1961-07-13 252 T �ESOLVL that there be installed on Route 9 beginni_n at the Cl ens Falls Toxm of Que2nssbnr5y line and extending to the 4-,_vf:�4-ion Road 15 street lizhts , 400 watt, color im-n- rr,)verl lights at prover intervals . r 1- ;:"7"'TV7 that there be installed on the ^orinth :load becrinning at the seas RI Is City Line and s�:tendir--­ to the Nort1away - 15 street li_,rhts , 175 watt, color improved li hts at proper i n-ervals. __U: TLE' that tbe above authorized. or-- �he maxirpun lir��-bts to be install,-d and si-tall"replace any and all lights in the a� hori-ed areas. DU131 adopted by the follnwinr vote : Ayes - Mr. 14iller, 1'-,'r. 3entlE y, Mr. Lampson, Mr, A"Xins and 14r, I..febster Woes - 'NTOna discussion was 1h,?0 respectgng, the Blind Rock '11at-ter and also the J,.cobs matter, On mot-ion the raectin., adjourned etet�ag Town Clerk Regular M July 130 1961 Present: John O. Webster Harold Akins Supervisor Justiee of the Peace Curtis Lamps*& Councilman Stanley B. Miller Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting to order at -7:45 PM* Also present were Ime Lavery, Paul Krieser and- Mr. Kingsley. The privilege of the floor was extended to Mr,- Krieser. who discussed with the Board a proposed new development Containing approximately 48 acres and the procedure for the establishment of roads and water for the devel- opment, The Board generally discussed with Mr, Lee Lavery the claim of the DeLong's dairy for an over-charge for water supplied to- the dairy, It was suggested that meter tests be made between now and the next regular meeting. George Mapes was also present and discussed with the Board the matter of the repair of the old water pump,. A discussion was had on installation of water meters. The following communications were read to the Board: GLEN LAKE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. Glen Lake, New York Town Board July 5, 1961 Town of Quiensbury Glens Falls, New York Dear Sire: At the June meeting of the Glen Lake Protective Association, it was voted to Z9 on record that the association approved of the.-rebuilding of the present town shed into a town hall. Sincerely, Dorothy Fosbrook, Sec.(Sigued) 253 STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 95 Washington Avenue, Albany 1, N.Y. July 10, 1961 Stop Sigus 1 Warren County G-Warren Misc. File 1666. Town Board, Ton. of Queensbury Warren County Gentlemen: This is in further reference to the control of traffic on the Glens Falls By-Pass in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, A continuing review of conditions on this new County Road ind- icates that the STOP requirement on the County Road at its intersection With Route 9-L could desirably be changed to Rotete 9-L. We have, there- fore, issued an order to that effect and a copy of the order is enclosed for the record of the Town. The State Department of Public Works will wake the necessary ad- justment in existing signs to conform with the provisions of this order. The County Superintendent of Highways has indicated his interest in this particular intersection and we are, therefoeel, providing his with a copy of this letter for his information. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION LLOYD A. MAEDER, Director CAS:CM Eno. cc: Supt. Pablic Works, Supt. State Police, Warren County Supt. of Highways STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 95 Washington Avenue, Albany 1, N.Y. July 10, 1961 Stop Signs 1 Warren County G-Warren Misc. File 1666 William C. Bassette, Supt. Div. of Operation & Maintenance Department of Pablic Works Albany 1, New York TRAFFIC COMMISSION ORDER Pursuant to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby is Rescinds Items I-d and 1-4 of its order dated December 21, 1960 which designates the intersectiou of the Glens Falls By-Pass, a County Road, with Route 9-L, SH 1666, in the Town of Queensbury, Warren Counnty, as a STOP intersection, and which directs the in- stallation and maintenance of a STOP sign on the County Road at its easterly gnd westerly entrances to that STOP intersection. 2. Designates the intersection of the Glens Falls By-Pass, A County Road, with Route 0-L, SH 1666, at Station 22+25+ on SH 1666, is the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, as a STOP intersection. 3. Directs the New York State Department of Public Works to install and maintain STOP signs in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the State Traffic Commission on Route 9wy, SH 1666, at its northerly and southerly entrances to the STOP intersection designated in Item 2 above. 254 The intent and purpose of this order is to change the STOP requirements from the County Road to Route 9-L. CAS:CM cc: Supt. State Police STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Two, Board, Queensbury _ Sheriff, Warren County LLOYD A. MAEDER, Director See. of State (signed) A discussion was had relating to the fence and post for the Reservoir Park Sewer District. A discussion was had respecting the narrowness of the East Sanford Street leading to the new East-West By-Kass of the City of Glens Falls, The Town Superintendent of Highways, Bernard Cadger, was also present and orally reported that the Highway Department has started repairing -►f the Peggy Ann Road, 2.8 sales the entire road. - The report of Dr. Reid was react and it was reported after investigation that he found no health matter existed. The Supervisor read a letter from the Retirement System respecting the Town's contribution. The letter was retained by the Supervisor, r The Supervisor submitted the following construction report: REPORT OF NEW CONSTRUCTION REPORT # 4 TO THE TOWN BOARD NUMBER 19 JULY 1, 1961 DATE OWNER LOCATION NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION 6/1/61 Finch Pruyg & Co., 7{ac, L$ # Couaary Colony Residence 6/1/61 Earl Atwell and t;t#19-Glen Acres,Carleton Dwelling Maynard Brooks Drive 6/1/61 Earl Atwell and Lot#23-Glen Acres, Dwelling Maynard Brooks ( Greenway Drive 6/3/61 Elizabeth M. Dickinson Shermw Ave,,RD#3 Dwelling -- 6/4/61 Walter Green Massachusetts Avenue wooden roof over trailer 6/6/61 Francis Johnson Corinth Rd. ,RD#2 porches on both ends of present house 6/7/61 Elizabeth Bessaw 216 5th St. Exte one ear detached garage . 6/10/61 Doris & John Webster Chestnut Ridge Rd.RD#1 addition of garage&of f ice& Perch 6/11/61 Edward Thornton West side of lane on garage-to be used Closson Hewitt lands initially as dwelling 6/13/61 John E.Wheeler North side of Blind Rock -Brick dwelling Road lot #2 6/16/61 Anthony Caivano Quaker Rd:atBoulevard business building 6/19/61 ' Hugheina M.Nortom South side Lake Sunnyside seasonal camp 6/20/61 John E. Wheeler North side Blind Rock Rd. dwelling 6/22/61 John Coutamt r Route 9 at Farm to Market Restaurant "Frank & Bee" 6/24/61 Gladys Maille North side Luzern Rd. front porch 10x24 west of VanDusen Rd. 6/27/61 Harry Stewart east side Vest Mt. Rd. dwelling - 6/28/61 Richard Bruns 4 Dixon. Court small screened _ porch add. of dining .roon 6/30/61 Isabelle Parsons Quaker Road near Lafayette Tastee Freeze stand 255 6/30/61 Myrtle Codner Sherman Ave.at Leo St. small one room addition to dwelling Respectfully submitted: . John O. Webster, Supervisor (sued) r The Supervisor submitted the following Monthly Report: - MONTHLY STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF Queansbw y Pursuant to Section 119 of the Tova Law, I hereby render the following detailed statement of all moneys received and disbursed 'by me, as Supervisor, during. the month of JUNE, 1961 RECEIPTS Date Amt, Received . Source Received 6/8/61 Forrest J. Craunell-tax penalties to Gen. Fund 507.23 6/8/61 w W W -Add'1 Rat. Water Rent,Gea.Fund 71.,61 6/12/61 Frank Cowles-Pine View Cemetery Receipts 1239.25 6/15/61 BranceeL.Turner-Town Clerk's Fees 210.00 6/12/61 N.G.F.Water Ext#1 transfer to N.G.F.Water Dis-as per auditor 1 44.70 6/12/61 W:G.F.Water Dist Ext#1 to W.G.F.Water Dist-Wat.Purcha U.78 6AS/61 NCw York Telephone Co. refund to Highway Fund 8.93 Various George Liapes-grater rents to N.G.F.Water Dist. 828.69 "orge Liapes-;rater rents to N.G.F.Water Diat.Ext#1 1317.81 Jack Crannell-water rents to W.G.F.Water Dist, 479.28 T Jack Crannell-water rents to W.G.F.Water Dist.Egt#1 45090 Peter Holmes-water rents to -Ridge Road Water Dist. . 570.75 TO PAYROLL ACCOUNT. General and Water districts payroll #6 and supplemental payrolls #4 & 5; Pine View Cemetery payrolls #11 & 12; Highway Payrolls #12 &y13 _ 10394.66 TOTAL RECEIPTS - - $15838.59 DISBURSEIgNTS Date Amt• Paid Fund or-Account Paid M General Fund - ' 8684.05 _ Pine View Cemetery 1113420 Forth Glens Falls Water District 1279.63 North Glens Falls Water District Extention #1. 1289.19 West Glens Falls Water District 501.39 West dlens Falls Water District Exteatioa #1 119.78 r Ridge_Road Water District _ 125.42' Shore.Coloay Water District _160,00 Cleverdale Lighting, .District 47,86 Ft. Aipherst Garrison Rd, Lighting District 168.46. Highway F _ _ 28503039 Payroll Account _ L003308S TTOTAL DISBURSENENTS $51966,20 _ 1 Date July 13, 1961 John O. Webster (signed) -- Supervisor Town of 4ueensbury Resolution-No-889 introduced by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Akins RESOLVE that the Town Board's approval be given to the following that water taps be made by the City of Glens Falls to: 256 - Henry Stewart West Mountain Road Raymond Orens Spruce Court FURTHER RESOLVE that 4 copy of this resolution be sent to the water commissioners. Duly adopted by the following vote; Ayes • Yx. Miller, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Akins and Mr. Webster Noes None A discussion was had respecting the down-town dump. The Supervisor read a letter from _Mr. Roberts, Superintendent of the City School District relative to the dangerous conditions existing by _. children crossing the East-West By-Pass of the City of Glens Falls. Mr. Miller reported on industrial development and also a discussion was had respecting the location of the Community College. A- discussion was had respecting equipment for the election districts. ° SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THF.TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1961 _ Amt. Atnt. No, 'Name of Claimant Nature of Claim _ Claimed Alloved 196 J.G.Piecetelli&Son 36312"pipe 141.57 141.57 197 Fewler Inc: F1ags..Mim6rial Day 40:50 40.50 198 Niagara-Meh.Power St.Lghts.Ft.Amherst Garriso_nRd, 168.46 168.46 199 - ** '* Cleverdale Lighg, Dist, 47.86 47.86 200 ° ' - » St;lights & Traffic Sirens 265.51 265.51 201 Charles E.Houghta.• Supplies-Justice Bentley 26.16 26.16 ling - 202 Meads' Nursery* 75#Asgrow;5 T B-Pv.Cem. - 77.01 77.01 203 ClaytonG.Woodbury& 5 Bags of Regular Cement 7.50 7.50 Son Pv,Cea, 204 Hoag's Tire Service 5 gals.(Pail)Rendall Oil 5.80 5.80 Iay.#31197 Pv.Ceia. ---- 205 Ray Supply Inv.#15018 of 6/8/61 1 K/C 3.45 3.45 Tester Pv.Cem, 206 Doers Oil Co. #439 -500 gl . Reg. Gas. 66..20 66.20 Q .1324 Pv.Cem. 207 Herbert Corlew Servicing.. Pump & installation 4.80 4.80 of meter 3hrs. NGFWD (O.D.) 208 Donald H.Winchell Mileage traveled-Assessing 108.80 108080 209 G1ensFallsPost Co. Pab.Notice-Completion of Assess- 14.28 14.28 meat & Note of Grievance Day. 210 -Niagara Moh.Power Elect.Serv.Booster PUMP 176,98 176.98 Aviation Rd. NGFWD 211 -R.oselle&LaPoint Miscel.Material WGFWD 22*63 22.63 212 -Neal Schoonover Stamps,Envelopes&Cash Book- 1.55 1.55 Shore Colony Water Dist. 213 -G.F.Hospital Jeffrey Davis-Emergency Rm, 3.00 3.00 214 -G.F.Hospital Ernest Dutcher-Emergency,Rm, 3.00 3.00 215 •Russell&Wait Inc. Supplies Twn.Clk's Office 1.25 1.25 216 -Louis Corlew Flushing Fire Hydrants• 18100 18.00 Y 6hrs•ia NGFWD(O.D.) $9.00 - 6hre-in NGFWD Ext, g.00 18.00 21.7 -Adirondack Farmers Fence, 7'legged u Posts, wire, 210.80 210.80 Cooperative Exchge. 14' barn yard gate-sewage dept. 218 Mott-Manbeck Mach Lyle'S: gns-SchoolZone Signs 108.40 108040 inery Co. Inc. Dead End Warning Signs `! 219 Edward ThempsonCo. McK"ney"a Pocket Parts to 36.00 36.00 Books-2/33,36 & 61-(58;59;60) 155S.51 $ On motioncthe 7 meeti adjourned 4an4c4 er Town Clerk