1962-11-08 - 464 (Certificate of Recording Officer - continued) In Witness Whereof, Ihave hereunto set my hand this 30th day of October. 1962. If the .applicant .has .an official seal, impress here George C. Crannell Signature of Recording Officer Town Clerk of Town of Queensbury - • Title Hof Recording Officer unanimously �I A a climax to many years of planning and study, the board aAawietisly- requested that the supervisor, should make the above mentioned plans known to the public through the press. On motion the meeting was adjourned. �espec t ,uly submit d Geor C. Crannell Town Clerk i Regular Meeting November S. 1962 Presents John O Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore 'Turner eiLma Curtis L—son Councilman Darold Akins Council The`Rotting was called to order at 700 p.m. i ` Vsi'tors; greeted at- the- ,meeting were... as follow s Alvin E. Green - Greenway North Juliette Ellingsworth - Montray Heights "Ducky" Corlew - Employee,, Highway. Department - Bernard J. Codner. - Superintendent of '�.ghway Department Glen Caffry - Representing CrAndall Library Proof of publication ou the. budget hearing was preselited. by the Clerks Proof of Posting of: Notices eras°accomplished as follows: Bulletin Board Town Clerks Office . . Near Sleight's -Market .- Aviation Road Near'R.ichardson's 'Store -..Vogt Glens Fslls, N. Y. Yard South Queensbury Fire `. - Dig Avenue Mountainside Grange - Ridge Road 'f RESOLUTION NO. 17A: introduced .by Imo', rise, seconded_by Mr. Lampson. SOLD ION OF TOWN BOARD ADOPTII+ BUDGE' WITH ADNE NTS VHWAS,, thisATown Board has met at the time and place specified in. the notice .of Oubl c hearing on the 'preliminary budget and beard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now„ therefore, be it RESOLVED that the prelininary budget _be amended by .makiag the following changes therei. FURTHER That the appropriation for Public Utilities, (Total PineView< Cemetery) be- re uiced from $13,,2Td00 to $12t290-.00 and be it 4 i I i 265 (Resolution No..-172 - continued) FURTHER RESOLVED, that such. prelimivary_budget..as hereinbefore amepded,, be and-hereby is adopted as, the. annual budget of this Town-fortthe fiscal year beginning- oa the lst day of January. 1963, and that such budget. as so adopted. be_ entered in detail in the minutes of the. proceedings. of. this. Town Board, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED,, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify,, in duplicate,, copies of. said _annual budget as adopted by this Town Board, and deliver one..copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented. by .him- to. the. Board of Supervisors of f this County. Duly adopted by the following votes Ayes - Mr. Beaty,, Hr. Turner„ Mr. .Lampsong Mr.. Akins and W, Webster, ?does` - Noire The clerk proceeded to read the. Annual Budget in its entirety a& follows: ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Gnereal Fund. - Appropriations: 1 ,9 '6- 3 General.. Government Town Board Town Hall and off ices nt , oar room, offices.,. elections, etc, $1200,00 Compensation. of employees _ 100.00 Purchase of furniture. .and equipment 500.00 Repairs„ light, heat and telephone. 500000 Nise. expenses„ surplus property, 200,00 Elections Compensatiow of Election Officials_ 2200.00 Compensation of Custodian. 200.00 `— Other expewma. 1000100 Vc�tfft Machine,. .Purchase, Repair 50.00 Insurance Compe asatiast. Insuranee t 8000,00 , Official Bond& & Undertakings 500:00 Fire & Liability 5300.00 Printing & Advertising (all. Depts.) 1006-.66 Services of Attorney &. Expenses_ 3500.00 Services of Engineer & Expenses 6000000 Association of-Morons - Dues 110.00 Social Security - Town Share Employees-Retir avant` Sys tea P P_Ftusd 500,00 Z t D $42„760.00 z Su rvisor lary 4000.00. Compensation_ of Employees_ 3000,0,-00 . Office & Other Expenses._ 500.00 TOTAL SUPERVISOR. x*500.00 . GEit7 Justice of the Peace Salar es -- 1 Justice ..2300.00 1 Justice 3200.40 office & Other Expenses -. 550,00 Compensation of Emprloyees. 121.00 TOTAL JUSTICE OF PLACE. —� $69,1750"00 Cou�t�il_s�an Salaries (four) 7200.00 Office & other expenses- (four) 700.04 TOTAL COUNCILMAN 20900,00 Town Clerk a ary 4000.00 Office & Other expenses 400.00 Compensation of_..employegs. 600._00 TOTAL TOWN CIERE 5,00©..00 Asee+�seers , a `arles - Chairman & Other (2) 7200.00 Office .& other. expenses. 800 TOTAL ASSESSORS S„000.00 Tax Ca Llector (Receiver of Taxes) Salary 3600.00 Office & Other expenses 1250.00 Miscellaneous 25.00 ` TOTAL COLLECTOR. (Receiver of Taxes), 4�$T5.00 TOTAL GENZ AL GOVERNMENT 52,,210.00 PROTECTION l-F PERSONS & PROPERTY . Fol i3 e nstables & Dep, Sheriffs. Conventatldn 260.00 Mileageand- other expenses. 200.00 Frchawo of equipment 1QU3Oa 290 .00 TOTAL POI.TO19,9 CONSTABIES t ETC. , Triggic gnas,. .Signals, & Fighting... 6600 OA . . _ TOTAL TRAFFJC 69600.00 i Dom Warden omp�e�—its^auion 6-44.00 Other expenses 20 TOTAL DOG WARDEN 800100 IInegic_tion costa -- Bldg. Insp. (Enforcement. Office.) 300.00 Miscella expenses 1,00.00 TOTAL INSPECTION 400:00 Town Dump C ye cation 1404.00 Miscellaneous expenses 2500.00 TOTAL TOWN AW 3A900290- TOTAL FROTICTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY EDU=ION Town Hisu&ijam Compensation- 180.00 Other expenses 50.00 TOTAL TOWN HISTORIAN 230.00 26? Public. Libra�rX Contract -Mountainside Free_ 200.00 Crandall Library- 50004,00 - TOTAL LIBRARY - 5,20"CIO 04 TOTAL EDUCATION 5v43QoOO RECREATION Improvement_ to Tama property 30000 Patriotic Observances 10 TOTAL RECREATION - 400.00 -- PUBLIC UTILUTIES - Pinevier Veliatery Schedule A Cost of Improvement: I oviftints. _to_ Cemetery 740.00 New Equi.p®ent 280.00 TOTAL IMPROVEIZNTS. .�'�'.—. 980,100 Maintenance Personal Services 9000.00 Repairs, to existing equipment. 150.00 Gas & Oil for .equipment_ 250._00 Bond for Comm. &•Supt.. 3500 Replacement of Vault roof 400.00 Miscellaneous_ . 275.00 Cost of maintenance of outside_ camteries, inalu in _.repairs to fence. . _ ,0p TOTAL MAINTENANCE 11 310.00 TOTAL-PINEVIEW CENETF.RY 1 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND IN kST Redemption of Debts Prin0i041 - .Stsrahouae..Bond tNone Interest - Storehouse- Bond . TOTAL -INDEBTEDNESS REDEMPTION None Construction and Permanent Impv. 500100 Town Hall & others TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 4k IMP. 500.00 MISCOLTS Veterans Organisations for rooms._ 200.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 200.00 CONTINGENT PURPOSES (See. 112) 61000.00 ESTIMATED NUM - Mortgages Taxes 15-9.000.00 Dog Licenses (County) 10800.00 Other Licenses (Town) MOO Fees. of Town Clerk 29300*00 Fees of Justice of Peace 30004.00 Fees_of Tax Collector (Receiver. of _taxes) 1,500.00 Fees of Cemeteries 9,350.00 Per _0 it*.Ass stance 35 504.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES � 68„550.00 Unezpea t& balance (Sec«115) 20,000200 GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED BALANCE 889550.00 268 Appropriations General Government, 82,210`.00 Protection of Persons & Property 149600.00 Education 51430.00 Recreation' 400.00 Public Utilities 12,290.00 Redemption of Debt, None Interest on Debt. None Contraption & merit Imp. 500.00 Miseellaneous 200.00 Contingent purposes 6,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1219630*00 Less Estimated Revenues 88.550.p0 AMOUNT TO BE REUSED BY TAX FOR GENERAL FUND 33,080.00 ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS Highway Fund (Iteml) Appropriations General Repairs 909.000.00 . Total expenditures 90,,OA,0.00 Revenues 8,300..00 State Aid ; Total revenues 8.3 � Amount `to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item l) 819700.00 Machinery Fund (Item 3) Expenditures Purchase of machinery, tools, and .ImpL. 15,;000.00 159D00.00 Repair of machinery, tools, and Impl.. 10,000.00 -LOV000,00 Redemption of machinery certificates None _ stone Interest on machinery certificates None None Total expenditures 25,000.00 Revenues Rental of machinery 500.00 Amount "to be raised by tax for Machinery Fond (Item 3) 241500.00 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4) Expenditures Salary of Town Superintendent 6,,000.00 Experises 'of Town Superintendent 300.00 Removing obstruction caused by snow 27v000.00 Cutting and removing weeds and brush 3,600.0b Other miscellaneous purposes heat and ` Phone 3,000.00 " Total expenditures 39,900,00 Revenues ` Miscellaneous Revenues 51,200.00 Total revenues 5,.200.00 Amount to be raised by 'tax for snow and miscel. - fund (Item 4) 34,700.00 Bernard J. Coduer Supt. of Highways k 26.4 BOARD OF HEALTH 1963 Expenditures salary $J v750.00 Office, traveling, and other expenses 100.00 - Baby Clinics: 11200.00 Total. expenditures... 3050'.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics 85 00 Amount to be raised by tax Town Health 39135,00 • NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT 1963 • Expenditures Cost of •Improvement. Construction of..improvements 1*300.00 Total 3v300.00 Maintenance Personal services. 1„000.00 Office and ,other expenses (itemize) Printing, Postage, supplies, etc. , 200.00 Mowix&, ,paJ&ting, & _shoveling hydrants 200.00 - Refund & miscellaneous expense 100.00 Repairs 1,000.00 Power and light 11800.00 Purchase of water 11'000.00 Purchase of equipment 500.00 Purchase and installation of meters &serviceal.000 .00 Total 17 800.00 Total. expenditures 21VIO0,00 . Revenues Water rents: 21,_100.00 Total revenues. 2111.00.00 Amount to be raised.bp taxes None NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXT. #1 1963 Expenditures Cost ''of• improvements Bond principal 5,000.00 . Bond interest 660.00 Total 5,660,00 Total expenditures 5v660.00 Revenues None Water Rents None Unexpended balance None Amount to be raised by taxes None 5;560:0 NORTH GLENS FALLS. WATER DIST, EXT. #7 1963 Expenditures Bond interest 115100 Total 115.00 . Total expenditures 13.06 Revenues Water Rents None Unexpended balance None Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes 115.06 NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DIST. EXT. #8 1963 Expenditures Bond interest 100.00 Total 100.00 t Total expenditures 100.00 Revenues Water rents -None Unexpended balance None • Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes 100.00 27 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DIST. Expenditures Cost of improvement Construction. of improvement 13,.330.0Q. Total 13.330.00 Maintenance Personal services 500.00 Office and other expenses (itemize) 200.00 Miscal. expenses & refunds 100.00 Repairs 600.00 Purchase of water 49000.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Purchase and installation of meters and service 150.00 Total 5, 0.0650.00 Total expenditures 18V980.00 Revenues Mater rents 3,630.00 Interest on ,Cert, of Deposit 350.00 Uuexpended. balance 15.000,.00. Total revenues. .. 18,980.00 Amount to be raised by taxes None WEST. GLENS FALLS WATER DIST. EXT. #1 1963 r Expenditures Bond principal 575,00 Bowl interest 400.00 Total 975.00 Maintenance t. . Personal services None Total None Total expenditures 975.00 Revenues Water rents None Unexpended balance 575.00 x. Total revenues 575.00 Amount to be raised .by taxes �40 .—ff SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT 1963 Expenditures Maintenance Personal services 300.00 Office.,',and other expenses (itmeize) Including chlorination & power 120.00 Repairs 550.00 Purchase and installation of meters &_ service 30.00 Total 1,000.00 Total expenditures 1,000.00 Re�ratu�es Water_ rents 570.00 Sale and installation of meters & service 30.00' Unexpended balance 4 . Total revenues 1:,.000100 Amount to be raised by taxes None ~ RIDGE ROAD WATER DISTRICT 1963 Expenditures - Cost of Improvement 'Construction. of improvement 5,500.00 Total 5,500.00 Total. expenditures 59500.00 Maintenance Personal. services 100.00 Of f iee and other expenses (itemize) Postage &supplies 100.00 Refunds 50.00 Flushing hydrants & shoveling snow 50.00 Repairs 400.00 Purchase of water 800.00 Ridge Road Water District - continued Prurchase and installation of meter $_services 100.00 Total 1,600,00 Total expenditures ,7 100.00 Revenues Water rents 19100.00 Unexpended balance.. 6,00.0.00 , Total 77,100.00 Amount to be raised by taxes.-. None `— UEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DIST. 1963 , Expenditures Payments under contracts 5 codes 0 $3,800, each x194000.00 Total expenditures 199000100 Revenues Unexpended balance 100.00 Total revenues 100"00 j Amount to be raised by taxes 189900.00 CIEVERDAIE JTT gYTING DISTRICT Mainte ncA Expenditures yme o contract sno_ee Total 50 Total _expenditures Revenues Unexpended balance None Total revenues- None Amount to be raised by taxes - 500.00 FM AMHERST,, GARRISON RD. LIGHTING DIST. 1963 Expenditures Maintenance Payment on contract 2,025,00 Total � e 2_ �. Total expenditures Revenues Unexpended balance None Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes. 2,©25.0 272 i I During the reading of the budget Mr. Ralph Nestle questioned the board on the amount which has been .allocated tin the publicity fund.. The Thought expressed is . that a further_ expansion of 'publicity" would ultimatel'. be to the . advantage in the future growth of the Tow*. . The Supervisor explained to the visitors the full effect of the adopted annual- budget on the .town tax rate during the year of 1963. It was.•stated. that even with the tremendous influx of new construction in the town at present, the amount of actual revenue added to the Town General. Fund is limited due to a very lbw tax rate in the Town at present. Mr. Glenn Caffery voiced his feeling and the feelings of many of the residents of the Town of Queensbury, on the fact that all residents deel that the Town Board has accomplished a gratifying result by comb fteing_ to hold the tax rate at a reasonably low level. The hearing on the Annual Budget was closed at 8:05 P.M. On the advertising for bids for salt for the. Highway Department, proof of advertising was presented by the Clerk. Proof of posting of Notices was accomplished as follows: Town Storehouse Aviation. Road Town Clerk's Office - Bulletin Board Acrosa-from Veut Glens. Falls Fite House Near`.Richardson's_Store - West. Glens Falls Near' Sleightts Market - Aviation Road ;f One bid was read by the Clerk. Pasquale Ricciardelli Glens, Falls, N.Y.. November 7, 1962 ensbury Eioway Department viation Field Read, Glean.-Falls, New York Dear Sir: I am-submitting sty bid. for .the Rock Salt Contract as as-follows: Delivered to Queensbur_y Highway .Department Store- hoube for ($21.50) per ton, or at the Delaware and Hudson Railroad siding for ($20.00) per ton. Thanking you, I remain Sincerely yours, R. H. Marchitelli, Mgr. RESOLUTION NO. 173 introduced by Ni-. Turner, seconded Mr. Beaty. WHEREAS, this Town Board has asked for sealed bids for the delivery of highway salt for the coming winter, and WHEREAS, Pasquale_Riceiarrdelli of 65-67 South Street, Glens Falls, _ New York, has presented a bid of $21.50 per ton delivered to the Town Storehouses now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid of Pasquale Ricciardelli be and the same is hereby accepted and approved. Duly adopted by the followi.Hg. vote: Ayes - W. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None Aug a Alvin Greene of 14 Greenway Drive, Glens Falls, New York, was. granted the floor. -Mr. Greene explained his aim was to urge the adoption of -a .building .Code within the town. It was understood by the board that W., Greene.t.s thoughts were in the interest of improving building supervision to ultimately be for the benefit of everyone. RESOLUTION NO. 174 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson x RESOLVED, that permission is .hereby granted to: Jack Behrand. - Builder Clayton Ramsey - Upper Glen Street, James MacNaughton - Meadow Drive, Ridge Meadows to make application to the .City .of Glens Falls, for water service to the following lots respective: Lot #150 Corner Lynnfield & Pinewood Avenue Lot #34 Ridge Meadows Lot on Meadow .Drive, Ridge Meadows thereby becoming a water customer of the the City of Glens Falls, and that a copy of this resolution_be_forwarded to the City Water Board and to, Jack Behrand, Clayton Ramsey, and James MacNaughton. Duly adopted by the following votes: .. Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampsong-Mr., .Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None New .Hampshire Ave. , R.F.D.#3 West .Glens .Falls, New York October 30th, 1962 Town Board of Queensbury % George C. Cramnell 95 Dixon Road, G.F., N. Y. Dear Sir: I am interested in_running, for_ "Town Constable", if there is a coming vacancy in that department. I am 36 years of _age, have served 21 years in the U.S. Navy, and have been working at the Imperial Color Works for over six years. I also own and operate a. Grocery Store at my home address. If I am appointed, I__wili---fulf ill the duties. of Constable to the best of my ability. Thank you for your coneiideration in this matter. Sincerely yours, . Walter F. Morehouse To the Town Board Town of Queensbury I would like the Dog Enumerator, appointment for the year 1963. t Raymond Hoague Mr. Codger, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, rewommended the purchase of the fallowing trucks. RESOLUTION NO J,75_ introduced-by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner `-" WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has recommended_ the purchase: of. .a .new truck for the use of the Highway Department, to meet the specifications. set forth in such recommendations, 2't4 (Resolution. No. 175 continued) RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and, directed to Cause to be published once in the. Glens Falls Times, and the Post Star, on or before- November 14, 1962, a notice to read in substantially the following fort: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals .up to 7:00 p.m. on the .29th day of November, 1062, at the Town Clerks Office at 95 Dixon Road, Town of Queenebury, or the Town Highway Department, 2 Aviation Roadd, to supply the Town of Queensbury with one new Hydraulic Dump truck, which must meet the following specifications: Approximately 157 inch wheel base CA. demension not less than 84 inches Motor displacement not less than 330 cubic inches Governor Controlled 6 Or 8 cylinders 50 Amp. low cut in generator or alternator 12 Volt 70r Amp. hour battery 2 Speed Eaton rear Axle -- 18000 lbs. Front Axte 7.000 ,lbs. 5 Speed Transmission .Rear Springs - Approx. 11,500 lbs. fain 2000 lbs. Auxiliary Front Springs . . . . . . . .. 79,800 lbs. Approximately 1100 cu. inch Vacuum reserve tank Vacuum hydraulic brakes Heater and defroster Dual electric wipers Color - green West coast dual mirrors t . Standard tank with auxilliary cylinder gas tank not less than 50 gal. capacity Standard New York State lights with I.C.C. Flasher Truck must have a dump body of 4 yd. cap. - 6 yard end gates- 8 gauge H.D. Hardware Front end hydraulic pump, side delivery plow #425 Frink make, with 10 ft. wing, all hydraulic. Right hand power take off. Queensbury Highway Dept. Trade-in One 1952 International 160 The Town Board will meet in the library of the Queensbury Public School, 75 Aviation Road, Town of Queensbury, on November 29, 19629 at 7:30 p.m. at which time the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Town Board res.erves . the right to reject any or all bids By order of the Town Board .George C. Crannell Dated.- 11/14/62 Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner,, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None 275 RESOLUTION EO. 176 introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has recommended the purchase of a new truck for the use of the Highway Department,, to meet the specifications set forth in such recommendations.. RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and- directed to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times, and the Post Star, on or before November 14, 1962, a notice, to read in substantially the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice` isi` hereby given that the Town Beard of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals up to 7:00' p.m. on the 29th day of November, 1962, at the. Town Clerks office at 95 Dixon Road,, Town of Queensbury, or the Town Highway bepartmeut, 2 Aviation Road, to supply the Town of Queensbury with one new cab and Chasis truck, which must meet the following specification. Standard Cab Not less than 130 inch wheel base Cab to rear axle not less than 60 inch Not less than 220 cu. inch gas motor 6 or 8 cylinders Power take off Front axle or suspension_ not less than `3500 lfs. ` capacity Rear axle not less than.... ... . . . . . ..... .6000 lbs. capacity Leaf type rear springs with auxiliary At least 10 inch H.D. clutch Battery 12 volt 60 Ampere Low cut in generator or alternator `- 4 Speed transmission Dual rear wheels 750 -- 16 or 700 ­- 17 6 ply tube tires Hydraulic brakes Vacuum booster Heater and defroster Dual electric wipers Color - Green West Coast dual mirrors t . Standard N. Y. State lights,, L.C..C. Flasher Trade-in 3/4 Ton International Pick Up. The To4ii 'Board will,_.meet. in 'the library of the Queensbury Public School 75 Aviation Road, Town of Queensbury, on November 29, 1962, at .7:3.0 p.m. at which time. the ,sealed_ bids ..will. be publicly opened and read= aloud.. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Town Board George C. "Crannell Dated: 114/62 Town Clerk Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes , None t The matter of accepti.ng .Birch Lane as a Town Highway was discussed at this time. A letter was read from County Attorney'Albert E. Beswick as follows: October 30, 1962 Mr, John O. Webster, Supervisor Box 86 Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear John: I have prepared and enclose the original and two copies J of an application by Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent. of. Highways, to the. State l epartment. of Public Works for permission to lay out a road_ 13 feet-in. width, from Aviation Road down to what I understand .is being called Peters Road. I have attached to this application copies of the deed from Ball and others conveying to the Town the 13 foot strip and also copies of the survey map showing. the 13 foot strip I felt it was adviseable to attach these. copies so the. Superintendent of Public Works can understand the nature of the road. This application by the Town Superintendent has to be authorized by the Town Board and I enclose herewith an original resolution to be adopted _by your Town Board and have attached to each copy of the application a copy of the resolution to be certified by the Town Clerk. When these papers have been properly executed the original and one copy of the application should be forwarded to J. Burch McMorran, Superintendent of Public Works. ` I believe the usual Procedure is for. him to send the duplicate original application to his district engineer to investigate and report. I assume the Superintendent of Public Works will not be to happy about approving a 13 foot road but it is apparently all you can do at this time. Yours very truly, Albert E. Beswick County Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 177 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson WHEREAS., Leo Ball and Bertha May Ball, his wife,. Joseph C. Brayton. and Leona M. Brayton, his wife; and Royce H. Boynton and Gertrude E. Boynton, his wife, have requested the Town Board and the Town Superintendent of Highways to open anew town highway 13 feet in width from Aviation Road to the road across the Charles V. Peters property, and have tendered a deed conveying -the, lands required for such new town highway, and WHEREAS, there is an existiug. road 12 feet in width from the Aviation Road southerly to lands of Lanfear which will make .the proposed new highway 25 feet in width from Aviation Road to that point but Lanfear refuses. to convey to the towns continuation. of said 12 foot strip across his property, and WHEREAS, IT IS DEEMEIX TO BE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST TO lay out the { proposed 13 foot town highway at this time, be it .J RESOLVED, that Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways, be and he hereby is authorized to- make application to the Superintendent of Pubt a Works. of the. State of New York, pursuant to Section, l7l of the Highway Law, for permission tc lay out such town highway._ Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None 27 In the_t fttter of the Application of BERNARD CODNER, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, 'for Permission to Lay taut, a Town Highway Less than Three Rods in Width. TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK: The `petition of BERNARD CODNER respectfully shows `as follows: _ 1. That your petitioner is the duly elected, qualified and acting Superintendent of Highways of the.Towa of Queensbury, Warren County, New York. 2, That Aviation Road in the said Town of 9beensbury is a Town. road running westerly from the intersection of Route 9 with Quaker°=Road, the mast-'test `By P*ss A6rtherly of the City of Glens Falls, to an interchange with tha._Northway, Interstate Route 87, and still westerly to West. Mountain Road. There are several sub- divisions on Aviation Road westerly of Route 9 and the Queensbury School is also on Aviation Road, and .traffic from the Hudson Falls- Fort Edward area and from Route .4 use Quaker Road and Aviation Road for access to the Northway. 3. That southerly of Aviation Road is another town highway runnings westerly from Route 9 from. a point aboutit ;oppo site the Queensbury PPLasa shopping-,center., The right of way for this town highway was conveyied bXoVharles_V,& Platers to the Town of Queensbury many years ago but was opened as a .town highway until 1962`. Charles V. Peters had laid out a parcel of _land southerly of Aviation Road and westerly of Route 9 as a subdivision many years ago but. it was never developed and is now being prepared for another shopping center. The road westerly from Route 9, just opened this year, w ll be the principal entrance. .to the proposed new shopping center. 4. At the present time there is a 12 foot road from Aviation Road southerly to lands of Alfred Lanfear. 5, Leo Ball and Bertha May Ball, his wife, Joseph C. Brayton and Leona M. Brayton, his wife, and Royce H. Boyntou and Gertrude E. Boynton, his wife, have executed a deed, dated October 4, 1962, a copy of which is annexed_hereto, _whereby they convey to the Town-of Queensbury a strip of. land 13 feet. in_width from Aviation Road southerly to he new,road recently opened from Route 9 west- erly to the Charles V. Peterq property., Also attached hereto is a dopy of a survey map entitled ."Map of lands of Leo Ball and Bertha Way Ba1L"�, dated JanuaVy 13 1961, made by Glenn B. Coulter licensed land surveyor„ which shows this proposed 13 foot town highway with the "designation, 'lane". 6. As shown by the annexed. maps, the proposed town highway will be 25 feet in width from_Aviati®n Road souihto the property designated as "Alfred Lanfear"* It had. been the intention of your petitioner to open a town. highway 25 feet in width from Aviation Road southerly to the. Charlss...V. .Peters, road but Lgnfear willnnot permit the extension of the 12 foot right of way across his property, so your petitioner will be able: to open only a 13 foot road from the Laufea=r property. southerly to. the Charles,V. Peters road,, 7. There are only three families now living on the westerly side of the proposed new highway, shown on said map as "lane" and they are the same persons_who have executed the deed annexed hereto. '1 Although the proposed new town highway will. connect two roads, Aviation Road and the Peters Road,, it is not likely that it will carry any great amount of traffic because of Route 9 just easterly and Seage Road just westerly. 8. This application is made at the direction of the .Town Board of the Town of Queensbury as evidenced by a resolution duly adopted at- a- meeting._of the__ Town. Board held. on the 8th day of November, 1962, a certified copy of which is annexed hereto. BEFORE, your petitioner requests that a certificate be made 'by the Superintendent of Public Works of the State of New York pursuant to Section 171 of the Highway Law, authorizing and approving the raying out of the proposed town highway to the width of thirteen feet. Dated: Novi er 10, 1962' Bernard J Codner Town NupeFintendent of Highway of the Town of Queensbury, Warren Copnty, New York STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF WARREN BERNARD CODNER, being duly sworn, deposes and says thkt, he is the petitioner named in and who .executed the foregoing petition; that he has read the same and knows the contents thereof; that :the same is true to his own knowledge except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged. upon information and belief and that as to those matters., he believes it to be true. Bernard J. Codner Sworn to before me on this day of 01962 Notary Public Action on this matter will be taken by the Superintendent of High- ways at an'early date. The Superintendent of Highways reported on the progress ,in the rebuilding of the Reservoir Park�Sewer system. The pumps and heater will be installed in a building which is constructed at present. The final preparation of this system for winter weather will be accomplished at an aarly-date. RESOLUTION NO. 178 introduced by Mr. Akins seconded by Mr. Lampoon. RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury„ renew the lease with Edward Cole, for storage of the tractor for the town dump, for a period of one year, commencing October li 1962 at the rate of. $10000 per month. C The Supervisor is hereby authorized and dfrefted to enter into an agreement to continue the' ease .of.Edward Cole dated November lot, 1960. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes 1*. Beaty, Mr, Turner, W. Lampoon, Mr. Akins.-and Mr. Webster Noes None Abalene Pest Control Service Inc. November 69 1962 Mr, John Webster Chestnut Ridge Road, Glens Falls, New York 2?. (Letter Abalene Pest Control Service Ins. - continued) Dear. Mr._ Webster: , Thank you for your interest in the rodent control program at the Town of_Queensbury dump. . We have rendered t peat control service for the year 1962 on a' monthly service basis And have achieved good control. it is quite; natura]. that, in theFah,� �ca8, would migrate to the dump- from the surrounding_ areaa .for. food, shelter and whrmth. f In order to get even better Qontrol .I believe it would be well to render semimonthly treatments:.for the six busiest months' , of the-,dear rand monthly treatments for the. remainder, plus :our Spring and Fall program of gass.In4 rat. burrows. This complete service should give excellent..control. Should any problems. arise between services,, it is our policy to render whatever. additional servicefisnecessary at no extra charge. The Cost of this complete program.w4Q d ,be ,six months at $30.00 per month and ,six months at $20.00. per mouth. If there are any further questions, ,,or if. I.,could be of help, I would be glad to. attend the nest board meeting. We would ap�reeiate authorizatioA as .soon as possible. Fall is a critical tine ,in ,.rodent control. Sincerely, Fred C. Oberst District Manager The board agreed to invite Mr. Fred Oberst, District Manager for Abalen,e Pest Control , to attend a meeting of the Town Board on November 29, 1962. Thepurchase of the property for the site of the proposed new Town Hall was approved by the board. Resolution for Purchase of Site for Town Hall RESOLUTION NO. 179 introduced_ ;by,Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty WHEM , this.,Tow. Board has ,heretofore. authoriaed and option to purchas lands ,.of H . Dewey_I4ller._for the sum. of $8,000,00 as a site ;or a tome hall„ and WHEVAS, it appears desireable_ to acquire such property, be it RESpLVED, that the Taws of Qe eensbury,purghase from H. Dewey Miller the lands situated oa the southerly side of Aviation Road as described in tbe._ .d. afores .optioa for the SU% of. $8,400.00 to be paid from. surplus funds:: available .far. that purpose, and be it further RESOLVIWO that the Supervisor be and -he hereby is .authorized to pay.t @,-H. Dewey Miller the sum .of;,.$8,09Q.00 -for a ,deed conveying said"VVemisea to the .Towa of .Queemobury,,_ provided s he title and the form of the deed are approved by the County Attorney. Duly adopted by.the following- vote: Aye* -'Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None r 280 RESOLUTION NO. 180 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Turner RESOLVED,. that the following are hereby confirmed as active Volunteer Firemen, of the Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. as of. Novem- ber 1, 1962. Aronson„ David M. Aronson, Herman - Bardin, Benjamin E. Barrett, Jack Bisignano, Domiano Bovair, Wallace Bowman, Otis L. Bowman., John Bubbs, Franke. Chambers, Ralph` Chambers, Floyd Coons, Kenneth Dougher, Thomas Durkee, Fred Elms, Clarence H. Ferguson, Milton Flaver,,, John Frye, Robert .C. Harris, Curtis Harvey, James Hawley, Charles H. Hay, Victor Holley, Daniel Huntley, Brier Ingraham, Thurston Joslin, Allen E. Kubricky, John Kubricky, Richard Kellogg, Russell Landry, Douglas Licht., Rev Divoux Mareantonio Alfred Martindale, Clayton Martindale, Floyd - Martindale,. Irving Melanson, Francis Monahan, Robert Maille,• Peter G. Mellon, William Martindale, Francis .McKinney, Kenneth O'Hare, Frederick Ogden, Charles Porter, Donald C. Robinson, Richard W. Rathbun, Harold Smith, Clarence Smith, Erwin Stevenson, Clarence Stevenson, Vb1terce Stewart, John Stone, Richard Turnbull, Arthur Johnson, Eugene VanDusen, Sidney VanVorst, Donald- Webster, John: O Wells, Donald Wilson, Warren Zverblis, Frank J. Emergency ,Squad Only Blowers, Leah Martti dal Susan Chambers, Lena martel, ivian Chambers, Ruth Melansoav Viola Holley, Elizabeth VanVor$t, Esther Kubricky, Dorothy Wilson, Barbara Martindale,, Carolyn - Wilson.,, Virginia Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None MONTHLY STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR October, 1962 Date Receipt Amount Received Source Received Various From Forrest Cranne -Water rents-To.N.B.F.Ext. 4923925,29 $10380.16 5 From Frank Cowles-Cemetery fees-to Pineview 528.00 5 From George C. Crannell-Town Clerk's fees- General Fund 75.00 5 - From Cale Development-Co.-Deposit Montgomery-Ward. .. to General Fund 59000.00 16 From PineView-to payroll Acet. for Payroll #19 ,397.83 16 From Highway-to payroll Acct. for Payroll #20 21.626.38 17 From State of New York-Justice fees,to Gen.Fund 1,453.00 18 From Glens Falls National Bank & Trust-for water Contract #1-to Capital Note Acct, 1 25,000,40 19 N.G.F.W. Ext.-Labor on Bay Rd. Ext. to Highway 147.25 Various From-Forrest Crannell-water rents-to N,G.F Water , 684,87 23,25,299,31 26 Shore Colony-Payroll #10-To Payroll Acact. 50.00 26 From=Ridge Rd. Water-Payroll #10-to Payroll Acct. 8,33 26 From W.G.F, Water-Payroll #10-to Payroll Acct. 40.00 -- 26 From N.G.F, Water-Payroll #10-toPayroll Acct. 83.33 26 From General Fund-Payroll #10-to Payroll Aect. 3,173.30 29 From Forrest CrannellTwater rents to'R dge Road 212.25 Various From Forrest Crannell-water rents-to W,,p.F.Water -296.30 29,31,33. 30 From Glens Falls National Bank & Trust-Int. on O.D. • , - to Highway, Fund 125.58 30 From Smith-payment on water mains-toff.F.F.Wtr.Ext. 603.75 31 From PineView-Payroll #20-to Payroll Account 481.83 31 From Highway-Payroll #21-to Payroll Account 3 134.78 Total Receipts 281 DISBURSEMENT Date Amount Paid Fund 9 &c,o_uat Pai October, Highway 4 , 0. 5 General 6,443.22 19445.06 W.GF., Water;; 40.00 N.G.F. Water 294.91 N.G.P. Water jort. Ridge Road Water 190.33 Shore Colony 61.24 41.08 gort Amherst-Garrisou Road: Light 168.46 Reservoir Park 90.00 Payroll Account 109627.14 Capital Note Account r ` 3 716.10 - Total disbursements $ 411835*.P3 The Supervisor, reported that the' County of Warren, has requested the State of New York., to taka over, Quaker Road. Action on this matter will be. forthcoming at an early date. November. 8,, 1962 Tor All members of the Board Subjects Bank Interea.t, Now that the Glens Falls National 'Bank & Trust Company has credited, our accouAt for interest. that will become payable to us during the G,urrent year, I wish to advise the board regarding interest income .earaed by the Town during the year 1962, by making the. following reports , FUND I T EARRNEtJ' R .`e Road Water .F West Glens Falls Water Fund 341.66 Highway Fund 1198.46 Capital Reserve Fund 526.54 Queenabury Fire Protection Fund , 159.12 TOTAL INTEREST_ EARNED BY THE TOWN DURING '1962_ $ 2362.44 If present interest. rates continue, we should beable to continue this program for the _year 1963. with similar results. Respectfully submitted: Johx ;.O. Webster, Supervisor The report of Sm CoIast ruction i6i the month of. October,, 1962, was accepted and filed.. The staitings for the month were numbered at 14. RESOLiJ,16N No. x.81 BAND RESOLUTION OF ,I4OVEM M 8.r 1962, ADI !HORIZING .THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF SERIAL BONDS OF -THE T 00 QUEENSBURt.. WARREN COUNTY, 10W `C"r IN THE AM NT OF $8v000.00 TO PAY COST OF ADDITION.T4 SEWERAGE ,TVATNM, PLANT IN RESERVOIR PARKSEW& DISTRICT Mr. Lampsou introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption„ seconded by Mr,.-Akins BE IT RESOLVED this 8th 88y" bf N®®enoer, 1962, by the; Town Board of the Town of Queensbujry,, Warren Coanty., Neiw York, as follows: 282 (Resolution 181 - continued) Section 1. The construction of new leaching pits, sewer- age collection pit, pumping station, pumps, equipment, tile and mains to -correct deficiencies .in_the .existing sewerage disposal system in, Reservoir Park Sewer District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, are hereby authorized and to provide funds to defray the cost thereof $8,,000.00` of' general obligation serial bonds- of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,,* New. York, to be of the terms, form and contents hereinafter provided- for, shall be- issued pursuant to the provisions of- the local Finance Law of the State- of New York. Section. 2. The estimated maximum cost of 'the project or purpose for which such serial bonds are to be issued, to wit. an -� addition to the sewerage treatment plant in the Reservoir Park Sewer- District, is $89,000.00. Section 3. The plan for the financing of such object or purpose, to wit: the addition to the sewerage treatment plant in the Reservoir Park Sewer District,, consists of they issuance of serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury in the principal sum of $8,000.00 to pay such cost. Section 4. It is hereby determined that the object or purpose for which such serial bonds are to be issued falls within sub-paragraph 4 of subdivision (a) of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law and that the period. of probable_usefulness_ of . adch object or purpose is thirty years. Section 5. The proposed maturity of the serial bonds hereby authorized will not be in excess of ten years. Section 6. The said $8,000.00 of serial bonds shall be of the denomination of $800.00 each, numbered from 1 to 14, inclusive, maturing, in numerical order in the amount of $800.00 in each of the years 1963. to 1972, inclusive, and shbl.l bear interest at a rate not -exceeding three and one-half per centum per annum. j Section. 7.. Except as herein specifically provided,, the power to determine. the terms, forms, contents, date,, rate 'of- interest and dates for the payment of interest, and the place of payment of said bonds is hereby, delegated to the Supervisor, consistent, ,hcw- ever, with the provisions of the Local Finance Law, of the 3t`ate of New York. Section g. The Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to sell said bonds at private sale at a price of not less than par value plus secured interest,, if any,. and when sold to deliver said bonds. to the purchaser upon. payment to him of the purchase price including accrued interest and the receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser who shall. .not' be obliged tear, see to the ppplication of the purchase money. Section 9. The faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury are hereby pledged to the payment of the principal. of.•and .interest on said bonds as the same shall. become due. An amount sufficient to pay the principal - of and interest on said bonds as the same becomes due each year shall be' included in the annual budget of the Town of Queensbury for the year, and the said bonds shall not be renewed. Section:. 10. This resolution shall take effect 'immediately. The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote which re- sulted as follows: John 0. Webster, Supervisor yes t Harold C. Akins, Councilman des N. ,Harwood Beaty, Councilman yes Curtis Lampson,. Councilman ��ye Theodore Turner, Councilman Yes 2S3 RESOLUTION NO. 182 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE RESOLUTION, DATED NOVEMBER 8, 1962, AUTHORICING ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NOTES OF TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, VA,RREN, COUNTY,. NEW YORE,,, IN ANTICIPATION OF , SALE OF $&VA00,*_Mt-SERI w .SONPS FOR, APPITION, TO SEWERAGE, DISPOSAL SYSTEM IN RESERVOIR PARR 3E0EE DISTRICT. Mr. Lampoon introduced tbe_fol.lowing resolution and Moved its adoption„ seconded by Mr. Turner. _ Whereas, the Town Board of the, Town of .Queensbury, Warren County,, New York, has heretofore at this meetiag _adopted a, resole tion authorizing the_ issuaace.-of certain srial. bouds in the amount of $80000.00 to pay the ' c6st '-of addition to' sewerage disposal plant in the Reservoir Park Sewer District, and Whereas, ,there are .no bond anticipation notes outstanding which have been previously issued in anticipation of the sale of the aforesaid bonds, and , Whereas, the Town Board desires to make immediately avail- able a portion of the funds to- be_ provided by the issuance and sale of said serial bonds by the_ iasuance and_sale of a bond anticipation note, BE ,IT RESOLVE,D. by the Town Board of the Town of Qneensbury, Warren-County, New Rork, on this. 8th day of November, 1962, as f olkews Section k. A bond .anticipation note in the_.amoust of $5,000.002 shall be issued by the Town of Queensbury, Warren. County.. New York ,. for the purpose, aforesaid and in, anticipation of the sale of serial..bosds of. said Town of Queensbury in the amount �of $90000.00_as aforesa d_heretofore. au6borizwd by said resolution adopted at this meating .entitled. "Bond Resolution. of November 8, 1962,_ Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Serial Bonds of the•,Towq of Queensbury,, Warrea County, New ,York,.An the Amount of .$8,Q00;.00 to Pay Cost of,,Addition to, Sewerage. Treatment Plant in Resvv9ir_ P=k Sewer District", Such bond anticipation note hereby authorized. -is, an original..note and not a renewal note. Section i. Such note, shal.; be dated November 9, 1:962, or- such later date as the Supery sor_.shall determine, ,will. bear interest at a rate not exceeding-three and one-half per centum. per annum. payable at maturity, will mature on the 9th day od May, 1963, will be payable .as to. both principal and interest in lawful. money of the United. States of America at the Glens Falls National Bar sad Trust Company, and wi,1L be sigue& ;Ln she-manp of the Town of Queensbury .by the Supervisor and attested by'the Town Clerk and will be sealed with the ;seal:_ of ,said Town. of Queensbury. Section , . Except as. herein_ pec4teally 'provided, the said bond anticipation note_shall_be _af such form, terms and con- tents as the Superv:Lxor tshaLL d�et,�ermitn4.,, consistent, haRever,, with the provisions of the..Local Finance Law. of the State of New -York. Section 4. The faith and, credit of the Towq:-of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, are .hereby pledged for the payment of the principal_pf, bid: interest „.on: .said_.bond anticipation note. Such bond anticipation note shall, be­:paid from the proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds or may be redeemed. as provided by the Local Finance Law of the'State of New York. Section 5. The Supervisor is hereby authorized to sell such bond anticipation note at private sale for not less than par value and accrued interest, if.. any, and the Supervisor is authorized to deliver such bond anticipation note to the purchaser upon pay- 284 (Resolution No. 182 - continued) ment of the purchase price and accrued interest„ if any,. as above specified. The receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase stoney. __ I Section 6. Said bond anticipation note is not issued in anticipation of bonds for an assessable improvement-. Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The foregoing resolution was suly put to a rote which resulted as follows: John 0, Webster, Supervisor yes Harold C. Akins, Councilman yes Ni, Harwood Beaty,. Councilman yes Curtis Lampoon, Councilman Yes Theodore Turner,, :Councilman yes November 8, 1962 Mr. John 0. Webster, Supervisor Chestnut Ridge Road, Glens Falls, N,: Ye. Dear John. Rez. North Glens Falls Water District Encbosed a re bills in the amount of $200.00 each for legal services in connection with Extensions. No. 7 and No. .B to the North Glens -,Falls Water District: . Zhis is the amount set up in the plan filed with the Town Board for ExtensiotiIN6 7` under Article 12-A and I am sure the same amount was added in the estimate contained in the petition for Extension No. 8. I did the same work in connection with Extension No.6 but according to my notesthe petition provided for payment to the Town by the petitioners of the cost of construction and that nothing was added for legal services. I have prepared tthe petition for Extension No.. 9- which will -include Yaf fee And DeLong but that extension is waiting ''on the agreement between Yaffee ands `DeeLong. I have added, $5000 to the $350.00 which 3s to be paid to the Town for the main up Country Club Road and when this is paid to the Town, I shall bill you for the $550.00. Incidentally, please advise me whether the main up Country Club Road. is 6 inch or 8 inch. Yours very truly, Albert E. Beswick RESOLUTION NO, 183 introduced by Mr. Akins,.`seconded by Mr Turner, RESOLVED, that the November 8th, 1962, Audit 'of Claims as listed in Abstract #62-11, containing claims numbered 728 through 852 inclusive and' totaling' $11,059 01 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes Mr, Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and 1&, Webster. Nees - None On motion the meeting `was adjourned. R ectfully tted ' G orge C. anne T Town Clerk