1962-07-26 79 Regular Meeting July 26, 1962. Present-.: ' IOM 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Harold Akins Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p. m. Visitors greeted at the meeting in the interest of speed limit and traffic control, for Meadowbrook Road, were Mr. George Hehr , and Mr. James Sowden. Mr. Sowden, questioned the board as; to the status of the effort being conducted b3f the Town of Queensbury. The ,Supervisor e)�p- lained that the procedure , - making the request to the County Highway Department and the New York State Traffic Commission has been carried out. Action by these two bodies should. be forth- coming in the very near future. The letter to do with the rulings of County Attorney Albert Beswick was read to the interested parties at this time. The request for a Zoning Commission was voiced by the visitors. Lengthy discussion ensued to do with the pros and cons for or against a Zoning Ordinance. Mr, George Liapes, Superintendent of North Glens Falls Water District, visited the meeting at this time. A general discussion with all members of the board took place to do with restricting peddlers and soliciters within our town- ship. All angles of this matter were discussed. The Board agreed that a request should be submitted to the County Attorney. to draft an Ordinance to protect the interest of our people in this problem. ` The Clerk, submitted the reading of the following letters and reports: " Glens Falls, N. Y. July 16, 1962 Members of the Queensbury Town Board P/6 George Crannell, Clerk 95 Dixon Road ' RD, Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Sirs: I would like to call your attention to the stench which comes from the catchbasin located on the northeastern corner of my residential property at 7 Hughes Court. Some days, particularly damp days, it is worse than other days. The catchbasin is located on the Broadacres ,drainage `system. When I built the house on the property nine years ago I ran a drainage pipe from the bottom of a small sump hole in the cellar to the drainage pipe in the street at a point right into the catchbasin. A year ago; the stench coming from the sump hole was so bad that we were obliged to get William Stockman, Aviation Road, to come to the house and seal up the the sump hole. Arthur Monthie, 3' Hughes Court,, was visiting me one recent day when the stench was particularly bad. He will confirm my statements on the point. ISO Letter (continued) In addition to being' a nuisance, I should thick the condition might be a health hazzard. I understand that the drainage system empties into Halfway Brook somewheres near Coles Wooda. Below- that point on Halfway Brook is the Brickyard Pond where 'children fish and swim. I am Thanking you for anything you might do to correct the condition, " Sincerely yours Edward J. Sherman The problem recited by Mr. Sherman, was referred to the drainage committee. The clerk responded to the letter.' The following is the report of the activities of; Justice of the Peaces Andrew Butz: Vehicle-Traffic cases 67 -Criminal cases 21 Summary proceedings: 11 Civil Compromise 1 Dog cases - Summons issued 46 Hearings with no criminal action 38 Total The Clerk, reminded the board that plans were discussed following General Election of 1961, to have the five voting machines, which were purchased in 1937, serviced before the fall Primary's. The Clerk was requested to invite the service-men from the Rockwell ` Manufacturing Company, to complete this service at an early date. The notice of the change of name for the Lake George Central School was filed by the clerk. Mr. Liapes reported on a request from the builders of the proposed new Aviation Road Plaza, for water service. The location of a new 8" supply main for this shopping center is the main matter of int- erest at present. -- A discussion developed to do with proper charges for water supply for sprinkler systems took place at this time. It was agreed that all Commercial Construction will be involved with this request in the future. C Mr. Webster, reported that a- blinker light has been installed at the Bay Road - Quaker Road intersection. A request for a more complete ruling on the power of the Town Board in controlling traffic problems is referred to the County Artorhey: Agreement was reached that a study of all "Ordinances" inI'force at present within the town should take place in the very near future. Problems to do with classification of town employees for the ret- . irement system were aired at this time. The Clerk, placed on file a letter from Attorney, Albert J. Beswick„ to do with an opinion as to the ownership of the water mains within the Cottage Hill Development. The decision rendered will be used when the final arrangements for a water supply system take place in the near future. Plans for Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Town of Queensbury were discussed at this time. General agreement was reached, that appointing of a committee is the most important first steps to formulate the plans. 1�1 July 19, 1962 TO THE HONORABLE TOWN BOARD OF QUEENSBURY: Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of Mohican Grange #1300, Oneida Corners, held July 5th, it was voted to extend to youfany help.: we might give in bringing to a successful conclusion the establishment of proper safety measures to protect the travelling public at the j intersection of the Quaker Road and the Bay Road in the Town of Queensbury. We realize you have been trying without mush success and that is our reason for offering our help as a Community service. We deeply appreciate the concern of the Town Board for the residents of our Town. . Respectfully yours, H. RUSSELL HARRIS Chairman of Grange Legislative Comm. Marion Sansone Sectetary, Mohican Grange July 19, 1962: TO THE HONORABLE TOWN BOARD OF QUEENSBURY:- Gentlemen: At our last regular Grange meeting held July 5th,, our assembly body discussed and decided to offer their services to you in connection with the celebration that may be held in. conjunctioL with the anniversary of the founding of our Town of Queensbury. This should be a great occasion for the people of this town to realize and take part in a dedicated service. In our opinion this. dedication represents not only the 240 years of steady progress. of our town, but the great strides made here in the last few years. We will not list them here, but again offer to you our services if ,needed. Respectfully yours, ISABELLE HARRIS, MASTER Mohican Grange #1300 MARION SASSONE, SECRETARY The following letter was received and read to the Board. July. L9, 1962 Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor Chestnut Ridge Road Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear John: f You have indicated that your Town Board is considering the purchase from Sidney Timms of a parcel of about 102 acres to 1. be added to Pineview Cemetery for future expansion and development and have asked my opinion as to whether your Board may may such purchase and, if so, the prodedure. 182 Letter Beswick - (continued) j Subdivision 3 of Section 291 of the Town Law provides that a Town Board may acquire by purchase or condemnation additional lands for cemetery purposes whenever in the judgment of the Board it is necessary or adviseable that such additional lands be acquired. In towns of the first class, if the cost of the additional lands excegds '$300.00 and is to be paid from the sale of town obligations, then the resolution for the pqrchase is subjgct to permissive referendum. This, as you know, means that your Town. Board adopts -a resolution authorizing the purchase, gives notice of the adoption of the resolution and if no petition is filed with the Town Clerk within thirty days, the resolution .takea effect at the end of the thirty days. If a petition is filed, then a special election must be held on a proposition to approve the purchase. I suggest that your Town Board obtain from Mr. Timms an option to purchase his property at a specified price within a: limited dime which should be more than thirty days. Then your Board can adopt the resolution and give notice and if there is no petition, then you can exercise your option after the re- solution becomes effective without having incurred any liability. If a petition should be filed, than you would either hold the special election or drop- the matter. A ninety day pption would give you sufficient time to hold the election if one should be necessary. The purchase price may be provided by the sale of capital notes payable over a two year period or by serial bonds payable over a two year period or by serial bonds payable to to a ten year period. Yours very truly, Albert E. Beswick County Attorney A_ report by the Supervisor on the progress of the planning for the construction of a Town Hall took place at this time. Advice of a local architect was discussed at this time. The Board generally requested that a meeting should be arranged - with the architect in the near future. , A Special meeting for Tuesday, August 7th, 1962 will be arranged for this discussion. The Supervisor presented each member of the Board with an en- lightening statement of the Budgetary expenditures and bgkances of the town for the year 1962, up to this date. July 20, 1962. Mr. John Q. Webster, Chairman Town of Queensbury Board Chestnut Ridge Road R.D. Glens Falls, New York Dear Mr. Webster: The trustees of Crandall Library asked me to advise you of the following proposed action. During July and August, the library is open only in the mornings on Saturday. Last year a census was taken each Sat- urday A. M. of adults ' and children ' attendance. The figure showed an extremely low attendance. A census is being taken again this year of the. Saturday morning borrowers. If the figures indicate again a low attendance for Saturday mornings„ the trustees propose to close the library for this time during July and August. There is no desire to durtail services if there is evidence it is needed. Upon request from the members of the Town Board, the Clerk will respond to the above letter.. Mr. Webster read a letter from Burdis Associates, ogfering their services toward adopting "Town Planning." and "Zoning". 'there was no interest expressed by the members of the Town Board in this matter. RESOLUTION NO. 111 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Turner. WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury, under Resolution #36, adopted by the Town Board on January 25, 1962, invested certain funds under Certificates of Deposit with the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, and WHEREAS, it now appears that some .of these deposits can be extended for another period of time, - THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby,is authorized and directed to continue,, effective August 1, 1962, the i following certificates of deposit in the amount specified„ and for the time and interest specif ied, as follows: AMOUNT TIME INTEREST $201,000 Highway Fund Three Mpnths .025% Duly adopted by the following vote: i Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None The Supervisor, stated that a county newspaper known as "The Warrens- burg News" are anxious to print a front page depicting entirely the progress of the growth of the Town of Queensbury. Discussion as to the most effective way to handle this suggestion by the news- ! paper took place at this time. i The investigations being conducted by the Department of Equalization and assessments were discussed in general by the Board. Plans were discussed for members of the Town Board tot visit the office of the department in the near future to endeavor to understand how the rates on equalization and assessments are arrived at. i The Supervisor, requested the approval of the Town Board on the , purchase of one of the typewriters which have been on _trial. in , his office. The Board generally agreed to approve which ever machine that Mr. Webster decides to purchase., i On motion the meeting was adjourned. spectful itted George Crannell Town Clerk f