1961-01-26 Rejular Meeting January 26, 1961 Present: _ _ John 0. Webster Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins - Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson - Councilman Stpnley B. Miller Councilman The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor at 7:40 P.M.` Powel South was prest-nt ant presented an application to amend a bingo license issued to the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company Inc. requesting the license to be amended-to inelude the four Saturday even. ings during the month of February 1961. - Resolution No. 25 introduced by Mr. 'Miller, seconded by Mr. Lampson. . Whereas the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company Inc. has submitted an application to amend its bingo license for the year 1961- (l) and has submitted the required fee of $40 and whereas the application is in due form and complies with the stkdbes in guch cases made and provided, and Whereas an investigation, has been made by this Board and after such in- vestigation the Board-`makes fhe=following findings and determinations: 1. That the applicant is a "qualified organization as defined by law; ' 2. That all the members designated to *conduct games bonafide active ` members of the applicant organization; 3. That all the members, designated to conduct games, and the assist- ` ants', are of good moral character; - 4. That all the members designated -to conduct games, and the a silt- antg', have never been convicted �)f a crime; 5. That the games are to be held .according, to the Bingo Licensing, Law,' the Roles and Regulations of the State Lottery Control _ Commission, and local ordinances; - 6. Thar the entire net proceeds are to be used solely for purposes permitted by the Bingo Licensing Law; - 7. That` there is satisfactory proof thot no commission, salary, T compensation, reward or recompense will be paid or given to any persbrn for conducting the games or assisting therein, except to the extent allowed by Law; 8. That there is satisfactory proof that the type and value of ` prizks will conform to Law; 9. That no rent for the premises is being paid and as a result of. . the findings and determinations stated abovg, license is granted. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed.to sign the necessary findings and determinations and '`is -- sue 'an 'amendment license to conduct bingo games in accordance with the application received.. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr, Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Webster. Noes None The following communication was received and read to the Board: Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. 1 Foster Avenue Glens Falls, New York 14 January, 1961 Town Board Town of Queensbury Warren County, New York Dear Sirs: The following is a complete roster of the Officers and Fireman of 77 �q the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company Inc, , 1 Fester Avenue, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York. Officers President—r ------------------------------Robert F. Stott Vice. Prgsident -------------------------Karl- Chadwick Sepretary---------------------------- ..C..-powel-South Asp't Secretary-------------------------Fredrick Howard Treasurer-------------------------------Paul Sperry pirectora--r------------......-------------John Schoelermann --_ _ _______Harry- Stewart ---_ARdrew-R. -Butz Chief=----- -- -------------------------a. Floyd Sleight 1st Asst. Chief-- ----••-------------Bertram-Martin 2nd Asst. Chief-------------------------George Liapes ------MM ---Robert-Dickinson Lieutenant -- -••-..----------...r..--------_Geerge--Reese Chaplin -----r--------------------------LeRoy-6erdon Captian of Fire Police------------------Kenneth Gage Fireman- (members) drew Butz r-------- -------- AA R - ----- 2-Glendale Drive Glens Fal s,NY Karl Chadwick---------------- RD-#1-- -- - Lake George,NY Bernard Codner-t+------------- -----RD-#2-. --- -_- Glens Falls,NY Georgia Daley----.---------- �.».►-..RA_#1_--- -------- n IN r, Robert Dickinson -------------------21a•Lafayette-St. tt tt n Kenneth Gage------------------------RD-#1 --- tt it tt Le Roy Gordon ---------------..------14-Foster-Avenue st +t rt Robert M. Griffin ------------------RD-#2------ tt tt tt Charles Howe------------------- 88 Glenwood-Ave. tt tt tt Frederick Howard--------------------B-Hilcrest--Ave. tt tt ++ Owen Kane-- Bay-Read---- - �+ ►,r tt Charles King*-------------.,---------33-AviatieR-Rd. tt tt tt Gerald LaClair r-----------------—_5l-Av-iatien­Rd-.- Malcolm Lester -------------------- RD-#2--_ _ Frederick Leuenberger ----- Lake George,NY George Mapes --------------..-------3 Foster--Avenue Glens Falls ,NY Bertram Martin---------------.-------RD•-#2- __ - - it n it J. Ernest Miller----- _-144-Ridge-Street it to +t Clayton Ramsey----------------------690 Glen Street It tt it George Reese------------------------34 Prospect Drive tt tt it Francis Robillard--------7--------_-RD_ #1. tt tt tt Y 56 Western Avenue James Robison �'r.___________________ tt tt_ tt John Schoelermann-------------------54 Aviation Road +t tt ' tt Frank Shortell----------------------11 Vista Court It if tt J. Floyd Sleight--------------------111 Aviation Rd. tt it tt Jesse Smith----••--------------------121 Dixon Road tt +t »' C.Powel South.. "ww------------- --29 Parkview Ave. +t tt tt Paul Sperry-------------------------171 Dixon Road it tt tt David Sperry---------------------_-MRD #1 Lake George,NY Arthur Stewart ------w------- ----«.....RD #2 Glens Falls ,NY Harry Stewart-----------------------RD #2 tt tt tt Robert F. Bay Road tt ++ tt Walter Whitman----------------------178 Aviation Rd. tt tt tt Total Active Membership ---33 e men on heave----------------0 Total Roster---------------33 The above list will be added to or subtracted from as the mem- bership of this Company changes by letter to the Town Board, from the Secretary of this Company. A new list of Off icers'of this Company will be submitted in April, 1961 after the'Annual Election. Yours Truly C.Powel South Secretary i?8 Resolution No. 26 iAtroduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Akins RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby confirmed as active Volunteer Firemen of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company Inc. Andrew R. Butz ----------- Drive, Glens Falls,NY., Karl Chadwick ---------------------RD-#'£---------hake-George,NY Bernard Codner---------------------wRP-#2--- ---- .Glens Fallb NY George Daley -----------------------RP-#1--_ _--- --u_ tt- tf Robert Dickinson--------------------2le.-Lefayette-St.GlensFalls,ITY. Kenneth Gage------------------------RD #1 it LeRoy Gordon--------------------- 14 Foster Ave. tr It tt Robert M. Griffin --_-v-------------RD-#2-------- ---- Charles Howe -----------------------88--Glenweed Ave." Frederick Howard--------------------8-Hilerest-Ave. Owen Kane------------ -,•-«..« Charles King------ «•••.,- •«....«....•.«.�«.w+.33 Av3atieR-Rd,-'-' tt Gerald LeClair--•-•-M�A�A �k.r«wwr..11fD � -Ai73eeR-Rdi-1' -- •' { Malcolm Lester----------- Frederick Leuenberger---------------RD_#1 Lake George,NY George Liapes-----------------------3--Fester-Ave.- Glens Falls,NY Bertram Martin------------------w-..weeRD #2------ - tt tt n J. Ernest Miller------------------.-144-Ridge-6t-*- " " ++ Clayton Ramsey------ wwrw- wrwwt+w�«.69©-G}ee-Sti----tt » n George Reese---------------- --------34-Prespeet Dr, t' tr sr Francis Robillard-------------------RD-#1- _ _ __. �� + •� James Robison Jr. ------------------56-Western-Ave. John Schoelermann ------------------54-Aviation Rd. Frank Shortell --------7--wwr-------11-vista-Court- J. Floyd Sleight--w-----------------111 AviatienRd. Jesse Smith----------------- Rd-*--- C. Powell South---------------------29-Parkyiew Ave-* Paul Sperry-_ ----------------371-Dixon- Rd,, David Sperry------------------------gD-#I- Lake George,NY Arthur Stewart—--------------------RD #2: Glens Falls NY Harry Stewart------------------------RD#Z ----- Robert F. Stott----------------------257-$ay Road t' '• f' Walter Whitman----------------------378 AviationRd. " Duly adopted by the following vote.------- ---------- --_ - { Ayes Mr, Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr iampson, Mr.-Akins, and Mr. Webster Noes - None _ ---.._______---_--- The following communication was read-to-the-Board-in-reference to census: f STATE OF-NEW-YORK-------------- " DEPARTMENT-OF-STATE----- EPARTMENT-OF STATE----- - ALBAN--- - -------------------- ----------------- January 10, 1961 Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk -- --"---- ----------- -- Town of Queensbury `_----- _----- 338 Ridge Street - ------ ------------- -- Glens Falls , New York Dear Sir: -The Bureau of the Census of the United--S'tatea Department of Commerce has filed in this office an authenticated statement of the final popula- titan count in the State of New York as determined by the recent census made by that office. As you know, Section 11 of the Town Law requires that .the Secretary { of State shall file with the Town Clerk of each town which has a popula- tion of 5000 or more, as shown by the last census conducted by the U.S. Department of Commerce, a copy of such authenticated statement. The report indicates that the population of your town is 5000 or more. Accordingly, I am enclosing herewith a copy of the authenticated report for filing in your office pursuant to the provisions of said Section 11 of the Town Law. Will you please acknowledge receipt and filing. Very truly yours Enclosure Secretary of State 1-' 9 The Town Clerk reported that the report had been received and 4fi,,gA, on January 13th, 1961 and that the report showed that the census of the Town taken for the year 1960 was 10,004. The Board discussed the effect of the increase of the population of the Town over the 10,000 and thereby making it a first class To�n which would effect the composition of the Town Board and may effect other Town officers. ` Resolution Nb. 27 introduced by Mr. Miller,` seconded by W. Lamp- son _ RESOLVED that the Supervisoax� be _and is hereby directed to confer with the County Attorney in reference to change` of the Town of Queens- _ bury from a second class Town to a_f itst class Town and its effect on the Town Government's structure. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes -" Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, W. Akins, and Mr. Webster ` Noes - None The following application was presented to the Board: January 15 , 1961 Town Board Town of Queensbury' Gentlemen: It is my understanding that there is a vacancy existing in _ the position of bog Warden. 1 have the facilities for taking care of the position and I herehy' make application for the position. I have been a resident of the Town of Queensbury and an el- ector therein for a number of years. If my application is acting upon favorably, I will perform the duties of dog warden to the best of my ability. Sincerely, Floyd E. Pickett _ Mountain View Lane RFD#7, Glens Falls ,NY The Board generally discussed the matter of a dog warden and after discda ian the Supervisor appointed a committee of two of this Board comprising of Mr. Akins and Mr., Lampson and after an inquiry into the applicant to make a factual report respecting the applicant's. facilities necessary for the handling of the position of dog warden. Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways, was present and discussed with the Board as to whether the road leading off George Gradys to C. Jenkins farm is a Town road. The Board discussed the matter. The Supervisor read the following report: I. Report regarding Equalization Rate for 1961 for Town of Queensbury. By ,authority of a resolution adopted by the board last month, the Supervisor was authorized to retain Attorney Richard Bartlett to take whatever action was deemed proper` to protect the interests of they Town of Queensbury concerning the 1961 Equalization Rate, ten- t 180 tatively set for the Town at 43. Initial action taken was to request the State Board of Equalization to grant an extention in the matter of a hearing into the rate, to thereby enable us to study the subject. This request was granted. Several conferences were held with- attorney Bartlett, and On January 11, 1961, Stanley Miller and I, with attorney Bartlett, had a conference with Mr. Bergeren of the State-Department of Equalization & Assessment, in Albany, concerning our tentative rate. While we are not in complete agreement with the State Board in i:t methods used in determining equalization rates, such as its method of limited sampling, and its method of "so called averaging" of sev- eral different tax rolls , yet, after careful consideration we have not been able to find any definite basis wherein, we could hope to be4suc- cessful in further complaint at this time. We have been advised that a new hearing date for our Town has been set for February° 15, 1961, at 10:00 a.m. , and if we intend to- appear we are asked to notify them accordingly. Unless some member of the Board feels that we can accomplish something further, or unless our attorney feels that we should take further action, it appears at this time that we have no basis for further action on this matter. John 0. Webster, Supervisor The Supervisor made the following recommendation: I would like to recommend again to the board that we invest surplus funds in certificates of deposit for the year 1961. If this is done in accordance with the following resolution we could anticipate earn- ing the following interest for the town & its special districts. $ 109000 West Water (already on deposit by prior resolution) $300.00 49000 Ridge Rd. Water (already on deposit by prior resolution) 120.00 609000 Highway funds - six months 900.00 309000 " « three months 75.00 91000 Fire Prot. Dist - six months 135.00 Mm.w TOTAL M TICIPATED INTEREST .. . . . . .. . ... .. John 0, Webster, Supervisor RESOLUTION NO. 28 introduced by Mr.- Akins, seconded by Mr. Miller Whereas, the Town of Queensbury presently has- available and on deposit in 'the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company funds from the collection of 1961 taxes, a considerable portion of which is not required for immediate expenditure, and Whereas, it is provided by section 11 of the General Municipal Law that a municipality may temporarily invest such funds in special time deposit accounts or certificates of deposit provided the same are pay- _ able within such time as such funds shall be needed to meet expenditures -for which such moneys were obtained and appropriated, be it RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury invest the sum of $60,000 from the Highway Fund and $9,000 from the Queensbury Fire Protection District Funds in Certificates of Deposit of the Glens Falls National Sank & Trust Company for six months at the rate of 3% per annum, -end the sum of $30,000 from the Highway Fund in certificate of deposit in the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company for three months at the rate of one percent per annum, and be it further 181 RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to draw checks on the funds now on deposit in t h e Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company in the several_: accounts of the Town of Queensbury for investment in such certificates of deposit authorized by this resolution but not exceeding in t h e aggregate the amount hereby authorized, but further, provided that such certificate of. deposit be secured as provided by Section 11 of the General Municipal Law. Duly adopted by the following vote: ` Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes - None The following people were present at the Board meeting in connect- ion with the incinerator matter and other town business: Ames Barber, President of the Broadacres Association Edward Mc Cullough B. R. Dahl ' W. Schoenberg Winnie Zbozanski Reba A. Mason Samuel W. Patterson - George Thurston Mr. Bell ' R. Nestle L.F. Beckerle LeRoy Griffin Fred R.ozelle Robert Fraser At this point in the meeting S.B. Higgins and Earl Landfear,consulting engineer entered and discussed with the Board incineration and a incinerator plan of sufficient capacity to take dike of the needs of the Town of Queensbury. The Board discussed the matter in detail as to size and probable cost of the construction of such a plan. After a request Mr. Higgins agreed to submit to the Board cost of the construction of the incinerator which had been constructed for municipalities of compariable size of the Town of Queensbury. The Board discussed the conditions existing at the junk yard owned by Howara Ladd. Supervisor stated that Mr. Ladd had submitted a fee for renewal of his previous license. The Board also entered into a discussion respecting the benefit basis estgblished for the drainage district in the Town of Queensbury. On motion the meeting adjourned. t"AP_�. r Town Clerk w _