. Mrs Van Wirt was questioned at length by all members of the board. f �°J;r. Leon Nassiyera, Assor Town of Queensbury, explained at length i his letter previouol.y read to do with salary of the group of assessors. Lengthy discussion ensued with all Members of board offering solutions.. Action will be taken in proposed buget. After ail visitors,Attending Caere. given- an op; ortu itv to speak,. on -the tentati;ve,. bu et,,._thk,a bc�a�rc ::proce�c e , tip tgdy and work on the budget. After condiderptiop of the items of the General. Fund, exclusive of salaries , the Supervisor suggested that the hoard might wish to consider the salary items ip an executive session. The motion was made by Mr. Miller, and seconed by Mr. Akins , that an execu tive session be held , And the motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes- Mr. Bentley, `Mr. Lampson, Mr. Miller, Mr. Akins , Mr. Webster. Noes- None The Supervisor declared the executive session closed at 11: 30 p.m. ,after which time the board continued to work on the budget. 298 Resolution No. 114 introduced by Yx. Akins, seconed by Mr. Miller. RESOLVED that the Preliminary Budget of the Town Of Queensburyy and of the several districts therein for the year- 1962, having been completed as herein after set forth and that the same be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available at all reasonable hours for inspection and that this Board hold a hearing -thereupon at a.. meeting thereof to be held at the Library of Union Free School �'&z Town of Queensbury, Aviation Road, on the 9th day of -November,. 1961 at 7:30 p.m., and that a notice of such hearing be published twice in the Glens Falls Times, the first publication shall be at least ten days prior to the date of the holding of such hearing, at wich time and place the M Town Board will. meet and review the said L'remliminary Buftt t, and any person interested may be heard in favor of or against all or any of the items of said Premliminary Budget as presented, FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk cause a Notice. of the Hearing to be published and posted as required. by law in substantially the following form: Public Notice of Preliminary Budget Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Queensbury for the year. 1962 has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, that the Town Board of said. Town will, at a meeting thereof to be held on the 9th day of November, 1961 at, 7:30 p.m, at, the Library of Union Free Scho©l #2. Town of Queensbury, Aviation Road, hold a hearing thereon and review said Budget, and any person may be heard in favor of or against the budget as compiled, or for or against any item or items therein contained, and that the proposed salaries of the several officers of the Town of Queensbury are set forth as follows: Supervisor $4000.00 Councilman (4) 7200.00 Town Clerk 4000.00 Town Superintendentof Highway$ 5600.00, Dated: October 10, 1.961 By Order of the Town Board I Town of ensbur ' D Geo a C. Crannell \ Town Clerk E Dgly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Yx. Taller, Mr Bentley, Mr.. Akins, Mr. Webster and 11r., Lampson Noes - none .TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET Town of Queensbury For the fiscal Y ear beg inning Januar .1, 1962, c ,General Government Town Board { mown Hall and Offices Rentals 19,200.00 Compensation of employees. 100.00 Purchase of Furl;, & Equip. 500,W Repair, Light, Heat , Tele. 500.00 Other Miscellaneous Expenses 200.00 j Elections e r Compensation Of Elec, Officials 2,200.00 Compenaation of Custodians 200.00 - r Other Expenses, 1,:000.00 Voting Machine, Purchase, Rep. 50.00 --+� Insurance compensation Insurance 8P000000 Official Bonds & Undertakinga 300.00 t Fire & Liability 5,000.00 Printing & Advertising (allDe ts.) 1n000.00 Services of Attornev R* Expenses 2► inn s . , Services Of AttoO "Expenses an�►s�u�tl.[lra� I , Services of "Engineer & Expenses 39,750.00 Association of Towns- Dues 110.00 Social Security - Town Share 30700.00 Employees Retiremertt System 69,000.00 Publiic 'tZ Fund 300.00 TOTAL TOWN BOARD 38,10,00 Sp2ervisor t < < � Salary,} 40000 00 �— Compe'nsation of employees 3 ,000.00 Office ,& Other expenses 500600 TOTAL Si EIMSOR 7 A 500.00 Justices of thl, Peace Salaries *--I Justice 3:,000.00 1 Justice 21000.00 Office & other expenses 550.00 Compensation of employees 125.00 TOTAL JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 50675.00 • Councilman a ar es four 7x200.00 Office & other Expenses - four 76.0.00 TOTAL COUNCILMAN 7,;960.00 r Town Clerk Salary 41000.00 l Office .& other expenses 300.00 Compensation of Employees 400.00 TOTAL TOWN CLERK 4.9,700.00 I Assessors ` a ari - ChairmAn & Other (2) 7 ,200.00 Office & Other Expenses 800.00 TOTAL ASSESSORS 81000.00 Tax Collector - (Redeivcr of Taxes) a arq e 30600.00 Office & other expenses 1,000.00 TOTAL COLLECTOR 49,600.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT T 75.245.00 Pr:OTECTION OF -PERSONS & `PM20PERT-Y I ' Police- *condtables & De p. Sheriffs Compensation 19,000.00 j ldleage and other expenses 2:00.00 Purchase of egmipnient 100.00 TOTAL POLICE, CONSTABLES, ETC. 19,300.00 Traffic Signs, Signals,. & Lighting 5,.600.00 TOTAL TRAFFIC 5,,600.00 15o i Warden 'Compensation 550.00 -•- Other •expenses 200.00 TOTAL DOG WARDEN 750.00 Inspection Costs. Bldg. Insp. & (Enforcement Office) 6.00.00 Miscellaneous. expenses 100.00 TOTAL INSPECTION 700.00 300, Dump I oo0- expenses. 1.,500. 00 TOTAL TOWN DUMB 2 90000Q' TOTAL PMO EC = PERSONS PROP. _ . . EDUCATION - Town Historian • -. Compensation 180.00 Other expenses WOO TOTAL TOWN HISTORIA..N 230.00 Public Library i Contract - Mountainside Free 100.00 Crandall Library t 2" 00.00 TOTAL LIBRARY - Z„100.00 TOTAL EDUCATION: +� D.QO I RECREATION --arks & Playgrounds r Improvements to Town property 300..00 j patriotic Observances 100,00 TOTAL RECREATION 40%00 Z''�ELIC UTILITIES %� i Pineviewt Cemetery Schedule A a Cost of ,Improvements Improvements to Cemetery 500.00 New Equipment - 200.00 Total Improvements 700.00 C . _ 1 Maintenance i Personal services 9 ;,000.00 ice }airs i o z i , ; 150.00 ;gas & Oil for Zgaipment 250.00 Bond for Comm.. &•Supt. 35.00 :iseellaneous 275.00 Cost of Main outside cemeteries 1:.500.00 Total Maintenance 11,210.00 TOTAL PINTEVIL -E MTE't 11„910.00 i REDEMPTION OF Di.B T . Irincipal Storehouse pond 2.;500.00 Interest - Storehouse 'Bond 75,00 ., TOTAL I.v'D-EBTEDNESS UDE'N'-TION • 2. ,575 00 Construction and -Permanent im)v. 500..00 Town Mall& Other TOTAL CO3STRl7CT!()--, & 1 3- • t 500100 IVIISC4:.Li.hNTTEOUS 4 t Veterans Orbgnizations for rooms 3100,00 TOTAL �i1S CELLLNZOUS ZOO.00 � I7 COIII II\IGENT PU I OS'-S (Sec. 112) ✓F 000.00 L..r. i 1 LNI E1ZA ., FUND SUi°g1iu2`7 �. EVLN'�;ES. Mortgages Taxes 15,000.00 Dog Licenses (County) Lx800.00 Other Licenses- (Town) 100.00 ..Fees of Town Clerk 29,300.00 Fees of Justice of Peace 20500.00 Fees of Tax Collector L,000.00 Fees of Cemeteries 71,150.00 For Capita Assistance 35,500.00 TO`.L-*dL ESTI2. TED REVENUES 6:5050.00 Unexpended balance (See.115) 10,000.00 GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED BALANCES 75,350.00 C Appropriations General Government 759245.00 Protection of Persons & Property 11,250.00 Education 2,330.00 Recreation 400.00 `Public Utilities 119910.00 Redemption of Debt 2:,,500.00 Interest on Debt 75.00 Construction & Permanent Impv. 500.00 Misce; ;aneous . 200.00 Contingent purposes 62000.00 TOTAL fi�?PROPRIATIONS 110,410.00 Less estimated revenues 75,.150.00 AMOUNT TO BE TMISED BY FOR GENERAL t „ . ANIXAL ESTIlAhTE SUM, ITTED BY SUPEIRINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS ` Fob figcal year Beginning January 1, 1962 Town of Queensbury County of Warren Hi h,44Y Fund. -(Item 1) .A4 opriati.ons. General Repairs 800000.00 Special improvements 10,000.00 Total Expenditures 90,000.00 Revenuee� Suite Aid _ :g X300 (}0 Total Revenues 8,300.00 Amount to be raised by Tax for Highway Fund (Item 1) 81,700.06 Machinery fund (Item 3) Expenditures _ k Purchase of .machinery, tools and impl. 13,500..00 Repair of machinery, tools and Impl 10,000.•00 Redemption of machinery certificates 3,,600.00 Int-te:res.t on machinery certificates 100.00 Total expenditures 27,,700.00 Revenues Rental of machinery 500.00 Amount to be raised by tax for liachineryFund < (Item 3) 269700.00 S ow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item4) Expenditures , .•: ;i Salary of town superintendent 5,600.00 Expenses of town superintendent 300.00 t Removing obstructions caused by snow 240000.00 Cutting and removing weeds and brush 3,;600.00 Other miscellanous purposes heat &phone 3,000.00 Total expenditures 36r50000 Revenues • Miscellaneous _Revenues 5,200.00 Total ^evenues x,200. Amwnt to he raised by tax for snow and miscellane t s nrd c' : iu .� odher Siperintendent of Highways ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY BOARD OF IMNLTK For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1,, 1962' Expenditures Salary 75.00 Office,, traveling and other expenses 10.00 Total expenditures. 85,.00 Dated: September. 4, 19¢1 (signed) Frances L. Turner Health Officer ANNUALS ESTI1,1ATE SUB1% ITTED BY BOA1-ZD OF HEALTH For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1. 1962: Expenditures Salary 19750.00 i^ Office, , trayeling and other expenses 100.00 ; Baby Clinics, 1. 00.00 Total Expenditures 3,050.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics 85.00 ,Amount to be raised by tax for Town Health 3,0135.00 Dated: September 1.9, 1.461 (signed) Robert A. Reid, M. D. Health Officer A 1N[JA . ESTIi,,-1'I'E FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT 1962 Expenditures Cost of Improvement Construction of improvements 700.00 700..00 Mainten4nce, Personal services 500.00 r " Office & other expenses I Printing, Postage, supplies,. etc. 100.00 Mowing, painting,. & shoveling hydrants. 100.00 Refunds. and miscellaneous Exp. 50,00 Repairs 700.00 Power & Light 1000.00 Purchase of water C 4V000000 Purchase of equipment 250.00 Purchase and installation of meters 400.00 7 900,00 Total expenditures ,600.00 { Revenues Water rents 8y600.00 Total revenues 80600.0 Amount to be raised bu taxes None Dated: September 30,E V961 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR NORTH GLENS FALTI S XATFR DISTRICT EXT. 1 1962, Expenditures Cost of improvements { Construction og Improvements 2,000000 B and principal, 5V000000 Bond Interest 850.00 Total 7v850.00 Ma integancei Personal Services 500.00 Office and other expenses Printing,, postage, supplies„ etc. 100.00 Mowing, painting„ shoveling hydrants 100.00 I Refunds 50,00 Repairs 600,00 Purchase of water 7#.1 00 00 Purchase of equipment 2'50.00 Purchase and irkstaftation of meters E� services 500.00_ Total Total expenditures s , 'tevenues Water Rents 109 500.00 Unexpended balance 2.,000.00 Total revenues 12,500.00 Amount to be raised by taxes; x *350.0-0 Dated :4eptember 30,1961 (signed ) John 0. Webster Supervisor 3 ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement 13,000.00 Total 139,000.00 Maintenance: Personal service 000100 Office and other expenses 225.00 T,:isc. expenses- and refunds 25.00 Repairs= 500.00 Purchase of water 39,400.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Purchase and Installation of meters and service 150.00 Total 4,800.00 Total expenditures 17,$0 .0.00: Revenues Water rents 4"o,;400,00 Sale of water = 400.00 Unexpended balance 13,000.00 Total 17,,800.00 Amount to be raised by taxes None Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed) John 0. Webster. Supervisor ANNUAL ESTI TI{; FOR WEST GLENS WATER DISTRICT EXT.#1 Expenditures - I Cost of Improvement Bond principal 550.00 i Bond interest 460,00 Total •1 010,00 Maintenance = Personal services - 100.00 Office and other expenses 25.00 Repairs 100.00 ,Vurcha.se of water 400.00 Total 625.00 Total expenditures 19, 5—.Ob Revenues Water 'rents 550.00 Unexpe' ded balance 785.00 Total revenues 1,335.00 . Amount to be raised by taxes 3..00.00 Dated: September 30, 1960 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIN:ATE FOR RIDGE ROAD WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement 5,.500.00 _ Maintenance Personal services 100.00 Office and other expenses Printing,, postage, 8*_ supplies 100.00 Re-funds, etc.. 50.00 j Flushing Hydrants & snow shoveling 50.00 Repairs _ 600.00 Purchase of water 600.00 Purchasetand Installation of meters & services 100.00 Total = 1,600.00 Total Expenditures 7 t,,100.00 Revenues Water rents 19,.100.00 Unexpended balance 6.,000.00 Total revenues 79;100.00 Amount to be raised by taxes None Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed) John 0.. Webster 4 A PITILIAL ESTIMATE FOR SHORE COLQNY WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance: Personal services 3,00.00 Office and other expenses Including chlorination & power 120.00 Repairs 550.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 30.00 Total 1 X8.00 Total Expenditures l s O00 00 Revenues Water rents 570.00 Sale and installation of meters &. service 30.00 Unexpended balance 400.00 Total revenues 11t000.00 Amount to be raised by taxes None Dated: September 36,, 1961 (signed John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Town of Queenebury for Fiscal Year beginning January 1. 1962 Expenditures Payments under contracts 5 c6mpanies 4 $3.'„800. each 19,000:.00 Total expenditures 19,000.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 200.00 _ Total revenues 200.00 ` amount to be raised by taxes 1830.00 Dated: September 30„ 1961 (signed) John 0. Webster j Supervisor I ANNUEL 9STI14ATE FOR RESERVOIR PARR SEWER DISTRICT * For the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1,, 1962 Expenditures Godt of improvement None Maintanence Personal service 50.00 Repairs 400.00 Total expenditures 450.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 450.00 Total revenues 450QOO Amount to be raised by taxes None Dated: September 3:0„ 1961 (signed) John--0isWebster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR PERSHING, ASHLEY, COLLIDGE; SEWER DIST. Towri of `Queensbury for Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures Maintenance Paymentson contract 19,000.00 Repairs 500.00 Total expenditures 12500,00 Revenues Unexpended balance 500.00 Total revenues 5g0.00 Ambunt to be raised by taxes Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMAT FOR QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT Town of:Queensbury, for fiscal year beginning January l,; 1962 Expenditures _ Bond Principal 5 1J000.00 Bond Intearest 2. 200 00 Total expenditures 71;200.00 Revenues Unexpended balance None Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes 79, 0� O.pO Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor �{ ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT AMHERST, GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DIST. Town of Queensbury, for fiscal year beginning January 1, 1962 I'I Expenditures None Maintance Payment on contract 2,;025.00 Total 2,;025.00 Total expenditures 2.,025.00 Revenues Unexpended balance None Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes 2025.00 Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed) John 0, Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT Town -of Queensbury, For fiscal Year beginning January 1,, 1962 Expenditures None Maintenance - Payment on contract 500.00 y Total -. 500.00 Total expenditures 500.00 Revenues - Unexpended valance None Total revenues - None j Amount to be raised by taxes 500.50 Dated: September 30, 19611 (signed) John 0 Webster Supervisor On m tion the meeting was ajour ed ' - i at 1-3 George C. e 1 Town Clerk Regular Meeting October 12, 1961 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor • Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman Harold Akins Justice Of Peace The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:45 P. M. The Town Clerk questioned as to any business to take up with the board. Statement is none at present.. Whe Supervisor submitted the report of New Construction to the Town Board