1955-05-03 SP 19 91 Frances L. Turner Postage 3.010 3 wOQ 92. G.E.Elect. $apply nect.Sapplies 168.92 168.91 93 Tjel#Zd. Paper Coo-,Akins ' v*& folders ' 5.98-Paid by H. Akins *94 G:T.Nat.Batnk 4c Trust C,o:.Gemetery Ca►mm.Twn, Safety Depoboax, 4440 4.40 95 Wiest Hillis R :I!,age_Assessor,425- 98 Kathryn 0Brien .; 34.00 34.00 41 hrs RType.TWn.Bd. 4.50 4.50- 417 liagara-Mkv.. over Str ltng- . erst- Gairriscan _ 1.4. 3 8P. j f— 29�� Leon M.Steven-a TftoSarveyorl's H �wo 30.8 30.80 991 Chas.A'.-G la s "' " _ 15.E 15.40 I IW. Irving H.Oremley Clerical Supv.0fc. 48.75 48.75 ].Qt Lillian. ORShepard Serv.rndrd.WGFWD Fd. 36.40 36.00 34a Lillian C.Shepard K " M=_ Fd. 9.00 9104 Lillian UX C..Shepard a " HQAM fd. 25.00 25.00 104 JX.Saawyer_& Oo.Tae. Z'I.0 18. Rakes,Pv Cum..9 5239 y IT *0 I J On motion the meeting adj ed. ri _Town Clerk. Sp0cial-Meeting way 39 1953 Present H. Russell Harris Supervisor Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson. CoaneiIman Raymond-Warlkta R., councilman Meredith Bentley,Absent Justice of the Peace The board convened at 7.34 P.M. Resolution loo. 53 introduced by Sustice Akins who moved its adoption, seconded by C ounci loran, Lampson Wafter Rent AntleipationMNote Resolution of May 3rd, 1955, of the Town of, 4asensbary,. Warren County, -Nev York, in the amount of $1200.00. BE IT RESOLVED this 3rd day of May 19.559 by the Tcaea Board of thea Teim of Queensbury, Warren County, Now York, as follows t- Section 1. That, pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State 'Of*i,liew,York,.. the Teen of Qaeansbury, Warren County, Now York, for the purpose of providing funds for immediate need, shall issue and sell a bh ®t note: in the amount of $1.200.00 to mature on the 1st day of June, Section 2. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date, terbs, . form, contents, and place of payment atidj.at the rate of interest not exceeding five per cent per am= as mad be dbtermimed by the Saperviscrr, consistent, however, with the pro- *i of the Local* Fi, nce Law of the State of Now York, and shall be e a Iated In the na me -of the said Tatra by the Supervisor and the seal of ti*'Town shall be attached thereto, Section 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor, at a price not less than par value and accrued interest, if s�r e nd upon the due executien: and salle of said note the same shall be delivered. to the purchaser upon the payment by him to the Supervisor soh . be f 11 acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see: to' theapplication of the purchase money. 20 Section 4. The full. faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury,.. Warren_County, New,York, are pledged to the punctual payment of prin- iPi of and interest on said note.. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately. + The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote by the Town Boat which,resulted as follows: H. R.ussell+Hsrris` Supervisor Yes Meredith Bentley ` :'ustice of Peace' _ Nbt Present Harold Akers Justice of Peace Iles Curti f Lamp en do�ancil man Raymo4d_Walkup Councilman It®e The foregoing resofutiondeclared adopted. Resglution to, 54 introduced by Mr. Walkup who maned its adoption, seconded by W-.. Akins:: ` WHEREAS,, the Tovn Board has authorized the issuance and sale of Water ant tic potion Note in the amcnnt of $1200.00 to provide funds for immediate need.. RESOI 'VED, that the Sapervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed-to invest $1200,00 of the fund in the Capital Reserve Fond of the Town by purchasing said Budget Note. The foregoing resolution was put to vote which resulted as follows: Mr. Harris Yes fir. Bentley Not Present Mr. Akins Yes .. Mr. Walkup Yes Mr. .Lampson Yes UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE._OF.NEN YORK _ COUNTY .OF WARREI'- , TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Water' Rent Anticipation Note of 1955 $L`2©C. ` The T+mn of Queemsbury in the County of Warren and State of New Yank hereby ae�novrledges itself indebted and for valve received promises, to pay, to the' bearer of this note the sum of Ts-qlve Hun- dred Dollars and no cents' ($UO0.O0) an the first day of June,, 1955, together with interest thereon from-the date hereof at the rate of ;*3�=Ra one-h alf (2j)' per cent per �amum payable at maturity. Both l of and interest on this note will be paid` in laietil money of the United States of America at the office of the Supervisor of the Tovn of Queensbury, Warren County, New York. This note is the only note of an authorized issue in the amount of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200.00) and this note is- Issued pur- suant to the previsions bf-resolution entitled "Vater Stmt Anticipa- tion Note* of Nay 3rd, 1955, of the TmA of Qaeensbury, Varrem County, �Teaw York, in the amount of $12OQ.O0,,..which re re 't'ieh. was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Torn of Queensbury elan the 3rd day of May,, 1955. The faith and credit. of such....T-own err Asbury are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punetual• payment .of a interest on this note according to its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Torun of Qaeensbury, Warren County, New Yark,: .has. c aused..this note. to be signed by its .superrvivor and the seal of the Town to be hereunto attached and atteited by the Town Clerk and this note shall be dated' as of the 3rd dsiy of May, 1955, AT FM: TOWN OF QUEEN'SBURY, WARREN COUNTY,N.Y. /"s/. Frances L. Turner By ,/b/'-H. Russell Harris Town Clerk Supervisor t