1958-07-26 456 On :nation the hearing adjourned. < Town. ClerX Regular Meeting July 269 1958. Present Supervisor H. Russell Harris Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold A)dns Justice Of the peace Curtis Lampson Council Stanley-B, Miller Councilman The board convened at 7:30 pomw Kay Corlew`who was present requested that a playground be established for children in the Bennetville area. The. Board generally discussed the matter. Anthony Denino was present and discussed with the Board the question of' lots. Marshall Havens of the Bay-Meadows Golf Club was present and discussed the supplying of water with the Board. The followLM eommunicatlon was read to the Board: WEST GLENS FALLS FIRE COMPANY NO. 19 Inc. West Glens -Falls N:. July 26, 1,P58 The West Glens Fells 'volunteer Fire Company wishes to make an application for a permit to hold a circus known as the Hagen Brothers on the Luzern Road west i of the firehouse on August 181, 195810 Leon Richardson, Chief Resolution Rio. 69 introduced by Justice Akins seconded by Councilman Lainpsonl RESOLVED that a circus be held in the Town. of Queehsbury as f ollows -- Sponsor - West Glens Falls Fire Co* No. 1, Inc. Circus - Hagen Brothers ,ace - Lot immediately west of the firehouse, West Glens palls Fire Co. No. 1, Inc. Date - August 189 1958 Fee - $100.00 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue-a permit to hold such circus upon the. payment of the fee of $100.00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes v- Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris ! Noes none I In connection with the request of the West Glens Hall. Fire Co. Inc. to hold a display of fire works, the following resolution was intro- duced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by R£�SOLV9D that the George F., Brown & Sons be and is hereby g7ranted ' p ermissign-,to-,show a display of-fire-works .on August 9, 1958. upon the express condition that it be issued for liability damage and have issued to it or its agents a certificate of insurance establishing 457 such fact for the. following amounts: $50,000 B.I. one person, $15,000 property damage subIject to 4100 deductible; $100,000 B.I. one accident, j such license to be issued for the West Glens -Falls Fire•Co. No. it Inc. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue-such license forthwith upon production and filing of the aforesaid certificate of insurance.. Thee matter of the insurance coverage was discussed by the members of the Board. The George F. Brown do Sans of Illinois having submitted a certificate from Moyft -of. London, . the question wqs raised as to the advisability of obtaining insurance coverage through a Company authorized to trans- act business in ther State of New York. No second was made to the fore- going resolution and. therefor-e ago =vote was taken thereon. The chairman ruled that the matter be laid on the table until the matter could be cleared up-. A dead was presented dated July 1958 from Leroy A. Griffin and Aderl Ariffin, his wife, to the Town of Queensbury conveying certain lands therein described for highway purposes. Resolution introduced by Justine Bentley, seconded by Cionne .lman Lam. t , MSOMM that the Town of Queensbury accepts as .a public highway all the la a-described in a deed acknowledged July 8, 1958 fromm Leroy A.. Griffin and Adel Griffin to the Town of Queensbury for such purposes, r j acc*ptance is upon the express condition that the approval of the. County Attortrey is required as to farm, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the instrument of conveyance. r Duly adopted by the .folle ving vote. Ayes Mr. Niller, Mr. Bentley, Mr., Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none , J.G. Harris of Assembly Point was present and requested the relocation of the Assembly Faint Road in part from the old canal to the More development. Justice it d ns discus aged drainage in edale. He reported that the drai `` t a highway problem, a Town. problam. Regolatift Ifm --w introduced by Justice 'Bentley, sacs ded by lust ce :na t t _ FdCSMVXD -that the. Town of Queensbury- requests; thee. Mate Traffic Commis on—"U-Unit the. speed' at ,which vehicles may proceed ta, a maximum of 35 miles per hour upon the follrow ng -reaads in the Town of Que.e nsbary r Me adowbrook the City: line of the City of Glens Falls northerly to the Halfway Brook bridge.;, 0° bury Averme from the Boulevard northerly to the brook crossing the said Queensbury Avenue: at Gratton Hill; -"Vomtry Club: Road from Glenwood Aversue northerly to its junction with l. Rain• Pond Road. 1 Duly:,add" W' tfoUoving vote s Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampsori, Nor. Akins and Mr. Harris BC�ers - IIa� The foUc*i g letters were reed to the Board: 458 MARTIN LUMBER C alPANY Q, go,-�T..Y„. July 3, 1958 i Russell Harris, Supervisor Town of Qu.eensbury. Star Route Glens Falls, New York i Dear Russ: Mr. Lackey was at our plant last week and we discussed the Right - of Way and-fill that was used on the new construction that crosses the - former Delaware and Hudson Railroad property. He suggested that I Write - to you about the matter. Wei have now been assessed by the Town of Queensbury. in the sum of $56,000.00. To warrant this assessment we ! must get something out of•the: property as I told your men before we gave them permission to change the Right of Way and move. the fill where you are= now making the new hardtop road. I proposed to one of your men on the job that if you were to take the Right of Way and land, that I would want in return a minimum of 20 loads of fill at My property about one mile north of Lakes. George on the Bolton Road., If you do not want to draw the fill" in lieu thereof we will bill you $800.00 for the fill plus an. amount to be determined between your board .ar4 us for the Right Of Way. Will you kindly advise at once what you wish to do because we need the fill at the house in order to use the property. Very truly yours, . MARTIN LUMER COMPANY Dprr.T. Martin MARTIN LUMBER COMPANY Lake-George, N.Y. July ;L59 1958- Mr. Russell Harris, Supervisor - Tom. of Queen sbury Steer Rout+ • r Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Mr.. Harris: Since► I have not heard-from you regarding the dirt fill for the Right of Way.and fill which you removed to improve your elevation and curve, from, the Crossing in the Tom of Queenabary % the highway crosses the former Delaware: and. Hudson Right of Way,, I conclude tli&t you do not want to t'hrnish the fill mentioned in .my former letter. TherefoTe, I herewith invoice the Town of Queensbury in the sum of $800000 fbr¢the Right -of 'Way fill,.which was remewed from my premises at the poi of question, I will appreciate your immediate attention to this matter, 'fiery truly yours,, MARTIN LR`R COMPANY Dorr.T.-Wrtin Resgl ion No. 72introduced by Justice Bentley, seceded by Justice Ak ins t RESOD that the Town of Queensbury requests the State Traffic Ccissiom, to-limit the speed at.which vehicles may proceed: t:o• a maxima of 20 miles per hour upon~ the Assembly Point Road, a Toen high- 459 hightswy from Route 9 H to all roads on Assembly Point. Duly adopted by the .following vote-. Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes none = The fal.loving letters were also read 291 Bay Road . -- Glens Falls, N.Y.: Deer Mrs. Turner: a ` 9, 1958 I received your letter concerning inspector- Of elections and wish to reply that it will be ,impossible: for me to accept. Truly yours,, Mary A. Kane July 7.1 1958 Town of j Queensbury j I Town Clerk ;No Y. I .regmt, to advise that I will be unable- to accept appointment of Inape"ar, Dist. No. 3 for year beginning July 1, 1958. The reason for eis-the great overload of registered voters in our particular district causing an unreasonable number of hours ®n duty at the Bolls, which. l� and most individuals acting as inspectors, find impossible to'endure. Regretfully, BFI ase road at neat Mary Y. Sullivan board meeting. 7 Sargent St. MVS Glens Palls, N.Y.. July 20, 1958 Glens Falls, N. Y. °,� Town Board, Tom of Queensbury Gentlemer I hereby recommend the appointment of Ethel Fowler, Republican, inspector of Election Dist.. No. 3 in' the Ton of Q:aeansbury. . Yours Truly, Theodore Tyr Committeeman of Ele cti on Dist.. 3 TOSEM A .$ESTNER, JR. Consulting. Magineer 189 North Lake Avenue Troy, New York July 199 1458 esall Harris, Supervisor I ].ens lt1.l , Yew York . Dear, lair. Harris: :July 17th9 I met with Mr. Daniel H. Rraddy of the New York State Hig4vay Department and discussed in considerable detail the questions raised during our meeting on July l th. Your copies of this letter are enclosed so that each of the ,other members of the Town Board may have one to revift 460 Section_ 6. of the Northway which extends to about the location of the City of Glens Falls,-water Mains south of Aviation Road is scheduled for gonstruction during 1959. There is some, possibility of the extension going as far_ north as Gurney Lane but at the present time this is not anticipated for contruction next year. The points C-7 and C-8 which we noticed in the field were control points. for the. aerial survey and C-8 is actually outside the easterly limits of the highway. Our present well is therefore located- further east of the highway Right of Way than we thought during our field in- spection, They will furnish me a map in the near future showing the exact location, of our well in relation to the highway Right of Way. The highway Right of Way on the well field site will have a width of approximately 540. feet.. This is considerably wider than we anticipated.. The Federal Laws under which the: highway was constructed definite- ly prohibit any construction of commercial facilities within the highway limits. The Right of Way will. therefore constitute a protective radius for our wells. The amount of $40,,000, stated in the: highway department letter of April- 30th represented the additional cost of widening the culvert at the Rush Pond outlet, tp, 12 x 12 feet for tunnel purposes. The cost of a standard tunnel at the well site for the full 541 foot width of Right of Way would be between. $100,.000,, and $200,000 The cost of an adeess road on the west side of•the highway would be about $50,000 per-mile. The access road therefore consitutes the best and most economical means of access to our well field. Mr. Ruddy also pointed: out that, the access road would eliminate severance damages for which•the•State=pays 9 . of value on the two parcels south of our well site. If an access. road is constructed, Mr. Ruddy expects to know within one.week whether ,or not an access road will be provided,, there is good possibility that it could connect to the intersection of Weeks Road and the road east of the Bus Garage an4 west of the Queensbury Central School. This would mean j that there would be property on both sides of the access road for devel- opment..If p p Y g get. in touch with favorably I I told Mr. Rudd that I thought the Town would u on this roposal and suggested that he you and dis- cus's it. The aaeesor road 'might provide an excellent route for our twelve inch transmission main from the well field to Aviation Road.. Tie-ins with Route 9 could be made at the well site and at °Roed to strengthen the distribution system on Route S. The access road might make- it desirable- to locate our pumping station. on the west side of the: Northway. Mr. Ruddy pointed out that the State does not actually acquire the land until construction begins as they acquire property by paying for damages rather than by purchasing it. If we have our wells developed and the pipelines laid across the highway Right of Way prior to the time: construction is undertaken it will be -the responsibility of the highway department to properly protect our water main and duct lines across the- Right of' Way. If the highway comes first then it will be our responsibility to provide the pipeline and encasement at our own expense. There would be a definite advantage of course in constructing our pipe- line: prior to the highway, I explained �o. Mr. Ruddy that we intended to develop wells on both sides of thw highway and that arrangements for truck access to both sides would be necessary both. for drilling rigs anal: for mai:a enance in the event of equipment failures. Absolutely no crossings f rya k the north_I �! bound to the southbound lane will be permitted. Crossings -of the highway on foot will not be permitted either. I mentioned that it did not seem practical to put a walkway in the culvert at the Rush :Pond cutlet as a man would have to walk a:. thousand feet north, cross five hundred feet ` under the highway and go a thousand .feet south to reach the loll field on the oppo4ite side of the road. This would mean a round trip of a mile which. I told him no operator would.undertake:. } n 461 From our meeting I conclude that the access road is the most economical means and the best means of resolving the difficulty. We should knew in about a week whether or not it will be provided. As soon as an answer is received, I shall. prepare the estimate of cost for bringing the well water to the present water system.. The. newspaper article was apparently in 'error in stating that the Northway will pass over Aviation Road. ,Vr. Ruddy said definitely Aviation Road would cross over the Northway. The -matter of crossing on the bridge at Aviation Road with a main as large as twelve inches diameter will. have to be approved by the Bridge Department. I told Mr. Ruddy that we had no difficulty in Vermont in crossing bridges-with mains .as large as sixteen inches in diameter. This is a detail that can be worked out later. A Please let me know if I can be of further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, /s/ Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. . WILLIAM H. -MAW R.F.D. N0._1 Queensbury Ave. Glens Falls , .New York i July 22, 1958 The Queensbury Town Board: Bear Sirs If and when the Zoning Ordinance of the `'own of Queensbury is adopte&, I would like to apply for the position as Zoning; Officer. William H. Mann,, Sr. Facts about myself`: j - I am 56 years old. Have been a resident of Warren. County for 54 years. Been a property owner and taxpayer, Town of Queensbury, for 31 years. . -I am a graduate Landscape Architect.. I received my degree from the tCollege of Architecture (Cornell) . There is .considerable overlapping of straight architecture and landscape. architecture. '• T_ am able to read and understand plans, blueprints and maps, whether they be architecture or engineering. I can draw plans and maps. : I have studied surveying in the Cornell Civil Engineering College. This should be of invaluable hell - receding property .descriptions , etc. As a Landscape Architect, have 'studied Zoning and City Planning, July 23, 1958, Tee The Tom Board Town. of Queensbury, N.Y. At the time that I introduced Resolution No. 56+ at our Regular Meeting of May 24, 1958 r a report was made of conditions then existing in the Reservoir Park Sewer District. I_ pointed out that a bad sewer condition had develeged there and the necessity for prompt action. The appointment Of Mr. H4Wn fal lowed. There was presented to this -Board under date of October 1, 1955 at a Special Feting a Petition properly completed, setting up a proposed Sewer Di-strict in ,then Reservoir Park Area. This Petition was accompanied by the u`a ijj1 map. detailixg the Sewer area. . This. Petition was signed by one John V, and Frederick T. Hay who were the owners of the land served or to be served by this Sever District. On October 22, 1958, a hearing was held on this petition and no opposition appearing the petition was accepted. '-It is not clear from the records but it would appear that a { 462 some reservations were made concerning the final acceptance. If this had to do with completing manholes or giving a deed or some other requirement is not clear, An examination of the records show that the area has been developed since the establishment of° the sewer District and that there are at least 20 families located adjacent to-the sewer lines and are con- nected to it. A complaint to me prior to our meeting of May 24 and the investigation that I made disclosed a bad situation.. The actual land comprising the sewage bed is recorded in the land records in the names of John.C. and Frederick T. Hay, Neither it .or the sewer pipe have been -conveyed: to,the District. or to the Town. This may have been an oversight. The people of-the aree are of the firm. opinion, and have been told by Mr.. Frederick Hay that the sewer is r controlled by the Team.. While it is -apparent that legally we have no responsibility it is aqually apparent that we intended to take over the sewer and that ,mQrallyy we are responsible. I have conferred with Mr. Beswick. We feel that the matter can be ad- justed with the attorney for Mr. ,Hay, Willard Vhite. However, I did not feel that I had the authority. to proceed and thus. the reason for this report. Cl� I would recommend sthatk in the absence of any knowledge of the con- ditions, if any at the time of the formation of the District, that we immediately take steps to have the entire matter of title cleared. (2) If possible, try to get Hay to complete the erection of the am- hole-in the bed itself. (3) That the matter of the disputed right of way be definitely cleared.- (4) This surer system was designed to accommodate 20 families and-it was on that basis, that I believe its construction was approved by both then. City of Glens Falls (it is adjacent to .their Half Way Brook Reservoir) and that -Mr. Hay refrain from fUrther hook-ups to the sewer line until the matter can be cleared with the State Sanitary Engineer and the City. Respedtf'tzlly submitted, -- Isl Stanley B. Miller The Board generally discussed the' sanitary sewer. in Reservoir P*rk. The Bow is to meet as a Committee of the 'shale on Tuesday 29a, 1958,v at 2 p..ms.. at the County Attorney✓s Office to discuss matter insthe County ,Attorney''s Office:The following letter was also read: t Czamy-C mMMIssi ON Town of Queenstury Glens Falls,N.Y. July 18, 1958 Mr. Stanley Miller 5 fishing Road Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear S3 r: s - In ca plifinee with your letter* jequesting that the aetery. Commission look into they matter of providing a fire exti `o char at the. storehouse for Pineview Cemetery, we should like to transmit the _ following, information to your Town Board. We can purchase a non-freezing type of extinguisher'which will meet the fire underwriters .requirements for this installation for approximately 130 delivered in Glens Falls. It is the roe ation of our Comission that such an extinguisher be purchased$. and if it is so approved by your board, ve will purchase the. samee Very truly yours, `sj Sidney Van Dusan 403 The Board audited claims as follows SCHWJLE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF l QIV=SKW_2 WAR= CQUNTX, NW.-YORK, M- TEE MQ= QF_ZUYs 1958 ,pmt-. Amt. Na. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed Z42 Dennis &-Co., Inc. Supplies-M.SABentley,,J:P. $ 5.28 1, 5.23 243 Stephen B. Duell Mileage on assessing _11:8,05 118.08 244 Russell & Wait Supplies-Town Clk.Office 6.56 6.56 245 L.S. Baird Material-Twn.Storehouse 137.38 137.38 1 246 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Electric ta3iv. Storehouse 21.61 21.61 � - 247 W.F.Gubitz & Sons Printing Town voucher forms 22.85 22.85 i 248- Edward Thompson 00 .27.00 I meson Co. 57' McBinn®y pocket parts 27'. i I 249 Russell. & Wait Supplies-Town CIr's Office 5,50 5,50 250 Fowler's Inc, Fl s,, Decoration-Day 2840 28.50 251 The Sandy-Hill Iron, 12. Prints for John-Van Dusen 6.00 6.00 & Brass Works - 252 Dennis & Co., Inc. 1958 ESd.Clevenger's Civil Prct.Act,-M.S.Bentley, J.F. 20.00 20.00 253 Niagara-Mohawk burr. Street bighting-Ft.Amherst 254 Niagara-Mohawk Pear. Streetoligg ht •¢G 168.46 j irrg & Tra£. signals 1 201.91 201.91 255 C.F.Post Co. Pwab,Not.onSpec.Elect. on Bingo 7080 7.80 256 Dennis & Co. , Inc. 1-Minute bkA. & 1 record 45.79 45.79 claims bk. Twa Clk'is Ofc, + 257, N.Y.Telephoner. Co. `Phone Serv.Tow3x Storehouse 16.70 16.70 254� Chag.,FZoughtaling Supplies-M.S.Bentley,J.P. 14.16 14.16 25t Co, Display Advertising"Proposed Zoning Ordinance." _ 329.28 322.70 260 Gofj st Co, Printing 2 M ballots-Bi o 56985 56.85 261 N®�an A.,, ,Harray Well Baby Clinic-Twn.o£�sby. 120,00 120.00 262 L F Corlew Mowing ha -Pineview Cam. 24.00 24.00 263 _ Tire Serv. 1 Boa, (8) 5 CoM.Plugs 5.12 5.12 i 264 D®asald Sullivan 320 S Pv.Cem�. q.Ft.. 80d,® 89-Pv Cam, 25.00 25.00 1265 J SI r & Co. 1-#1 Sod Lifter; 1 4L 480 V belt, Pineview Cam, 9.15 9.15 266- Sard"ord `Harrington Wsc.serv. as itemized,at Earl Russell Residence 10000 10000 267 Elizabeth A. Casey Taking Notes-Transcription- Zoning Hearing-7/22/58 22.50 22950 568 Leon M. Stoves Mi s e. Se ry.under supervision. of Town Surveyor 25.50 25.50 269 Allen F. Towers Misce, sere. under super - + vision of' Town surveyor 41 41 11241 On motion the meeting adjourned. N J - Town Clerk c A I