1959-06-27 165 nsoLvn that the County Attorney be and is hereby authorized and directed_to. settle the. action entitled: Dorr T. Mattin,, plaintiff against the Town of Queensbury, Defendant ` by the payment of the sun of $804 to the plaintiff; the said County Attorney to obtain the necessary releases and documents to tntitle the Town of Queensbuiry to the necessary lands for highway purposes,. the subject of the entitled law-suit. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - 14r. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none _ At this point in the meeting Mr.. Bentley was excused. Mr. Diller brought up the matter of the extension of the North Glens Falls Watet District and the matter was discussed among the members of the - Board.- . There was also a discussion among the members of the Board respecting the Glens Falls by-pass in coanetction with the Town water shed property. The Supervisor presented a copy ofr a notice notifying the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury that the intention of Alice Ward was to apply on the 27th day of July, 1959 to the Board of Commissioners of the Land Office of the State of New York for a grant of easement pursdant-to the provisions of Section 3', Subdivision S: of the Public Land Law bland under water of the 'State: of New York. -On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Clem ay Regular Meeting June 27, 1989 Present: LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor ,Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis LampsoA Councilman ' Stanley-J. Miller Councilman Absent Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace The Board cdAvened at 7:30 pas. Also present were JobA Slack:„ Dewey Miller, `Mr. Higgins and H. Russell Harris. - Y There was discussion had respecting the request for the Torn Engineer to survey the street between Holden Avenue and the City line. It was also requested that �a road be laid out on the south side of Glen Lake. Resolution No. 84 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Council- man Lamps on, :: RESOLVED that the rates of charges for water to be supplied to consumers in the hake Shore Colony Water District be and the same is hereby fixed at per connection for a period between May l.st and October lst in any year. Duly adopted by the following vote:. ' Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Gordon. Noes - none - 166 An offer was received from Leander Dickinson to deed certain Lands for bighway purposes near the Rockhurst-Road. The matter was referred to the Superintendent of Highways for il.spection.. and report with his rec- ommemdations.- At this paint in the meeting., Mr. Bentley entered and took part in the proceedings,. Resolution Igo. 85 introduced by Goundil.man Miller, seconded by Justice Akins RESOLD that for each connection. to be made to the main in the Shore Celony Nater Dietrict,, there 'shall be a charge of 125:60 to be paid prior to the making of such connection to the Superintendent of such water district. v Further RZZMVED that the application fora such connection shall be made in writing-to-the Superintendent accompanied by such $25..00 charge.. Daly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. AfUns and Mr. Gordon. Noes none - A discussion was had among members of the Board relative to the Glens Falls bye-pass and its effect on Town property., The following recommendation was received and read WARJT COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMM June 1,. 1959 Frances L. Twiner Toom Clark . R.D. 1 Glens Falls Now York Dear Mr.. Turner: I would like to submit to you the Democratic Inspectors for the Town of Qoeensbury for the year 1959-1960 as per your request:: E.D. 1 Antoine Lemery R.D. I Glens Fulls Mrs. Richard LaRoe K - E.D. Z Elva McDermott M. A u. Ellen McDermott E.D 3 Mary A. Kane Bay Road-Glens Falls Mary _van 7 8aent 5"t. Glens Falls E.D. 4 Viola Gooch R.D. S Glens PsHa - Anne R. Esmond R.D. a " -I& E.D, 5 Evelyn. Grant R.D. 3 V , Manion Duell 6 Second Xt. , V. Glens Falls,- _ _ New York Sincerely yours, /s/ D. Frank Sullivan Democratic County Chairman . County of Marren The following, recommendation was received and read: June 27" 1959 Ihereby recommend Ethel Fowler for Inspector of Ejection for District -. /s/ Theodore Turner R_esolu ion`NQ. 86- 'introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Council- man Lampsonz 1s? RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby appointed inspectors Of electjon,_jn the Town of Queensbury for the year 1959. . Republican Fleet 'on Di s ricer Rye Clara Taylor y Gladys• LaFounta.in 42 Minnie Bidwell ' Marion Martindale #3 Ethel Fowler Dorothy Greene #4` Hazel Skith ` - Marion_Crannell Pauline Joslyn ' _ Mrs. Lepn FroLsier Democ atic Antonin Lemery Mrs. Richard LaRoe _ Elva McDermott Ellen McDermott #3 Mary A. Kane Mary Sullivan Viola Gooch Anne R. Hammond Evelyn Grant ` Mari on Duell Further SOLVED that the compensation for each inspector be and the same is hereby-fixed at $15,00 per day for each Primary, Registration, k and Election Day. Duly adopted by the following vote,* Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Gordon Noes - none _ The Bcaard .generally discussed the Harry Reoax claim for legal. services. Mr. Miller introduced the following Resolutic N4. UX '— RESOLVED that an offer of 12500 be offered to Harry Reoux in full settlement- of-his ,claim for all legal services to date. No fhrther action was taken on the above resolution. The following eommunicati ons were read. to the Board: STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Albany-1, N. Y.. June 24, 1959 Herrick Osborne Warren Co. Supt. Hwys. 261 Main Street Warrensburg,, New York Dear Sir: This.'will acknowledge the joint request form completed by you. and the Queensbury Town Board concerning the northerly extension of the 30 MPFC speed limit on Ridge Road:, Route 9L„ in the Town of Queensbury. A review of conditions has been initiated. You will be advised of the CommtssionRs conclusions when the review has been completed. r Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC cammiSSIOH Lloyd A. Maeder cc: Town Board-Queensbury Director 168 Restricted Speed Zone Warren Warrensburg, N. Y. Sune 15, 1959, Mr. G. L. Nickerson District Engineer Albany,, N, Y.. Dear Sir.. Enclosed herewith are two copies of Form TC-91 Application for Restriction of Speed, on the Glens Falls-East Lake George, Pt.. 13, S.H, 1666.. This request is for a lengthening of the present zone, which begins. at the Glens Falls City Line, Station 0#00 and terminates at Station 22+24 *,authorized by T.C..I"etter of August 16, 1951. . Compliance with the existing restriction is very poor. The proposed terminus is at Station 76#00 t, which would result in a restriction 1-i miles in length. This section is being rapidly built up,, but pedestrian traffic is very light. I.t is requested that the necessary investigation be conducted. Yours truly, P.R. Keyes- 'Resident Engineer N.Y.S. Dept. Public Works Warren 1-7 QUEENS URY TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION P.O•. Box 102, Glans .Fa11s,,,N.Y.. June 5, 1959 LeRoy Gordon, Supervisor Members of the.Town. Board _ Town of Queensbury Warren County, N. Y.. You are well aware that the Queensbury Taxpayer' s Association I has as one of its -objectives: To serve the Taxpayers of the Town of Queensbury, in all their interests. At a Special meeting: of the Association, held on May 26, 1953,, a resolution was passed by unanimous vote, to give to you, the Town Board of the.`Town of Queensbury, any and all the help we could in the dispute with the City _of` Glens Falls relative to a new site for a dump. In the event that a n against the Town of Queensbury is rendered, it is the feeling of he members of, this Association that your honorable body should not let the matter drop, but to continue to use every legal. means available,, even if it means going. to the United States Supreme Court. We must remember, the City of Glens Falls did reject an offer to have an .incinerator built withiii the last Z-or 3' years. We stand ready to assist you in any manner possible in this matter. Sincerely yours., /a/ John G. Slack President 22 Boulevard Glens Falls , N. Y. ' June 26, 1959 Li Town Board of Queensbury Warren County,; N. Y. Lean. Members:. There is a very great need for a constable in the South Queens- 169 bury District. The taxpayers in this area are not being properly serviced. The only constables in this area are in West Glens Falls and North Queensbury and they do not service this area. Therefore to give proper ]protection to the taxpayers of South Queensbury we need a constable and I would like to apply for this position. I have for three years belonged to the Constables'i Association, I have studied the laws as the State requires; learned civil defence pro- cedure and first aid, and feel I am well qualified all. aspects handle a aspects of a constable c't s duties in this- area. _ ` I am a resident of South Queensbury and a voter in the Township, stable•and married, I would appreciate your consideration of this application. Very truly-yours, ls/ Lowell "F. 11$11 WARM COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH'SERVICES • Glens Fall#, N.: Y.:'- Mr. LeRoy J. Gordon - Ap 30, 1959 Supervisor, Town of Queensbury Foster Avenue _ Glens Falls, New York- Dear Mr. -Gordon: ° I would appreciate sincerely the consideration of the Town Board in a matter which is of interest and concern, I think, to all of us. As you are aware, at the present time we have two .Well Child Clinics held each month at the Connunity Chapel in West Glens Falls. These are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at of 30 P.K., with Dr. L— Norman E. Harvey, Pediatrician, and our Public Health Bureau in charge. The attendance at these` clinics has been. heavy-durift 1958, Five Hundred Twenty-five infants and pre-school children dame to 'the clinic for immunization shots, and" for physical exminatlon. This represents an average of Forty-three per month., whieh'is far too- many for adequate service. ° We of the= important phases of this program is the parent-physician conferene`es, and the parent-mrse relationship. Obviously there is no opportunity for such guidance when there are so many present. Dr. Harvey is willing to conduct a third clinic, if the Town Board would authorize it. The Comity Chapel provides rooms for the Clinic,' twoF ot their members act as volunteers , equipment. and supplies have been finished by the Business Womens 1. Group of the Presbyterian Church,. aiid by Com=nity Chapel. members. Warren County Public Health Nurses provide the professional management, and assist Dr. Harvey. Dr. Harvey"s fee is paid by the Town of Queensbury, so that-this would be the: chief concern. These clinics are for infants and pre-schoolers , up to school age. Thank you for your help with this matter. I shall be happy to discuss it in further detail, if you wish. L Sincerely, Is/ Ruth M. Fisher Public Health Nurse The matter was referred to Mr. Akins for investigation and report. 170, The Boardts attention was called toga hearing, in a workman's compen- sation action relating to Percy Rozell, claimant, and also-a Notice of Deeision. of the Workmenhs Compensation Board relating to the claim of Charles H. Olmstead. The report of the Supervisor was read and placed on .file. MONTHLY STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR Ray,,,,1959 - RECEIPTS Date _ • ._ . .Amount Received Source eceived �►y 8 John 0. Webster-Tax Fenalties-General ` " 8 Earl E. Jones-Water rents collected- �gGFWD .Ext. 264.60 8 Earl E. Jones-Water rents collected- WGFWD , 54.32; 8 Lee Lavery.-Water rents collected-NGFWD 12188.75 8 Lee Lavery-later rents collected EGRM Ext. 1019.11 r 12. Lee Lavery-Water rents collected-NGBWD 658.68 !�° 12. Lee Lavery-Water rents collected-NGRM East. 1023`.90: 15 Stag Comg. .Per Capita Assistance-General 5242.46 41 16 Frances Turner-Tom. Clerk's fees-General 192.00 a; 8 Highway a/bc Soc.Sec.ded.from payrolls-S.S,, 135.39 8 Pine View a/c-Soc,Sec.ded. from payrolls-S.S. 22.56 8 General a/,c-Soc.Se6.d®d.from payroll-Soc.Sec. 64.79 28 Eleetrical Supply k Parts-Duplicate payments, , General- 9.87` 25 Leon Dean-Junk yard license-General .10,00 " 25 Morgan Keith Cobs-Junk yard license-General 10.00 a 28 Nathan Proller-Credit on Comp. Liab. Ins. Pol.-General _ 514..59 22. Lee Lavery-Water rents collected-NGFWD 11.67.48. 22 Lee Lavery-Mater rents collected-NGIWD Eat, 1431.62-: 28 Lee Lavery Water rents collected-NGFWD 607.54, a 28 Lee Lavery-Water rents collected-NG D Ext. 560.27 "- 29 Frank Cowles-Cemeitery Elands-Pine View 1251..50 "-! 29 NGFWD Eat,-To correct May audit #143 NGFWD 99245 21 `earl-E. 'Jones-Water rents collected-WGPWD- 499.95 21 Earl E. Jones Water rents collected-'WGM 'Ext. 51#60 V Earl E. Janes-'dater rents collected GF'WD 686.-25 t 27 Earl" E. Jones Water rents collected- . WGFWD Ext. 99.00. 28 Earl. E. Jones-Water Rents .eollected WGFWD 405,00 28 Earl. E. Jones-Water rents collected- .. - ` WGFWD Ext. 2 80) TOTAL RECEIPTS -40926,0AS DISBURSEMENTS Date _ . Amon Pad' Fund or Account Paid May General. 9n3 076 Pine View 1187,80, NGFWD 1887.32: NGD Ext. 992.95 ` WGND 951.4' Ridge Road Water District 104.00 Cleverdale Lighting Dist, 41.08 Ft. Amherst, Garrison Lighting Dist, 168.46 ` Highway - - 7x724,27,_,_ TOTAL DISBURSENENTS $22171*11 /s/ LeRoy J. Gordon _ Supervisor The Board audited claims as follows: 171 SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN QF QU;I S$URY., _WARREN _COUNTY, N.Y. Amit Amt. No. Name: of Claimant -Nature of Claim Claimed' Allowed 161 Thomas J. Phelps Trans.drum corps in Qsby. Memorial Parade 25.00 25.00 162 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Str. lighting,Cierverdale 41.08 41.08 163 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Str. lighting,Ft.Amherst- Garrison Rd. - 168.46 168«46 164 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Str.ltng.& Traf.signals 201.91 20&-,91 165 City of Glens Falls Misc. WGF-WD. - Water Fund - (I8 Corline-St.) 18.68 18.68 166-: City of Glens Falls Misc. WGF Wd. Garner St. Water Fund 7.24 7.24 �-- 167 Jahn Kubrieky excavating, laying, beckfill- ing 274' H20-line-NGFWD Xt. on Pv.Rd,. 191.80 191.80. 168 Frances L. Turner Postage-Twn Clk',s office 4.00 4.00 169 Gwinup"s-Store 127.5 gals. gas, tractor at dump. 39.90 38.94 170 Russell Wait, Inc. Env. ,book--E,HillismAsses.Ch. 6.70 6170 171 Hoag' s Tire Service Repair tire-E.J. Johnson 3.40 3.40 172 Niagara Mohawk Pwr. Elect. & gas sere.-Storehousell9.44 119144 173 G.F. Paint & Glass 2 gal. primer-new bldg.(Codner) . . . 11096 11.96 174 Williamson Law BkjCo. 1 pad form M.S.Bentley,J.P. 5.29 5.29 175 Fowler"s, Inc. Flags , Memoriell.- Day-W.Hove 36.00 36.00 176 Ray Supply, Inca 1 Polaroid Camera k film for use of assessors by R. Nestle 92,73 92.73 177- N.Y.Telephone Co. Serv.Twn.Storehouse 16.15 16.15 178 Ralph M. Nestle Mileage tray.,Apr. , May, June 43.76 43.76 179 Mountainside Library Payment by contract (Gift) 100.00 100.00 180 Stephen B. Duell Mileage tray. ,assessing - 93.15 93.15 181 Matthew Bender k Co. Supp.Morrison` Guide for J of P., M.S. Bentley 7.50 7.50 182: J.E. Sawyer & Co. Cup & valve leathers,PV Cem. ` 1.30 1.30 183 Sears, Roebuck Co. Mowers, 19 " gas, 4 cyls.#l., 99.76 99.76 �. 184 Robert E. Engwer complete overhaul & parts, - Clinton Engine-FV Cem:. 20.12_ 20.12. 185 J.E..Sawye-r & Co ,Inc. Shovel handles,_.rivets-PVC 3.41 3.41. -186 Sandy Hill Iron : Prints-taken by Mr.Gordon .Brass Co. ..00.00 1 6100 6.00 187' Route #9, Motor Serv. Hyd.oil & hose Twn.Dump trac. 6.20 6.20 188- Joe li s Sinclair Sta. Gasolene;-Pineview Cet. ' ! 27.00 2,7.00 189 Doyle"s Gift & Gar- Turf Bldr. 4KD-reg-,seed play - den Center - mix,, Pineview-Cem. 46.45 46.45 - 190 Hoag"s Tire Serv. 1-case of non-det.Kendall Oil FVC(6 gal.Q 99¢ a ga1.#30 oil) 5.94 5.94 191 Thomas A. Nobles 4 loads gravel-PV Cem.._ 24.00 24.00 192, Thomas A. Nobles 3 loads clay-PST. Cem. 45.00 45.00 193 Montgomery Ward Co. MO Mower battery-PV 'Cem. 76.79 76.79 194 J.L.Sawyer & Co. , Ine.12#,#I2 blk. Annealed wire- PV _Cem 2.40 2;.40 195 Allen F. Towers Twn surveyor, helper 6.90 _ 6.90 196 Leon M. -Stever Twn surveyor, helper 24.00 24.00 197' Ralph M. Nestle Mileage tray. stamp,paper,exv.20.97 20.97 198 Paul Naylor 'Fork at town dump, 9 hrs. 14.85 14.85 199 Forrest R. Lilly Work at Town dump„ 9 hrs. 13.50 13.50 2:00 J.E.Sawyer Co. 15 bars 34 x 1i x 3/4 angle iron 56.16 56.16 201 Niagara Mohawk -Power Election sere. from 5-4-59 .� to 6-3-9 81.09 81.09 202: Lapham's, Inc. 5-9-59 #475 Water Dst.(old District) _ 3.92 3,92 2037. Louis Corlew Labor shoveling fire hydrant NGFWD Ext. 22.40 22.40 172 204 Glens Falls Post Co. ' Pub. Zoning Hearing 6160 6.60 205 C.G.Woodbury-& SO.UsInc.6upplies New Building 49.42 49,422, 206 C.O.Woodbury k Son„Ine*8 pplies,Reservoir Park 43.95 43.95 207 Elmer P. Winchip. Rebate,water billfold District) - 6.62 6.62, 208 C.G.Wbodbury & Son„Inc.Bonfire Red,alumin 14.501-- 1440 X39 First rational Bank.. Overpayment on water _ F u bill. (ext.) ,for William Ill3.ng$$r,Garrison �d. 9160 9.60 £10 West Glens Falls W.D. To: be trangierred to the (Ext.) West Glens Falls Water ' Dist. as t4are is _no meter ' for the 5th St. Eat. 782,00 00 ` . . . . . ' . . . Totals $2923.46 $2923,46 On motion the meeting adjourned. Zance s L. Turne r Ton Clerrk Special Melting July 10 1959 . Present.. . LeRoy J. `Gordon _ 6apervisLor Meeedith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stabl.ey-J. Miller Councilman Absent: ' Harold Akins" Justice of the Peace The Board convened at 7:30 pom� 7 ' Resolution No_ 87 introduced by Mr." Bmtiey, secpnded by Mr. MJ.ler: RESOLVED that" the Glen Drive-In', Route 9, dens Falls, N. Y., be and is hereby-granted permission to.shov a display of fire-works on July 3, 195.9 on delivery to t1je Torn Board of a proper liability insur- ance policy'evidencing' such liability cover gq, axio have issued to it or its agents a certificate of Insurance -establishing such fact in the fol- lowing., amouzlts x'100;.000 B.I. one person,, $300„000'on each accident. WHEMAS the Glen Drive-In has exhibited policy No. CG7658-9 Insur- ance of the "Consolidated Mdtua,l. Insurance Company ,to the Town Board show- ing such coverage,; RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and direct- ed to issue 'such license: Duly adopted by the following vote.-. ' Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Gordon. Noes - none ' _ " ` On motion the meeting adjourned. L. 'Tv=e r Town Clerk r . - Special Meeting July 9, 1959 Present:. ' LeRoy J. Gordon SUpervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent:: _ Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Stanley_J. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7:30 p.m.