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2.40 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley,; Mr. Lampson., Mr.. Akins , Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Foes - none. L. - , Mr. Miller and the members of the Board discussed farther the con- ditions existing in the Reservoir Park Sewer District. On motion the meeting adjourned. i 4aan- V r er Town Clerk Public Hearing November 5, 1959 Present Roy J. Gordon. Supervisor , Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Wince Curtis Lampson Councilman Manley-B. Miller Councilman The Board convened ?Lt 7:30 p. ,. - Proof of publication of the notice of Public Hearing upon the pre. liminary budget for the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year begin- ning January 1., 1960 was filed. ..The Town Board proceeded to examine and discuss items of the preliminary budget. Resolution No. J29 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Council- man Miller WHEREAS .the Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now,, therefore, be it RESOLVED that such preliminary budget be and the same is hereby adopted as.-amended and corrected herein as the annual budget of the Town of Queen.sbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1960„ and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Board. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall prepare certified, in duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board and deliver one copy thereof to, the Supervisor of the Town to be presented by him to the Supervisor of the County of Warren. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes .- Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, Mr. Miller and Mr. Gordon Noes - none - ANNUAL XUDgRT of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal Year beginning January l 1960 General Fund - ApproprIations General Government i Town Board --� Town Hall ar}d Offices Rentals (board. room, offices , elections , etc. 400.00 Compensation of employees 100.00 Purchase of furniture and .equipment 500.00 241 Repairs, light,. heat and telephone 3000.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (inc.mileage) 1700.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 140.00 Other expenses 500.00 Voting machines,; purchase and repair 500.00 Insurance .Compensation insurance 80001.00 ,Official bonds and undertakings 150.00 ,Fare and liability 2500.00 Printing and advertising (all departments) 1000.00 Services of attorneys and-expenses of litigation 2500.00 ! Services of engineer and expenses (contract) 3750.00 Association of Towns - dues - _ 110.00 Social Security, Town share 3000.00 Employees' Retirement System (town share) 5700.00 Total 33,550.00 Supervisor glary 4000.00 Office and other expenses 250.00 Total 40250.00 Justices of the Peace Salaries 5500.00 ' Office and .other expenses 440.00 Compensation of employees 300.00 Total 60240.00 Councilmen Salaries 2.400.00: Dffipe and other expenses- 200,00 Total 29600.00 Town Clerk Salary 4000.00 Office and other expenses 200.00; Compensation of employees 400 Total 40600.00 Assessors Salaries 7200100 ; Office and other expenses 660 00 Total 7,860.00 Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector Salary 2600.00 Office and other expenses 725.00 Total 96 3,325.00 Total General Government 62,425.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation 800.00 Mileage and other expenses 150.00 Total $ 950.00, Town Dump Salary 1400.00 Expenses 1000.00 Total 2,400.00 Traffic Signs and signals 900.00 Highway lighting Z600.00- Total 3,500.00 Dog Warden k Compensation 550.00 Other expenses 100.00 • Total 650.00 Building inspection (multiple) Salary 300.00 Expenses 50.00: Total 350000 Total Protection of Persons and Property 7'9850.00- 242 EDUCATION Town Historian _ Compen"cation 180.00 Other. expenses 50.00 Town Library Payments to other libraries (contract) 100.00 lotal 330.00 RECREATION Parks qnd Playgrounds Total 300.00 Patriotic Observances " 100000 Total Recreation 400,00 PUBLIC UTILITIES _ Pineview. Cemetery Schedule A - Cost of Improvements: Improvements to Cemetery 500.00 New Equipment 200.00 `Material for foundations 100.00 $ Maintenance : 800.00; Personal services 8000.00: 'Repairs to existing equipment 150.00 Material for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas &. oil for equipment 125.00 Compensation insurance 300.00`- , Bond for Commissioner and Superintendent 35.00 Miscellaneous 50400 Cost of, Maintenance of outside cemeteries 800,00 9.5r&0.00 Total 1 10 360.00 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST (exclusive of-district- and special improvement debt) Redemption of Debt(Principal); Bonds Store completion bond 2500.00 Total Redemption of Debt 21500*00, Interest op Debt . Interest 9n.bonds Storehouse completion bond @45000 Total 225100 Total. Interest and Principal on debt 2,725.00 t CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nat-.re of Improvement Improvement on town storehouse 500.00 Total. Construction and Permanent Improvements $ 500.00 MISCELLANEOUS Veterans O�gani zations for Rooms - 240.00 CONTINGENT PURPOSES Sec. 112 of the Town Law- $ 61,000.00 GENERAL FUND ` Estimated-Revenues Mortgage takes 15000100 Dog licenses (from county) 1$00100 Other licenses (town ordinances) 3001.00 Pees of town clerk 2500.00 Sees of .justices of the peace 2000.00 Fees of tax collector 1300.00 -- Fees of ,cemeteries 5750.00: Per capita assistance 4000"00 Total 49,350.00: Unexpened balances (Sec. 115 Town Law) 16,000,00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL-FUND 65,350.00. 243 GENERAL FUND - Appropriations ' Summary General Government 62425.00 Zrotecti.pn of `persons and property 7450.00 Education. 330.00 Recreation: 440.00 00 Public Utilities Redempt�on. o$ debt 2500.00 Interest on debt 2 5.00 nt i -rimr�o �a� C . t TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 4 9Q,7,90.00e TOTAL ESTIMATED, REVENUM (GEN. FUND) . 65.350.00 a' AMOUNT OF TAXES TO-BE RAISED-FOR GENERAL FUND - _ . $ 0.0 HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fubd (Item, I)-4pprppriatjo s. General 'rep�irs 80000.00 , Special improvements - 20000.00 Total Appropriations 11001000.00 Estimated Revenues State aid 8180600 Unexpended balance 30000 00 - T l Revenues �38 180000 AMOUNT`TO-'2E RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) J61,820.00 Machinery Fund Uiem 3)-Appropriations Purchase of m&chinery, tools and implements 4500.00 Repairs of ' • ,a H It U 6970.00 Redemption of iaihinery certificates 9000.00 Interest on machinery certificates 1000,00 Tets"l Appropriations — 21-9470.00 Estimated Reveres Rentals `of' machinery 1470.00 Total Revenues 1 470.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 2.) 120,000.00 Snow aed-Milsccel sneous .Fapd. Qlteem. 4.)�-Appropriations — Sala)ry" tin superintendent• 5100,00 Expenses town superintendent. 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 20000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds & brush 3'600.00 Other miscellappous purposes _ 700.00 Tabj:l Appropriations 29,500.00 .Estimated Revenues.rgvenues (from County) 3698,00 T,otp.1 Revenues 3 698.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAIBY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) 1.;$06..00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FLINT) (ITEMS 2,3 and 4) $459802.00 TOWN HEALTH FUND + Appropriations - Board of �e�tth Salary of health .officer , 1750.00 Baby clinics ' ' 1500.00 Total Board of Health 33,250.00 Registrar of Vital statistics Compensation 40.00 Other expenses 10.00 Total., Registrar Vital Statistics S 50 000^ AMOUNT T.0 BE RAISW BY-TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH 9 39300.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS"North Glens Falls Water District ` .Expenditures Cost of Improvement 3000.00 244 Maintenance Personal services 600,00 Office and other expenses 140,00 Mowing. 25.00 Painting and shoveling hydrants 75,00 Repairs . 300,00 Power and light 1200.00 Purchase of water 3100.00 Purchase .of equipment 100.00 Total maintenance 5*500.00 Total expenditures $ 8,500.00 _. Revenues Water rents ',000,00 Unexpended balance 2000 00 Total Revenues 93,U00.00 Amount to be raised by tax . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS.-North Glens Falls Water District Ext. Expenditures C6st ©f improvement Bond principal 5000.00 Bond interest 1000 00 Maintenance Total � - 69000,00 Personal services 600,00 Office and other expenses 100,00 Mowing • 25,00 Painting and shoveling hydrants 75.00 Repairs 300100 Purchase of water 5000,00 Total S 6.4-0.00 Total expenditures § 12,1,100.00 F Revenues Water rents 10000.00 - Total Revenues 10.000.00 Amount to be raised by tax 20100.00 SPECIAL, DISTRICT FUNDS-West Glens Falls Water District Maintenance Expenditures Personal services 500,00 , Office and other expenses 100,00 Repairs 250.00 Purchase of water 2600,00 ,Purchase of equipment 100,00 . j t Total 31550.00 Revenues *ater rents 4100,00 Unexpended balance 9000,00 Total Revenues 313,100_00 Amount to be raised by tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . None R SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--West Glens Falls Water District Ext. Cost of improvement Bond anticipation note _ ,Interest 200.00 Total 200.00 Maintenance Personal services 100.00 Office and other expenses 25.00 Repairs 100.00 245 Purchase of water 400,00 • Total 1 125.00 Total Expenditures 825,00 . . . Revenues Water rents _ 800,00 _ Total Revenues 800.00 Amount to be raised by taxes . . . . . . . . . 25.00 SPECIAL 'DISTRICT FUNDS---Drainage District Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bond principal - 5000,00 Bond interest • r 2600.00 Capital Reserve Note 250,00 Interest 5.00 Total 7855.00 Total Expenditures $ 7#855.00 Revenues - none Amount to be raised by taxes . . . . . . . . . $79855.00 . SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--Ridge Road Water District • - Maintenance Expenditures Personal services 100.00 Office and other•expenses � 100.00 Flush hydrants and snow shoveling 50,00 Repairs 250.00 Purchase of water 600,00 Total $ 19100.00 Revenues Water<rents 1100,00 Unexpended balance 5000 0Q Total Revenues 1 69100.00 Amount to. be raised by taxes . . . . . . . . None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--Reservoir Park Sewer District —. Maintenance Expenditures _ Personal services 50.00 Repairs r 250.00 _ Total 300.00 Revenues Unexpended balance 950.00 Total Revenues $ 950.00 Amount to be raised by taxes . . . . . . . None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge Sewer District Expenditures Contracts to Glens Falls 1000,00 Total Expenditures 1,000.00 Revenues 2.0 ® $50.00 1000.00 Unexpended balance 712;,00 Total Revenues $ 19712.00 �- Amount to be raised by taxes . .None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS- Queensbury Fire Protection Dist. Expenditures Contract 19000,00 Total Expenditures 890000.00 246 Revenues Unexpended balance $4,553.00 Total Revenues 42,553.00 Amount to be raised by taxes . $14,447.00 SMCIAL DISTRICT FUNDS--Cleverdale Lighting District .. _ - , %, - _Expenditure s Maintenance Payment on contract _ 500,00 Total expenditures .500.00 Revenues - none Amount to be raised by taxes 500.00 SP9CIAL DISTRICT FUNDS- Shore Colony Water District Expenditures - Maintenance Personal services $. 200.00 Office and other expenses Power and chlorination 150.00 ` `Miscellaneous 100,,00 Total expenditures - $ 450.00 Revenues Water rents 450 00 Total Revenues 450.00 Amount to be raised by taxes None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS—Ft. Amherst, Garrison Lighting Dist. Expenditures + Contract 2025.00 Total Expenditures $ 23,025.00 Revenues —none 1Amount to be raised by taxes $2,025000 It was requested on behalf of the Town Clerk that inasmuch as the old safe is outmoded and is no longer suitable nor does it offer adequate protection for Town records,, that the same be disposed of by the Town.. T On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Clerk t C L.