1961-01-06 SP 171
gPACLOX Meeting Tanuary 6, 1961
Presgnt: - -
,John Webster.; Supervisor
Curtis Lampoon Councilman
Stanley R. Miller Councilman
Meeting called to order at 7.30 P.M.
P Smith who was resent resented an application of the
p p pp Queenabury
Central Voluntaer Fire Company Incorporated requesting a license to
hold bingo games. i
Resolution No. 21 introduced by Mr. Lampoon, seconded by Mr. Miller
w ereas an,,application has been made to this Board by the Queensbury
Central.:Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated for a license to conduct
bingo games, and
Whereas an investigation has been made by this -Board and after-such in-
vestigation the Board makes the following findings and determinations:
1. That the applicant is a qualified organization as defined
by law;
2. That all of the members designated to conduct games are
bonafide active members of the applicant organization;
3,. That all the -members designated to conduct games and the
assistants are of good moral character;
4. That all the members designated to conduct games and the
assistants have never been convicted of a crime;
5. That ,the games are to be held according to the Bingo License
Law, and rules and regulations of the State Lottery Control
Commission and local ordinances;
6. That the entire net proceeds are to be used solely for the
purposes permitted by the Bingo License Law;
7. That there is satisfactory proof that no commission, salary,
compensation, reward or recompense will .be paid or given to
any person for the conducting of games or assistance thereon
.except to the extent allowed by ]A w;
8. There is satisfactory proof that the type and value of prizes
will conform to law;
9. That no rent for the premises is being paid, and as a result
of the findings and determinations stated above, license is
FURTHER, RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be sad is hereby authorized
-and directed to sign the necessary findings and determinations and is-
sue a license to conduct Bingo games in accordance with the application
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr, Lampoon, and Mr, Webster
Noes - None _
Resolution No. 22. introduced by Mr. Miller, secondeU by Mr, Lampson
RESOLVED that the bonds of the following Town Officers of the Town
of Queensbury are approved as to form, amount, manner of execution and
sufficiency of surety, as follows:
.� Number Surety Principal Amount
82-24-93 Glens Falls Insurance Co. George Liapes. , +*000.
Collector of
Number Surety Principal mount
82-25-35 Glens Falls Insurance Co. Theodore Turner, .$4,000.
Colt*ator of Ridge
Road Water District
82-26-36 Glens Falls Insurance Co. Jack Crannel, $47000.
Collector of the
82 -25-53 Glens Falls Insurance Co. Raymond Hoague, $4,000.
FURTHER RESOLVED that .the members of this Board present aigty�
a certificate to that effect upon each of the det Bribed bonds6.3u1y
adopted by the following votes .
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. hampson and Mr. Webster
Noes - None
On motion the meeting adjourned
Town Clerk
Regu7a r Meeting January 12, 1961
John 0, Webster Supervisor
Harold; Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley B. Miller Councilman
The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor at 7.40 P.M.
Ralph Nestle was present. +
Frank Morgan was present and discussed with the 'Board a development
which he is laying out and proposed streets therein..
Mr. Akins reported that he had a letter from the Plibrico Sales &
Service which confirmed an appointment with the Town Board for Thurs-
day evening January 26th at 7:30 P.M. which reads:
January 10, 1961
Mr. H. C. Akins
23 Main Street
Glens Falls, New York
Subject: Proposed Incinerator
For the Town of Queensbury
Dear Myer. Akins
I tntlose herewith the paper on the disposal of Municipal
Waste about which I told you on the phone yesterday. _ I trust
that you will find it helpful.
I also confirm my appointment to met with you and the town
board on Thursday 'evening January 26th. , at 7:30 PM.
Very truly yours ,
SBH:J$ S. B. Higgins