1960-11-17 SP i$5 463 Leorr M. Steves Hns.worked -surveying under super- vision of Town Survey=or, J.Van- Dusen 8.25 8.25 -464 Russell & Wait 1 Moistener-NGFWD Ext. #1 1.00 1-100 465 Association of Towns, Annual Membership dues, • State of N. Y. Twn of Qsby. 110.00 110.00 $4725.99 523.00 • ;On motion the meeting adjourned. • -raceA�. urnzt Town Clerk Special Meeting November 17 ,- 1960 Present: John 0. Webster - Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Powel South who was present, presented an application for a Bingo license for the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Resolution No. 138 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Lampson: WHEREAS an application has been made to this Board by the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co,, Inc. for license to conduct Bingo games , and WHEREAS an investigation has been made by this Board, and after such investigation the Board makes the following findings and determinations: 1. That the applicant is a qualified organization as defined by law; 2. That all of the members designated to conduct games are bona fide active members of the applicant organization; 3. That all the members designated to conduct games and the assistants are of good moral character; 4. That all the members designated to conduct games and the assistants have never been convicted of a crime; 5. That the games are to be held according to the Bingo License Law, and rules and regulations of the State Lottery Control Commission and local ordinances; 6. That the entire net proceeds are to be used solely for the purposes permitted by the Bingo License Law; 7. That there is satisfactory proof that no commission, salary, compensation, reward or recompense will be paid or given to any person for the conducting of games or assistance thereon except to the extent allowed by law; 8. There is satisfactory proof that the type and value of prizes will conform to law; 9. That no rent for the premises is being pai4 and as a result of the findings and determinations stated above, license is granted. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary findings and determinations and issue a license to conduct Bingo games in accordance with the application received. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Webster. At this point in the meeting, Justice Akins and Mr. Miller entered and took part in the proceedings. A request was received from Finch, Pruyn & Co. , Inc. for permission to make a water tap- on property being purchased by James Hager. 136 Resolution No.- 139 introduced by Mr. ;,ampsor?, seconded by Mr. Akins: PFSOL� and D that permission be an is hereby granted to Finch �'ruyn Cos. , Inc. to arrange with the City of Glens Falls to mare the neces- sary eater taps to property located on the east side of the West :iountain Road which is being d.e.veloped by John Hager as a residence. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. L&,nnson, h1r. Akins and. Mr. Webster. At 7:50 p.m.. , the Supervisor declared the Public Hearing open on the proposed ordinance relating to filing of reports of new construction. The following people were present: Emile A., Mai.nville William J. Bennett Lawrence D. Bell. John Dunn Ralph Nestle Leon. Nassivera C. Vowel South H. Russell Harris George Liapes Joseph Whalen BernarO. Codner, Town Superintendent of Highways was also present. The Supervisor made the opening statement, explaining some of the details of the proposed ordinance. Proof of the posting of the entice was received and filed . Proof of the publication of the notice was received and filed. The Supervisor read the proposed ordinance. The Supervisor read a letter from William T. Clark, 18 Broadacres Road: 18 Broadacres Road Glens Falls , N. Y. November 15, 1960 mr. John Webster Supervisor a Town of Queen.sbury R. D. 1 Glens Falls, New York Dear John: I understand that there will he a hearing Thursday evening to consider the question of an ordinance requiring a Report of New Con- struction applying to properties in. the Town of Queensbury. I would like to attend this nearing, but unfortunately I have a meeting that .evening which I must participate in. ?tore than four years ago the Citizens Committee on Queensbury re- Assessment stated that one of the objectives of the Town should be to adopt an ordinance requiring a permit for new construction or altera- tion of existing properties. The Mohican Grange saw fit to adopt a '_resolution in April of 1957 , a copy of which is enclosed. You will recall that this Resolution recognized the fact that the Warren County Assessors Association had placed itself on record as favoring such a permit. In the interests of good government and an efficient assessment system I urge that favorable action on this ordinance be taken. Sincerely, William T. Clark The Supervisor also read, the following communication from the Mohican Grange.: MOHICAN GRANGE No. 1300 COPY Glens Falls , N. Y. WHEREAS: in the Town of Queensbury in Warren County, a large number of buildings are annually being improved or erected , and 1. 37 >717EREAS , an accurate record. of this new construction would be much in the public interest and very helpful to the Town Assessors as well. as to the Health Authorities and the moire Companies in the Town, of Queeps.bury, and WIF:R.EAS, there is now no provision in the local laws whereby this information is readily obtainable, and WHEREAS, the Warren County Assessors Association has placed itself on record. as favoring, for those Towns where needed, the adoption of an Ordinance , requiring from all bui.ldirs a "REPORT OE ''IF'W CONSTRUCTION", be it hereby RESOLVED: that Mohican Grange 1300 places itself on record as favoring for the Town.< of Queensbury, the adoption of a Town Ordinance - requiring from all builders a "REPORT OF NEW to be filed with the Towr Clerk, and a cony to be filed with the Chairman of the Queensbury Board of Assessors , in such manner as may be consistent with accuracy an('- regularity, and with such penal-ties for non-performance as may be decided upon by the., Town Board. of; Queensbury. I hereby certify= that the above is a true copy of a resolution passed at a regular meeting of i,,iohi ca.n Grange #1300 on April 4, 1957, and forwarded to the ':Down Clerk. of the Town of Queensbury for consideration at a meeting of the Town. Board.. " (Signed) Gertrude, Van Buser. -cretary= :CniICAN GRANGE No. 1300 11/17/60 At a meeting of Mahican Grange #1300 held. November 3, 1960, said Grange went on record as reaffirming their stand of June Z, 1960, that they are in favor of the Town Board passing law for the Town of Queensbury making it necessary for either a building permit or a notice of intent to build in order for new construction to- be erected thus enabli.nr the assessors to keep the tax rolls up to date. Betty Whalen. Secretary Mohican Grange #1300 The following people generally discussed the provisions of the proposed ordi..nance Leon Nassivera, John Dunn, P'owel South, H. '_:ussell Harris. Albert E. Beswick, County Attorney who was present, was asked numerous questions in relation to the ordinance and exnl.ained some of the provisions thereof. The Supervisor extended welcome to the people present. It was moved. by Mr. Akins and, seconded by Mr. Miller as follows (Resolution No. 140) Ordinance Relating to riling of Renorts of New Construction. Be It Enacted and Ordained by the Town Board. of the Town of Queens- bury i.n the County of ?,'arren and State of New York, as follows: Section 1. Declaration of policy. In lieu of the adoption of a complete building code vhict. wo!zld= require the establishing of standards of construction, the filing of plans and, the issuance of a permit for construction of -oew bu:;.ld.irn 7s end structures and the construction of ada.itions to existing buildings and structures , it is the intent of the Town Board by the adoptlon of this oreli.nance to require all ?persons who intend to construct new 13Li_ldings or structures or to construct additions to existing buildings and. structures in the Town of Queensbury to file a report of such intended construction with the Supervisor for the purpose , among other things, of enabling the Towr,. ` oard and other proper town officials to determine whether such i�g _ Ih proposed co-,strVction Will be within the limits of ,any town nig wa or. Mond the l:LrP3-ts of any established set back lines , and to-erNle the Town Eoard. to plan and provide for any changes in existin,l or D - �D C.> h,; --,IYv,7,a-YS or the extension oF water and ot!Aer facili,'-ies ,•,,-jere tyre sarlle are available. Section 2. Tj'ci7initions . The word "Person" as used in this ordi-fiance shall include a iiaturvI person, a corporation, a club or association of persqns and any firm or, partnershi.,) and the singular shall include the plural. The words "construct" or "co cis true Lion" as used in this ordinance shall mean the erection oil the Site j- 01 a �L site. )y f a', rictifon froin ;-aterials of any b-uj*l,:jiLir or structure, the erection of a building, on a site from prefabricated or preassembled parts , or the erection oil 4-1. 1 ere it was con- tae site of a cora?. leate building atoved. fro"I the, place -7h structed or frorii another sit(> . The words "building" or "structure'' as used in this or.111- aance shall mean and include mercantile and industrial structurcst dwellings , hotels , riotelzs , cabi�is , garages , barns , sheds , trailerso aies , towers , boat houses docks and like L"­_)rovements. 7 - The word "addition" as used in this ordinance means the C i Ila r e me a t I of an' exJ_s-t-Ln.(r.:,r, buil�linL-,: or structure , any' the replacement C> I or repair of an cxis1i..n buil<llitiL� o,r structure shall, taot be deemed an addition. The i•-ord Ilowner" as tn all in 11-le _s sh cl rl tbe W der ol` the iebal title to tiftc� 1-and ol', V,11.1-ch suc`l building or Structure, or addition to an existing building or structure , is to be built and shall- also include a lessee of sUc"I land arid any -person who s`iall_ have so!.,e ri:7,ht or interest in the Ian%--' T%,r'L-iich shall entitle- sucht C.� - ag, struc odditiori thereon. to construct a buil,,Ii t-ure or Section 3. Regulation. Any )erson, i,jho L to constr,_ict bia- Ir-liny or structure on any land in -he. Tor,7-r, 7,1F UC'Ons bury or wilo shall irrito.nd to L collstruct all addition to any existing buil,d-ing or structure in the Tor-r.2 0 the -)e rv- r tueensbury, shall file- in tric o,F-fice o- -,� F,u r ,s or psi. r to the co.,7,.m,.2�acing of such construction a *-,Tri_tten notice -,Tidch shall state i.,_ ' I- -i -).nc� -i �ch such construction. is to be .-te. name or the owner of the 1, , on wI L donc- , the locution of the property by reference t9 street or hi'-f"IT-Way, the intended use of the building or addition, the distance between such building I'-ding and the nearest town 7 acid whet'rier the owner intends to apply to the Two.-L Boax�i of the Town "ueansbury Epr any change in. the t I_L(! IC_fo e�C_e,'S .1 0 pXj locati,-,)LI of a togsai hi,--fhway or watex mains or lz� other tovrn facilities . The SSuDcrvisor shall procure and. have available S U: _* Sor CjUr4,-jcf -.1 business hours a form of ")e rV at the ofEL-ice of the, L �D usu; Co__L, notice for use in LiDlyiLl'T Witl n.(_ requirements off: this ordinance but the Sui pervisor steal recelsae and file such notice in. the form of a- letter or othc-tr written s I.-a t e iae a t -provided the. iriforlaatiori required by this ordinaticc shall be set forth therein. No fec shall be required for the filing of such notice aad no 'I)ermit for such construction shall be required. The preparation and filta of such notice by a contra-actor, -a�-ent or attorney, acting for the owner shall be a su.-Hificient compliance. Section 4. Penalties arLOI en-force-me-rit. The construction of a buildig or structure, or the "n' t' collstructipii of an addition to as existing, building or structure, in the Town of Queensbury without the filing in the office of the Super- visor of the notice required by this ordinance by the owner shall con- stitute an offense and upon conviction of a violation oF this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine not excecd.ing Twenty-five Dollars for each. such offense. The Town Board shall also have the power to apply to a court for an injunction to restrain the owner from violating this ordinance and to co=mpel coripliance, witri this ordinance as r_>rovided by the Town Law. Section 5. Effective Dat�!. This ordinance shall. take effect irmaediately. 139 'D''tl Clerk be and is hereby author?zed anci `dire t'ect -to I lbo, egofn�� ordih as't-re' (jufr­iid' by law, and the same shall become effective as provided in Section 133 of the Town Law. Duly adopted by the following vote: C) Ayes - '111r. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , and Mr. Webster Noes - none t Samuel Jacobs was present and discussed with the Board the proposed abandonment of California and Kansas Avenues . 'Since t1ie matter had previously been referred to the Highway Committee , the mittee was .further instructed to continue their investigation of the matter, The Board discussed the matter of disposal of junk and garbage in the Toxtiai- of Queensbury. The Board also further discussed with Albert E. Beswlick, County 4,%ttorney, the matter of licensing truckmen and further discussed with the County Attorney the conditions which now exist at the city dump. resolution No. 141 introduced by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Bentley: RESOLVED that Resolution No. 133 adopted Octobek, 27 , 1960, be and the same is hereby rescinded authorizing a lease with Edward Cole for storage of the tractor. 2U111THER RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury enter into a lease with Edward. Cole for covered storage fc& the Town tractor used at tiitie Town dump for a period of one year at $10 per month. Duly adopted by the -Following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , and Mr. Webster Noes - none In the matter of dog enumerator, the following application was received; also the application previously received from Floyd Chambers. Connecticut Avenue enue West Glens Falls, N. Y. ToC,n-t3oard , Town. of Queensbury Queensbury, N. Y. Gentlemen: Please accept this letter as my application for -Dog Enumerator in the Town of Queensbury for the year of 1960. Yours truly, Raymond J. 11o.a&ue. solution . o. 142 introduced"by Justice Bentley, seconded by Mr. Lalupso, : RESOLVLD that Raymond Hoague be and is hereby appointed doo, enumer- ator provisions of the Agriculture and Market for the year 1960. C. - Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, _Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , and Mr. 1,1ebs-ter Noes - none, On motion the meeting adjourned. Pr-ances L. Tdrner Por,n-i Clerk aegular Meeting November 24 , 1960 Present: John 0. Webster, Supervisor since 14r. Webster was the only Board member present, the meeting- adjourned for lack of a quorum, eturVher Town Clerk