1962-03-01 SP RESOLUTION NO. #@ introduced by Mr., Akins seconded by Mr. Beaty. RESOLVED, that the provisions of subdivision 10-a., Section 29,. of the Town Law, shall apply with respect to the publishing of the Supervisor's annual report for the year 1961, and for subsequent I years until this resolution is rescinded. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Ix. Beaty, Mr. Turner,' Mr Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None Mr. Webster,, reported that at the Mike Yaffee, construction site on the Country Club Road, the pathway of the brook has been changed with the possibility of future retarding of the flow of the water,G It is the suggestion of the board that the County Attorney should i be contacted for a ruleing in this matter. The Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,, New York, for the month of February 1962, was examined and approved by the board. RESOLUTION NO. 49 introduced .by Mr. Turner seconded by Mr. Akins. RESOLVED, that the February 22, 1962 audit of claims as listed in Abstract number 62--2A, containing claims numbered 118 through 134 inclusive,, and totaling $4,.073.84 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: j Ayes - Mr: Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Akins and Mr, Webster., Noes None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Georg C. Crannell. Town Clerk SOCIAL FETING �t To discuss: March 1, 1962 Issuance of permit to Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, to conduct a carnival. Also the proposition of the sale. or rental of a perti.on of Pine-- view Cemetery. i Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor NT, Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order 'at 7:35. The following visitors were welcomed.: Mr. LeRoy Gordon - Fieeman Queensbury Central Vol. Fire Co. Mr. Robert Stott - Director Queensbury Central Vol. Fire Co. Mr. C. Dowel South - Secretary Queensbury Central Fire Coo. I In reference to the Carnival permit for the Queensbury Central Vol. Fire Co. Mfr. Robert Nolan - District Attorney Mr, Frank Cowles - Representing Cemetery Commission Mr. Michael' Gehrity In interest of the sale or lease of a portion of the Pineview Cemetery. I i I i 97 Mr, LeRoy Gordon, was granted the floor., W. Gordon reports that Mrs Barton the principal of Queensbury Public School #2 Aviation Road and also members of the school board have been contacted and that no objection has been raised to. the con- ducting of a carnival on land across from said school. The Fort Amherst Realty Corporation, the owners of the land have also approved the use of the land at this location. Following this report Mr. Gordon formally requested permission of the board to hold a carnivaltat the above mentioned location on May 28th through June 2, 1962. Mr. Gordon made this request in the behalf of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. Inc.. RESOLUTION NO. 50 fmttroduced by Mr. Turner seconded by W. Lampoon I RESOLVE that permission be granted to hold a carnival as follows: Sppnaor - Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. Carnival - Continental Shows Place Fort Amherst Realty Land opposite Queensbury Public School #2, on Aviation Road. Date - May 28th through June 2nd, 1962 Fee - $100.00 F9RTHER RESOLVE that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to hold aforesaid upon receipt of the fee of $100.0U and upon proof of liability insurance in the amount of $100,000 and $300,000 coverage by the production of a certificate of insurance showing such coverage. Duly adopted by the following vote: Aye_ - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr.. Webster Noes - None Following acceptance of the above resolution the Supervisor complimented the members of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., for having conducted this carnival in years past in a very creditable manner. District Attorney Robert Nolan was granted the floor at this time. Mr. Nolan introduced W. Michael Gehrity to the members of the board. a,3 Mr. Nolan explained the mission for being at the board meeting. The interested parties intend to offer a proposition to either . purchase or lease the portion of Pineview Cemetery which has been declared as not usable by the Cemetery Commission. It is. explained at this titpe that at least two large mercantile , establishments would be located on this site. Large national concerns have already been contacted as lessesf in the proposed business venture. Mr. Nolan suggested that this offer could be accepted by the Town through the enactment of a "permissive referendum". He also states that the interested parties are prepared to make an offer -in the matter. They would request a six month option which would be refunded if referendum was defeated. Members of the board proceeded to inquire as to type of Con- struction that would be involved in the proposed buildings. They were assured that the buildings would be of finished concrete block construction and also entirely fireproof,. The map showing the section of the Cemetery, which is in quest- ion was studied by the would be purchasers and the board. Mr. Gehrity points out that the original two proposed establish- ments will entice several more lesses to be added at a later date. Mr. Frank Cowles, of the Cemetery Commission entered the dis cussion at this time. It is the feeling of the Commission that' the need• may arise for an access road to the cemetery from Route 9 at a later date. Mr. Webster, explained the views o€ County' Attorney Beswick on all the matters. pertaining to this proposition. He states that there is no restriction in the original deed as to what could be done with the portion of the cemetery in question. A letter was read from Mr. Beswick, which expressed his views when the same section of land was, offered for the construction of a Town Hall for the Town of Queensbury. It is understood that the proceeds of a sale of this property would be deposited in the General- Town Fund of the Town pf Queensbury.. Mr. Cowles explained at length the growth of the cemetery in the past years. It is his opinion that in years to come all avail- able land wit 1 be. made use of. It is the opinion of Mr,. Cowles, that the Commission should study all aspects of the proposed sale of lease before any decision is made. It is agreed by the members of the board that each member should establish an opinion as to actual value of the land. The possibility of a long term lease will also be explored. - At the request of the board Mr. Nolan proceeded to make an offer to the Town of Queensbury, and the Pineview Cemetery Commission, to do with the purchase of the land in question. The offer. made by Mr. Nolan was a purchase price of $60,000 or roughly $3000.00 per acre. The offer of a lease figure was not made at this time. � Mr. Webster states that the offer as made was not as great a figure as he had anticipated. A _reqi�est fora decision by _ members of the board was asked at this time. i Mr. Theodore Turner, explained at length that with the present day market as it is he feels that the land purchase price should be $100,000. At this point the Supervisor explained to the interested parties that, upon decision by the ['ineview Cemetery Commission and members of the Town Board of Queensbury, they would be notified and a meeting would be arranged to accept or reject the offer made at this time. Mr. Webster reported on the present status of the Assembly Point taut cases. He states that the cases have progressed favorably until this time. Adjournment has been made until March 8, 1962. The Supervisor repgrted on the meeting with the Equalization and Assessment Committee at Albany. A later date has been extended to the Town of Queensbury, in order to accomplish their aim. i In reporting to do with the water main breaks in the North Glens Falls Water.District, it was explained that the service has been restored.. The pump which was damaged is .being checked. t There is a possibility that damage to the pump maybe excessive. Mr. Akins submitted a complete map of the Dixon Parkview section proposed water district. Discussion of same took place with all members of the' board. Action will be taken at a later date on the district and a sizeable extension maybe enacted at the same time. _ r On motion the meeting was adjourned George C. annell Town Cler i