1958-01-25 393 Further RESQLYED that the Town Board will meet at 7:30 p.m* on the 28th day of January, 195x, to consider all proposals received and to take appropriate action upon such proposals. DU1y adopted by the following vote: dyes -� Mr. Miller, Mr. l n.tley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Harris Nees - none - On motion the meeting ad j ou me d. I ! . gances e -Town C;.erk., Regular Meeting January 25, 1958 Present.. H.. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justi'co of the Peace ►r�t1d Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Counci loran dtazUey-B. Miller Councilman The Board convened at 7;:30 p.m. Mr. Lawrence Barker asked what had happened respecting a request by the Town-Board of the Texan of Queensbury for estimates .from professional appraisers as to the. coat of a reappraisal of the taxable real property of the Town of Queensbury. Mr. Akins reported that requests had been sent out October 17' to: 14 different professional appraisal firms and replies had been received from the Thorne Agency and Frank Kelley.. Tha Board i generally discussed the matter with Mr. Barker. i i Mr.• John Sterk„ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason and Mr, and .Mrs. Leonard Nc- ilveina were also--present in reference to the same matter. Fred Haynery l`4• Sargent- Street and George* Rohrvbsser were present and discussed with the Board, the matter of street lighting in the Fitzgerald development. . Thenmatter was- referred to the lighting committee. In reference to bids to supply the Tam of Queensbury with tanks and fuel pump* at the-Town storehouse, the following proposals were received; H.B KDREY Co., INC. Albany,, N.Y. . January 23, 1958 Mr. Lackey, Supt. Highways . . . , Town.- of Queensbury Glens Falls , N.Y& Y Dear Sir.- H.B. Kimmey is pleased to quote you on the following:: 2 .. 3000 Gal, tanks underground for gasoline PRICE . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .�413.5Q eaa F.O.B. Truck 'Job Site not :unloaded The above tank is 18' long x 6411 in diae underwriters label, 7 ga. with four 211 tappings arid 'one 3J-" tapping. 394 Delivery will require about 2 weeks.. A11 unloading costs are to be paid for by the Town of Queensbury.. We hope to have the pleasure of receiving your order. Very truly yours,, H.B. KDZW CO.., INC. Isl W.J. Powers,, '. Purchasing Agent. RUGGLES EQUIPMENT COMPAW Glens Falls , N.Y. January 20, 1958 j Mrs. Bert Turner 33a Ridge St, Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, N-,Y.. Mrs. Turner:: Giving below quotation on 3000 gallons IIndergroAnd storage tank 64" Diam, a 18, ft. long, fabricated of 3/16" material through- out., with-Underwriters label and other standard necessary openinNs. Tank painted one shag coat of Black asphaltum paint. Weight approx- imately 2690 lbs. PRICE - Your Hundred Twenty Right 'Dollars .... $428.00 Delivered to; job site in Glens Falls, X.Y. DELIVERY -. Approximately 2 to 3 weeks from receipt at tip of delivery. Bovser Electric Computing Pump, a single service Fiver, Hun- dred Fifty Four Dollars $554.00 delivered at -Glens Falls, N.Y.- - k DELIVERY - Approximately 2 weeks from receipt of order.• All.price quotations are subject to prices in effect at time of delivery.. Z - 5000 gal:.. Underground storage tank 0 $428900 ea.. «.. $ 856.M 2 -► Bowser Electric Pumps 0 $554940 ea. Total Bid Very anxious to serve you. If there is any further infor- mation you desire, please feed free to call on us.. Very truly ypmr$s Robert Ruggles Ruggles Equipment CO. ` RUGGLES E.QUIPMENt CCMPANY Glens Falls ,. « , F Supplementary Bid to be attached to one submitted:: Bowser No. 526 C.D.H. Electric am 9omputi14 $4 .A4 net Norm retractable hose, F.4.B t Ql.ens Falls, N.Y. All pumps complete with hose and nozzle. } The matter was tabled for the future consideratign .of the Board,. The fallowing application was received and read' to the Beards . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 6 green fit. Glens Falls,, N.Y.. Jan. 17, 1957 The Board of Supsrvisers lof Warren Gotlitty, N.Y. I - -- - ------ --- 395 Dear Sirs.-. -I w6uld like to be considered by the Board of Super- visors,.for the position of Ton Historian of Queensbury. • •I have, for several years, been compiling historical • items of this town and County, and' assure you_ r Mould do my, best to fulfill all requirements even though the remittance im not- comparable to the hours it might take to do this work in the, manner in which it should be accomplished. • I am grilling to show my files to anyone wishing to verify myr qualifications,� sinc:e I have accumulated many records in doing this type of work as a hobby. v Ftrr references, I have the permission of Mrs. Walter R.. Blood, Regent of Jane W-Crea Chapter, D.A,.R: and Mr. Arthur Robillard, who is affiliated with the American Legion, also. of Glens Falls , they have seen my Genealogical and Historical. collection. - I would appreciate your consideration. Sincerely yours, /s/ Mary St. John Supervisor Harris appointed Councilman Miller and Justibe Bentley a committee of two to interview Mrs.. St. John and report back to the Board in reference to the matter. The following comzmmication was received from 'the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company:: QUEENSBURY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE CO., INC. 1 Foster-Avenue Glens Falls, New York Jarmary 14, 1958 - Krs. Francis •Turner Town Clerk Office j Tom. of Queensbury Warren County, N.Y. c/o Town Board Dear Sirs-_ Inclosed is a list of members (active) and officers of • the Queensbury Central Volunteer Tire Company, Inc Chief� -- Jags ie Smith -- Pster-Road, Glens Falls,, N.Y.. First Assistant Chief: -- J. Floyd Sleight -- 111 Aviation Road, Glens Falls , N.Y. Second ,Assistant Chief: -... Gerald LaClair -- 51 Aviation Road, - Gleris Falls, N.Y.. Captain of Fire P,b.ica: -- Kenneth Gage - Country Club Road. ' 4 Gleris Palls , N.Y. Present: Bertram Mart"Ln --- Aviation Road, glens Falls, N.Y. Vice President: -- George Liapes -- Foster Ave.., Glens Falls,,N.Y.. Secretary: -- C. Dowel South -- 29 Parkview Ave. , Glens -Falls, N.Y.. Treasurer -- Fred Leuenberger -- Lalm George" Road, Lake -George, Directors: _ _ -N.Y.. Chairman: -- Gerome Thorne -- Blind Rock Road -- Glens Falls, N.Y. Earl Anderson: _. Farm to Market Rd. , Lake -George, N.Y.. Walter Whitman.- ­Aviation Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. Fi remau: -- - - Andrev Butz: 2. Glendale Drive, Glens Falls , N.Y. EdvaTd Butz: -- 11 Greenway-North, Glens -Falls, N.Y.. Earl_ Chadwiek: -- Farm to Market Rd. , Lake George , N.Y. Bernmrd Codner: ­ -Mountain View Lane, Glens Falls, N.Y.. George Daley: --- Country Club Road, Glens Falls ,, N.Y. 396 Robert Dickenson: -- Lafayette Street, Glens Falls, N.Y.. qarlyle .Gooch: -- Aviation Road,, Glens galls, ..N.Y.. Leroy Gordon:,-- Foster Avenue, Glens Falls, N;.Y.A, Robert K Griffin:_--- Aviation Road, Glens Falls , 'N.Y.. Charles Rowe: ­ 8a Glenwood Ave. , Glens Falls, N,Y. ffe,rold A. Jenkins, Jr. : -- 2O. Greenway North, Glens Falls, N.Y.. Caren Jane.- -- Bay Road, Glens Fal l.s, N.Y. Charles King:: -- 31 Aviation Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. (Chaplin) J. Ernest Miller:; -- 750 Glen .St. , Glens Falls, N.Y. Clayton' Ramsey: -- 690 Glen St. , Glens Falls, N.Y. Franklin Reigler: -- Aviation Road, Glens Falls , N.Y. John Sehoelerman: -- 56 Aviation Road, Glens Falls , .N.Y. Frank. Shortell: --- 11 Vista Court, Glens Falls, N.Y. Stanley Smith: -- Potter Road, Glens- Falls, N.Y. Paul Sperry:- -- 1.71 Dixon Road, Glens -Falls, N.Y.. David' Spe rry: w 1.71-Dixon Road, Glens Falb, N.Y. Arthur Stewart-: »- West Mountain Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. Harry Stewart: -- West Mountain Road, Glens Falls , N.Y. Robert. Stott- -- Bay Road, Glens Falls , N'.Y.. Francis Robillard:: ­_Country Club Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. The followin4 2 members are on a complete suspension until. 3 June,. Paul W. Sampson-. -- 37 Pineview Road, Glens Falls, N.Y.. Fred Williams: -- 7 Cottage Hill .Road, Glens .Falls, N.Y*. Ther following member is a life time paid up member and must be carried on the company's roll due to the bylaws. He is presently a patient at Marcy State Hospital. Marren Northrup: Total `active membership; -- 37 men and 2 men on suspension.. Wishing you success in this year6s town affairs , I remain: /s/ C. Powel South. _ Secretary. Resolution No:. .24 introduced by Justice Akirns , seconded by Councilman Lampson: RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby confirmed as active volunteer Firemen of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc:: w Chief: -- Jesse Smith -- Peter. Road, Glens Falls, N.Y.. First Assistant Chief: ---. J. Floyd Sleight -- 111 Aviation Rd, Glens Falls, N.Y. Second Assistant Chief: -- Gerald LaClair --.5:1 Aviation, Road. Glens Falls, N.Y.. Captain of Fire Police : -- Kenneth Gage: -- Country Club Road, Glenn Falls, N.Y. President*.' -- Bertram. Martin -_ Aviation Road, Glens Falls, N.Y 'Pies=President.- -- George Liape s.. -- Foster Ave. ,, Glens Falls , N.Y. Secretary:: C. Powel South -- 29 Parkview Ave. , Glens Falls , N.Y. `Treasurer: Fred Leuenberer -- Lake George _load, Lake George, N.Y., Directors-.: -- -- Chairman -- Gerome. Thorne Blind. Rock 'Road Glens -Falls, N.Y. Karl. Anderson: --- Farm to Market Rd. , Lake -George, N.Y.- ` f Walter Whitman., Aviation Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. . Fireman: _ Andrew Buts: -- 2 Glendale Drive, Glens Falls , -N.Y. Edward Buts: -- 11 Green�eray-North , Glens Falls, N.Y. Earl awAviek: -- Farm to Market Rd., Lake_ George, NY. Bernard: Codner:: -- -Mountain View Lanes, -Qlens Falls, N.Y. Gs urge Daley-. -- Country Club Road, Glens Palls, N.Y.. Robert` Dickenson: -- Lafayette._Street, 0a]as: Falls , N.Y. 39'7 Carlyle Gooch: -- Aviation Road, Glens Falls , N.Y.. ,e►eroy Gordon:, Foster. Avel}ue, Glens Falls, N.:Y_.. Robert-K. Griffin:, -- Aviation Rgad, Glens Fall8 , "N.Y. Qharles. Howe:. -- 88 Gig n-oad. Ava.,, Glens Falls ; N.Y. . Warrold A. Jerkins , Jr. -- 20-,Grew may Rom, Glens ;Falls, N.Y« Owen Jane-_ - Bay Road, Glens Falls , 14Y. - Charles King: -- 31 Aviation• Read, Glens Falls, N.Y. (Chaplin) J. Ernest Miller: -- 730 Glen St. , Glens Falls , N.Y. Clayton Ramsey: -- 69O Glen St. , Glens Falls, N.Y. Franklin _Reigier: --- Aviation Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. ' John Schoelerman: -- 54 Aviation Roads Glens Falls, , N.Y: Frank. Shortell: --» 11 Vista Court, Glens Falls , N.Y. Stanley Smith: -- Potter Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. Paul Sperry: 171 Dixon _Road, Glens -Falls, N.Y. David .Sperry: 171-Dixon ,Road, Glens -Falls , N.Y.. Arthur-Stewart-0 --West Mountain Road, Glens Falls , N.Y. Harry Stewart -- West Mountain Read, Glens Falls , N.Y. Robert.StQtt: --- Bay Read, Glens .Falls, N.Y. - Francis Robillard,: -- .Country Club Road, Glens Falls , N.Y. Paul. W. Sampson: -- 37 Pinaview Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. Fred. Villiams�- -_ 7 Cottage Hill .Road, Glens -Falls , N.Y. Warren. Northrup:— Marcy State Hospital, Glens Falls , N.Y« Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none ' A detailed report of John Van Dusen, Town Surveyor, was received and filed. Resolution No. 25- introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilmm i Lamps on: ` RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and direc- ted to transfer from the-"Contingent Fund of the General Fund to the Employees*' Social Security Contribution Fund, the sum of -$2,382.40. I Duly adopted by the fallowing vote: Ayes - Mr.: Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and-Mr. Harris Nobs - none _ The following is an estimate of the amount of materials used for- gamral repairs ,, s i b-1 ilnprgVements and snow removal for .the year 1957 in the varioue highway funds: Stone 3900 Ton+ #1»1j2-2-7 Shoulder Stone Ga.svline 31000 gallons*—. If Winter Mint 120 Tern . Emulsion 111000 Gals. Asphaltic J ' Con"crete 174 Ton Mr'. Walter Baker was present and renewed his request to have Park Avenue drained. ' The matter was referred to the Highway Committee. Mr. Miller, I�cilman, was added to the committee respecting this par - titular prob . ' Mr`. Akin' brought up the matter of water contracts with the City of Glens Falls, The matter etas` genera].Ty discussed. Councilmah Mille=r suggested that the Town Board seek a meeting with the Water Board: of the City of Glens Falls in- reference to the matter. In connection therewith, he proposed the following resolution#. . Resolution No. 26 introduced by Councilman Miller, seconded by Justice Bentley:: I I i t 398 RESOLVED that the Town Board of Queensbury, as a Committee of the Who,la,.-requests the Water.Board of-the City of Gler.s Fa"s for a conferepcp to discuss both, the renewal of_cartain_.existing contracts With the Water Districts of' the Town-and also to' explore the possibil- ities of meeting` the, expVding n0eds the growth of our communities will place }upon us in the future. Duly adopted py the following. yote: Ayes - Ir..; Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, ; Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none' { Supervisor liapris' appointed Councilman Miller_gs a committee of one to coptAct, the City authorities in an effort to' arrange the meeting � called; for` by the last 'resolution. A general discussion was had respecting the supplying of water for the varipus, water districts in the Town. Thgplembers of the Town`Board signed a certificate approving the bond of the Supervisor respecting the moneys of the Highway Fund, The Board audited claims as follows: SCHEM= OF AUDITS FOR THE T ONN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN- COUNTY,. NZt YORK. FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1958: Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 1. Glens Falls Post Co. Tax Notice-Tax Collector 15.68- ' 15.68 Z. Glens Falls Post Co. Pta.blNot.Junk Yd.Ordi- nanoa 22.40 22.40. 31 Henry J. Sleight Pre-heat Gal' ..9/3/4 yds. Highway 218.27 218.27 j 4. Proper Agency Pub..Off.Bonds-Lackey, Akins. - 20.,Q(T 20,40 5. S.�sby.Vol..Fire Cd.. Rental for storage & voting 60100 601161p4 61 Scotty►s Fuel Oils Fa.el. & Kerosene 98.36 98.36 71 Tri-County Asphalt &s Winter mix & shoulder Stone Co., Inc.. stone 75,49 75.49 a. Russell & Wait Supplies-Supervisor 6.40 6,.40: 9. Russell & Wait &applies .. Town Clerk 5.70 _ 500: 100 Frances L. ,Turner Reg. le-tter. filing pub.. 060 160. off bonds in Co.Clk.ofc. XX M 22Z M 11. Dennis &~Cal , Inc Justice manuals 157 25.C(Y 25..00. 12. Dennis & Co., Inc. Denco Blanks +I.S.Bentlay, J.P.. 2423 2;.23 13. E.Leo Spain, Agency R.J.Hoa.gue-Constable Bond 10,00 10,00 141 G.F.Hospital. Alcoholic. content 'test- Bates. 3100 3000 15, Mead Nursery Refund Water Rent-Ridge Road Water Dist, 6100 6.00, 161 Henry J. Sleight Deliv. 1 _yrs-X1/2/4 Pv. Cemetery 24.75 24,75 17, varber & Have Agey, Superv.Bond.Gen.& Hwy. 41,AG, 41 ,00 18:. Niagara-Mohawk Power Gleverdale Str.lighting 41.08 41.08 19. Niagara-Mohaw)c Power , Ft.Amherst & Garrison Rd. Lighting District 168.46 1.68.40 20. Niagara-Mohawk Power Str,lighting & 'Traf.sig. 202.91. 2(}I'091 21. Frances L. Turner Postage stamps-Twn Clr. 6100, 60-00. 22. Williamson Law Book Supplies-M.S.Bentley,JP 4.34 4.34 23. Lillian Legau=tt Typs.serv.-X*S.Bentley.,JF 3,,00 3#00, 24* City of G,F.Water Fd, Statement rendered-WGFWD ' 603'.35 - 25. City of G.F.Water Fd. Miscel.work on Original Dist.NGMD 38,7..69 261 City of G.F.Water Fd. Miscel.labor ,on driginal 59,00 wom 59.04 'i 399 27- City of G.F. Water Fd. Misc,work on Ext.to: 899.55 .. NGFWD 28. Queensbury~Central Vol.Prima L7.,& Gen.Elect.►57 Fire. Ca. , Inc:. (use Firshouse..Registr) 40.00 40.00 29 Carson-Duffy Agcy'. ' z M.S.Bentley,J.P.Bond 10.00 10.00 30 Nathan Proller Tau Collectorks Bead, 37.54 37.50 3.1 Bullard-Glencraft Envelopes-Town Clerk 17.65 17.65 Printing 32 Glencraft Printing Supplies-Superv.926,60 y Tac Coll. ..$9,8.65. ` 125.25 125.25 33 Glencraft Printing S applies- ohn O,Webster, Tax Call.. _ ` ` 209.56 209.56 34 Nathan Preller Workman s Comp'.audit for period 2/8/57 to 8/28;- Gen. & Hwy 132.89 132.85 35 Nathan Proller Workmen-�s comp.audit for period 2/8/57 to 8/28 '57 Gen. & Highway 2030.20 2030,20 Bpi G F.Aat.Bk. & Trust Rental deposit safe-pVC 4.40 4.40 37; William J. Gubitz 2 , 1210 L,Transfer files 9.50 9.50 38 C.G.Woodbury & Son Miscel.su,pplies-Twn Hwy 106.90 96.21 39 Raymond J.Hoague Serving Jury Veniremen People vs. Flewelling 10.24 10.24 40 C.G.Woodbury & Son Felt roll-NGFWD 3.60 3.60 41 Brown Bro's.Eleetrical. Neater in pit .for booster Contractors ptuapr-NG1 46.32: 46.32 42 D & H tailroad Rental of-8" pipa90lenwood. Ave. (NGM-Ext.) 1100 ' 1.00 - 43 Seotty`*s Fels PQ 81 oil (outside) Town of Queensbury 4 12,70 $5808.37 $3894.9�J On motion the meeting adjourned. CanCB� . -Town Clerk. Regular Meeting Febrt,ary 229. 1958 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley_B. Miller Councilman ,.k The board convened at 7:30 p mv- John Slack, representing Fox Papers Association , was present and was introduced to the members, of the_.Doard. Mr. Akins reported on the lights in the Ridgedale development and stated that he had contacted Mr. Quinn of the IJiagara Mohawk Power Corporation rerspecting the establishment-of a lighting district. He stated that he understood that Mr. Quinn had contacted some of the interested parties in the a.rera, The' Board generally discussed the licensing of junk yards .. Mr. Miller reported that he had made arrangements to have the water board set a date: for a meeting of this Board and the Water Board of the .City :of Glens Falls in reference to. negotiating of water contracts with the Tavn of Queensbury for the various` .water districts in the Town.. � T