1958-09-25 492
At this point, Mrs. Mildred Lackey, widow of Ernest Lackeys
with her son:, Stanley Lackey. U on. bei Y�Supervisor what
could be done for hers- she replied thatgshe kwas bPresent as ann observer.
On motion the meeting gcLjourned.
Town Clerk
Meeting September 25, 3,958 �—
H.. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akirss Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Stanley-Be, Miller Ccuneilmaxr
The Board convened at 7.,3O p.m..
j Proof of publication of notice calling for 'proposals was filpd..
Pursuant to the notice,, the following proppsals wem received snd
presented to the Board:
United Roofing .
of Albany, Inns.
Proposal Contract ,
H. Russell Harris ,
Star Route
Glens Falls r N. Y..
Location w Glens Fa11s; N. Y.
Job - Built-up smooth surface roof �
Owner - Town of Queensbury
Date - Sept. 23, 1958 �
We propose to furnish all material & laborLL
for the above job as listed below:* _
we will apply according to. Carey Co, specification 9C, a 20 .year
Bonded type smooth surface roof, using Carey material which is a com-
bination, asphalt and asbostos felt. Allparapet walls ghall be com-
position base flashing according to Carey specification, which requires
32# membrane base sheet, and two (2) plies of fib-rook coated with
Carey Noahs pitch. - ,
All gravel stop shall be 26 gauge galvanized iron. We will in-
stall galvanized coping cap, 26 gauge over wood on parapet walls. All
holes in wood sheeting shall be covered with 26, gauge galvanized iron
before applying built-up roofing. All metal shall be formed to fit
properly, locked and soldered.
On gempletion of jobs, premises shall be cleaned.
NOTE*- Ten year personal guarantee*
for the swan of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-THRs+ & 00/100
($1,353.00) Dollars.
Alternates.-: If a Slag type roof is applied instead of a
20 year Bonded type smooth surface roof thee;
deduct the sum of One Hundred Fifty,Three
_ Dollars from the above sum.
Hudson Falls , T.Y.
24. September,, 1958
Town of Queensbury Highway Dept.
Avi anti on.,Road
Cjlens Falls, N. Y.,.
Re: Roofing & Sheet Metal - New Garage Building
We propose to furnish and install the following:.
1) New twenty (20) yr. guaranteed, smooth surface, ASBESTOS FELT$
built-up roof according to Johns-Manville Roofing Specifications, for
application over a roof area having a pitch of from dead level to 1/21&
per foot.- - -
2:) 33•-M Insulating Board Cant Strip st Base of Parapet Wall*.
3) Reinforced Composition Base Flashing where vertical meets the hor-
4) 2 6 ga galvanized iron drip edging at the rear of the building.
g F
5) 26 ga. gals. Iron Coping all joints locked and soldered, (See
enclosed Detail) . ,
For the above,, as outlined, we are pleased to quote ou the sum
of Twelve Hundred Fifty-Four and 00/100 Dollars, ($1254.00.
Mote: If Johns-Danville Surety Band is desired, ADD the sum of
Seventy-Five .and 00/100 Dollars, ($75..00) 9, to the Base Price.
Thank you for the opportunity of quoting this work..
Very truly yours,
Monahan & Loughlin,. Inc,.
/s/ John K. Horrigan• ,
Glen's Falls,, N. Y.,
September 24, 1958
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
I wish to submit bind to install a new roof on your new
building as follows:
4 ply asphalt, D type drip edging hot moped,
ter:. year guarantee--fcr the sum of eleven
hundred fifty dollars and no cents ($1150*00) ,
If I am favored with the job it will be done immediately.
- Yours very truly,
/s/ Charles Caputo
9 Marion.Avernus - Glens Falls , N. Y.
To: Date September 23,: 1958
Members of Board Subject - New Roof on New
Town of Queensbury Highway Bldg*.
Warren County
We propose to install a Ruberoid Cold Process Roof (3 ply) ;on the
roof of the building, area approx. 4100 square,._.feet, using cant strips
where roof deck meets parapet wall, 26 ga. gal. metal -flashing and
ealy. metal drip edge where roof deck edge is exposed.
Complete cost of this worl� . $1170.00
By James-H. Minnick-
Job Name = Town of Queensbury, Storehouse Date 9.24-58
Address .Aviation Road
To - Town Clerk' s Office
Town of Queensbury
Ide propose to .furnish and install:
Four (4) OVERHEAD DOORS: 1410u� x 1290" x 1-3/40-
Two (2) ;OVERHEAD DOORS-,. 1400": x 14!0-11 x 1-3/4"1
Glazed in third section with clear window glass-
Hand operation $1980.00
. If heavy duty chain hoist is desired on any of these
doors, add $45.00 for each one.
#2. If heavy reinforcing steel struts are desired, ,ADD
$15.00 per door..
If additional sections of glass are desired, add
$6.00 per section.
Terms:.- Net an completion
By:: Herman J. Marino
Glens Falls, .N.Y.,
Sept. 19,, 1958.
Town of Queensbury
Ridge Rd.
Glens Falls, N. Y..
We are pleased to bid as follows on Overhead Doors for the Weensbury
Storehouse:: _
4 Overhead Doors size 14• - 0"- x 12' -- 0" x 1--3/4"
2 u. . .. " . " 14! .. 0111" x 14! .. 0a, x 1-•3/4"'
All 6-doors to have one section of glass,; all doors to be Chain-hoist
operated, all doors to have 10"• bottom rails on bottom sections,, deliv-
ered and installed for the next sum of $2200.00.
We thank you and hope we may receive this job..
Yours very truly,
Winchip Overhead Door Co.
/s/ E. R. Winchi.p_
Glens Falls , .N. Y. '
Sept. 249 1958
To: Town of Queensbury
Glens Falls , N. Y.
New Store House
I hereby agree to furnish and install the following
complete Labor & Materials including chain hoists
2 w 3-41x141 Crawford Doors S.L.A. Model
4 14!x12' « ". .5 L.A. Model
For the "sum of
Two Thousand seven hundred forty-eight Dollars
/s/ A. J. Greene
Tawas Clerk Hudson Falls, N. Y.
Town of Queensbury
Warren Co., New York
We propose to furnish all Location- - Town Storehouse
material and labor for the Owner Town of Queensbury
above as listed below: Date -. September 24, 1958
Having examined your advertisement for bids on installation for Gas
Fired Unit Heaters ieith automatic controls to be installerd in the
rear building . . . . . .
for the sum of Two Thousand One Hundred Fifteen and 00/100 ($2115.00)
EXCLUSIONS: Gas Lateral into Building.
• By Kenneth VO. McKernon
E. C. MARTIN & SON - -
Glens Falls, N. Y., -
September 24, 1958
Town Board .. Town of Queensbury
We are pleased to quote you the following price and alternates
for heating the Highway Zspartment Garage on Aviation Field Road to
+601 inside with. x-15` autside temperature.
For furnishing and in-stalling:
4 - Z=aire gas unit heaters #XX120-120,000 BTU input
144,000 BTU output -- completely wired, using 4 thermostats-
we quote you the sum of $2,125,00.
For furnishing and installing 4WLuxaire units as above with 2 thermo-
stats, completely wired .. we quote you the sum of $2,084.00.
For furnishing and installing 4 - Rezrror gas unit heaters #US175F
175,000 BTU input - 1403,000 BTU output with 4 thermostats
completely wired, we quote you the sum of $2,435.00,
For furnishing and installing 4 - Reznor units as above with 2 thermo-
stats completely wired we quote you the sum of $2,394.00.
All of the above quotations include the cost of gas entrance to
be installed by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation and run to area desig-
nated as oil room in old building. We propose to continue gas piping
from this point to new building in rear with 2-j", pipe (recommended
size by Niagara Mohawk) to be installed in ditch under- present-shed
between buildings, to the right rear corner of new garage,, there to rise
to a point at least 12 ft. above floor of garage and to--be continued
to the last unit, reducing in size at each unit but not to be reduced
less than 14" in size.
This piping system designed to prevent pressure drop and result-
! ant pilot failure at units. Ditch for pipe under shed not included in
f this proposal. µ
All units to be tted, through roof of building with- American
Gas Association approved doubly wall flue pipe with watertight flanges
on roof and terminating in an approved draft cap,
All above quotations include one year service and warranty on all
parts and worlisnanship,
Attached are specification sheets. on.units quoted designated
by arrows.
By Charles -Martin
Glens Falls , N.-Y.
18 September 1958
Heating--Fmipment -
Queensbury Highway Dept. _
Aviation road
Glens Falls , New York
We are pleased to quote the following equipment that is required to
heat the new garage on the Aviation Road which is to be occupied by
the Queensbury Highway Dept/.
1- Gas lateral from curb to building
1" 1Gas line to new garage from service in old bldg.
4- Janitrol UCS 225 Gas fired unit heaters
3•- M•-H Thermostats
4- Metalbestos flues thru ,roof
The above job includes wiring within the new building only, and guaran- '.
teed free service for the period of one year after installation. There
is also a ten year guarantee on the heating equipment with a one year
guarantee on the electrical controls , motors and switches.
Total costs, completely installed: is . . . . .... 2885.20
If electrical to be done by others, deduct ... - 150,00
If there are any further questions regarding the above installation
or method of installation,- please feel free to consult us.. -
Swan & MacNeill f
per: Larry MacNeill
Glens Falls , N. Y.
- Sept. 24, 1958
Queensbury -Town Garage
Town of Queensbury
Heating Estimate - $2,793,00
This estimate is to include heating New Building Only.
All wiring and gas lines from meter,
Units to be used will be Day & Night gas .fired unit heaters as
2 DNP-150
2 DNP-175
Each unit to have individual thermostat control & igeta),betos vents
through roof. ,
650,000 B,T.U.
Building figures 491,000 B.T.U.loss units are rated
input 520,009- B.T.U.output..•.
Complete Job to carry one year service & material guarantee..
I wish to thank you for the opportunity f° quoting on this job..
Resolution No 99 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the proposal of Monahan & Loughlin, Inc. presented
pursuant to advertisement published in the Glens Falls Times on Sep-
tember 13,; 1358,, be and the same is hereby accepted as proposed in the
bid and that the contract therefor be awarded to the said Monahan k
-Loughlin, Inc. in accordance with the said proposal in the shunt of
-W54.00 with a Johns Manville Surety Bond at a cost of $75.00 amount-
Ing in all to a total cost of 01329.00
Further resolved. that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized
and directed to execute the necessary contract on behalf of the Town.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -. Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Amens and Mr. Harris
Noas - bone -
Resolution Na. 100 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the proposal of the Winchip Overhead Door Company
- to supply and .install 6 overhead doors as advertised in the Glens Falls
Times September 13, 1958, be and the same is hereby accepted,; and be it
RESOLVED that the contract for the supplying and installing of the
6 overhead-'doors im the new Town Storehouse in accordance with the
over cad therefor be
the sung ofS$2,200 and a eeitt further
RESOLED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and
directed to execute the necessary contract for they installation of such
doors on behalf of the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes -- none
i r
Resolution No. 101 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
Lamps on::
RESOLVED that they proposal of E. C. Martin and Son to furnish and
install as- set forth in the proposal, 4 w Reznor gas unit heaters, U..S.
175F with 4 thermostats, submitted pursuant to advertisement published
in the alens' F is Times on September 13 - 195- be and the same is hereby
h a`I � s :
accepted and be it further
RESOLVED: that the contract for ther furnishing and installing of the 4
Reznor gas units with 4 thermostats as set forth in said proposal be
and the same is hereby awarded to the said E. C. Martin and Son in the
sum of 2 435.00.
• ' nETHER RESOLVED that the* Supervisor be and is hereby thorized
and directed to execute the necessary contract for the furnishing and
installing of the heaters aforesaid.
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes .. Mr.. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes -- none -
. In the of the matter'� purchase of a: truck and, snow plow Mr. Akins
presented the following communication from Albert. E. Bepwick, County
Attorney., request that Ys a re q tit be inserte in Minute
d the s.
Glens Falls, N t- Y.
September 20, 1958
Mr. Harold Akins
R.D.. 1
Glens. Fallg, N. Y.
bear Harold
This is to confirm our telephone conversation, of today rela-
tive to the purchase of an International truck and shag plow from
Carswell Truck & Tractor Co. '
As I understand it, your late Superintendent of Highways,,
Ernest Lackey, recommended the purchase of truck and- V plow, that
the Town Board advertised for bids and Carswell was the low bidder.
Your new Superintendent recommends a straight blade instead of the
V plow. Carswell does not have ready for delivery a truck with the
engine displacement contained in your notice to bidders but -does
have one with a slightly larger displacement and a 'sliglitly ..higher
price. I understand the straight plow will cost less than the V plow
and that the truck with the larger engine and the straight plow will.
cost less than the specified truck with the V plow.
You have asked my opinion as to whether the Town Board may
safely accept delivery of the truck with the larger engine and str-
aight plow or whether you should readvertise. .
Assuming that the cost of the truck with the larger engine
will still be below the lowest of the other bids, it is my opinion 1
that you may purchase it without re-advertising. The change from a
V plow to a straight play will not affect the situation because all I-
truck dealers have to buy the plow from another dealer. t
Yours very truly,
/sl Albert E. Beswick i
The Board generally discussed the matter.
Resolution NQ. 102. introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Coun-
cilman Miller
RESOLVED that Resolution No. 83 adopted September G, 19589 be
and the same is hereby amended to read as follows::
RESOLVED that the proposal of Carswell. Motors , Inc. be' and the
same is hereby accepted to supply the .Town of Queensbury with one
International truck Model A184 with BD304 engine and 31 gallon aux-
iliary gas tank,, and one Frink model. 425 one-way snow plow, a.t a
total cost of $9,870,25 .-allowance, trucks, $11,418.25; balance
$8 p452.00. And -it i's further
RESOLVED that the Town Board approves the purchase of the fore-
going equipment by the Town Superintendent of Highways.
Duly adopted by the following vote:.
Ayes -- Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes -, none
Resolution Nos, 103 introduced' by Justice Akins, seconded by Council-
man Mi e r::
� J"�� the Town Board has authorised the Town Superintendent '
of Highwaxs.,_pursuant too Resolution No. 3DZ adopted September 24,
195$,; with the approval of the County Superintendent-of Highways, to
`purchase the following:
One 1958 international Track Model A-184 GVW 230544-#.BD308
engine 7W01 front axle,, 18,500.# two speed rear axle, reinforced,
_ frame; heavy duty springs; five.-speed direct in fifth tran4mission;;
all legal lights and flaps ; deluxe oil filter, heater and defroster;;
dome lice, vacuum. reserve tank .with gauge; hydraulic brakes; 9.00 X
20 10 ply tires; dual rear; H gauge dump body with two position mount;
Gar Wood Ao-60 hoist,, five ton hydraulic Jack,, 31 gallon Aui. Tank,
Front towhooks, rear loops, Drink Model. 425 Oita-way snowplow with 10
ft wing and front .miounted pump for the maximum price of $9,,870.25,;
Therefore,, be it RESOLVED that the Town Superintendent of High-
, ways is hereby authorized, subject to the , ap al of County
Superintendent of Highways, to surrender- to vendore r 1948
GMC dump with plow and wing as part payment of" a above'lmachinery.
The terms will be as follows:: 1
Trade--in allowance $12418.25
Check from proceeds of obligations .8 452,00
Total ;9v870.25
..Aogbx trbgt�bf p'nithategfor—bbe items purchased shall. be duly
executed between the Town Superintendent of Highways and such vendor
A0sw1qeXrdUXY1&pprcftd by°��theyCoUntyLSuperb3;tNnde nf HithMays4aktis
Nh*3L -be=we effective. When such contrast has been duly executed and
approved, the Shpervisor, .is authorized to complete such purchase upon
M3ilttetYcv a§haaftem CC ptvah redo-indaccordance with the terms of such
resolution and such contract and to
betpaid by check or checks,, ..pay the above items specified to
by a check in the amount of $89452,00 drawn on the account
established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to
the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will
be. authorized ,to be issued by thi� Board by a separate resolution.
`Duly adopted by the following voter
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Ntr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - note
The following was read to the Board :
Lake George, N.. Y t
September 22., 1958
Mr. H. Russell Harris, Supervisor
Tcnin of Queensbury
Star Route
Glens Falls, N. Y.
Dear Mr. Harris .-
Inclosed fiord Notice of Trespass and Unlawful Taking of Real
Property, under Section 50-e of: the General Nbanicipal. Law. The damage
demanded 'i s in the sum of $1200.00.
Very truly yours,
- /s/ Dorr T. Martin
In the Matter
of the Claim of
. 500
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Is, DORR T. MARTIN, pursuant to the
statutes-in_sizqh_cases,made -and prQ-vjded,_do.1aereby make claim against
the Tcn.Tn of Queensbury, Warren County, N. Y.,, 'for the sum of $1200.00
and in support of such claim, dQ state the following:
1. My ,post officer address is Lake George, N. t*
2. This claim is one against the Town of Queentbgry for tres-
pass and the unlawful taking of real property by.:the officers and
employees of the Town of Queensbury.
3. The time when the claim arose was between the "2nd day of
July,. 1958s, and the -Ist day of September,t 1958, and that the Town of
Queensbury continues in possession of the real. property unlawfully
taken from me,
40 The location, *f aW real property where such trespass occur-
red and such unlawful taking continues is the Glen Lake Road,.
5. The damages sustained by me consist of the value ,of the land
unlawfully taken and the trespass to the remainder of my` property.
WHEREFORM, I respectfully request that my claim be allowed and
paid by the•-said Town of Queensbury.
Dated: September 15$ 1958*
Isl Dor'r T. Martin
Resolution. la. 104 introduced by Councilman Lampsons, seconded-by
Justice- Bentley:.,
WHEREAS a claim by Dorr T. Martin has been presented to the Town
Board of the Town of Queensbury in the sum of $1200 for trespass..
RESOLVED that the- cTaim be and the same is hereby referred to, the
County Att-orney*
• FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized
and directed to supply the County Attorney with a copy of the claim.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Miller, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr Harris
Noes - none
The following letter was read to the BpAr4*tion the adjoarned.
Water Commissioners
City of Glens Falls, N. Y.
To Your Honorable Body:.
In explanation of the enclosed resolutions,
The Town Board has on behalf of the Water Dittriets and their
extensions, given a lot of thought as to these- h4v contracts and their
effec%s on both the City of Glens Falls and the Distridts 'iitrrolved
We sincerely believe that with the 5 year clause and on Informa-
tion furnished on several occasions by discussions with Supt. Tripp and
with you as a board that this surplus water can be sold at more than a
fair profit, at a rate of 16X per thousand gallons..
We humbly urge you to accept this offer and grant our new con--
tracts on this basis. It means, even at this prices that every consumer