1959-04-09 SP 13 5 6. Columbia St. beginning at Holden Ave. northerly for a distance Qf 500 feet, the sum of .. -. ._ . . 750.00 T. Feeder Dam Rd..' from` the City line westerly for a distance of 1200 feet, the sum of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800000 8. Potter Rd. beginning at the Aviation Road southerly and westerly for a distance of 2600 feet the sum of . . . . 3900.00 9, Michigan Ave.. from the Luzern Road to Central Ave. a dis- tance of 600 feet the sum of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9001100 10.- Vermont Ave. from the Luzerne Road to Central Ave. for a distance . of 600 feet, the sum of . . . 900.00 11. Sunnyside Road North from Bay Road easterly for a distance of 1500 feet; the sum of . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.000.00 12, Meadowbrook Road 'beginning at the end of the present macadam northerly for a distance of 1800 feet the sum of 2850.00 No moneys set aside for such permanent improvements shall be expended,, nor shall any work be, undertaken on such improvements , until the County Superintendent approves the plans , specifications and estimates for such construction) This agreement shall take effect when it is approved by the County Superintendent of "Highways. Executed in duplicate this 3rd day of April, 1959 (Signed) LeRoy' J. Gordon, Supervisor - Meredith S. Bentley, Justice of the Peace H. C. Akins , Justice of the Peace Curtis Lsmpson,, Town Councilman Stanley-B. Miller, Town Councilman Bernard J. Codner, Town Superintendent Cn motion the meeting adjourned. CA-Fan`c� Town Clerk Special Meeting April 9 , 1959 Present LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampsom. Councilman Stanley- J. Miller Councilman The Board convened: at 7:30 p.m. The: Supervisor presented a letter which read as follows : ALBERT E. BESWICK Attorney at.Law- Glens Falls, N. Y. April 3, 1959 Mr. LeRoy Gordon, Supervisor Foster Avenue Glens Falls , New York 136 Dear Roy:. _ Enclosed is, deed from' Ft.' Amherst' Realty Company; Inc. to Town of Queensbury conveying all of tie water.,mains , ..etc. upon the con ditlon that the Town patty any taxes levied against the water mains. This deed will serve to give the Town title to the main which is being replaced under- your arrangement with the State.' As for the taxes , I doubt that the Town may legally levy a tax. against water mains independently of the ownership of']-and. The sere= ing of customers,from grater mains cotes in the classification of a public utility and under the jurisdiction of the Public Service Com- mission, any assessment against water mains woul'd..have` to be on the basis of,speeial-f�ranchise•in the same manner,as for rail.roads, 'tele- phone companies, etc. Yours very truly, ` ` /s/"Albert E. Beswick County Attorney The Supervisor also presented a deed dated March 31, 1959 from the Ft. Amherst Realty Company, Inc. to the Town of Queensbury. Resolution No. 55 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman Diller RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts all the right, title and interest of the Ft. Amherst Realty Co. , Inc. in and to the water main or water mains within the limits of the-Aviation Road or any other Town highway as conveyed in a deed dated March 31, 1959 from the said Ft. Amherst Realty Co. , Inc. to the Town of Queensbury. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause-the said deed to be recorded. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none _ Councilman Miller presented the following communications: STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Albany, New-York December 3, 1958: Stanley B. Miller, Councilman Queensbury Town Hall- Star Route Glens Falls , N. Y. Dear Sir., This will confirm the agreement reached at the conference held in this office on November 7, 1958, and attended by you, Councilman Curtis Lampson of the Queensbury Town Board and Mr. Joseph Kestner, Consulting Engineer for the Town of Queensbury. The meeting was. held to discuss the effect of the proposed "Northway" construction on• the Town of Queensbury' s water supply property, and the ecisting water, main located ba Aviation Road. This Department will provide for the construction of a reimforced concrete underpass 41 wide by G' high at no cost to the Town, which will provide the Town with access to -that portion of the Town's property west of the Northway. The legal use of this access to be accomplished by a reservation in a description on the appropriation map. This underpass to be provided by the State in lieu of compensation for consequential damage, but without prejudice to the claim of the Town of Queensbury for the' fair market value of the land actually appropriated. 137 As regards the water main in Aviation Road , we are preparing cost estimates of the Town' s share for improvement should the Town decide to -have a. larger size mein installed. These estimates are being submitted to you through Mr. Kestner. We would appreciate being advised if the above is in accordance with your understanding,, in order that we can proceed with the design of the underpass and include same in our contract. Very truly yours,. For: G.L. NICKERSON DISTRICT ENGINEER By E. W. Dayton. Asst. Dist. Engineer STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - Albany, N. Y. December 3, 1958 Stanley D. Miller, Councilman - Queensbury Town Hall Star Route Glens Falls, New York Dear Sir: At the conference held in this office on November 7, 19.58,, you and Councilmen Curtis Lampson of the Town Board indicated that the Town of Queensbury planned, at some future date., to drill •a new well or wells on your property, west of the proposed ONorthwayu to svApmt your present water supply.. In accordance with agreement reached at -that meeting, this office agrees to issue a temporary permit allowing access to -your property from the southbound lanes of the new highway for drilling equip- ment and necessary supplies when the Town wishes to drill new wells. Following the establishment of .a well.-on the portions of your property west of the Northway, we agree to issue temporary permits as needed for access of heavy equipment for emergency repairs of same. - It is understood and agreed that no access from the Northway will be permitted for personnel,. except those required for the movement of vehicles carrying equipment and supplies. All other personnel necessary for the construction or repair of wells , water lines, and so forth, must obtain access through the proposed underpass, leading from the eastern portion of your property.. It is further understood and agreed that no access from the Northway will be permitted for routine maintenance work and that the above permits will be issued solely for access by heavy equipment required for new construction work or emergency repairs , re- quiring heavy equipment. Under the construction contract, we will grade a portion of the slope so that heavy- equipment can readily be moved from the new highway to the property on the west. When the above permits are issued , State Police supervision for movement from and to the Northway will be arranged by this office. We would appreciate receiving confirmation of the above arrangement. Very truly yours , G.L. NICKERSON DISTRICT. ENGINEER By E..W. Dayton Asst. Dist. Engineer STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC. WORKS - Albany, N. Y. February 13, 1959 Stanley B. Miller, Councilman 5 Pershing Road • Glens Falls, New York Dear Sir:. We are forwarding one print each of Sheets 105, 106 and 119 of the 138 contract plans for construction of Interstate Route 502 from the Hudson River to Gurney Lane in Warren County. These sheets show the location of all conflicts between water service of the Town of Queens- bury and our proposed highway, and show the relocation and reconstruct- ion we propose to do to your facilities. Briefly this work consists of: 1. Aviation Road (a) Lay new 6! water main north of the existing main to a point approximately 451 from each main line pavement.. Connect new main to existing main and reestablish house service connections. Plug at the main house services to be abandoned. Change elevations of existing valve boxes. (b) Lay approximately 28OiLF of 1211 C.I. water main with mechan- ical joints .under .the main line pavement. . - 2. Provide an underpass on the site of your proposed water supply System. Since the -rock under 1(b) is considered a betterment to the present system, it will be necessary for the Town to deposit with the State Comptroller a certified check in the amount of $1400.00 which repre- sents our estimated difference in cost between laying new 6" and 120 water main. When final accounting is made, any excess deposit will be refunded or in the event of a deficit the. Town will reimburse the State Comptroller for the amount in excess. of the deposit. The exist- ing 611 main is to be abandoned and not salvaged. Specifications for this work will be those as approved by the City of Glens Falls. t We request that you review these plans and inform us of your approval. Please incorporate this statement in your reply: "The Town Board, Town of Queensbury has approved the plans for this work and it is agreeable that the state perform this work on their facilities , as shown on the plans and proposal.,* Also, please state: "This work does not involve a major or independent aggment, of the Town-of Queensbury water system.", This latter statement will obviate' the necessity for computing depreciation on the present system. Please state further that the Town of Queensbury will assume maintenance. responsibility for all facilities upon which work has been done when our contract has been completed. We shall appreciate. your cooperation in presenting these matters to the Town Board and request an early reply.. Since the proposed let- ting date for this contract is April 23, 1959 , it will be necessary to have your check deposited with the Comptroller by that date. Very truly yours., G.L. NICKERSON DISTRICT- ENGINEER By G.V. R. Arthur Chief Draftsman STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC- WORKS Albany, ,N. Y. March 16, 1959 Stanley B. Miller, Councilman Town of Queensbury 5 Pershing Road Glens Falls, New York Dear Sir: Supplementing our letter of February 13, 1959 in which was discus- sed our proposed work on water mains of the Town of Queensbury in con- nection with construction of Interstate Route 502, Hudson River to Gurney Lane in Warren County, -we wish to inform you that a ,resolution, adopted- by the Town Board will be required to complete our agreement* This resolution should cover the following three points,-: 139 1. The Town of Queensbury approves the plans for this work and is agreeable that the State performs the work on their facilities as shown on the plans and-in the proposal. 2_. The Town of Queensbury wishes the relocated Gu water maim. at Aviation Road to be replaced by a 12" water main under the Interstate main line.-pavement and ditches, and is depositing with the State Comp- troller a certified check for $1400.00 to cover the cost differential of"replacing approximately 280 .lineal feet of the existing G" main with 1211 main. 3. The Town of tueensbury will maintain the facilitie.1 upon which work is to be done when it is completed. Seven certified copies of the resolution will be required by our '- various offices.. Your assistance in obtaining the adoption of this res- olution by the Town Board will- be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours,. G.L. NICKERSON DISTRICT- jMiG INFER By .G.V.R. Arthur Chief Draftsman Mr. Miller introduced Resolution No. 56 and moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works of the State of New York proposes to construct Interstate Route 502 from the Hudson River to Gurney Lane which will-cross an existing water main in the limits of Aviation Road, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has offered to install a 12 inch main.in the-place of the existing G inch main provided the Town of Queensbury will c ontribute the sum of $1,400.00 toward the cost of installing such new main, and WHEREAS, it will be impossible to replace the ad sting main after the Interstate Route has been constructed and it is reasonably certain that the existing G inch main will eventually be inadequate and that it will be for the best interests of the Town of Queensbury to accept such offer and make such contribution, therefore, be it RESOLVEb that the Town Board of the Tartan of Queensbury does hereby approve the plans for the construction of Interstate Route 502 from the Hudson River to Gurney Lane and particularly that portion thereof which provides for the installation of a new 12 inch water main at Aviation Road in place of the existing G inch main , and it is further RESOLVED that the Tern Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby re- quests the-Department of Pablic Works to install such new 12 inch Mater main in accordance with said plans, and it is further RESOLVED that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $1,400.00 to pay the share of the Tom of Queensbury of the total cost of such improvement,: and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to deposit with the State Comptroller a certified check of the Town. of Queensbury in the amount of $1400.00, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury maintain said new 12 inch water main- after its installation, and it is further RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute on-behalf of .the _Town of Queensbury any documents required to '-- carry the foregoing into effect. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes -- Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none - 140 Resolution No. 57, introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman I Miller. RESOLVED that there be and is hereby appropriated from surplus general-tom-funds the sum of $1400.00 for the purpose of payiAg the share of the Town of Qu.eensbury of the total cost of installation of a 120 water main in place of an existing 64 main on the Aviation Road to be,replaced in connection with construction of Interstate Route 502.. Duly adopted by the hallowing vote: Ayes .. Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. •Gordon Noes - none _ In connection with the safe-keeping of Town bonds and Town papers, the -Supervisor suggested and recommended that the Town acquire for use in the Supervisor',s •office one model 2 UB 1--hour safe Resolution No. 58 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Lampson: RESOLVED that Resolution No. 51 adopted March 28, 1959 authorizing the rental of .a safe deposit box be and the same is hereby rescinded. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to order-for use in the Supervisor's office at Town expense from R. G. Landry, a model 2 UB 1 hour safe at the total cost of not to exceed $135. FURTHER RESOLVED that the sum of $135 or so much thereof as is necessary be and is hereby appropriated .from the General Town surplus funds for such purpose. a. Duly adopted by the fol-lowing vote Ayes - Mr. Miller!j: Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none _ Resolution No. 59 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Miller: r- WHEREAS through inadvertance and oversight claim No. 93 of Proller Insurance Agency was audited and allowed. Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the allowance and the audit of such claim No. 93 be and. the same is hereby set aside. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none A discussion was had respecting the judgment obtained by Mr. Fogg against the Town of Queensbury. The matter was referred to Councilman .Miller, for investigation and appropriate action. t On motion the meeting adjourned at 9:25 fans L. Turner -Town Clerk