1958-02-22 399 2 7'...s City of G.F. Water Fd. Misc.., ork on Fxt.to NGFWD 8,99.55 .. 28 QUeen.sbury Central. Vol.Frimary..& Gen.Eleet. 5T Fire Co., Ibc:, (use Firshouse„Registr) 40, 00 29 parson--Duffy Agey, M S'.Bentle J.P.Bond _ 40.00 30 Nathan Troller Tau Collectors Bond 10.00 10.00 31 Bullard-Glencraft Hnvelopes-Tom Clerk 17.65 17.65 37a50 37.50 Printing 32 Glencraft Printing Supplies-Saperv.526.60- 33 Gleneraft Printing Tac Call. .. 98,6g. 125. 5 125.25 Supplies-John O.Webster, 34 Nathan Pr - Tax Call. . 209.56 209.56 a311er Workman's Comp:.audit for period 2/8/57 to 8/28;- 35 Nathan Gen. & Hwy 132989 132.89 Nathan ProllQr Workman-Is comp.audit for period 2/8/57 to 8//'28/57 Gen. & Highway 2030.20 2030.20 36 G*F.Sat.Bk. do Trust Rental,, deposit safe-PVC 4.40 4.40 37; William J. Gubitz 2 #1210 L.Transfer files 9.50 9.50 9 C Raymond & Sort Mi z l.suPpl a s-Twn Hwy 106.90 $6.21 3' Raymond J.Hoague Serving Jury Veniremen vs.40 C.G.Woodbury & Son ltlroll- FWDelling 10.24 10.60 41 Brown Bras.El.eetrical Heater in pit .for booster 3'� 3.60 Contra tors pup) 46.32 46.32 42 D ilroad Rental of-8" pipe.,Glenwood 43 S¢ott *s Fuels Ave. (NGMD.,Fxt.) 1.00 * 1100 F lel oil .(,outside) Town, Of Queensbury _ 12.7+0 .. $5808.97 �3894.9J On motion the meeting adjourned. ance .n r -Town Clerk.. Regular Meeting February 22,. 1958 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Stanley-B. Miller Councilman The board convened at 7:30 p.m.. John; Slack, representing Fox Papers Association, was present and was introduced to the members, of the_15oard. , Mr. Akins reported on the lights in the Ridgedale development and stated that he had contacted Mr. Quinn- of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation respecting the establishment-of a lighting district. He stated that he understood that Mr. Quinn had contacted some of the interested parties in the area. j The'' Board generally discussed the licensing of junk yards .. Mr. Miller reported that he had made arrangements to have the water board set a date for a meeting of thks Board and the .Water :board of the :City::of Glens Falls in reference to- negotiating of water contracts with the Town of Queensbury for the various .water districts in the Town*, w 400 The following were read to the Board:: Law Offices Wein a4d Greenberg _Glens Falls , N.Y. _ January 30,; 1958 The Town Board. of the Town of_ Queensbury c/o Mrs. E. Turner*, Town Clerk, 338: Ridgo Street ' Glens Falls , NI.Y. ' Gentlemen: ' • Enclosed herewith please- find a Resolution by Queensbury As soc ciat o for Adjustment bf Assessments, w hick is self-explanatory. • The said association will appreciate your favorable, cgnsideration of the. said Resolution. • Very truly yours, WEIN AND GREENBERG by.George H. Wein• Whereas there has been introduced in the State Assembly Bi3l Intro. #612 print #622 and a companion bill in the State Senate to legalize •the, acts and proceedings df the Board of Assessors and others in connection with the preparation of the assessment roll for the Town of Queensbury for the year 1957. Now therefore be. it resolved„ that the. Queensbury Association: for the Adjustment of Assessments of the Town_:of Queensbury hereby opposes and objects to.,the passage of the aforesaid acts to legalize the act's and proceedings of the Board of Assessors of the Teem of Queensbury and others in connection with the preparation of the 1957 assessment roll of the Town of Queensbury, and be it further resolved that the Secretary of this association be and is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of the above resolution to the following Mr. Stewart Hawley Member of Assembly from Warren County Mr. Gilbert Seelye State. Senator from this District The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury The Town Board of Assessors of the Town. of Queensbury The Board of Supervisors of the County of Warren " Mr. George A. Webster Local Assessment Bureau Director,, Lake George, N.Y. Hon. Averill Harriman Governor - State of New York. Mate of New York. County of Warren SS _ . Town of Queensbury I, Franklin C. Morton, Secretary of the Queensbury Association for the Adjustment of Assessments , do hereby certify that the.fore- going resolution was duly adopted at a meeting of this association held at the South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company, Inc, Fire: House on the 21 day of January 1.958 at 7:30 peon. , at which 324 members were present. Dated January 21, 1958: /s/ Franklin C. Morton .-Secretary 401 Willard A. White Attorney at _ Lair . • Glens Fal1s,.N.Y. • - . January 29r 1358 Henry J. Xtnns , Clark- of the Board of Supervisors Ballston Spa., N.Y. - p Leslie Hayes-, Jr-. Clerk- of- 'the Board of Supervisors Lake. George, N.Y. Gentlemem.:.- I want to call the attention of the members of the Board of Super- vis*re.-'*f' Saratoga and Warren Counties to the condition of the roadway an tke Hudson River Bridge between Glens Falls and South Glens Falls. For some considerable time the roadway has been in a hazardous situation and the temporary repairs being made are of little or no effect. It is my opinion that should any serious injuries result therefrom that-the mini cipalities charged with the maintenance of the bridge would be legally liable. • This condition has existed over a period of years, but the past year-has been much worse. I believe that the entire- roadway should be permanently resurfaced. It would seem that with five municipalities jOining. in the expense this improvement could be made: without too -much burden to the taxpayer.. I trust that appropriate action will be taken by the various muni- cipalities so that this situation may be corrected. Yours truly, Ss/ Willard A. White South Queensbury 'volunteer. Fire Co. • Lower Dix Avenue Glens .Falls, New York January 24, 195& Town Clerk - Town of Roomisbury Ridge Rd. Glens Falls, N.Y. , This letter is to notify you� that Carl, Stockwell of this Co. is no longer carried as Fire Police. Joseph Dairet also of this Co. has been pleeed on Fire Police.. _ - /sl Richard Austin Secretary The monthly statement of the Sapergisor was read and placed on file. MONTHLY STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR . - January, 1358 . . Date - Amount. - Received Receipts Received Jan. 203 Percy Resell & Anna McCaghey„Soe.Setc.Retro 328.47 16 Lee Lavery Water Funds: NGFWD 14.40 20 • Url_Jones Water Ftind.s NGFWD 87.13 20 • Frances Turner Town Clerk Fees 56.25 27` » general Fund Nate &. Int. to Cap. Res . 4668..75 2-7 AUdit & Control Justice Fees. - 438,,00 2T ` • General & Highway Soc.uec.Ded.Reg.& Retro. &:`Ind.cks. - 3122.58 31 Co. of Warren- Snow Removal. Highway 458.4..00 31 John 0. Webster.. Coll.Taxes collected Hwy- 1383304OG 31 Pine View Cemr.Soc.Sec.Ded Pr.2 2.25 Jan, 31 Frank- Cowles Cemetery Funds 322.50 31 Bohn O,,,Webster._0oll«Taxes collected General. 2487.3,.0E 31 a a. u 1 a a Drainage 8528..85 31 Tire Dist. 15083,41 31 a. a K n a NGM. Wit. w 3921.73 31 a a n a a FtrAmh-Garr Lts,. 2022..86 31. Clovordple Lts. 503.67' 31 a �, a. u a Ridge Rd.: (Relaid) 160.60 31 + a a WGFWD (Relaid) 453s.58 Total Receipts $207301.83 DISBURSEMENTS General_ , . 13265,01 Piney View 312.25 NGFWD 151.92, WGRWD 109.00 Ridge W.D. 6100 Cleverdale Its*, 41*08. Ft.Amh-Garr.L.ts.. 168:..46 WGFWD Eb t. - 1.00 Highway 5.90 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS �119852.18 Mr. Miller discussed the condition of traffic and the parking of ve- hicles at the- Junction of Glenwood Ave.. with Route 9. A discussion was had respecting the matter. Then matter of sidewalks along Dixon Road was discussed. The matter of a complete map, for the town shoring district boundaries was discussed. - A, committee comprised of Mr. Miller and Mr. Bentley recommended the appointment of Mrs., St.- John as Town Historian. The Supervisor appointed Mrs. St. John Town Historian pursuant to See. 148- of the Ed Law. Resolution No. 27 introduced by Mr. Miller„ sevonded by Mr. Bentley: RESOLVED that the annual salary of Mrs. St. John as .Town Histor- ian be and- the same is hereby fixed at $120 payable $10 per month com- mencing March 1,; 1958. Duly adopted by the following vote:, .yes -► Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. 'Lampso}i, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none Resolution No. 28: introduced by Justice Akins seconded by Councilman Lamps on RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby authorized-arid directed to order from the Petrometal Industries signs as follows: lb Dead End Stop. 24 a 24 0 10.50 145,00 3 Winding Rpa.d 14 x 26 7.50 22,50 2 -Trucks Entering 14 x 20 7,501 I.5,Q0 Read Repairs travel at own risk 14 x 20 7.50 45..O0; 2, Detour 14 x 20' 7.50 15.0 0 403 1 Town Highway Garage 14 x 20 7.50 Duly, adopted by the fallowing vote:.. Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr., Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none Resolution Nb "29 introduced by Justice Bentley, ' se' c' ed by Councilman Lampson RESOLVED`that Mr. Akins be and is hereby authorised and directed to order -on behalf of'the Town, a carton of lamps suitable for use in the flashing,=traj#ftc lights at. or near the five fire: houses. Duly adopted by the following v6tes :. " Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. La ipson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes none ~• Resolution No. 30 Introduded by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Akins : RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to order on behtalf of the Town of Wee)as'bury and for use in the Supervisor)s office., from R.G. Landry Business Machines one Addox `8 column adding ma. chine with direct subtraction at a t'ot`al: cost of not to exceed $314.00. Duly a.dbpted by' the following vote:. _ Ayes '- Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, M'r., Lampson, Mr. Akins _and Mr. Harris Noes - hone The Board audited claims as7follows: - SCHEDULE OF AMITS FOR THE TOWN OF* + . QUEENSBURY, WARREN C OUNTY, N.Y. , FOR THE MONTR OF FEBRUARY, 195801 No* Name of; Nature ture of Claim-Claimed Amt.Allowed 44 G.F.Post Coo Pub.Noceon bids„tanks. etc. $ 4.00 $ 4.00 45 Frances L.Turner SJCp..Reg.letter to C.C. .63 .63 46 G.F.Keetric Supply 48, 100A IF 1807 lamps 8.83 8.83 47 G.F;Fe"st C6. Pub.Annual-report-Hwy 118.96 118,.96 48- G.V,frst Cyr. Pub.Not.on completion of assessment 1.70 1.70 49 G.FsPost Cow Pub.Not.Spvr*s report- 57 182.92 182,92 50 Russell & Wait Supplies-Town Clerk 3.45 3.45 51 Russell & Fait Supplies-Supervisor 15.8:5 15.85 52 Adirondack -Resorts 450 assessment sheets 22.95 22.95 212 Press,Inc. 53 Lawrence Bentley Pub.Off.bond-Twn Clk 104,00 10.00 54 Niagara-Mhk Pwr. Str.ltng & traf.signals 201.91 201.91 55 Niagara Fvr.,F Str.ltn.g.Ft Amh-Garrison 16:8.46 168..46 56 Niagara-Mhk Pwr. Power-Town, storehouse 43.31 43.31 57 Niagara-Nhk Power Cleverdala Ltng.Dist. 41.08 41.08 58, N.Y.Telephone Tel.Serv.Twn Strhse 19.00 19.00 59: Qsbys.Fost #14979, Rental for Mohican Grange Am.LeEgion,Gordon for meeting place for Am. WebstertCammnar, Leg.inMohicanGr.Hall 200.00 200.00 60 Bullard-G1encraft 3519 1500 #7 window govt. Printing,Ince, env.c/e;$57,60 printing $10925 - 67,85 67.85 61 John 0. Webster 'Expenses-att.Assn.of Towns meeting-N.Y.0. 83.04 83.04 62 John 0,Webster Reimburse.for purchase of Postage stamps 29.95 2.9.95 63 Scotty's ft'01- Oils Supplies-Town Storehouse 104.86 104.86 64 RaIpbL XR Nestle Exp. for & while att. Assn.Twns meng-NYC 81 ..64 81..64 404 65 Ralph M. Nestle 1/28/58. Printing as follows: furnish_ Bit paper prints from maps in qqr files-L.M..Coulter All of Broadacres outside of _ city ea.of 3 secti oris •of Westl.ands;Sects.l & 2 combined Reservoir Park 31.86 31.86 66 City of G.F.W.Fd. Water Rent-RRWD 104.00 104.00 67 City of G.7, .Fd. Water Rent-NGFWD 3 553.27 553.27 68 City of G.F.W JU. Mater Rent-NGFWD #93A_ 438.83 436*8a 69 City of G.F.W.Fd. 'dater Rent-WGFWD _ 393.71 393.E 70 Proller .Agency,Inc. Earl Jones Bead,,Coll.. WGM. 10.00 10.00 71 Clarence: Elms 5 yds.wash sand, Twn Qsby 6.25 6.25 72. Bernard Codner Exp.att.Assn.Towns meeting in N.Y.C.' 72.85. 72.88 73 Leon M.Steves Miseel.Serv.app.by Town _ Surveyor 45.75 45.75 74 Curtis Lampson Eap.att.Assn.Towns meeting _ - in N.Y.C.- 78.90 78.90 75 Stanley B.Mill e:r Exp.to & from Assn.of Twns in N.Y.C. 76.21 76*21 76; Harald C. Akins Exp.att.Assn.Towns meeting in N.Y.C. 97.,24 97.24 77 Raymond J.Hoague Eap.att.Assn.of Towns meet in N.Y.C. lra.W, 76.`50 • •78 Ruth M.Lykins Stenog.serv.People vs.Rich- and Ffewell ng 8*00 € 6DO 79 Ettjtard Pwr. Shoveling fire hydrants- NGFWD & Ext« 47.60, 47.60 80 Niagara Mhk Pvr-. Pwr.far Booster pump- NGFWD 152.26 152.26 81 Marion Gardner, Exec, Carrie Sco-► Rebate water rent-IGFWD 6.30 6..30 ville,Est. 82 C.G.Woodbury & Son-Misc:.material-Twn Qsby Highway Department 116.96 116.96 The following claims were presented last meeting and-audited this meetings: #25:, City of Glens Falls ,, materials' & " service 387.69 198..86 [ #270, City of Glens Falls , materials'& ` f + services 94Q4W . $5060644 $4811*40 - Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ;Recev rnsr�t" Town Clerk . Y - • W