1958-06-28 f , 441 The Bard discussed the proposed water contracts to be made for the supplying of water to the several water districts of the Town of Queensbury by the. City of .Glens Falls_. stated that the members of the Board would meet July 1, l U" Vith the bard of Water Comissioners- of thec City, of Glens Falls in the 'City Hall. On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Clerk. Regular Meeting June 2av 195a Preee�t.: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman. Stanley-B, Miller Councilman The. board convened at 7-.30 Joseph Schmilinger: and Dr. Charles Klein, Secretary of the Assembly Point Association„ were-:present in reference to the Assembly Point Road., And X40 and Ray Danday were present and requested steel black top be installed on Owen Avenue. Rebart-111sworth, Daniel T. Longden, Charles B. Duffy, Robert W. Irish, Leroy .f!.n, Richard Bartlett and Delbert Levis were present .in.refer arenee to the road knees as the Dream hake'. ROad. Mr. Richard Baartlett. represented Mr,. Irish. A general discussion was had -in reference to the road:. Je680 Stith and NssbeErt De Honey were present and requested paving of tht Fatter Road. _ Aftl_Utim No, 63 :introduced by Justice Bentlessy, seconded by Justice Akins that Councilman Miller be and is hereby authorized and dire to contact the County Attorney with a view of having said. Attor � ,Prepa, ce the necessary paperaa, ;documents and legal notice& for , .the parp of, holding ing a Public Hearing on a proposed zoning ordinance affecting the Torn of Queensbury. FURTHER RESOLVED that a tentative date be fixed as of July 22, 1M,*t" 7tW .P at ;the Sehoolhouse, Aviation Road, of the Union.Free 54h ° '= t:strie:t No. 2 of the Tom, of Quegnssbury. DLT17 " O d` by they following vote: s Ayes — Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, W. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris r No6a They'J.— �jlt tter was read to the Board, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION; Albany, N. Y. _ _ Herrick Osborne June 10, 1958 Warren County SUpt. of Hwys 261 Main Street Warremsburg, .Sew York 442 Dear Sir -This will acknowledge receipt of a T.G, 9 joint applitatio form requesting that the 35 MER. speed r.estrIction an Cleverdale. Road, a Town. Highway between 'Gulm Vie, Roo and the northerly tettfi.nus:._of Cleverdale 'Road in the Hamlet of Cleverdale, Town of Queensbury, Warren County be lowered. to 20;, NM O This is to advise that a study of conditions has been initiated at this location. Upon completion of the field study, you will be notified of the Commission's conclusion. Very truly yours s, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION. Lloyd A. Maeder Director The following letter was also reed STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Albany, New York . June 19„ 195a Town Board Tama of Queensbury Warren County, N. Y. Gentlemen.- T This is in reference to your recent requesrt, as endorsed by the County Superintendent of Highways, that the speed restriction on Cleverdale Road in the. Hamlet. of Cloverdale be changed f rom 35. NM to ,20 XP56 Review indicates that a lower limit would 'be reasonable and realistic In view of the conditions which ,exi.st We have therefore amended the Traffic Cainission order dated February .2, 1955, changing the speed limit to 20 MM. A copy of the amending order is enclosed for ,tbW Town',s€ records Responsibility for the erection and maintenance of signs posting a speed restrietionx. on a town highway rests with the town. We have therefore included copies of this letter and the amending ordgr for the Teams Sup- erintendent of Highways. Our letter of February Z. 1955 discussed sign- ing in conjunction with the existing restriction, axed .that discussion is still pertinent. Our review also indicated that physical conditions were similar on the *loop* road, which intersects Cleverdale Road north of Gum Tie Road and again near they northerly, ,,dead-end terminus. We would: be-willing to establish a similar restriction on the "loop*, .It may be, ho weve�r, that a speed problem does not exist on thin road, and such aeti on might be considered unnecessary. For the extension of speed control to include the logp, we will again require a joint request of the Town. Board and County Superintendent of Highways. A restriction on the loop may be erstablished as a separate linear restriction, or the two may be combibesd into a single *^a-type restriction. The latter would require fewer signs. If it is.. desired to extend speed control. to the loop, we suggest that we be advised whether area or linear type restriction is prefeLrred. We can then prepare the necessary joint request material for formal ubmigs3 on by the Town Board and County Superintendent of Hi..ghways$ as 1 `required by Section 9:5r-c of the Vehicle and Traffic Lair. . Very truly yours. E STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION. Lloyd A.. Maeder Director (Order enclosed) + 443 STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION t - •A.lbany., NeV. y4rk. . .. . Herrick Qsborne,, Supt. of Highways 1.9 June 1658. Warren County 261 Main Street Warrensburg, New York Town Board Town of Q.ueensbury , Warren County, New York. j TF ,"IC C014USSI ON ORDER 1" t to authority conferred by Section 95-e of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, the: State Traffic Commission hereby amends its order dated February 29 .1955 which restricts to 35 MPH the speed at which vehicles may prod along Cloverdale Road, a Temin Highway, between its intersection with Guam Lane Road and the northerly terminus of Cleverdal.e Road, a distance-of 0.90 tr of a mile in the H=Iet-of Cleverdale, Tarn of Queensbury, Marren County, by changing the restriction to 20 MPH. j The Town Superintendent of the Town of Quesen.sbury is hereby directed to erect and maintain signs in accordance: with they standards of the State TrUiffic Commission to inform the public of the existence and limits. of this restriction, except that an END sign shall not be in- stalled- at the northerly terminus of this restriction, and to notify this office when the signs have been erected. STATE TRAFFIC CONAISSION Lloyd A. Maeder Director r The following e0=01nication was presented: i ' ,WARRZN causTY DEMOCRATIC.C.t TTEE �. Frances L. .Turner ,May. 31 1958: ! Town Clerk . Town of Glens Falls, aw York. i Dear Mrs. Turner:* I_ would like to re commend the fallowing as Democratic: Slecti or. Inspectors: Qaeerusbury X,,*D. 1• Ernestine Laroe Boa 565 Glens Falls . �l - Clara Lawry R.D. 1 Glens P*.l.ls ROD. 2 Elva. McDermott R.D. 1 Glens Falls . - Ellen McDermottt, A.De 1 Glens Falls E.Il. 3 V 1ary a Bay Road Glens Falls Sulam Y van ? Sargent St. , Glens Falls N.D. 4 Viola Gooch R.D. 2; Glens Falls R. Hammond R.D. 3 Glens Falls ROD. 5 Evelyn Grant as-Mairr St. W. Glens Falls - Marion Duerll g Second..St. , W. Glens Falls Sincerely yours,, D. F'RM SULLIVAN Demoera,ti C. County Chairman. County of Warren Resolution No;. G4 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Justice Bentley: , RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby appointed inspectors of Election for- the. ensuing year: _ lii l ROD.Taylor C ra ROD. #1 E estine -Laroe Gladys. La Fountain - Clara Lemery �f 444 Ielaubli Democratic. Minnie Bidwell E.D. #2 Elva McDermott Marion Martindale: _ - Sllen_,McDermott Dorothy Greene Lary, A. Kane: Irene Howe E.D. #3 Mary Sullivan Hazel Smith E.D. #4 Viola Gooch Marion Crannell Ann R. Hammond Pauline Joslyn E.D. Evelyn Grant Mrs. Leon Frasier _ Marion, Duell. FURTHER RESOLVED that fbr each inspector compensation is hereby fined at $15,00 per day for each Primary* Registration, and Election Day. Duly adopted by the following voter: Ayes. - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none .The following list of names were presented: Names to be added to the Bay-Ridge Active Firemen's List: Qualified First-Riders of. the Bay Ridge: Auxiliary-who are, Subject to call for, Ambulance Duty and- should be ,covered by Firemen"s Compensation: Rath Chambere Angela Weller Rachel ftbrieky Beatty Regan Dorothy. Biubricky, R.N. Viola Melonsen, Bea Langworthy Helen, Parsons Dora_Robinson Barbara Toomey Virginia Wilson, R.N. Leah Blowers, R.N. Vivian Martell, R.N. Virginia Henry, R.N. Lana Chambers Barbara Wilson, R.N. � (signed) Warren Co Wilson: Floyd E. Chambers Resolution No,. 65 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman Mi err: RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby confirmed as members of� the EMorgency Relief Squad of the Bay-Ridge- Fire Company, Ine.: Rath Chambers Barbara Wilson, R.N. Rachel Rubricky Angela Teller De►rothy. Sabrieky, R.N. Betty Regan Bey Langwrortby Viola Mel.e risen Dora-Rob i on • Helen Parsons Virginia Wilson, R.N. Bare-Toomey • Vivian Marthl1, R.N. Leah Blowers, R.N. Lana Chambers Virginia Henry, R.N. Duly adopted by the foif6ing vote: Y Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Sentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none The fallowing report was received and filed: Town of Queensbury - Highway Committee report. j 445 The committee has met several times with Mr. Quinn. and Mr. Ouster- hout to determine the. best location for poles, on Park View. After-con- siderable, discussion and interviews with residents of the area, the committee presented its findings to the Board at the special meeting held at the Queens.bury School on 6/24/58. The. board voted to allow the Power Co. to rel0cate several poles an the North end of Park View. These-.Poles to be mewed over to the east side of the center strip where no tree cutting willbe necessary and to locate the poles where there will be no interference with driveways crossing the wall. Mr. Lackey was 'asked to meet with Mr-. Rogers and show him what must be done on-Old. Forge Park Road before it can be accepted by the Town. The committee met with Mr. Lackey for an inspection of the new Town storehouse addition. The buildiiag-is well alcng in construction and represents a valuable. asset to the town and when completed will provide needed hvnsing for highway equipment which was previously kept out of doers. The f611OVi g is a list of work necessary to complete this build- - ing and for which funding must be arranged. Floor - Approx. 773 yds. Q $ X76.00 Doors - 4 •- 121 a 14.1 est. 1040.00 Z - 14-4 z 14! 111 - 800600 1 •• 2'aw x s!dp v' 20*00 • glass for steel-sash-now installed. M/C 54.00 . Rmf • 20 yr. - installed Y - 120000 Heating for entire: storehouse, installed 3000.00 :Rleetrie service, lighting, ate. - i Ins latioi w Qw ♦ Y ". Y Contingencies 10% €300.O0 • Est. Total 167".00 ` The `highway committee met for inspection of the Seeley Road at Gleverdale and. suggested that no further cutting of the sides be made but instead confine thegwidening to trimming of the sides with the grader. i The road at Dream Lake was also inspected. Mr. Lackey through a misunderstanding had the- grader run over the staked 12' R/,W, however will , do na more here until R/W boundaries are established by torn, surveyor.. • Shitted 6,/28/58 H. C. Akl Chairman The monthly statewnt of the Sa pe rvisor was read and placed on file: k' Mays 195$ RECEIPTS Date "ount Sburc may 1 J Yt�tebster s Received l ...x A ressegrap2 Corp. Refund on Machine 18.94 gs Yard licenses 4- ebsteEr, Y Fealties 70.00 255.40 . 21 ° bany' Per Cap;. Assistance 5242.41 21 ees.•Turrner Tarn Clerk Fees 292.50 13 Earl Jones -Water Cell. $892.25 WCF Ext. - $138..00• 1030.26 8 Lee Lavery Water Collections g0F $1240.20. Ext. $1406,15: 2646.95 � 26 YEerl Jonas Water Coll. . $340.29 - W C.F. Ext. $56.50 396.79 1 Highway & Fine View Payroll•Ded.Soc.Sec. € 6,8,4 29 Frank Cowles Cemetery Fhnds- 600.00 29 NGFWD, Gem Highway, Fine View Payroll.- ` Y Dad. S.S. 235.17 Total ..Receipts X10928.39 • Di sburse , Y Account General 8918-.35 3 446 Pine. Vier 971.59 NGF Waster District 731.41: ' WGY Water District 81 8 XGF Est. - 5668.E Ridge Water District 182.001 Cloverdale Limits Ft Amherst-Lights 1 +' WGF Eat. - 305 32 Total Disbursements .0 � The mmbers of the Ton *oaard present signed the certificate on the undertaking of Lee Lavery, Superintendent of the North Glens Falls Water District,-approving the bond. The Beard audited claims as follows,: SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TCWN OF QU=5B=, Wes-COUNTY, _NEW YORK.,. FOR THE MONTH 0F' J= 1958, Ant• Amt. Naafis of Cla_ ai t Nature of Claims + C med owed 204 Eddie's Greenhouse 8t, Memorial Wreaths $S.0t3 17-90.00 But &. Florist 205 N.Y.Telephone Co. Phone serv..Trnm.Strhs 15.45 15.45 206 G.F.Hospital Alcohol eontent.:teat- Edward. Wood 3000 3,00 207 Niagara-Kchawk Forcer Str.. ltn6.Ft.Amherst Rd. 168.646 168.46 soft & Garr son-Rd. 2018 ti ara- bhaark Power ' Str.ltng.& traf 039=1s. •91. 201.91 209 B41ph M. Nestle Mileage tray.assessing 26,82 26.82 210 Dennis & Co. , Inc. Se ppl`ie s- +!'.Bentley 2.23 2.23 21l Mtaae3.de Free Library dal gift,,p�er contract 100.00 1110 00 212: City of G.R.Water Fund Misc.tap.cm 4th St. �. w from Caroline Street 33.00 33*00 213 Carswell T & T Gasolene - PT Gem. 38.13 38.13 2114 Glmams Falls Hospital Alcohol Test- Wadle Ah 3.00 3,,40 215 Moriaah-Explorers Post Serv.Memeriaarl-Far<rade- Marching 25.04 25w00 216: Glens Falls Poet Co. FublNot. on completion; Assessment Roll. 5,.64 5.60 217 Nia,gsra-Mohawk Paver Cloverdale Str ki ghting 41 909 41*08 � 2118 C.G.Woodbury & Son Mist.Town storehouse 303.51 NIL 219 Pmtron9tel. Tmdustries Misc.read. signs,fty 214,75 214.75 220 C.G.Woodbury & Son Misc. Town storehouse 26.94 2.6.94 221 State of N.Y., Dept. of Sappy. pension fund as ` ,audit & Control- authorized by Sect.169, - Retirement & Sec.Sec. 53.G4 53.64 222, Glens Falls Post Coo Plab.Notice, Hearing on Bingo Ordinance 125.20 125.20 223 Dempsey' s Concrete Supplles,Twn of Qsby Products, Inc. s'tore house 27.44 2?w40 224 Stotty"s PQ61.S Fuel oil-strhs-Tvn.1nside 35.96 35.96 225 Claude Fan a-Rogrm. 6 Wiese Assessment roll. bindmrs 14.28 14.28. 226 National Welding Co. Misc.weld.as itemized- 14.10 14.10 Piney. View Cemetery 227' John Rubricky Inst•rater. amn,acros s . Qorihth Rd., WG 24.00 24.00 228 Harold C. Aldna loo stamped env.&-cards 3.96 3«96 229 Gilbert MailleE Leveling dump, 6.h•® 15 30.00 30 00 230 Theodore Turner Office rent as itemized 150.00 .&N/A 231 Pathan. pr9ljor 4udit on worknon'.s comp. . policy #Mna*7641-C, 1348:.22 1:306.21,� 232 Mrs. Jahn A. Williams Copies proposed Bingo Ordinance 10 5 l0 w 5 ' 233 Leslie W. Coulter 2 maa`pa3 Reseryoir Park 8.30 8.30 234 tanle y B. Nil-18r 100 stamped envelepe s 3.76 3,76 255 G.F. Ins-. Company 1-fi re drawer legal size used filing cabinet 35.00 35:.00 2S6 Allen F". Towers Labor perf.under superv. 6.90 Town Surveyor 447 237 Henry Goldsmith 5urv.on Rockhurst for field- ins setting trade Rolling Rdg. 6.90 6190 238 Leon M.Steves Surv.Rockhurst Rd.for field- j - ins & setting- grade stakes at fir. . Rolling .Ridge 9.00 9.00 239 ' , rd-Glencrart beater rent sheets4OWD 26.00 26,00 240 'tee W.Lavery� 200 reg.stamp.envelopes-NOWD 7.28 7.28: I 241. Niagara-Mohawk Pwr.Serv.Booster Pump-NGPWD - 8.5..64 85..64 I On motion the meeting adjourned I I -Town Clerk.. Special meeting July 3, 1958: fPresent: ` H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Stanley. B Miller Councilmalm Absevi _ �,., rtis Lampson Councilor. i The board convened at 7:30 p.m.-, Resolution No. 66 introduced by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Akins:: AS A pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law', this Town Bop,rd leas, oily appointed a Zoning Commission of the Town of Queensbury to make a etu,dy of the need .for a zoning ordinance in the Town of Qu y and to recommend the boundaries of the zones to.be established in thy; .tom and to recommend Appropriate regulations to be m&Weed therein, a ` t � _ V�iEMEAS,, the said Zoning Commission has made a preliminary report to the .Town Board, has held a public hearing thereon and has submitted to tt rs,T Board its full and final report together with a proposed at.nance, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren Cry, r Yank, hold a. public, :jearint on. such proposed zoning ordinance f t af; Queensbry at the Queensbury School,` uiati on Rid, in they said Town of Queensbury on the 22nd day of July, 1958, at 8 oR clock pox* (D.S.T.) to hear persons baying an interest in the subject matter of said proposed zoning ordinance , and it 'is further that ..the Tom Clark be and she hereby is directed to give Oh public hearing by"publishing a notice thereof in the Edens : .l.s Times,, published in Glens Falls, N. Y., once at least ten days psd+at- to the date herein appointed for such public `hearing. Du ,p by the following voter Ay,al XJll*r, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akira and Mr. Harris „s JV?. introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice RRSOLVEE) thit H. Russell Harris, Supervisor, be and is hereby auth and directed to cause to be published the proposed zoning ©rdi in its entirety, once each in the Glens Falls Times and thek :. . t .Stir not later than Thursday, July `1.Q, 1958, at. a cost not to Day adopted by the following Grote:-- Ayes, 4W Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none