1959-12-26 264 The Board audited claims as follows : SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QTJ' NSBTJRY, WARREN C AUNTY, NEW YORK, FOR TRE•,MONTH . OF DECEMBER, 19-59 Amt Amto. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 420 Water Works Supply 3 6", mechanical joint' gate Corp., Johnstown,NY valves.-open left with 0 rings $ 213.48 213.48 421 Water Works Supply 3 A2:4009 hydrants-5i« bury . Corporation- WD's 2 40 hose nozzles N.S.T. 1-steamer,G.F.Standard 6" mech.joint inlet-WDI;s 537.96 ` 537.96 422 Thos.A. Nobles,Contr. Serv. rendered--Reservoir Pk. & Sewer District 113.15 113.75 - 423 Meredith S. Bentley,;JP Postage- 20.00 20.00 424 - R.G.Land.ry,Bus.Mach. Misc•.sersr.SmithCarona Adder - KA--64034 T.C. off. 19.50 19.50 425 Niagara-Mohawk Power Cleverdale Ltng.Dist. 41.08 411.08 426 Sanford Harrington 2. hrs.labor.-performed-WGFWD 2.50 2.50 427 Nathan Proller Ins.N.strage bld:g. ,G.F.Pol.- #+627-endorsement e£f.12f 15f 58 adding $35,000 to new storage bldg.-fire ins. , G.F. #6627-Bag. 2nd ann.install fire ins.on bldgs. & mach. 63.98-267.78 less 123.08 & 14.39 194.23 194.23 $ 42.55 $1142.55 On motion the meeting adjourhed. - - ces Turner Town 'Clerk Regular Meeting - December k6. 1959 Present: - LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor * Meredith Bentley - Justice of the Peace Harold Akins _ Justice of the Peace Curtis Lamps or, Councilman Absent : - Councilman Stanley B. Miller The Board convened at 7:30 P. m. Powell South,; Secretary of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire De- partment was present and pres.ented an application for a Bingo license.. Resolution No. 147 introduced. by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Akins : - S the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. has made application for a Bingo license and submitted a fee of $160 with said application, and - WHEREAS an investigation has been made as required by law; Therefore be it RESOLVED that this Tpwn Board makes the following findings and determination-in the affirmative as follows:. y Applicant i s a ualif ed organization zati on as defined b law (l) APP q �- g Y � Y (2) All the members designated to conduct games are Iona fide active members of the applicant organization, I 265 (3) All members designated to conduct games, and the assistants , are of.-good moral. character, (4) All members designated to conduct games and the assistants , have never.,been convicted of a crime , . (5) The games are to be held according to the Bingo License Law, rules and regulations of the State Lottery Control Commission, and_ local ordinances, K.. - ... (6) The entire net proceeds are to be used solely for purposes permitted by the Bingo License Law, (7) There is satisfactory proof that no commission, salary, compensa• .� tion, reward or recompense will be paid or given to any person for con- ducting the games and assisting therein, except to the extent allowed by law, (8) There is satisfactory proof that the type. and value of prizes will conform to law and the games are to be conducted on the premises owned by the applicant,; and no rent is being paid. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed. to sign the necessary papers and documents and issue a Bingo License to the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. to hold Bingo games as requested in the application. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes -- Mr. Bentley Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Gordon Noes - none - Mr. South also discussed with the Board the question of open cesspools and traffic conditions surrounding the BroadAcres Grade School. Elmer Corlew was. present and discussed with the Board the matter of the granting of a junkyard license to Charles G. Harvey and Sidney A. McDonald. He requested the Board to grant the license for a period of 6 months. In this connection a letter from the owners of the junkyard was read to. the Board: December 9, 1959 Gentlemen:We are writing to inquire what part-of the city ordinance we have violated in connection with our junkyard. We would like to know this so that we can correct this situation and then. apply for our license . Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely,, Charles G. Harvey Sidney A. McDonald R.D. #2, West Mt. Road Glens -Falls, N. Y. Bernard Codner, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, was present and presented a deed and recommended the acceptance of the lands conveyed therein for highway purposes.. Resolution No. 148 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lampson: LRESOLV'E'D that the land granted by deed dated December 21, 1959 from Tom Rogers and Cleo H. Rogers to the Tot^m of Queensbury for high- way purposes be and the same are hereby accepted for highway purposes. FURTHER RESOLVED the acceptance of such land for such such purposes be and the same is- hereby contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney as to form, sufficiency, and manner of execution of the instru- 266 ment of conveyance. further Resolved upon such approval the Town Clerk be and is hereby-authorized and directed to cause the instrument of conveyance to be recorded. t Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes _ Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Gordon Noes - none- _ The following communication was, read to the Board: SOUTH QUEENSBURY VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. Glenn, Falls , -N. .Y. t .. December 8, 1959 LeRoy J. Gordon, Supervisor - 14 Foster Ave. Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Sir: After a general shake-down of our desks, cellar and all other hiding places we find we have no traffic signal light bulbs. Our Company, for two or three years, has used tote equipment and. a few men to pump water into the stand-pipe at the Imperial Color Plant. There was a note on their last purchase order requesting that we show proof of compensation coverage. I brought this subject to the attention of the members at the last regulax meeting and. we decided you may be able to help us. I believe a note of some kind from your office would be sufficient. - Thank you sincerely, . Charles J. Nassivera Secretary. The matter was referred to the Supervisor with the suggestion that he take the matter up with the County Attorney for an opinion. Mr.. Codner reported that there had been installed 650 ft. 6" water pipe on Montray Road, 460 ft. ofi Fourth Street, and 337 ft. on Aviation Road. The following communication was read to the Board:: R.D. 1, Lake George , New York December 14, 1959 To the Town Board of Queensbury Queensbury, New York Dear Sirs : At, our last meeting, the Dunham 's Bay Fish and Game Club went on record . as approving the renewal-of a curfew on dogs in the Town of Queensbury. Steps are being taken requesting the Boards of the Village of Lake George and the Town of Caldwell to also establish such a dog -- patrol. We would like- to recommend Clarence Smith, a member of our organ- ization for this office. Trusting this will meet with your approval, we are, Respectfully yours, The Dunham' s Bay Fish and Game Club, Inc, L. Cherritree Hubbell secretary =.w 267 Resolution No. 149 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Coun- oilman lampson - T� RESOLVED that the Town Clerk advise the Dupham's Bay Fish and Game Club to take up the matter of the appointment ,of Clarence Smith as dog patrol- officer in connection with dog quarantine, with the Board of Supervisors. y Duly ag6pted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins, and Mr. Gordon. Noes - none - A discussion was had respecting the issuance of bonds pertaining to the .— cost of construction in the West Glens Falls Water District Extension. Resolution No. 150_ introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Justice Bentley.- B nd anticipation Renewal Note Resolution of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,. New York,, in the amount of $8,500.00. WHEREAS,,. the Town Board of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, duly adopted , a resolution entitled "Bond Resolution Dated December 1, 1956, a Resolution Authorizing the Construction of a-'Water-System in &tension No. 1 to the West Glens Falls Water District in the Town of Qugensbury, Warren County, New York, at a total Estimated Cost. of Not Exceeding $153,800.00 and Authorizing the Issuance of Not Exceeding $115,800.00 .Serial Bonds of Said Town To Pay The Cost Thereof, ". and WHEREAS, pursuant to said resolution, ,the Town Board caused a bond anticipation note to be issued in the amount of $7,500.QO which became due on December 11 1958 and which was renewed by a bond antici- pation renewal.note of the same amount which became due on December 1, 1959, and WHEREAS, pursuant to said resolution, the Town Board caused a second bond anticipation note to be issued in the amount of $1,000,00 which became due on December 1, 1959, and WHEREAS, the bonds authorized by said resolution to be sold and against which the said bond anticipation renewal notes were issued have not been {sold , and WHHEREAS, both of said bond anticipation renewal notes, which. aggregate the sum of $8,500.009. were purchased by the Town df Queens- bury are held and. awned b the Town bu for its capital r e se rve Mind and Y A of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Town Board that said notes should be consolidated into one bond anticipation note in the amount of $8-,500.00 and be renewed for one year, BE ,IT RESOLVED this 26th day of December, 1959, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section 1, A bond anticipation note in the amount of $8,500.00 shall be issued by.the Town of Queensbury for the purpose of .paying Bond Anticipation Renewal Note No. 1 of 1958 in the amount of $7,500.00 andof paying Bond anticipation Note No. 2, of 1958 in the amount of $1,000.00 and shall ,be designated as Bond Anticipation Renewal Note No. 1 of 1959 and the proceeds of the. sale thereof shall be used only for the payment of said -notes . Section 2. . Such note shall be dated December 1,, 19593, and shall mature on December 1,_1960x will bear interest at two and one-half per centum per-annum payable at_Za.turity, will be payable as to both prin- 268 -cipal and interest in lawful money of the United .States of America at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, and will.be signed in the name of the said Town. of Queensbury by the Supervisors attested by the Town Clerk and the, seal of _the Town affixed-thereto. Section-. 3. That, except as herein specifically provided$ said bond anticipation renewal note shall be of the form, terms , and con- tents as shall be determined and executed by the Supervisors, consistent., however, with the provisions of the Local Finance..Law. Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town of Queensbury are hereby pledged for. the payment of the principal. of an interest on such bond anticipation renewal note. Such bond anticipation renewal note shall be paid from the proceeds dreived from the sale of said bonds or may be redeemed as provided by the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Section 5, The Supervisor is hereby authorized to sell such bond anticipation renewal note at private sale for not less than par and accrued interest and to deliver such bond anticipation renewal note to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase price and accrued interest. The receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to the pur- chaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the following vote.o Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. -Lampson, Mr. Akins , and Mr. Gordon Noes ­none The following was read to the Board : TOWN OF CIA I=ON TO EVERY SUPERVISOR., TOWN BOARD, AND JUSTICE OF THE VEACE IN THE STATE OF NE79 YORK. The need to battle desperately for Town Justice Courts is continu- ously urgent. Nothing has been settled. The opponents are preparing for a major push when the legislature meets. We may well be defeated. Last year if 600 of the over goo towns of this ,states instead of 200 towns , had individually passed a uniform resolution demanding concrete action,! I am certain the peak of the battle would now be passed and victory would be definitely in sight. , t We must therefore engage in an all out offensive if the towns are to be in a position to protect the right of townspeople to govern them- selves. Hundreds of towns have been asked for suggestions as to how to strike the most decisive blow for Home Rule. From the answers the enclosed 19591Town Justice Court Resolution was fashioned.- Remember this offensive in behalf of self determination by towns- * *people will only carry weight if more than 600 towns individually pass this Resolution and send. copies to proper government and press represen- t6tives so that there will be vast public knowledge of our determined stand in behalf of the Towns people. We cannot go our own ways scatter, or be dormant and still retain To-,ern Government. Seven or eight State Commissioners , from our own Town officers to help more than 1800 Town Justices are not much for the towns to ask for but those seven or eight townsmen, given the tools •of authority can accomplish a lot for our Towns. For example--they would make a real annual report of the work Justices do--not only the cases the comptroller's office counts , but in addition a count of the cases by name where peace 269 has been restored without an arrest or docket entry, also where a civil Justice Court suit has been settled without the payment of a filing fee. We acutely need that count to help dispel ignorance as try the worth of Justices and Town Courts, The Town of Clarkson passed the attached `Resolution on November 5, 1959. _All you use the, enclosed copy, strike an immediately concerted and firm,blow for Home Rule and Town �Government and as a •Town Board re- presenting townspeople pass this .Resolution? If ,we lost Town Justice Courts let each of us be in a position where we can-each truthfully .say, "Lr fought fiercely and intelligently that Town people might govern themselfes." A flood of public attention is needed. Will you help? Kindly write personally and tell me what your Town did. Sincerely yours , December 2, 1959 Charles M. Jones Town Supervisor 3738 Sweden Walker Rd. , Brockport,N.Y. The Board audited claims as follows:. • SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE T(79N OF QUEEATSBURY -FOR-THE MONTH OF. D ECE!,MER, 19590 Ant. Amt. No. Nome of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Alloyed 428 Mohican Grange Rent polling place ,$40; stor- age equip.$20; Strg.vote mach. 110.00 110.00 429 Ernest Hillis, Mileage traveled,assmnt work, (7/'l/°59 to 12/16/59) 8-3,52 83.52 430 Finch, Pruyn & Co. 2 gals.hydrocheck;putty-PV Cem: 10.48 10.48 -- 431 Duers Oil Co. 50 kero., PV Cem. 8.05 8.05 432, Joe's Sinclair Sta. Gasolene , PV Cem. 12,00 12.1.00 433 Barnett Equip. Co.. Sharpen 24", chain, PV Cem. 2.,50 2,50 434 C.G.Woodbury & Son Lumber„ nails--Pineview Cem. 39,87 39,87 435 N.Y.Telephone Co. Twn. of Qsby.-Phone,Twn Strhse, 16.80 16.80 436 Jointa 'Lime Co. Stone, Reservoir Park 37,40 37.40 437' Niagara-Mohawk Corp, St.lighting, ? 8,-Lttiatf±CF;:, 208.78 208.78 438 Niagara Mohawk Pwr. St.lighting,Ft. erst-Garrison: (Detail per previous report) 168,46 168.46 439 Niagara Mohawk Pwr.. Serv. Town storehouse - 219.52 219.52 440 Dr. Norman Harvey Well baby clinics 90,00 90,00 441 Chas. E. Houghtaling 4 pads,.warrant on Supvr.#968 F 3,91 3.91 442 Dennis & Co. , Inc. 2 pads Denco, blanks ,H.C.Akins 4.34. 4,34 443 Gvinups Store . Gas (dump) Twn of Qsby , 19.42 19.42 444 -Thomas A. Nobles, Man & backh.oeing-WGFV'D 221.00 221.00 Contractor (Electric service)booster pump 445 Niagara-Mohawi Pwr.(, NGFWD 109.53 109.53 446. Bullard-Glencraft Envelopes, tax collector Forrest J. Crannell 315.85 315.85 447 Bullard-Glencraft Supp.tax .notices ordered by John 0. Webster 15.3$ 15.36 448 Town of Queensbury, Man hrs. worked on Reservoir Highway Department Park Sewer Dist. 214.20 214.20 449 Town of Queensbury Employees' serv. performed ` Highway Dept: Aviation 11d. Water Dist. 364.43 364.43 456 Valley Custom Auto Weld.serv.--NGM--$52:450 & WGFWD �-- Body $12.00 Water Districts 64,50 64.50 451 Thomas A. Nobles Backhoeing-Montray Rd.NGFWD 378.00 378.00 Contractor 452, Town of Queensbury Men worked Montray Rd.-NGFWD 307,00 307.00 Highway Dept. 453 Town of Queensbury Men worked (itemized)NGFWD Ext. 194.00 194.00 Highway Dept. _ 270 454 Thomas A Nobles Men & Backhoe 57 hrs. Avia. Contractor, tion. Rd*--, NGFKD 320.50 370.50 455 City G.F. t4a.ter Fd. Repair leaks joint 12"-Main be- low lower Junctions-NGRM Ext. 29.40 29.40 456 di_ty G.F. Water Fd. YLtsc Fourth & Carol ,ne•_St, WGFWD Wit• 185.88 •185.88 457 City G.F. Water Fd. Misc.r4 :attach ^Statement-NGY D 225.21 225.21 -458 Water._Workg Supply Leadite & Calki-Ug plugs Corp. - Water Fonda 69.90 69. 44099.85 $4099.85 At this point in the meeting , Mr. Gordon, who has been Supervisar for the past year, expressed his appreciation to the members of the Board for their cooperation- and stated that he had enjoyed working with each of them, and "felt that during this short time in office , he had conducted the office in an efficient manner. Justice Akins in response• stated that he felt that Mr. Gordon had grasped the duties of the office in a remarkably capable manner, considering the short period bf time in office. Qn motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. rner Town Clerk • Regular Meeting, • December• 30, 1959 • Present,* • LeRoy J. Gordon Supervisor _ • Meredith Bentley - Justice of the Peace - Harold Akins Justice of the Peace • Curtis Lampson Councilman - Stanley- B. Miller • Councilman The Board convened at 7-:30 pm., y �1 - Received from Justice Bentley his report of cases and disbursements for • the year 1959. - John 0. Webster, Supervisor elect,: entered the meeting- during the exam•- • ination of the records. The various Town officers submitted books , documents, vouchers pertaining - to their offices to the Board for examination. - The Board proceeded to examine the records.-- Resolution No. 151 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded-by Councilman pson: • WHEREAS the Supervisor,, Justice of the Peace af'dtTeem Clerk have presented to the Town Board doekets, ' cancelled checks, books,. vouchers, —, -minute book and other records for examination and audit by the Board, I RESOLVED that after such examination+of such dockets, books, vouchers ,checks and-.minute book so presented-the Board finds that such dockets and records have been carefully kept and that all moneys coming into the hands of the several officers-of the Town have been properly accounted for and paid out according to law..