1961-10-26 305 Niagara Mohawjc -Power Sreet Fights-�Cleverdale 47.86 47.86 Lght. Dist. Cleverdale Dist. 41.68 Gen. Fund 6.78 306 Niagara Mohawk Power Elect. Serv. Aviation Rd. - 139.94 139.94 307 Clare Blanchard Inspect. Election Dist. 4 308 Ann R.. Hammond ++ t+ . t+ 30.00 30.00 309 Gladys Phillips tt 4 30.00 30.00 �t " 4 30,.00 30.00 310 Irma D. Havens '* it t: 4 30.00 30.00 311 Dennis & Co. - #345 Minute Book Town Clerk 38.27 38.27 312 Francis Turner Town Clerk Supplies 5.32 5.32 313 Rte. 9 Motor Serv. Repair Part Town Dump 4.89 4..89 314 Wagner Bus.. Equip.. Town Clerk Supplies 6.30 630 315 Russell & Wait Inc. tt t* r: 6,95 6.95 316 Gwinups Gen. Store Gas for dump 63.51 63.51 317 J.E. Sawyer & Co. Plbg.Fitts.No.Queensbury 3`.92 3.92 Water Ext,. 318 WestGI.Falls Wtr.Dist. 1/8 of AAug.l961 Meter Bill 64.23 64.22 319 Loren F. Vaughn Labor & Htrs..Snore Col. Pump 8.00 8,00 Station St. 320 Forrest J. Ceannell PostageStamps & Office Supplies 44.25 44.25 321 E. Leo Spain Agency G. Crahnell Bond1.OA/61-1/l/62 5.00 5.00 322 E. Leo Spain Agency GF IVC8116 Comp.Audit5/28/61 2089.60 2089.60 8/28/61 Gen_ Fund 1219.95 Highway Dept. 780.54 Cemetery 99,11 ` 323 Nora C. McLaughlin Printing&Mailing Ridge Rd. 9.60 9.60 Wtr. Dist. 324 Nora C. McLaughlin Printing&Mailing 33;.00 33,00 Nfg Water Dist. 16.50 NFG Water Dist. Ext. L6.50 325 Hoags ,Tire Serv. Tubeless hire tube Dis.&Mounted 7.16 - 7.16 Pi.neview Cemetery 326 Louis Corlew Mowing hay P.V. -Cemetery 327 Mountainside Grange 49.00 49.00 #1328 Mowing&caring S cemeteries 300.00 3'00.00 Jenkins $100.00 e Scott 100.00 Sunnyside100.00 328 Bullard-Glencraft - Ridge Road Water Bills -8.00- 8.00 329 Bullard-slencraft No..Glens Falls Water Bills 14,00 14.00 330 Leon r . Steves Survey 18.75 18.75 331 Allen F. Towers �. 37.54 37.50 332 Paul E. Bialous t. 31.50 31.50 $3 Ell 3, 111. 0- On Mot the meet ' g a�acdlj eorg Ceanne Town Clerk October 12, 1961. Regular Meeting October 26, 1961. Present: John 0, Webster Supervisor Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman Harold Akins Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Ralph Nestle was present as an observer. ltr. .1febster, welcomed Mr. Leo Ball , •,Ir. Joseph Braydon, and' Per. Roger Boynton, who came to the meeting to discuss the widenih* of Birch Lane. U 1 .. Ball offers to deed an additional 13 -feet of land to the town for widening purposes. A rough .drawn .map was presented to the board. in order that they Might understand tze proposal. i 4X. Codner is questioner. on his opinion and. he in turn that a special permission must be had from -the State in orC ­r to est (l, -1 50 feet in width.. The menibers 2.s -i a road of less than of t1te boart'l. erl to 111-. Boynton, that the new roar-7. 1_-,ronq vil-Lich will be open- for the pro0osed shoppin-, center will border his property. This road will be of re ;lilation width and should answer his -oroblem of• having the necessaru road to satisfy the 2. H. A. ruling, on the 1>uilding of a new home, now under 0, construction. x. 3oyntoa, intends to e-zplain this conditio,- his interested mortgages. Action on the matter will be taken later and other 2roperty owners will .be consulted on the question, 17,;r.* James Griffin and,11r. -Harley _71urcley of the %Country "lab Road were welcomed by the boa3?d,. -A -,aetition was read by Ir. Griffin in reference to Go Racing on Sweet Road, Town of i4ueensbur 'Y as follows: A -_2LT1TT0-­_1 To The Town Board Town of ' ueensbury :. October 16, 1961. Warren County - _T. Y. Gentlemen: • Living A - the Undersigned Residents of the Town of Qtl.eensl-)ury - in the i-1.1mediate vicinity of these GO-TKA-PLT races - on the Timms Lot - adjacent to the Stet Road Respectfully - Petition the 'Town Board - for relief in removal of L this week end 'Nuisance as created by these Karts - in 71ractice. or in !-,,acing and to aecind without "Renewal - any Permit Previously issued for conT1w'=ued operation on this Tract - recently defined Press - by in the this 'Newly Incorporating Group as now operating Lra a A-,',Ocatijn on this TinunS T o t 112'ract assumedly with " the Boards Sanction and _,-,erraission - and for the following reason: I - The incessant roar of these un-auffled motors hour after hour is not welcomer' by the .-itizens of this -,Lesidential 1,.r ea 2 - Property Values are lowered thru these Karts operating in this Suburban kesidential District. 3. No small Grou3 of individuals operating for their owq pleasure shouid be permitte6 to move into any Conmunity "J and therein be ,permitted to disturb the 2eace of the i-tesi dents for personal gain as is now the case in this week end operation. 4 1,1en - 2,esidents who work nights cannot get their daytime rest now disturbed by the noises of these .acing Karts. 5 We Neighbors - sapecially resent the continued Violation of State - County and the Town -Laws - perpetuated by this operating group - in placing their. Advertising Signs on 2ublic Highways (Facts of which have been mad.e known to both Town and. '-ount-y Officials as well as State Troopers) and whicti still continue in utter disregard of Laws to tine contrary. 6 Any 2etion of approval secured by the Original 2etitioners - I Nal-flely the Ouderkirk Group doesnot now convey similiar approval to their successors for continued racing in the transfer of operations to this Newly Incorporating Group 7 Kart :;acing in this Location not only violates the rightful 2eace and Quiet of this community in which we purchased homes but it Also -desecrates the dead in adjacent Pine View Cemetary the resting place of many Town and I-Aty loved ones. To that end we affix our Signatures in the attached and hereby PETITION the Board to end this nuisance for the priveleged few and Prohibit further Kart Racing - PERMMTLY - in this vicinity Signatures in the attached: i0 Clarence W. Hall Country Club Rd. Truman S. Kingsley 16 Winerest Dr. Eva Hall It 'f ft Elizabeth �4. Kingsley it It Joyce Jackson " " " Paul E. Lavine 21 " " Il.orence Robillard " " " Doris D. Lavine 21 If it G.D. Jackson " " " A. F.. Bello 19 It It Francis Robillard " " " Phillip C. Mann 22 It It Clifford Robillard " " " H. E. Mann 22 It It Dorothy Robillard It It It F. F. Snyder 17 It It :Ray Rowland It It 2 M. E. Snyder 17 It it Josephine Smith " it it Verna ld. Hall 18 " it Richard Purdy " it It William H. Hall 18 " it Barbara J. curdy " it It J. F. Barnes 15 " It Harley Purdy " If It Marion Barnes 15 Jennie Purdy " It It Ruth H. West 12 Wincrest V. '. DeLong it It It D. H. .Nichols 7 It " I R. J. DeLong " " Irene Banach 8 " " L Elizabeth N. 'lull " " 't Joseph :Banach 8 " " Orange Hull " " " Robert latt away 6 It It Claude Tinney " " " Angela Hathaway 6 It It Lorraine Tinney " It " ':1obert E. Ruggles 5 It it James D. Griffin " '' Barbara Ruggles 5 If It Agnes Peno 't If " J. I. Walsh• 3 It If Henry Heym Lake George Road M. J. Walsh 3 It It lie�7m tt tt tt W. S. Arigoni 2 It It Elizabeth Doyle Glenwood Ave.. J. L. Arigoni 2 It It Mark C. Doyle It " .3ernadett Griffin Country Club Rd. Elizabeth Pearsall it it Tom. llogers Ridge StReet Betty K. Harvey it It Herbert A. Read Bay Road._ Cenneth H. Harvey If It Adelia C. Read It " Charles L. StJohn Quaker Road Rita Griffin rviation ::oad Joseph Foague Sweet Road Robert M. Griffin Gerald. ME. .toot Montray Road L. W. Warner Jr. it It Louise Wp.rner " It H. G. Johnson tat It Helen Johnson " It Alfred J. Winterson Mary E. Winterson LeRoy C-. Briggs It It Dorothy 11. Daniel 1,1-orrell Sr." " Consi_derablc Discussion ensued on the question of date of original permit. "-.'x. Webster read the original minutes dated May 11, 1961. The Town Clerk read the following letter from the State Traffic Commission.. Warrenl, Case. 4, G-537 Francis �.. Turn.er, Clerk Town. of Queensbury 338 Ridge Street Glens 2 alls , New York Dear T-4is s Turner: t, 1960 amendment to the Vehicle and 'y'ra.ffic Law, which became effective October 1, 1960, provides that no speed limit shall be established at less than 25 y,U3ll. We :lave therefore repealed our orders of February= 2, 1955 acrd Jaie 1 , 1958, which restrict speed to 20 l...Fil on C1everdale _Load, a town highway, in the lTamley of Cleverdale, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, and have re- established. the 25 r2li speed limit at the same location. Acopy of the order is enclosed for the records of the town. J The responsibility for changing the 20 1?2I3 speed limit signs to 25 12H rests -with the town. Inasmuch a.s the Town Superintendent of Highways will Undoubtedly be charged with this responsibility, we are furnishing a copy of this letter and the order for his use. By: LLOYD A. 1 TAED17 :- Very truly yours , Chief 'Traffic Engineer S!2..TE TU,1`TTC C01.r�.'fISS`1`I WIT 1T�TiT S• =L�J� Chairman 1� Ns. Codner aska authority to purchase speed. signs for roads . The board s�iggests use of the smaller signs. They appear to be more acceptable. 1:r. Codner rcrorts mast Sandford. Street, is graded coripletly. Several Trees are being removed from reservoir Road, and grading is being done. 1,�r. Akins , suggests cle<nin of Water Shed property. uggests use of relief help, at no charge. In acting on the use of relief help, the board referred. to Res. #147A. dated Dec. 15, 1960. 1vir, Jack Crannell, ,Superintendent of West Glens Falls water Dist. reports that the proposal is ready for Extension # 2 of that district. 1r. Crannell suggests 611 main for Luzerne Road. lv':r. Webster reports that the Assembly Point, assessment cases will be heard on December 11, 1961. Mr. Webster read a letter frofa 1r. Cline, on assessed values of Liens falls School ';strict, within the Town of Queensbury. A lengthy discussion was had. by all members of the board.. A letter was read by Mr,. Webster from, Mr. Lee, the Sanitary Tnsoector to do with the infesting of rodents on C1ine, F.ve. Lee suggests use of a D-Con rodent hiller to eliminate the rodents. ir. Webster submits letter from Mr. Kestner, who requests vouchers to submit bill for services. ?fx. Webster reverts the request of 1Ir. Cruichshank, for water extension for Shore Colony Water Dist. Action is deferred to such time when others accept same. A sub-station Post office will open at Slims Drug Store, Upper Glen. Street, Town of Queensbury, within the next two weeks.. Ate.. George Liapes , Superintendent of North Glens Falls Water District,,, presented man of the Stewart property on ,1-iountain Road for acceptance of streets. Mr. Codner is requested to check same and make arrangements to secure deeds. Several. locations of proposed new water meters was discussed by 14r. Liapes. The board approved meter for Milfranks Restaurant to be installed the latter part of the year. pESOLUTION NO. IV introduced fir. Akins and seconded by Mr. Miller. RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Mrs. Francis ?CAntorski for the city of Glens Falls to Make a water connection at her property being purchased from William Hart, North side of Aviation Road, Town of Queensbury, and be it further resolved that the Town Clerk notify the Water Dept. of the City of Glens calls, and ivirs. Francis Kantorski, c/o William Hart, 37 Warren St. , Glens Falls N. Y. of this approval. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Webster, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Stanley B. Miller, Mr. Harold Akins , Mgredith Bentley. i _ Noes - None 1vir. Webster and. the .board discussed Forms to be used by Town Clerk and Tax Collector after June 1, 1962. 14r. Webster reports the State Aid for 1962 will be $35,413.20. C On mot' the m � eeting s adjo �d Geor e ( annell Town Clerk