1955-10-03 SP 78
j City of Glens Falls action
r on their reduction on their
! taxes on their water shed
property in the Town of
255 J. Frank Kelley Services rendered in confer- 400.00 400.00
ences with 1,1r. Reoux 11.v7r.
Hillis , et al. in relation
with the City of Glens Falls
iaction on, their water sled
property with the Town of
( On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town C]erk
Special Meeting October 3, 1955
Present :
H. Russell ,Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Pearce
Raymond Walkup Councilman-
The board convened at 7:30 P.M..
A petition signed by about 28 persons requesting extension No. 1 to the
West Glens Falls Water District was received by the board.
In relation to the above petition, the following; Order was made and
signed by the members of the Town_ Board :
In the Matter t
The Petition for the establishment of Exten-
sion No. 1 to the existing West Glens Falls
Water District, in the Town of .�ueensbury,.
Warren County, New Yor'�, pursuant to the pro-
visions of Article 12 of the Town Law of the
State of New York. _
PIHEREAS,.. a written petition in due form a.nd, containing; the re-
quired signatures has been presented to and filed with the Town_ Board
of the Tern of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, for the establishment
of Extension No. 1 to the existing West Glens Falls Water District, such
proposed extension to be bounded and described as follows :
A parcel southerly of the existing "lest Glens Falls
Water District and lying; between Richardson Street
and a line parallel to and 150 feet Westerly from
Thomas Street, bounded and described as follows :
Beginning at the point where the southerly boundary
of the existing West Glens Falls Water District
intersects the easterly line of Richardson Street,
and running thence southerly along the easterly line _
of Richardson Street about 336 feet to the north-
erly line of the old right of way of International '
Paper Company thence in a general southeasterly
direction along the northerly line of the old. right
of way of International Paper Company 1000 feet to
a point; thence easterly to the intersection of
the easterly line of Caroline . Street with the
southerly line of the extension of Knight Street
and continuing easterly along the southerly line
of the extension of Knight Street a total dis-
tance of 389 feet to a point ; thence northerly
and parallel to the westerly side of Thomas
Street and 150 feet distant therefrom- and alone
the rear of westerly ends of Lots 91 to 46, in-
clusive , a distance of 869 feet to the southerly
line of Fourth Street ; thence continuing on the
same course extended northerly a distance of
250 feet , more or less , to a point where such
line intersects thE- southerly line of the ex-
isting ','Jest Glens Falls :`Dater District; and
thence westerly along the southerly line of the
existing West Glens Falls 7.,Iater District a dis-
tance of 1.563 feet`, more or less, to the Place
of beginning.
The territory herein
before described is wholly
situate in the Town of Queensbury, County of
Warren and State of New York,, but -is outside of
any incorporated village or city,
11=EAS, the improvements proposed in the proposed extension con-
sist of the acquisition of rights, the installation of mains to be con"
netted with the mains of the existinL-�, West Glens Falls TIater Districts,
with the source Of f SuT ply from the existing water supply of the ~Jest
Glens Falls Water Districts for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants
of and properties in the said proposed extension with water for domestic
and commercial uses and for protection against fires and
WH9REASs, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improve-
went in the said petition is the sum Of $159800,00, it is hereby
ORDERED, t�Lat, a meeting; of the Toi,Tn Board of the said To,,,,Tn of
Queensburys, Warren County, N.Y: shall be held at the office of the Town
Clerk.of the Town of Q%ueerisbury in said Town. on the 15th day of Octobery
1955, at 7:30 o'clock (E.S.T.) in the evening of that day to consider the
said petition and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof
concerning the same and for such other action on the part of said Town
Board. with relation to the said petitioner as may be required by law or
proper in the premises .
Dated,: October 3 , 3-955. Isl III. Russell Harris
/s/ Meredith Bentley, J.P.
Isl Raymond Walk-'up
The Ta.in Clerk, presented the estimates of Tain Ofricers to be filed
in connection with the Town Budget. 0
On motion the meeting adjourned .
Town Clerk
Special Meeting October 89 1955
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond-Walkup Councilman
The board convened at 7.-30 P.M.-
Gardner Bridge requested repair of road 'k-rol.%rn as East SP--nf6rd St. in
the Town of Queensbury.
The -matter ToPq referred to the Highway Committee who will make an in-