1961-10-05 SP 284 Special Meeting October 5`, 1961 Present: John 0. Webster- Supervisor Stanley B. Miller- Councilman Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson- Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7: 55 P.M. Roland Mandigo appeared again on s ubjectof moving junk yard. He was questioned by Mr. Webster on condition in which he will leave present site. Mr. Mandigo states that it will he clean to the ground. An appointment was made for Saturday morning October the 7th with Mr. Webster, Mr. Aikens and Mr. Lampson to visit new site.- The board questioned. George Crannell about Bond. Mr. Miller will take care of same on 10/6/61. Mr. Andrew Butz, nominee- for Justice of the Peace was present and welcomed.. Mr. R#lph Nestle waL present and welcomed. - Mr. Codner reported that work is progressing on East Sanford St. Mr. Miller questioned Mr. Coiner about Rockhurst. Mr. Webster reported that Mr. Wolfe is re-checking the deed of said property.- October 1 , 1961 Town Board, Town of Queensbury Gentlemen: Pursuant to Subd. 10, Sec. 30 of the Town- Law, I hereby apaoint Marion J. Crannell, Deputy Town Clerk, and Carol C. Webster, Deputy Town Clerk. Yours very truly, George C,. Crannell RPSOL.UTION NO`. y105 Introduced by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, George Crannell , Town Clerk , has appointed Marion J. Crannell, and. Carol C. Webster, as Deputy Town Clerks; therefore be it RESOLVED that these two Deputy Town Clerks appointed by the Town Clerk shall have the power to perform all duties of the Town Clerk, and such further duties as the Town Board may determine, not incon- sistent with law. RESOLUTION NC . 106 ntroduced by Mr. Miller and seconded by r. Lampson. WHEREAS, due to the increa6e of business being conducte{' in the Town Clerk' s office it is deemed advisable to provide compensation for j one deputy: therefore, be it RESOLVED that the compensation of Marion J. Crannell, deputy Town Clerk, be and the same is hereby fixed at the rate of $400. per year, payable monthly, as follows: October 1961- $33.33 November 1961- 33.33 December 1961- 33.37 28.5 Mr. Webster reports that the North Glens Falls water district needs funds. Mr. Webster checked with 14r. Beswick and submits the following: RESOLUTION NO. 107 introduced by Mr. Bentley and seconded by Mr. Lampson. REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTI? RESOLUTION OF OCTOBER 5 , 1961, OF THE TO1,TN OF QITFI NSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORV , IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. BE IT RESOLVED, this 5th day of October, 1961 , by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section 1. That, pursuant to the Local Finance Law the State of New York, the said Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York,, in anticipation -- of the collection of a specific revenue other than real estate taxes or assessments , to wit: the receipt �f water rents to be collected in the North Glens Falls water District, '%ecome due and payable during the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1961, shall issue and sell a revenue anticipation note in the amount of $500. to mature on December 5, 1961. Section 2. That the amount of the uncollected specific revenue afore- said, to wit: the receipt of water rents to be collected in the North Glens Falls Water District against which the said note is authorized to be issued is as the date hereof, in excess of the sum of $500.00, and that there are no other outstanding revenue anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the receipts of such revenues. Section 8. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date, terms, form, contents and place of payment and at a rate of interest not exceeding three and one-half per centum per annum as may be determined by the Supervisor, consistant, however, with the provisions of the Local Finance Law of the State Of New York, and shall be executed in the name of said Town by its Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be attached theret6. Oection 4. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Super- visor at a price of not less than par value and accrued interest, if any, and upon the execution and sale of said note, the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon the payment by him to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash and the receipt of the Supervisor shall be a fill acquittance to the purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 5. The full faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, are pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said note. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately. RESOLUTION NO. 108 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS , the Town Board of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, has authorized the issuance and sale of a revenue anticipation note in the amount of $500.00 to mature on the 5th day of December, 1961, to provide funds for the payment of ex ,enses of operation of the North Glens Falls hater District , prior to the collection o1 water rents. RESOLVEn that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to invest $500.00 of the funds of the Capital Reserve :und of the Town of Queensbury by purchasing said revenue anticipation note. Through an error on the part of Niagara Mohawk, charges for light installed at Dunhams Bay was charged. to Cleverdale Lisrhti.ng District. See following: RESOLUTION NO. 109 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved for its adoption and seconded by Mr. Lampson. t4N. REAS, the Town Board authorized the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation to install a highway light at the intersection of Bay Road with Route 9L and by inadvertance the cost of such light has been charged to and paid for from Cleverdale Lighting District in the total amount of $67.80 instead of from the general fund, he it RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and disectrd to draw a check in the am^')nt of $6780 against the general fund account and deposit and credit the same to Cl.wFr.dale Lighting District account. 286 We have ordered one cab and chassis from Carswell Trucking Company for an amot,rt of $4085. The payment of above necessitates transfer of monies in highc�ay, fund. See following: RES LUTION RTO. 110 introduced )y Mr. L•ampson who moved for its adoption and seconded by Mr. . Bentley. WHEREAS, this Town Board has heretofore authorized the purchase of an International truck from Carswell Motors , Inc. , at a net cost of $4085.00 and there remains an insufficient balance in the appropriation made in the current hudlet for the purchase of machinery but there do remain unappropriated surplus funrls , be it RESOLVED that there be and hereby ar a,;propri.ated surplus funds in. the amount of $985.82 in Item 3 of the highway account which the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the faand for the purchase of machinery, and be it further RESOLVED that there be and hereby are appropriated surplus funds in the amount of $2,390.76 in Item 4 of the highway account which the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the fund for the purchase of machinery, and be it further RESOLVED that there be and hereby are a�)propriated surplus funds in the amount of $11 ,604.96 remaining in Item 1 of the Highway account which the Sl.'pervisor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the fund for generhl repairs. RESOLiiTTON No. 111 introduced by Mr. Webster who moved for its adoption and seconded by Mr. Miller. tJ' :RF.AS , Frances L. Turner served as Deputy Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury from 1926 to 1947 and as its Town Clerk from 1947 to October 17 1961, at which time she resigned , and WHFREAS , said. Frances L. Turner has made her home available as a meeting place for the Town Board and has rendered faithful service to the residents of the Town of Queensbury, be it RESOLVED that the members of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury h hereby express to Frances L. Turner their appreciation for her many years of faithful service as Town Clerk and the many courtesies which she _ has extended to the Town Board over the years and their sincere wish that she have many years in which to enjoy her well deserved retirement. We have receeved a letter from the Abelerne Vest Control explaining their work. Sent copy of proposed contract for removing .rodents from dump. Mr. Webster and Mr. Bentley discussed. all phases of work to be done. It was submitted to Mr. Beswi_ek for opinion. A proposition for school children protection was brought up. Another letter was received and read from William Cohen on the matter. air. Beswick stated that this is a town responsibility. Several points in Queensbury were cited as dangerous. The situation was discussed at length by all members present. Mr. Miller stated that with the County owning the road in question, Quaker Road, his opinion was that we should get further legal opinions on the matter. Mr. Bentley asked for traffic light at Dix Avenue and Quaker Road intersection. Mr. Webster stated that the State made no provision for this. An. invitation was received from Ed Howard , District Sanitary Engineer to attend meeting on SAflitary land fill. No action was taken on matter. The Town Clerk presented the following estimates of the town offices for the year beginning January 1, 1962: ANNUAL wSTIMATE SUBMITTED BY SUPERVISOR " Town of Queensbury For fiscal Year Beginning January 1 , 1962 Expenditures--General Fund Town Board Town Hall and Town offices Rentals (board, room, offices, elections , etc. $1200.00 287 Compensation of employees $100.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 500.00 Repairs 500.00 Miscellaneous Expenses-Surplus Prop. 200.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (inc. mileage) 2200.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 200.00 Voting machines, purchase and repair 50.00 Other Expenses 1000.00 Insurance Compensation insurance 8000.00 Official bonds and undertakings 300.00 Fire and liability 5000.00 printing and advertising (all departments) 1000.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation 2500.00 Services of engineer and expenses 3750.00 Assn. of Towns DUeZ 110.00 Soc. Sec. Town Share 3700.00 Publicity Fund - 500.00 Employees ' Retirement System (town Share) 6000.00 Total $36,810.00 SUPERVISOR Salary of Supervisor 4000.00 Compensation of. employees 3000.00 Office and other expenses 500.00 Total $ 79500.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS ANE PROPERTY Compensation 1000.00 Mileage and other expenses 200.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Total $ 17300.00 LOCKUP TRAFFIC Signs, signals and highway lighting Total 5600.00 $ 51600.00 DOG WARDEN Compensation 550.00 Other expenses 200.00 Total $ 750.00 INSPECTION COSTS Building inspection and enforcement officer salary 600.00 Other expenses 100.00 Total $ 700.00 TOWN DUMP Compensation 1400.00 Misc. Expenses 1200.00 Total $ 21600.00 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Total $10,950.00 EDUCATION Compensation 180.00 Other expenses 50.00 Total $ 230.00 PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract with Mountainside Free 100.00 Contract with Crandall Library 4000.00 Total $ 4,100.80 TOTAL EDUCATION Total $ 49330.00 PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS Improvement of town property 300.00 Total $ 300.00 PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES Total 100.00 100.00 TOTAL RECREATION Total 400.00 288 CE"1,ETERIFS (see schedule) Total $110410.00 REDEMPTION OF DEBT 2,500.00 Bonds Storehouse completion bond #4 (1958) 2500.00 Interest on Debt Storehouse .completion Bond # 4 (1958) 75.00 MUNICIPAL INDFBTEDNESS AND INTEREST Total $ 2575.00 CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Town_ Hall or Other Buildings 500.00 Total $ 500.00 VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS FOR ROOMS 700.00 CONTINGENT PURPOSES Sec. 11.2 of Town Law 6000.00 Total_ $ 6000.00 REVENUES--GENERAL FUND Mortgage taxes 15000.00 Dog licenses (from county) 1800.00 Licenses and Permits 100.00 Fees of Cemeteries 7150.00 Fees of Town Clerk 2300.00 Fees of Justice of the Peace 2500.00 Fees of Tax Collector 1000.00 Per Capita Assistance 35500.00 Unexpended balances (Sec. 115 ,Town Law) 10000.00 Total Revenues $75350.00 Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed) John 0. Webster Supervisor The following letter was received by lir. Webster from Mr. VanDusen concerning the cemetery commission: September 29, 1961 �?r. John 0. [Jel aster w1 , Glens halls, N.Y. Dea.r John, At the last meeting of the Cemetery Commission of the Town of 'ueensbury, we discussed the 1962 luaget and would like to make two recommendations for the coming year. Fix :t, we. would recommend t1iat the salary o Franklin Scoville., caret:1' er of Tine t*iew Cemetery be increased from $3300 to $3500. He has had many years of faithful. service and has not ilad a raise in pay for at least 4 years anca we feel that he is enti tied to at least -his small.. increase. Secondly, we know t'-ipt several of the so-called at>ai d fined cemeteries in the town have ?had.l.y clama,­ec3 and deterioratr d fences , so we have asked for an additional $200 to defer the cost of re ,airs to fences. We hope the. above requests meet with your a>>proval. Sincerely, Sidney Van T�usen Cemetery Commission Town of Queensbury J PINEVIi is Cr'MET ,=ZY 1962 Budget Cost of Improvements: Improvements to Cemetery $500.00 New Equipment (Mowers , etc. ) 200.00 Total $ 700.00 Maintenance: Personal Services 9000.00 Repairs to e-xistinf. equipment 150.00 Gas & Oi.l for truck and Equipment 250.00 289 Bond for Commissioner & Supt. 35. ..)0 '?iscellaneous 275.00 Cost of ',taintenance of outside cemeteries , Including repairs to fences 1000.00 Total $10,710.00 $119410.00 R EVETJUES Sale of Lots , less perpetual care 3200.00 Fees for Vault rental 100.00 Fees for opening graves 2800.00 Fees for setting monuments 1 0.00 -` Esti_mated Balance DPc. 31 , 1.961 950.00 $ 77 I.equested Bud et Apr;r opriation$ 4, 260.00 ANTNTUAL }' 4TtI f L SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OI' THE PEACL For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures Salary of Justice 3600.00 Salaries of other employees (stenographer) 125.00 Postage 50.00 Bonds 10.00 Law books 60.00 Forms 60.00 Total Expenditures $ 3,905.00 Revenues . ines penalties and forfeitures 50.00 Motor vehicle fees (recei-ved from State) 500.00 Criminal fres--Indicta -)le cases (rcd, from Co . ) 20.00 Civil fees 100.00 Civil fees--dog (rcd. from Co. ) 20.00 Civil fees--Conservation Law (rcd. from defendants) 20.00 Total Revenues $ 710.00 Dated: September 1.5 ,1961 (signed) 14eredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUB14ITTrD 3Y JUSTICE Or' THE FARCE For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures Salary of Justice 2000.00 Sal.ar. ies of other employees 40.00 Postage 20.00 Bonds 10.00 Association of Towns 100.00 J.P. School 200.00 Total Expenditures $ 29370.00 Revenues Fines penalties and forfeitures 100.00 Motor vehicle fees (rcd. from Stateq 100.00 Cririnal fees--Indi_ctas;le cases (rcd. from Co. ) 20.00 Civil fees _ 50.00 j Civil fees--dog (rcd. from Co. ) 20.00 Civil fees--Conservation Law (rcd. from defendants) 10.00 Total Revenues $ 300.00 Dated: September 24, 1961 (signed) Harold C. Akins Ji-,stice of the Peace ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN For Fiscal year Beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures Salaries 1200.00 Postage, attendance Mleetinrs , etc. 100.00 Total Expenditures $ 19300.00 Zevenues '290 Revenues None Dated: September. 11 , 1961 (signed) Stanley B. *Miller Councilman ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUB 'ITTED BY COUNCILr1AN For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1 , 1962 Expenditures Salaries- 1200.00 Law Books 50.00 Attending Ass. of Towns 100.00 Total Expenditures 1 ,350.00 Revenues None (signed) Curtis Lampson rated: September 8, 1961 Councilman ANNUAL. ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TOWN CLEPRIK For Fiscal. Year Beginning January 1 , 1962 Expenditures Salary of Town Clerk 4000.00 Postage 200.00 Bonds 10.00 Total Expenditures $ 4,210.00 Revenues Dog tags 324.25 Marriage licenses and transcripts 107.00 Hunting and fishing licenses (non resident and .non resident6 day lost license) 983.50 EA Trapping Res . 3.50 Filing(Conditional sales contract and chattel mottgages) 413.00 Transcripts of records , searches , etc. 5.50 Res. BG and Non Res. BG and Res . Archery 446.75 Permits bingo, Carnival and Go Cart 505.00 Junk Dealers license (carry junk) (4) 20.00 Total reven,.ies $ 2008.50 Dated: September 30. 1961 (signed) Frances L. Turner Town Clerk ANNUAL ESTIMATE SL?3'111ITTET` 3Y AS=ESSOR For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures Salary of Assessors 1700.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 200.00 Total Expenditures $ 1,900.00 Revenues None rated: September. 30. 1961 (signed) Donald .H. Winchell Assessor ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR For Fiscal. Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures Salary of Assessors 3800.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 300.00 Postage 25.00 Total Expenditures $ 4,126.00 Revenues None 291 Dated : September 2, 1961 (signed) Ernest Hillis Assessor ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 196r Expenditures Salary of Assessors 4000.00 ;salaries of Employees 180.00 , - Total Expenditures $ 4,150.00 Revenues None The following letter was received from Leon Nassivera: County Line Rd. , R.F.D., #1 Cl ens Falls, N. Y. October 4, 1961 Queensbury Town Board Gentlemen: Attached please find assessors budget estimate. Along with the estimate I am submitting also a few suggestions for your consideration. You will notice that the assessors salary is listed as $4000.00, Certainly this is not a figure that I suggest paying a part time assessor, but rather a figure for ene employed full tine. The reason for this is that I consider the use of a two man board of assessors employed on a full -time basis as being more practical than the met -god now used. You are aware of course that the two-part-time assessors with part-time pay generally use their salary as a su-)nlement to some other income, usually a job or a business. It has been my experience in the two years that I have been in office, t;1at the two often tin-yes conflict so that a tremendo,Js amount of time is lost in _ietting together to go in the fielO to work. Surely I need not mention to you men the amount of construction taking place in the town, It, increases the amount of work the town board has to do as well as the hoard of assessors. The difference here, is that, the assessors have to visit, review, appraise , all of the construction work during the two months just prior to June lst , which _is Tax Status Jay. Consequently, -any loss of time from the job of assessing to take care of a job or a business could seriously affect the thouotighness of the a�)uraisal work that has to be done, and done on time. The entries have to be made in the books, and in addition, take care of all of the property transfers that take place in those two months. 1 feel that fu.11 days and full weeks are necessary at that time of year to do the kind of a job that the people of the town of Queensbury are entitled to, are willing to pay _or, and should have. Respecffully submitted, Leon P:assivera ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED? BY BOARD OF HEALTH I For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures Salary 75.00 Office, traveling and rither expenses 10.00 Total Expenditures $ 85.00 rated: September 4, 1961 (signed) Frances L. Turner Health Officer &NEN TAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ROAR-) OE HEALTH For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures Salary 1750.00 Office, trLveling and other expenses 100.00 -292 Baby Clinics 1200.00 Total Fxpend.itures $ 39050.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics 85.00 Amount to he raised by tex for Town Health � 3,135.00 Dated: September 19, 1961 (signed) Robert A. Reid, '11.D. Health Officer ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS rFor Fiscal Year 3eginning January 1 , 1962 Town of Queenshury County of Warren Highway Fund (Item 1) Appropriations General Repairs 80000.00 Special improvements 10000.00 Total Expenditures $90,000.00 Revenues State Aid 8300.00 Total Revenues $ 89300.00 Amount to be Raised by Tax for Highway Fund (Iteml) $819700.00 Machinery Fund (Item 3) Fxpendl.i_tures Purchase of macningry, tools and implements 13500.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements 10000.00 Redemption of machingry certificates 3600.00 Interest on machinery certificates 100.00 Total Lxpenditures $271200.00 .J Revenues Rentals of machinery 500.00 Amount to be Raised by tax for Machinery Fund .(Item 3) $260700.00 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4) Expenditures Salary of town superintendent 5600.00 Expenses of town superintendent 300.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 24000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 3600.00 Other miscellaneous purposes Heat and Phone 3000.00 Total Expenditures $369500.00 Revenues Miscellaneous revenues From 5200.00 Total Revenues i . 2i 00.00 Amount to be Raised By Tax for Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4) $31,300.00 (signed) Bernard. F. Codn.er Superintendent of Higbways 298 ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR NORTH GLENS FALI S WATER DISTRICT 1962 Expenditures Cost of Improvement Construction of Improvement 700,00 Total $ 700.00 Maintenance Personal services 600.00 Office & other expenses Printing, postage, supplies ,etc. 100.00 Mowing; pairtina, & shovelin.G hydrants 100.00 Refunds and miscellaneous Exp. 50.00 Repairs 700.00 rower & light 11800.00 Purchase of water. 47000.00 Purchase of equipment 250.00 Purchase and - installation of meters 300.00 Total $ 7,900.00 Total Expenditures $ 81600.00 Revenues Water rents 8_600.00 Total Revenges $ 81600.00 Amount to be raised by taxes none Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL EST1MATE FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXT. #1 1962 EXPENDITURE; Cast "of Improvement Construction of Improvement 2,000.00 Bond principal 5,000.00 — Bond Interest 850.00 Total $ 79850.00 aintenar ce Personal Services 600.00 Office and other expenses '^rintin-, posta,°e, supplies , etc. 100.00 ?Mowing, painting, shoveling hydrants 100.00 Refunds 50.00 Repairs 600.00 Purchase of water 71000.00 Purchase of equipment 250.00 Purchase and installation of meters & services 400.00 Total $ 9,000.00 Total Expenditures 1 ,Z 850.00 REVENUES Water Rents 109500.00 Unexpex►ded balance 1,000.00 Total revenues 121500.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 0350.00 rated: September 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. Webster Supervisor .r 294 ANNUAL ESTI11"ATE FOR VEST GLENS FAI.T,S WATER DISTRICT Exnenditures Cost of Improvement: Construction of improvement 13,00 .00 Total $13,000.00 Maintenance: Personal services 500.00 Office and other expenses 225.00 Misc. expenses and fefunds 25.00 Repairs 500.00 Purchase of water 3400.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 50.00 Total $ 4,800.00 Total Expenditures $17.800.00 Revenues Water rents 4400.00 Sale of water 400.00 Unexpended balance 13000.00 Total revenues $179800.00 Amount do raise by taxes None Fated: September - 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL 'ESTIMATE FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT PXT.#1 Expenditures Cost of Improvement: Bond principal 550.00 Bond interest 460.00 Total $ 19010.00 Maintenance: Personal -services 100.00 Office and other expenses 25.00 Repairs 100.00 Purchase of water 400.00 Total $ 625.00 Total expenditures $ 1, 35 00 Revenues Water rents 550.00 Unexpended balance 785.00 Total revenues $ 1,335.00 Amount to be raised by taxes $ 300.00 I Dated: September -30, 1961 (signed)JRhn 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FUR RIDGE ROAD WATER DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of Improvement: Construction of improvement 5500.00 Total $ 59500.00 M,,aintenance: Personal services 100. 10 Office and other expenses Printing, postage & siluplies 100.00 Refunds, etc. 50.00 Flushing hydrants & snow shoveling 50.00 Repairs 600.00 Purchase of water 600.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 100.00 Total $ 1 600 .00 Total Expenditures $ 7,100.00 Revenues Water rents 1100.00 Unexpended balance 6000.00 Total revenues $ 7 ,100.00 Amount to be raised by taxes None Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. Webster-Supervisor 295 ANNUAL ESTIVATE FOR SHORE COZ,ONY UTATER DISTRICT Expenditures Maintenance: Personal services 300.00 Office and other expenses Including chlorination & power 120.00 Repairs 550.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 30.00 Total $ 1,000.00 Total Expenditures $ 11000.00 Revenues Water rents 570.00 Sale and installation of meters and services 30.00 Unexpended balan.de 400.00 Total revenues $ 1,0',)0.00 Amount to be raise('. by taxes None Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMAT FOR QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Town of Queensbury Expenditures Payments under contracts 5 companies c-P $3, 800. ea. 19,000.00 Total expenditures $19,000.00 Revenues Unexpena?ed balance 200.00 Total revenues $ 200.00 :mount to be raised by taxes 189800.00 Dated: .September 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. We.bwter Supervisor ANNUAL- ESTIMATE FOR RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT For the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1 , 1962 Expenditures Cost of Improvement None Maintenance. Personal Services 50.00 Repairs 400.00 Total expenditures $ 450.00 . Revenues Unexpended .balance 450.00 Total revenues $ 450.00 Amount to be raised by taxes NRne Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. Webster Supervisor Al`T11k_1;AL ESTIMATE F',)R PERSHING, ASHLEY, COOLIDGE, SE`,'% R Town of Queensbury DISTRICT For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Expenditures maintenance payments on contract 1000.00 Repairs 50-1.00 Total Expenditures $ 1,500 .00 Revenues Unexpended balance 500.00 Total Revenues $ 500.00 Amount to be raised by taxes $ 1,000.00 .296 Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL. ESTIME?TF I'OR QUEENSB??RY DRAINTACE DI`;'TRIcT For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1962 Town of Queensbury Expenditures Bond Princi ,al 5000.00 Bond Interest 2200.00 Total Expenditures $ 79200.00 Revenues „ne.xpended balance None Total revenues None Amount to be raised by taxes $ , Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed)John v. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT ATuU-IER;T;kGARRISON RD. LiGi'TING DISTRICT Town of Queensbury For Fiscal Year Beginning January 1 , 1962 Expenditures None Maintenance Dayment on contract 2025.00 Total $ 2,025.00 Total Expenditures $ 29025.00 Revenues „ unexpended Balance None Total Revenues none 2,025.00 Amount to be raised, by taxes Dated: September 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. Webster Supervisor ANNUAL EST iIN1ATE 1"OR CLL',?ERDALE LIGHTING Dl STRI T Town of Queensbury For Fiscal Year Beginning Jaivary 1 , 1962 Expenditures None Maintenance ayment on contract 500.00 Total $500.00 Total Expenditures $500.00 Revenues Unexpended Balance Mine Total Revenues NOne Amount to be raised by ta,ces $500.00 Bated September 30, 1961 (signed)John 0. Webster Supervisor vn mo t i On the meeting adjourned t 111h4 p.m,Geors C. Crannell Town Clerk i