1961-04-13 205 Regular Meetium April 13, 1961 Present: . Joha 0. Webster Supervisor Harold Akins Justice of tl Peace Curtis Lampaon . Councilman Stanley-B, Miller Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:30 Pit. James Griffin- of the Country plub, Road was present and discussed with the Board the dog quarantine and also the matter of zoning. f gd Bly©u,, 4d Splding and William Dellon from the Glen Lake area were present and discussed with the Board the matter of spraying for control Of mesc�gttoes and asked that the Town assist in the program. Liaweed Gape and Mr. Ruggles were present and requested that a water ied be su to . ,Pp� proposed buildings which are about to be constructed in the Hantrey Heights area. Donald O'Brian and Ernest Mills here present and discussed with the Board thee, matter of transite papa made .by the Johns tvMe Company and exp_,ained the matter of the ,iastal.i i JJ n of th e Pit*. _ The 40110 iag canamication was read to tke Board: Nathan Proller . , Insurance and Real Estate 24 Ela Street _ Glens Falls, New York i April 14, 1961 Queensbury Town Board John Webster„ Supervisor P.O. Box 86 Glens Falls„ New York TC►eatlemasa: T wish t0 make application to install a six inch main on Linden Ave► i -.the town of Queensbury. For your information I own, on this scree% . Four 100t lots : h�ea 75t lots One 50' lot All of-them are 148* deep, These lots are located on the west side. I T do"not owe any of the property on' the east side. I provided Howard La Rose with a map so that it could be filed with the town board. ftt,,vould be greatly appreciated by me if the town board would extend me' the C!Otwtesy of a variance pursuant to article 3 section 7, by per- mittifg the use of six inch transite pipe, laid in such a manner to com- ply with the proper procedure for such installation. The -reason for my request is to equip the number of lots that I own, roughly the cost would be $500 more for cast iron pipe. Using transite it formerly ran about $300 a 100' and I am not sure as ,to the present cost, - I have a- bout 1000' to lay. There fir a great deal -of urgency in as much as two houses are being built and one family, by the name of Marvin, had planned to move in on the 15th. Your prompt attention will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, NF/jk Nathan Proller (signed) 20 t _ Howard La Rose was present and .discussed with the Board the proposition of laying the six inch water main on Lindon Avenue. Jack Crannell also discussed with the Board the_laying of water pipe for the Awe and the French Cemetery The Board generally discussed the naming of the-<East-bleat Bypass. RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COUNTY ROAD NO. 70 AS QUAKER. ROAD* ' Akins introduced Resolution No. 49 and moved its adeptiont , seconded by Mr. Miller. WHEREAS, the County of Warren is constructing. 0 saty Road No-. 70, commonly known as the Bast-Wert By-Pass in the TowR of Queeusbury, - which includes part of an existing road known as Pineview Read, 4nd WHEREAS, it has been the policy of this Towa Board to desig ante all public highways in tge Town of Queensberry by name and to: erect signs at intersections along such highways for the-purpose of assisting the public in locating such highways aserd WHEREAS, Abs early settlers of the Town of QQ°ueensbur were Quakers and County Road--No. 70 runs adjacent to the original Quaker burial ground where the Wing marker now stands, and it is, the opinion of the _Town Board that it is desirable to commemorate the settlement of the Town-'of Queens- bury by Quakers, be it RESOLVED that the desigaatfou of that portion of County Road No. 70 which is now Pineview Road be ,discontinued and that all of County Road No. 70, also commonly known as the,East-West By-Pass, be and the same hereby is designated as Quaker Road, and that the erection of signs at the ends and various intersections along said road designating the same as Quaker Road be and the ease hereby is authorized Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes w Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes None A discussion was had respecting the naming of a collector and superin- tendent in the Ridge Road Water District, Peter Holmes and. -ReakeyiJftpins had stated that they would accept the position. A discussion was had relating .to the -erection of signs advising the entrance to snd leaving, of the Town of Queensbury on the principal roadd6, 1 '` Resolution No. 50 introduced by Mr. Akins and sec oaded 'by Mr. Miller. WHEREAS this town board, considers it to be in the best interest of all the residents in the Townshp. that the approaches to the Town be ad- equately marked at the placea where major highways cross the Township boundry 1.ixA g, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Superintendent of Highways be, and is hereby authorized to purchase 25 signs.. aize.. 24** x 3c&,, a _cost of not to exceed $300.009 plus the necessary iron and materials to erect the same, and that these signs and materials shall be a general Town charge. Duly adopted by the following votes Ayes Mr, Miller, Mr, Lampsou, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Does - None —' Request for water tap was wade by Thomas H. Case at 10 Northup Drive to a dwelling .under construction. Resolut,� iina . 51 introduced by Mr. Lanpson and seconded by *Mr. {Miller. 207 RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury hereby consents that per mission be given by the Water Commissioner of the City of Glens Falls to Thomas H. Case for a water tap, for a-dwelling which is being con-` strutted at. 10 Northup Drive, Towk of Queeaabury,` and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk notify the Superintendent of the Water Department of the City of Glens .Falls of this consent. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes • Mr„ Miller, Wo Lampsont Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster, Noes - Nona, Resolution _ i„52 -introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS it appears that the. aggregate purchasers of gasoline for use by the Town Highway Department will a=*" the sum of $1,000.00 during the current) year, tharafore BE IT RISOLVED that the Town Clerk eaussi the following notice to bidders bg ,published in the Glens Falls Times at least five days prior to April .27th, 196L: t . fttiee to ,Bidders The Tgwaa Board of the Town of Qesenatbury, Warm County, New York, invites so4gled bids for the sale ancd� delivery to tba Tim of Queensbury during the fiscal year of 1961 of approx'imatel� ,30,00'0 ''gallons of reg• ular grade of gasoline for use by .the town highway dep"tment. The Tows will fish a storage tank 'at the town storehouse on Aviation a Road and ;tom successful biddar will be required 'to make deliveries of not more than 1000 gallons as required by the Town' Superintendent of Highways. i_Arms►.time to time. Bidders are requi.re4 to specify the p#urticaallar brand, grade and octane rating of the gasolim prop®sed to be delivered as required by the Town Sqp erintaaen,dent. of Highways in the town storehouse tank and the price per SAloa .less taut. delivered in the town storehouse tank. Bidders must also indicate the locaa<tiou of the storage facilities from which deliveries will be made. ` Bids will be received by Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways, at the Town Storehouse, Aviation Road, Glens Falls, New York up to 5' o'clock# P.M. on the 27th day of April, 19619 and the Town Board 11—meet at the office of the Town Clerk# 338 Ridge Road, Glens Falls, New York, at ' 7s30 o'clock P. X. on the 27th day of April, 1961. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. i Datedt April 1� # 1961 FRANCES L. TURNER Tows Clerk Duly adopted by the following votes Ayes: •• Mr. Miller# Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr, Webster Noes • None The follawing. report was submitted by the Supervisors MONTHLY STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR TO.THE TOWN BOMW OF THE TOWN OF Quaensbury Pakinant to Section 119 bf "the Town Laity, I hereby render the following detailed statement of all moseys received and disbursed by tie,. as Supervisor, during the 'iaonth of u March, 1961. RECEIPTS Date Received Source Am•t Received 3 Forrest J. Crannell Tax Penalties 193.92 dt 7- Droller Ins, Agency Insurance Refund 5.00 17 Frances L. Turner - Twn. Clerk's Fees 229.00 . 27 LeRoy Sanders - Junk Yard Licenses 10.00 10 NY Fire Rating Or- . gan nation to Queens- bury Fire Prot, Dist.- Insurance Tax 787,13 16 Capital Reserve Fund to Wo G. F. W. D• .. ReAvenure Anticipation - - Note 1000.00 - �9 TOTAL RECEIPTS - - - 42225005 DMISBURSEMENTS Date Paid Fund or Account = Am*t Paid Highway Fund 10508.06 General Fund 10540.37 Pineview Cemetery 17E34,90 North Glens Falls Water -District 829.72 North Glens Falls_Water...Dist.. _Extes. 1116.71 West Glens Falls Water District 592090 Ridge, Road Wafter District 148,00 Cleverdale._Light 47.86 Ft. Ashdrst-lGarrison Light 168.46 Qaeensbury Fire Prot* District 787.x.3 Capital Reserve Fug 1008000 9twensbury Drainage 6190.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - $33664,11 The following commuuication was read to the Board: BAY RIDGE VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. , INC. Town of Queensbury, Warren County R.D. No. 1 Glens Fallal N. Y. April 8, 1961 Gentlemen: _ < r Please add the fallowing 2 names to the active membership "list 6f the Bay-Ridge Volunteer-Fire Company dated 114-60: KELLOGG, RUSSELL MELLON, WILLIAM The following names on this list have`beeU AeTeted FOSBROOK, LEONARD Deceased HILLIS, ARTHUR Deceased LONGDEN, ROBERT ]moved REGQN, JOHN Deceased The list now totals 120 members. Sincerely yours, Daniel E. Holley (signed) Recording Secretary RESflL MON_ NQ. 53 introduced by Mr. Miller. sad seconded by Mr, Akins. —� _ RESOLVED that the following be and are horeby confirmed as`'alit ive members of the Bair-Ridge Volunteer Fire Company Inc* r Russell Kellogg William Mellon 0 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. LANIpsoa, Mr, Akins and Mr. Webster .Noes - f A discusgios was had respecting the encroachments being made. upon the cemetery property by the Bromley Auto Sales QLUTIC)N :NO. -. 54 introduced. by Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. Web, ter. e WHI RMS Nathan Proller has regtt�essted permisgion to lay six inch transit& water pipae instead of sic inch cast iron pipe on Lindon Ave. for a distance of about 19000 feet and tEA.S it.,,is the opinion of a mg jorty members of this Board ,that a .strict compliance with an-ordinance requ#ing the laying of six inqu cast iron pipe vould. ra sult . a a ha r44hip ai1d that the laying of transite pipe,xouldtxot adversly, affect the interests of the proper-~ tF Swears. or residents of -the Town of Queensbury,; 7UQW_ E BE IT RESOLVER that permission is hereby.Nathan Rollo to lay. ap y granted to �teh! 1,40@ rest of six inch transite water pipe along Lindon Avenue upon the fallowing condithns:t installat.i44 a sbal] be under supervision' of the Jobs .Manville Company for this area. Z. That Eo. X wire with neoprene jacket: hall ba used from Corporation Cock t9 Durb. b%m.oa all service connections. 3. Tkat with the exception of the foregoing _variance, the developer shall in.all respects comply with ordinance reguloting. the development, •f.sub-divisions in the Town of Quse:nttbury. b. That that entire inotellation,shall be subjoct to the ap- proval :of an inspector of the Town of, Queanebury prior to back* f ill 5. That the developer shall file with the Town of Queensbury as built .map,'' -showls ocation of a&" and of individual -- service pipes.. 6, That water mains shall be located in the hilrbway at location designated by the Town Superintendent of ilghways. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - We Miller, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Webster Noes w* None BE___SQI T_IQN NO. .55 introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded. by.Mr. Miller. - WMPUM a .vacancy exists at,preseut in the office of Collector A Superintendent of the. Ridge Road Water District. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Peter Holmes be and,is hereby appointed Collector and Superintendent of the Ridge Road Water District for the remainder of the fiacal gear, ending December 31, 1961, and BE IT FURTHER,RESO?LVED that the compensation of such collector be and is hereby fixed at $1E0.00 annually, payable in equal monthly in- stallment a ;beginning April 13,x,. 1p61. Duly-,"adopted,:by the follewingg, vote: Ayes - Mr. Mil.letr, Wo Larpson, Mr. Akins and We Webster Noes - None The following,eem umication was read by the Supervisor: April 1, .1961 :PTO: -Queensbury Town Board SUBJECTS Reports of New Construction 210 I am slaking this report to the board:concerning the reports of new con- struction that have been filed -with. my office from the .date that they i ordinance was enacted, November 17, 1960 to March 319 1961. This-sobers a period of approximately four and one-half months. Although the number of reports filed would indicate that we are not receiving ceWleta 'c ' » pliance with the ordinance we must realize that :the period covered let in the worst, winter months regarding new construction starts and I have noticed a marked` increase is intersat and._inquiries co meming. the. _ordia- sace within the last few days. Also, of course, the ordinance is new and in spite of publicity given there are still some who. are learning of it _ now for the first time. Once again-j-. 1 ask your cooperation in doing what- ever you can in encouraging enforcement sad compliant with the ordinance. It is my intention to make regular reports to the Town.Board concerning these reports *f new coustruetisnt. Although the ordinance does not specifically requuire its it -seems to an that it is proper that all board members be advised, especially since one of the announced purposes of -the ©rdiaaaeces was to ,wenable the Town Board 'to plan,* etc- Our Board of Assessors have also _beea. given a_ espy of these reports for their informs" tion. If any new construction has be.encarried on since November 17, 1960 which is not included in this report and which you have knowledge oft your cooperation in bringing about compliance will be of benefit to the Town. DATE OWNER IMATION 4 TUBE OF CONSTRUCTION /i0 *aim Woag Boulevard Outside stai"ay 17./26268 Maack Weller t Back Rd.. Sunnysde Dwelling 9/60 Harold 'Heaanemaas West Mt. Road Dwelling 1,27 2y,.' Grace "Seaver_ Mantray Rd. Orval of Trailer 1/` 2/61 Bray 0 .1 Co, River Street Placing trailer on lot 2/x.5/61 Richard Marvin ° Linden Ave. Dwelling 3A-' 0/61 No. Queensbury Fire C. Rt. 9L addition to fire house 8/61 Francis Balser West Mt. Road dwelling 3/29/61 Peter Seipel Linden Ave. dwelling . 3/29/61 Alger C. Mason Cleverdale dwelling 3/34/61 Donald L. Awbrey Meadow Drive dwelling w Respectfully submitted John O. Webster, Superviaor(signed) Jawl/W RESOLUTION NO. 56 introduced by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Akins. WHERTiW .the area beginning .at-the City Line of Glens Falls aced following. Route 9 Northerly for a distance of one half smile contains, 4 automobile..agencies., _a_ furniture. stone, _restaurant,, branch banks a super- market, an auto supply-.store, & .branch of a large office supply company, a branch of a large Life Insurance company as well as prospects of th»se shopping centers, and WW W".1 in addition, using_t4e junction of Route 9 and the East-oVest By-Pass as a point and extending for a radius therefrom for a distance of one half mile there are .approximately. 700. resideuces, and WHEREAS, the postal requirements -of this area could. be greatly ieproved by the location of a Branch or sub-atatien of the Glens Falls. Post Office in a site within the area convenient to .-both the residences .and the bualmesx establishments, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queens- bury and State :of New York does hereby request the postmaster of the` City of Glens Falls and the Postal Authorities to snake the necessary arrangements for the establishment of such facilities in the area. FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Clerk be and is bereby .directed. to _trans- '211 a copy of tfie foregeiag Resolution to Louis G. B. Stebbins! Fo tmaqter of the City`of Glens Mls. _ y Duly adopted,sky the f mllowing votes Ayes o. Mr, Miller, W. Lampson, Mr; Akins and Mr. Webster. . Noes - None The Clerk-reported that she had received acknowledgments fror#Vatis Paine, State Senatdr "frot thfa diatr at .from the Governor's __office of .the receipt of .a Resolut o8.oppoa sg the enactarent of a bill authorizing the - establi.shmedt of the take George ;Paris commission. A cartificata of iasosa4ce wee received rtlatag to Turnpike Thgatgr Inc. A notice of the cl©g ag 'Of be"iftu thak pOw 4E: n h was received.' s. . SCHEDULE -OF AUDITS, ;FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARR COUNTY,, ,1 ,YORK. FOR ;THE MONTH OF APRIL 1961 No. & Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Aat„Claimed . Amt, Allowed . . 95, Gwinap*s General Gasoline-TownT Store ; „ Dump-Tractor 43.03 . 43.03 96, Norman A.HarWy Well Baby Walk s 180.00 180,00 97. Ralpk R,Skapiro Supplies. 15.00 15000 98, Dennis & Ce.,Ina Supplies-M.S. BoutLe J.F. 2,35 2,35 999 Rassell&,,.Vait, � Clerk-Supplies' 1,00 1.00 100. BaLlard-GLau #A&2744-400 N.G,F.W. Printing, Inc, Bills. 16.00 16,00 1.01. BaLLard-C sraft " It '* w 40 Ridge Road 9:00 9.00 Printing$, Inc. Water District bills L02. J;E atnyer &Co. 6 3/'83L4 F.H. Stove Ititc: Bolts, 2 pea. 3/4x1 flat soft Steel Pv.Cen, 24,76 2,76 103. J.E'.Sawyer &Coo head anchor;cap screws. Inc. I. -bd2 Itar Drill;#102. Pole for telepkene p r- PV. Cam. 3:076 3076 r04. Duero Oil Co. *9. Gals. Kero.) - #9572.•45 ts. Fero.) 1►. Cem. 15 ,58 1510'58 105. Duers oil Co. #874Zm.49 Qals.Kero) #8906.•4% Ga'lsoXer©) PV, Cet, 17.1'6 17.16 106o ti®nel,Weldi g Misce.Welding"Pv.Cew. 6.00 6000 107-0 Zdwerd' ST. Gray Mounting Duu o`pp Body .on Intern.. Truek. Ckesis 100.00 100.00 LOOg Niagara-Mokawk Street Lights-Clever. Power dale Lighting Dist. 47.86 47,86 109, Niagaratlbhawk Street lights-Fort Power Amherst-Garrison Light. ing District L68046 168.46 L10o, Niagara-Mohawk Street Lights;-Traffic Power sirens 224.OL 224.01 11L Gleuh 'Falls Pttb,Noti+ce Bibs on Post Co. _ Dump Truck 9.20 9.20 112, E:Jalbit Tina Repair flat,trueflex ;r _ &s 4 ply patech and � Co. , -- Ti'res. etc. for Twn, t Dump Truck 83:45 83.45 113. Dennis * Co.Inc. Deuce Blanks#8LN + postage '(M.S:BentleyJ.'1P) 2,35 2.35 2 114o, Allen F. Towers Surevey 22.50 22,50 115. Leon Mi Steven 24.75 2h;y5 116, Bullard-Glencraft Printing J.O.Webster `4 Inc. 14.35 14.35 117. Louis Curlew Labor-NGFWD 'EKT #1 . Fund - + _ 18:00 + 18„00 , 118. Louis Curlew Labor-NGFWD Fund 18000 18.00 119. Niagara M.Power electric Serv.Aviation Corp. Road 141,67 141,`!7 120. Spotlight Progran_ Eavelopes,Prestamp Company 52;35 32.35 121. Jack Crannell - Attending Meeting, Saratoga 7.45 7045 122. R.Geotge Wiswell Chicago Deg. Holder `1'0.85 lor095 ' D V M 123, -41,x8 S 124. Water Pipe&�� Material Per"F�t17f�F�ind 25,27 2'S.ZT 1 ' Supply Co. Inc. WGFWD Fund 432.00 432s0D 1250 Water Pipe & Water Meters-NGPWD 448.25 4460Z Supply Co. Inc., Orig„Dist.Ext #1 126,. George Liapes Attendant Meeting at Saratoga 7 045 7.45 •` 127. Niagara Makawk Eleetric Service Power Corp, Aviation Road 136.73 136.73: 128o, Bullard-Glencraft 500 #13 Gov*t -- • Printing, Inc. Envelopes - 31.30 31.30 I On motion-the meeting..ad johrned' . t Town Clerk -vial Meeting AI)ril 24;19 Present": John 00 Webster Supervisor ` Harold Akins Just iee of the Peace ' Curtis Lampoon C©une, ' Stanley B. Miller • Counc The Supervisor called the meeting tb' order: .at 700 PM. The Highway Contract for the year 1961 appnroved by the County' Super:• intendent of Highway* was received laid file. A discutsion was had respecting & proposed blaa; to request the plac ing of the Aviation Road in the County,Road ,syiitem, W, Codner echo` ' was prebent also enterkd into the discussibu and'no action was takes* A discubaion was had respectink. the renaming of June Drive,, The Board generally discussed the lightin-g. of the intersections ,of he maik roads with thh Quaker Road. _ RESOLUTION NO. 57 inttoduced by liar. Akins andI seconded- by fir. �q xou. RESOLVE that there be installed at each of tine ,tor#44' ions of the Quaker Road with River Street,' BOnlevssli ' ve nue� ' Dix*'s Avenue, Ridge Road, Meadow Brook Road, Bay Road and Glen 'W6od Avenue, one • 400 watt,. color&d improved Mercury Laap. FURTHER RESOLVE that the Niagara Power a Liht Corporation " be and is hereby authokiaed' to install` the aforesaiid lights. FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Clerk be and is hereby directed to 4