1961-06-08 24 A discussion "was had on a Retirement Bill relating to New York State Employees Retirement System. In connection with the rew port that he had -written to the System in regard to the rate, Mr. Webster also reported that he had received the 2nd quarterly local per capita assistance amounting to $8,878,55. Mr. Webster also reported that the Glens Falls By-Pass Celebration would be officially open at 10 PM near the inter-change on the Aviation Road and that the East and West By-Pass would be official.. ly open at 10:30 AM. Mr. Codner reported that the American Legion Parade would occur on May 28th and that the members of the Board were invited. A discussion was had relating to the Westland Road and develop- ment, c r , RESOLUTION NO. 74 introduced by Mr. Akins and seconded by Mr. Miller. RESOLVE that the sub-division or development of lands known as Westland, Section 5, as shown and laid out ore a map of Section 5 of Westland owned by Mabel C. Ellsworth in the Town of Queensbury,,, be and i& hereby approved, FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Clerk shall transmit a copy of this resolution to the Water Commissioner of the City of Glens Falls i and to Mabel C. Ellsworth. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr,, Lampson, W. Akins and Mr. Webster. Noes - None Mr. Miller introduced a resolution in connection with the re-districts• ing of the Town of Quednsbury and after discussion Mr. Miller withdrew the resolution. A. further discussion was had on street lighting for Route 9.• Tht members of the Board were to meet as a co mmittee f o the whole on' June 5th in connection with water supply. On motion the meeting adjourned, i s . ' Town Clerk Regular Meeting June 8, 1961 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor Curtis Lampson Councilman Miller Stanley B Mi r Councilman The Supervisor visor called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM Also presentwere Harold M. Long, Lawrence C. Newcomb, James R. Cronkhite, Polly Beeman, Grace M. Van Wert, James G. Schaefer, Jack W. Bryant,; -and Glen Caffry, The Supervisor extended greetings to the delegation present in conned•. ion with financial assistance from the Town of Queensbury for the Crandell Library. Glen Caffry, Attorney, discussed to some length the needs of .the library for financial assistance. Mr. Jack Bryant explained to the Board the -facilities which were available at the library and also the need for more facilities to properly service the area. Grace Van Wert also spoke in connection with the library. Others who spoke in connection with the problem were Harold Long, Lawrence Newcomb. The delegation was informed that the matter would receive serious and careful attention at budget time. The following communication was read to the Board: West Glens Falls Fire Company No. 1, Inc. Glens Falls, New York June 6, 1961 _ Town Board Town o€- Queensbury Gentlemen: We request permission to have a carnival on our lot Luzern rt Road, .June 19th thru 24th. Enclosed is insurance certificate for same. West Glens Falls Fire Co. Francis Johnson, Sec. (signed) RESOLUTION NO. 75 introduced by Mr. Lampson and seconded by Mr. Miller. RESOLVE that permission be granted to hold Carnival as follows: Sponsor - West Glens Falls Fire Co. No. 1 Inc. Carnival - O. C. Buck Shows Date - June 19th thru June 24th, 1961 Place' - Lot of West Glens Falls Fire Go, No. 1, Inc. ,.west of Fire-House on Luzern Rd. Fee .. $100.00 FURTHER RESOLVE that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue permit to hold such Carnival upon receipt of the fee of $100.00 and a certificate of insurance showing coverage, limits of B.I. $1009000.00 each person and $300,000.00 each accident. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes ,. Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster Noes - None At this point in the meeting Meredith Bentley, ` Justice of the Peace, entered and tomk part in the proceedings. RESOLUTION N0. 76 introduced by W. Lampson and seconded by Mr. Miller. RESOLVE -that Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby -authorized to attend a school for Highway Super- intendents to be held at 'Cornell University July 17th, 18th and 19th, 1961 at Ithaca. FURTHER RESOLVE that the actual and necessary expenses of the Superintendent of Highways in attending such school shall be a Town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampson and Mr. Webster. Noes .• Nbne A discussion was had respecting Lynn Avenue and also respecting the similarities of street names in some cases in the Town of Queensbury. A discussion was had respecting a sewage seepage in Highway. The -- matter was referred to the Sanitary Inspector. • discussion was had of other health matters. • discussion was had on the Springer problem and the matter was refer- red to the Sanitary Inspector. 286 A. discussion was had on Birch Lane pipe. The matter of the condition of the Big Bay Road was discussed and the recent construction thereof, in connection with the Northway was had which is in unsatisfactory condition. The matter was referred to the County Attorney. A discussion was had respecting the condition of the East Sanford Street laying in the Town of Queensbury extending to the new East and West By-Pass. RESOLUTION N0. 77 introduced by Mr. Bentley and seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS there has been constructed an auxiliary road leading south from the Corinth Road known as the Big Bay Road in connection with the construction of the -By-Pass of the City of Glens Falls, and WHEREAS said road has been inadequately constructed and the surfac- ing thereof is entirely inadequate, to withstand the traffic on such road, , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Superintendent be and is -hereby authorized and directed to take the matter up with the Superintendent of Public Works with the view of correcting the condition which now exists obi said Big Bay Road. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes* - Mr, Miller, Mr, Bentley, Mr., Lampson and Mr. 14ebster. Noes - None On the matter of setting up new districts for elections in the Town of queensbury was deferred until the next meeting. A discussion was had on street lights. • . The Supervisor reported on the matter of the rates in connection with the retirement of Town employees .and read a letter from the Retirement System. The letter was retained by the Supervisor. ." The Supervisor further reported that he had sent a copy of a letter from Attorney Beswick to all members of the Board respecting the Blind Rock matter. The Supervisor read a petition as follows: 151 Meadowbrook Rd. Glens Falls, N.Y. Juno 3, 1961 Dear Mr, Webster: We have been discussing your phone conversation with the neighbors. As you know, we haven't had a school bus for two years. It has been quite a problem to get the children to and from school. Now that the new By-Pass is open, we have the added worry of our children crossing a street with cars constantly whizzing by at 50 and 60 miles per hour. If you could have someone to help them cross, as you suggested, it would ease our minds- greatly and we would be ever" in �rour debit. _ We will appreciate anything you can do for us. Sincerely yours, (signed) Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Sundberg (3 children) Mrs. Ted Turner (2 children) Mr. & Mrs. James 1'loof (2 children) Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. MacDonald (3 children) 237 Mr. & Mrs. Horton J. Lashway .(2 children) Mr. -& Mrs. John Rozell (2 ohildren) Mr. & Mrs. Henry-.E. Piper (5 children) Mr. -& Mrs. 'Albert Oudekerk -(5 children) Mr. & Mrs. Willard J. Shanahan (2 children) A discussion was had respecting the -De Long claim for a rebate of water charges. The following reports were submitted by ;the Supervisor: TO TH:E T- Al -BOARD REPORT #3 REPORT OF NEW CONSTRUCTION Number 17 June 11 1961 DATE: 014N R. LOCATION NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION 5/1/61 Edward King West Mountain Rd. 14 x 20 addition to dwg. 5/1/61 'LoAi .s & Vivian 14cArthur 41 Parkview Ave. Swimming Pool 5/2/41�,ikMeadows Country 'Club, Inc. Cronin Road addition to existing bldg. to be used for storage 5/4/61 ?)aniel R. McKane Ohio Avenue Hen House & Storage 5/10%1'Ethan Davignon 89 Main St. Grocery Store ' Glens Falls 40 ' 5AM 'Wm:.&JuliaPowers Highland Ave. Excavation & construction of cellar & shelter under 5f�7/61` "Z�homas Ender- small wing of dwg. donk Glen Lake, Summer Camp 5, 19/61 RobertF.Mallaney Indiana Ave.RD2 moving bldg. 272'x 1211 for use as a 3 room addition to dwg. 5/19/61 Joseph Valastro Country Club Rd. addition to garage 5/20/61P,Raymond& Helen Jane Orens Spruce Court Residence L _ 5/23/61 Thos.&Virginia - Schies Jenkinsville Erecting dwelling over present basement 5/23/61 James Potvin 224 Fifth St.Ext. Breezeway to connect present garage with dwg. 5/24/61 Lester C. & Eleanor G.Huested. Gurney Lane Small living room or den added to house 5/26/61 Frank Johnson Upper Sherman Ave.Addition of porch to present dwg. t 5/26/61 Wilfred Hamel RD2,Corinth Rd. Aluminum Siding on present house and. new front porch add. 5/30/61 G.E.Apgar Big Bay Rd. Residence 5/31/61 Imperial Color Chemical&Paper, - - - Dept. of Hercules Powder C®.Ina, Lower A%XanJren -Ste - -Pigment Color Research Respectfully submitted, John 0. Webster (signed) - MONTHLY STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TC}W TNOF QLR ENSBURY, DURING THE MONTH - t OF M&Y 1961 - ` RECEIPTS DATE a SOURCE , • • . ` ' . • ' ' . • . AM'T RE:C'D RECD 2 G.FNattlBank&Trust Co.-Int.on C.D.-to Highway Fund 525.00 2 N.Y.Telephone Co.-Refund-to Highway Fund 3.57 2 G.F.Nat'1Bank&Tru.-t Co.-Int.on C.D.-toQ.Fire Pro.Dist, 67.50 2 G.F.Nat'1Bank&Trust Co.-Int.on C.D.-to Ridge Rld. W.D. 60.00 2 G.F,Nat'1Bank&Trust Co.-Int.on C.D.-W.G.F.W. District 150.00 8 ForrestJ.Crannell-Fees of Tax Collector-to Gen.Fund 148.84 288 10 Frank L. Cowles-E'ineView Cemetery .Fees-toPineViewCem. 397.50 I5 Frances L. Turner-Bingo Regeipts-to Agency & Trust 40.00 17 Agency & Trust Acct.-1/2 Bingo Fees-to General Fund 20.00 17 Frances L. Turner-Twn,Clk's Fees-to General Fund 189.00 17 State of New York-Per Capita Assistanee-to Gen.Fund_ 8878.55 various George P. Liapes-Water Rents •• N.G.F.W. District 3398.93 various George P. Liapes-Water Rents - N.G.F,W. Dist, Ext,. 3918,39. various Jack Crannell-Water Rents - W.G.F.W. Dist. 1507.60 various Jack Crannell-Water Rents - W.G.F.W. Dist. Ext. 306.00 various Payroll Fund-from Highway, Pineview, Water & Gen. 10161079 TOTA . RECEIPTS - - - - - $29772.67 DISBURSEMENTS DATE AM'T PAID PAID FUND OR ACCOUNT ` General Fund 3659.90 Pine View Fund 1416,75 North Glens Falls Water Vistrict `g+6 30 North Glens Falls Water District Extension 32* West Glens Falls Water District 55,90 Ridge Road Water District 9.60 Cleverdale Lighting District 47.86 Ft. Amherst-Garrison Rd. Lighting District 168.46' Agency and Trust 20.00 Payroll Fund 9810,79 Highway Fund 8723.45_ TOTAL DISBURSEW- NTS - - - Date: June 8, 1961 John 0. Webster '(signed) Supervisor Town of Queensbury Town of Queensbury Warren Co. , N.Y. .... June 8, 1961 To: Members of the Town Board Subject: Interest earnings on Certificates of Deposit, I am pleased to give this report of interest we have earned under Certificates of Deposit wit11 the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company, on May 19 1961; To: Highway Fund $ 525.00 Queensbury Fire ,P.D. 67.50 . Ridge Rd. Water D. 60.00 W.G.F.Water Dist. 15,0,00 TOTAL .. seek.* * . $ 802,.50 . This is only a partial report for the year since we currently have the following amounts under certificates drawing interest at the present time: - Highway Fund $ 609000.00 Queensbury Fire P.L . 91000.00 Ridge Rd. Water D. 49000.00 W.G.F. Water Dist, 10,000.00 TOTAL .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .$ 831000.00 Respectfully submitted: John 0. Webster, Supervisor , 23 RESOLUTION NO. 78 introduced by-W. Miller and seconded by Mr. Bentley. ` •PESOLVE that permission be 'given to Gordon Lavine -by the Water Comm as`foner of the City of Glens Falls' for a water tap for a house being constructed on west side -of Bullard Avenue in the Town of - Queenabury, _ FURTHER RESOLVE that tie Town Clerk shall notify the Water De- partment of the City of Glens -Falls and W. Lavine respecting this cons'kWt. R Duly adopted by the following vote: . Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. .Benbley, Mr. 'Lampson and Mr. Webster. Noes -°None - -- SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF .QUEFNSBLTY, WARREN COUNTY NEW YORK FOR THE MONTIJ _OF JUNE, 1961 NO. NAM OF CLAIMANT NATURE OF CLAIM AMT.CLID► ' AMT. ALLOW. 160 G.'F.Hospital EmergencyRm,.CharlesGallup$ 3,00 $ 3.00 161 W.�.;Gubita&Sons Envelopes-Twn.Clk's Office 9.05 9005 162 RaL0h,.R.Shapiro Off.Supplies for Supervisor 15.05 - 15.05 163 RAktAPE Inc. 1 MODEL 200 Rolata e p 1741 FourteenthSt.,.SSFSSOR by JohnO.Webster,Sunv.30.97 30.97 y 140,. Box 1190 SANTA MONICA, CALIF. 164 City of G.F,kTater Meter` Tax-NGFWD ;ending Apr.30 j Fd. Meter No.93A. 1118.28 1118.28 " 165 ;gi'ty of G.F.Water Meter Tax due 14ending Apr. 30 Meter No.93-NGFWD EX#1.. 1144.49 1144.49 166 City. of .G.F.Water .Meter tax due -4ending Apr. 30 Fd. Meter No.13"RidgeRd.W.D. 104.00+ 104900 167 N.G.F.W.District Transfer of .waterr rents from NGFWD EX#1 to the Orig- ional Dist.#'93A in accord- ance with instruction from State F.xaminerR.J.Quinlan. (NGFWD EXT.#1) 44.70 44.70 168 City of G.F.W.Fd. Meter water rent ending Apr. 30 (WGFWD-Meter #95) 415.39 415.39 169 Stephen Duell Rebate on water rent-5 mths. while residing in Fla.(WGFWD) 7.50 7,50 170 Jack Crannell Refund due Jack Crannell, Coll- ector, by WGFWD in accordance with instructions of State Ex- aminer, R. J. Quinlan, 28.50 28.50 1ZI W.G.F.W.District FEB.1961 1/8 of Feb.water bill pd. by WGFWD to City$67986 May 331,61 1/8 of May bill pd. by WGFWD to City $51,92 Amount the Ext.#1 owes WGFWD. -$119.78 119.78 119.78 172 Niagara-Mhk Pwr. Fewer service for Booster Corporation pumpzNGFWD 140..79 140.79 173 Niagara-Mhk Pwr. Street lights-Ft,A.mherst Corporation Garrison Rd. Dist, 168.46 168.46 174 Niagara-Mhk Pwr, Street lights-Cleverdale Corporation Lighting Dist. 47.86 - 47.86 175 Niagara-Mhk Pwr. Street lights&Traffic Siren Corporation (203.20 21.60) 224.80 224.80 176 Gwinup'sGen.Store Gasolene-Twn. Dump. 53.57 53.57 177 Air-Ladd Motor Mine. Pineview Cem. 9.73 9.73 Parts, Inc. . 178 G.F.Rubber Stamp Filing envelopes.-Twn,Clk's0f. _ Wks. 2.88 2.88 _ ___-179 Russell & Wait, Inc. 1 FIX 416-3 Raton fapsr .� 5.60 ' i, 5.60-.:_ ` Town Clks Off. _ _ 180 Frances L. Turner Postage-Tv%.Clk's Office 8140 8.00:' . 181 Wagoner Business PA i 1 box carbon paper #4 intense 4,731 4.75 ' uipmeut S3d* Ton.ant s Office 182 Hoag's Tire Service 5 gals Kendall Oil-Pv.Cem. 5«60: 183 Ashton Ready Mix 3 cu.yds,Transite Mix Conc- 41025 '41,g25 - . rete for repair Reader on Dan. Pv,*Cem„ 184 Gene A. Webster 75 used slate for vault roof PV.Czmo 185 J.E.8awyer & Co.Ineo 2 pkg P.A.6517R Stanley Tr:Lw 5, 40 5040:. - sorer bl adex-PV.CEM. 186 J.E.Sawyer & Co.Inc. 1 M45350 50' 16.2 lead for 5,x+6 5,46 generator;82 cup leathers;2 #2 bottom leathers-hand pump } Pv.cem, 187 Carswell Motors Wrench, filter,element for 6,42 6.42 truck-Pineview Cemetery _ 188 hksad's:.ft" ► Lawn Builder & Mole Killer 7.39 ' 7.39 189 Bullard-Glencraft 250 #10 Gov't window envelopes 18.10 18.10 Printing,- Inc Assessor - 190 J.E.Sawyer & Co. Repair- on 14up Coupling-NGAM 2"0.56 20.56 . 191 N.Y.State- Employees Contribution to Retirement - 5403'000 .5403,00 Retirement System(Employers'(Queensbury) - Annual. 192 Stanton Batease Setting up '& taking down Elec- 11D„00 10,800 tion Equipment,Quiensbury - School. - . 193 Butz Florist 2 Wreaths for Memorial Day 20'.0.0 20,00 194 W.M. Bingham Rental of Sound Equipment with 25000 -25.00 - Operators 195 John R. King Payment for transportatiou` fbr 25.00 25.00 Moriah Drum Corps.-Memorial Days -9311 8 9311,78 • On- motion the meeting adjourned. • - Town Clerk j Regular Meeting ' June 22, 1961` Present= John O. Webster _ Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the A'eace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace .Curtis Lampsqn Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting -to order at 7:30 PM. Also present Fred Alexy and Douglas °Cr_ockwell.- Mr. Alexy submitted a map of development and the Board discussed the matter with him and also the Old Town- Road that ran along the7 shore of Lake George. The, Town Board was to act as a committee of the whole and . wfll view the situation in its entirety. Douglas Crockwell was present and.:discuussed. with the Board the' traffic problem existing at East Sanford. Street since .the construction of the fi new East and West Bypass. Douglas also pointed out the ro-ad was very narrow and suggested w,�ni}n g s . A discussio " was had r espeeting the` widening of the rpad and the matter was referred to the County Attorney, At this point in the meeting, Bernard Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways entered.