1955-10-22 Resolution No., 97 introduced by Councilman "�Iallmp,• seconded by Justice Bentley: RESCLUD that the Election Committee of the Board be and are hereby __,,utborxzed and directed to_.purchase for use. of the inspectors of election, :election. District ;73 of the Town, a suitable table at a cost not to i,,,xezed . 50.00. ' Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes - YZr. 'iralr--up , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, IIr. Akins and T,Rr. Harris Noes none ^ On motion the meetinE?' adjourned. �rner Town Clerk . Adjourned Meeting October 19fi 1955 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond_'Walkup,, Absent Councilman ' . The meeting convened at 7:30 P.M. at 203 Fifth St. in the Town of r Queensbury. The chairman, Mr. Harris, opened the meeting by stating the purpose thereof. Those present who stated their views for or against the proposition were ; Gerald J. Sullivan Yes Dick Lake Yes John F Esmond Yes Charles Winslow Yes Andrew T.McCor_nacl_ Yes ` Frank Burch Yes .Bernard . Brennan Yes " John J. Bowen Yes Samuel Lennox Yes C.AA.Hoyt. No Zemeth-Denton Yes -`Robert Congdon No Amelia Dowden Yes, Harold Kenny , No Louis H. Kilmer Yes "Michael. Fish Yes J A general discussion,,and question and answer period followed. An inform- .,° al ballot which was taken resulting in 11- ayes and 6 noes., .All, perGor�s having been heard , it was ordered by the !Supervisor that the public hearing;; in the matter be closed. er, �.. �• •- On motion the meeting adjourned. Tom Clerk REtg"]!,'r October 22, 1955 Present: ' _ H. Russel Harris Supervisor Meredith .Bentley Justice of the Peace I�arofd.° -Akins t Justice qf_ the Peace Curtis L=Dson Councilman Raymond.-Walkup Councilman The B6Ard contend at 7:30 P,M+ ..:�9,'al _y t pd a go„llector of the Ridge Road 'Ayater District. �fit► Besoluto -loo}: 97 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice 41--UMEAS Louis G.B.Stebbins has at this meeting orally tendered his resignation as collector of the Ridge Road "dater District, RESOLVED that the resignation of the said Los G.B.Stebnkssoas such collector be and the same is hereby accepted With the Board. for his fine services during his- tenure as such collector. Duly adopted by the following vote : - Ayes _ Mr. "� a11�up, Mr. Bentley, 1!"r. L �mpson, Mr. A?�ins and lair. Harris Noes - none �. Clifford M. Coon and Dr. Robert Reid, purchasers of the Mulhol7_and parcel were present. They intend splitting the tract into 3/4 acre parcels , some of which have already been sold. The question of roads and the problem of ��tater T�ras discus sed . A survey -has been made of the parcel of land . Jahn Van Dusen ra..tr, present and discussed with the Board 2 cut off West of anal. behind the hotel on. thy=: Leander Dickinson property. The Regular Session was terminated at this point and a Public Hearing called. proof, of Posting and publishing of the Petition for the Extension of the Reservoir Par'- Sewer District filed. , ( a; ari an Atizn ,,` tteFs d°lut l(l)nr WirTkV wtift W r�S .i1 t eL�'r.E, �,r, li _ST 'fl: t1f � an;-1 n'-'}•c • rrTalter were VJ_r '£de 'titf`ori~° c'r �i1he`'` ris3_on of the " m_ Rese •Prr ® r, rt �tZi �it of �. a of 'T es r � �.n�V' co n y._ _. t� r ti. �'? pc s t easf e'. s� o. tia eredith, en y ' .� -. ....=l,L. Harold C. Akins Justice of the` Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond-Walkup Councilman WHEREAS a petition for the t extea±mnn of the Reservoir Park Sewer District,, in the Town of Queensbury,, Warren County, New York, dated. September 29,.. 1955,. was duly presented to this Board,. together with the necessary map and plans attached thereto, and WHEREAS,, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board, on October 1,. 1955,-, reciting the filing of said yetition, the proposed extension of such district, the boundaries of the proposed extension of such district, and the estimated expense thereof,, and specifying October 229 1955 at 7.30 g.M. ,• as the time , and. the office of the Town Clerk, 388 Ridge Street, in the Town of Queensbtiry, Warren County, New York, as the time and place in said Town, Where the said Board would, meet to consider the petition, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof,, concerning the same , and 4„ WHEREAS,; said order was duly posted , published and served as required by law, and WHEREAS,, a hearing in the matter was duly held by said Board on the 22nd day of October, 1955, commencing at 7:30 P.M. r. at the office of the Town Clerk,. 388 Ridge St in said Tosnm, and considerable discussion upon the matter having been had , and. all persons desiring to be heard having been duly heard, now upon the dxtens'ion given by 97 by such hearing, and upon motion of I�ir. Akins and seconded. by Mr. Walkup, it is •a R13SOLVED AND DET�MTINED that the petition herein is signed, and acknowled,ge�4, _or_.proved,_4s. required by law; that it complies with the requirements of Section 191 of the Town Law as to the sufficiency of signatures, with-respect to the bout-daries of the proposed extension of .saiLd, district as, herein approved ,- and it is otherwise sufficient; that all the property and property owners within the proposed extended district and said district are proof thereby; that all of the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the - said proposed extended district, and. that it is in the public interest LI to grant in whole the relief sou&ht, and it is further '.; { wi+s RESO1;V, D-,AND DETERMINED that the extension of said sewer district as proposed in said petition, be approved, and that the improvement therein mentioned be constructed at the expense of said petitioners ,, and �aithat expense to baid district. ` 4- That said extension of said sewer district shall be bounded and described. as follows 31 that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Qu.eensbury, Warren County, New York, bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at a point in the southerly side of whAt=is'-`,:n 6w hi, SL's Old= Forge . Road (Peggy Ann Road) , 253.69 feet westerly of the noithves't corner of lands formerly o<<Tned _by Jabez Ingalsbe; ru.n-&! r' thence �-south 48 deg.54 min. west along the southerly line of Old Forge Road, 299.66 feet to an iron pipe set' in the ground. for a corner; thence south 53 deg. 53 minutes Vest 460 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence south 62 deg. 34 minutes west along the southerly 1l ne of G said Old For g e Road,, 51.46 feet to an iron pipe- set in the ground. for a corner; thence south 5 de .• 48 Minutes west 287.53 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence north j 53 deg. 53 minutes east 243.56 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner;:, thence continuing on the same course , 50 feet to an iron pipe' set 3"h"the ground for a corner; thence south 36 deg. 07 minutes east 15 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner; thence north 57 deg. 27 minutes east along the northerly line of proposed street to be known as Reservoir Drive , 703.50 _feet to a point; thence north 32 deg. 29 minutes west 100.17 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corker;; thence north 36 deg. 07 minutes west 190 feet to the place of beginning. Also,, all that certain piece or parcel of land , situate in the said Town , County and State aforesaid , bounded and described as follows : :Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Clare. street at the north- A east`corner 'o.f' lot No: 9 on "Map of. Section 1 of Reservoir Par'. Subdi- visign, owned 'by John C. Hay-and. Frederick T. THay, dated September 18, 1954•,:` and revised December 9,. 19541',, made by Leslie K. Coulter, filed in Warren County Cler':,_'•s-Of^ice ; runnirL-_, thence _qouth 57 deg:. 27 minutes ?rest l�d.�7 �e6t to the r_orth-oTest corner of said lot No. 9 on said map; thence south 30 deg. 47 minutes east along the westerly line of said lot No. 9 on said map, 121.04 feat to the southwest corner of said. lot No. 9; thence ynortYi 59 deg: 13 minutes ea:st<"alon.g, the southerly line of said. lot No. 9,, 1fl5.33^feet to the southeast corner of said. lot No. 9 ; thence nod,rh °59 deg. 13 minutes' east 210.61 f_eett, to the southeast corner of lot No. 5 on seta map; thence north 30 deg. 47"m:inutes' west 90 feat to the northeast corner of said lot No. 5 on said map,,; thence south 59 deg. 13 minutes leest 150 feet to the northwest corner of- said lot No. 5 on said i r map; thence south 30 deg. 47 minutes `,east along the westerly line of said lot No, 5, 20 feet to the iron pipe` `het in the ground for a corner; thence �--' south 59 deg. 13 minutes "Test, 50 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground for a corner in the easterly line of said lot No. 9 on said map; thence north 30 deg. 47 minutes west 54.65 feet to the place of beginning." WHEREAS, the construction of the sewer system, is not to be financed by the issuance of bonds , notes , or other evidence of indebte6ness ,, and the 9 consent of the comptroller herein is not required, it is ORDERED,, that the evidence of said Reservoir Park Sewer District prayed-for-An said petition, be erected and established in said Town, such evidence to be bounded and. described as hereinbefore set forth. VOTING IN FAVOR THEREOF: TvIr. Walkup, Mr O, Bentley, Mr. Lampson., Mr. Akins and Mr.. Harris VOTING AGAINST: None The Board. thereupon returned to regular session., - I Gilbert Delisle , Anthony Caivano and !ir. and Mrs,. Walter Baker were I present and discussed with the board the matter, o_f sanitary sewers. " A-'discussion was held. with the Superintendent of Sewers , Hudson Falls , and fii's" op inion given that the village couldn't take on any additional services outside Hudson Falls. Mr. Baker discussed surface drainage of the area with the Town Board . Resolution No. 99 introduced by Mr. Harris seconded by Mr. Akins : RESOLVED that the Highway Committee of this Board be and are hereby' diregted to- seek the cooperation of the County in an effort to obtain sur�aee-F,drai4gfe of the County and Town Highway lyin" between Higflan'd and queensbury Avenue and Dix{ Avenue and the Boulevard in the Town of Q ueersbury.,, Duly -�dgpted t' the following vote Ayes - l r. l,kup, ;�.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris N oe s 7ikone R'Irs p,, Lu4_er,discussed„with the Board the matter of sand and gravel wash- � ing into the gate from the road.. yf The .followinL-; letter was read to the Board: Glens” Falls , N.Y.. Oct. 6, 1955 To the Members of the Town Board. Gentlemen: X thi should, have more pay for being Supt. and Collector for the N®rth Glen, Falls_ Dist. 8 Extension. I have not had a raise in 4 years and the amount of work has doubled since then and is getting more so every, ye4r*;,.The,,jeb should. pay $10b.00 per month the way cbst schools and, land tpX,.paye going up every year and. this keeps one guessing to pay s' ? their pills r' ,x ,@.ck ,,the,- 2W;$ I was getting in one week` what now are getting in one Month..-Whim I took over in 1942 we were not taking in only $600.00 per•.year. .Now�;this, District is over $3500000 er year and. will be large next year; eke is -going (to be) a lot of budding gbing on just as soon as they knoUT where the by-pass is going, so I have been told by' people who went to build I think you,,., /sj Howard. Kal.lace ' Supt, and Collector for` the Dist-.., The Clerk read the following letter: --- -- 99 Tani EIU CCU' TY BOARD OF I,CC T I ONS Glens Falls , September 26, 1955 ^ 1,"rs . Frances L, Turner, Town Clerk Town of tueensbury .�,.D. 1, Glens Falls , N.Y. Dear Mrs. Turner: The Custodians of Voting Machines in the Town of wueensbury for this year are Scott Hopkins, Republican and Donald-.J.. Sullivan, , Democratic. Very truly youps , WARREN C OUATTY BOARD OF FL JC T IONS ` /s/ Humphrey E. Casey, Clerk The Supervisor read the following letter: ALBERT E. BES*YICK Attorney at Law Glens Falls ,.N,Y. October •21,. 1955 Mr. H. Russell Harris Supervisor Star Rt. Glens. Falls , N.Y. Dear Russell: I prepared a consent to be signed by t e Cem�tery' Commissioners to the conveyance of the easements in Pine View Cemetery t'o Niagara Mohawk- Power Corporation, together with a pFoposed resolution, subject 1 to permissive referendum, authorizing the conveyane`e , I and a notice to be posted . If you find the resolution satisfactory in form , I suggest that it be adopted at your meeting tomorm,,T and that the notice be published once' in the official newspaSer end pasted in. five }daces in the Town of Queensbury. If no petition is filed against the p'-opb`Gition within 30 days, the resolution. becomes effective 30 td'ays 'fromr the date of its adoption. You have taken these papers v�ithyouti ,and they are not enclosed. You also asked for an order approving the petition .fdr .Extension No. 1 to the West Glens Falls 1,17atqr District and which will `authorize the application to the Comptroller. I have drafted and enclose three copies of such order. If it is satisfactory the original should be ex- ecuted and file4 with your town cler 1-1 and the other two copies certified and returned to me. You als asked me to prepare a, budget note resolution to borrow ;5,000 for highway purposes , but I am afraid that will be impossible. Under subdivision 2 of Section 29.00 of the Local .Finance Law a town is authorized to issue budget notes during any._Ziscal„ye,a,r fO .expenses for which an insufficient appropriation was made in the annual budget for such _fiscal year but in excess of the limitation provided, therein. In any to-vm where the annual budget is more than $50,000 but less than $500,000 the amount of sucli budget notes in any fiscal year shall not exceed $2,500.00 plus a sum not exceedim,, three per cent of the amount f of which the budget is in excess of $50,,000. Your budget for this current - year appears to be ;149,,493.00. You are allo�p7ed X3,500.00 on the first $50,.000 and, 3f of $99,493.00 amounts to 12984.79 - ,. or a total of $5484.79. You -have already issued a budget note during this year in the amount of q$4,500.00 for your general fund. 1,which leaves only a bal_ nce of ;98-4.79 which you can borrow%= on a, budget note. loO There is c-, savinL- clause or exception to Section 29.00 which does authorize further' budget noteg in the case of au emergency, disaster or flood but I do not thin"- that you could claim an exemption under one of those head.s . Is it Possible that some of your hiE,-h-way projects this year have been of the character for which you could, issue capital notes to -provide the ;5,000 7�jh-L.cla you apparently need? Will you please discuss C_f? Mle just what you will done. this wh m (ll it your to�r board and advise Yours ver7 T t 1-11 �T :'J_bert- E. Beswid�_k County kttorney Resolution No. 100 ,1n th(-- Matter tb,e petition for the Est of shi-nent of Extension No=*' 1 ,to the exist- abli ing West Glens Falls ',!,later District ; in the Town of Qqeensbury, Warren County, New York, --Ursuant to the provisiolis . o.� Ai�161V 12 '(5f 'tbe. Town Law of the Stete of New York. a i-)etition 1L,pr the establishment of an extens'J-on to be known as Extension No. I to the existing ',J Glens- Falls Water District, , Test in the Town of �ueensbury, County, New York, was duly presented the r . - pl:an attached. to this To�%m- . Board together -ecessary map and thereto, and an order was duly adopted by the Town Board on the 3rd day -F, I petition, the. extension ,-nd - , of said, e of October, 1955, recitinc_, the --ilin- ii,pprovement proposed , the boundarieF of e ,,,rn- oseC! extension and the I i) T 6ber, 1955 , at estimated cost thereof, and specifVJ11L the 15th daN of Oot 7:30 o' clock (D.S.T) in the evening of that (ftsty was- the tim. e , ,and the Town Clerk's Office -in the said Town of - ueensbury, Warren County, New York, as the place 'i�fhere the said Town Board would. meet tai consider the Detition and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof con- cerning the same, and T UW_ish6d 6nd '-berved. -pis re- quired. duly posted,by lau, and Vy, IEREAS, a hearing in the matter was duly held�- this Town B aa rd on the 15th day of October, 1955, c omtn%ncing .fit 7:30 o'=clock P.M. (L.S.T.) at the Tawn I Cler,,71 s Office on Ridge Moad yin the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, -New York,. and ada'.�oLtrnec47to!,Cctbbp,-N-. lgthv n n, !Ja 0 -p 1955,. at 7:30 P.M.(D.'S.T.) at 203 TifthhSt. 'Wit' il .1 ;:,ro. osed district in said Town, and considerable discussion upon the matta:Aevdn6 been -,, heard ,, and. a majority of 'the persons present at such hearing a pearing to be in favor of the estal2q-ish -ent of the proposed exten,8ion, and, after due deliberation in the matter. on the evidence -­ivan upon such hearing and Now, Therefore , upon C� upon motion of MIxI . Akins , seconded by Mr. Walkup, it is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that (a) The Petition aforesaid is signed and ac,qiawledged qs required by law, that it duly complies with the requirements-. .of '­Se.cti�qn 191 Of the Tvun Law as to sufficiency of- signers irJt1T- reE!pedt to -the, boundaries of the proposed extension as herein approved and that it is othen�rlse suffici-ent , and (b) All the property and property owners within the proposed extension are benefited. thereby,, and (c) , All of the property and property owners benefited are in- cluded,-tiiithin the limits of the proposed extension, and C (d) It is in the public interest to grant in,whoie the relief sought, and - it is further RESOLVED AND DETEPITIIIEM that the establishment of an extension to the existing West Glens Falls Water District as proposed in said. peti- 101 - tion be approved.; that the services therein be made available and pro- vided for, and that such extension shall be designated and known as - tension_ No. 1 to the West Glens Falls `vlater District of the Town of QueensbQry Ra.rren County, __New York, and shall be bounded acid described. as follows : A parcel southerly of the existing West Glens Falls Water District and lying between_ Richardson Street and a line parallel to and 150 feet ?westerly from y' Thomas -Street,. bounded and"described as follows : Beginning at the point where the southerly boundary of the existing West Glens Falls 'Water District intersects t}je easterly line of Richardson Street, and running thence southerly along they easterly line of Richardson Street about 336 feet to the northerly �^ .tine�of th4:.old. .right of way of International Paper Cpsny; thence in a general southeasterly direction along the northerly line of the old right of way of International Paper Company 1000 feet to a point; thence easterly to the intersection of the westerly line of Caroline Street with. the southerly line of the extension of Knight Street and continuing east-- z erly along the southerly lixie of the extension of s Knight A Str*t1t a total distance of 389 feet to a point; thence northerly and parallel to the westerly side of Thomas Street and 150 feet distant therefrom and along the rear of westerly ends of Lots 91 to 46, tzilgs Ve,��.distaneetaf_1.$69rfset to the southerly ` 1t • ne. of Fourth Street;; thence continuing on the same couvie extended northerly a distance of 250 feet, ``more•, or less, to a ,p,�int where such line intersects the ,'southerly line 3f. the existing West Glens Falls Ufa-ter District ; and thence westerly .s.long the south- erly line of the existing West Glens Falls Water j District , a distance of 1563 ,i'eet, more or less, to the place'Abfl beginning ` The territory hereinbefore described. is wholly "titt.ate in the- Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York,, but is outside of any in- corporated village or city. ,, and further RESOLVED that the proposed improvvoment,, including the cost of mains, r ghte, tbnetruction: costs, legal fees and all other expenses shall be " financed as follows.:, by> the issuance- •of serial bonds of the Town of Queens- 1 = " bury',, 'Warren ,.County, New York,: for a period not exceeding the probable usefulness of such proposed improvement., viz, forty years , as prescribed by the provisions. of the Local Finance Law pf the State of New York, and it is further _ RFMLVM that the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County; New York,; shall within ten days after the adoption of this res- olution and order file duplicate certified copies thereof in the office of the State Department of Audit and Control, at Albany, N.Y.., together with. zxL_eppUcvtion.by• this ,Town Board,,. in duplicate , for permission to creat4e` su`eh .extension' as provided for by Section 194 of the Town Law, and that such application shall be executed by and in behalf of the Town 'Board"by` the. Supervisor of the tou . forthwith. The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as fcbws H. Russell Harris Supervisor dye Meredith Bentley Jus_t.jge aft the Peace Aye Harold D. Akins Justice of the Peace Aye 4--' Raymond Valkup Councilman Aye Curtis Lampson Councilman .eye The foregoing resolution was declared adopted.. The following Consent was read and placed on file : We, the undersigned, being all of the duly appointed., qualified and acting Cemetery Commissioners of the Town of Queensburyr Warren County, 10 New York, do hereby approve the proposed conveyance by the Town of Queens- - bury to Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation for a consideration of One.,Thou- sand- (^V1.,000.00)..Dol1ars of a.-permanent easement to construct and maintain an electrical transmission line over and across a small triangular parcel at the extreme southeasterly corner of Pine Vier Cemetery, and. also a permanent easement to cut and remove all trees or-brush along the easterly side of Pine View Cemetery to a depth of 75 feet along the easterly line of Pine View Cemetery, provided no chemical spray shall be used in the control of vegeta:tftn on said 75 foot 'strip, and we further certify that in our opinion the granting of the aforesaid easements will not interfere with the use of said lands for cemetery purposes . Dated : October ,. 1955 /s/ Charles K, Denny fsl Frank L.- Cowles /s/ Sidney-Van Dusen Cemetery Commissioners Mr. Bentley introduced Resolution No. 101 and. moved its adoption, sec- onded by`Ylr. Lampson: Whereas ,. the Town of Queensbury is the owner of the lands and prem- ises lm.on,,rn as Pine-,View Cemetery under. deed. made by Pine View Cemetery to the Town of QueensYt�ry, dated July 17, 1947,E and recorded in the- office of the Warren County Clerk on the 30th-day of September, 1947, in Book 256 of Deeds at page 399 , and ' iereas by a-dth6rity of and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 814 of the'ts.w�6'of 1949, a Board of Cemetery Commissioners has been duly appointed: in''atd for the said Town of Queensbury, which Board ha.s power to sell ,and ' d6h-fey any-lot or parcel of land,within the- designated boun- daries bf any'eemetery owned by the Town of Queensbury for burial pur- poses-only:, and Whereas , -Niagara,-Mohawk Power- Corporation is no�*r the ow ner of a parcel of Iand , ,rhich. w?s the former Hudson Valley Railway right of way, and which bounds the Pine View Cemetery on the east, and Whereas, the Niagara Mohaznrk Power .Corporation desires to con - struc't additional electrical. transmission facilities on the aforesaid premises now owned by said corporation but desires to acquire from the Town of Queensbury the right and. easement to cross a small triangular f portion-,at the extreme southeasterly'-,corner of Pine View Cemetery and also the ?permanent right and easement to put, trim and remove all brush and trees in that portion of the Pino -View Cemetery which is 75 .feet in depth measured: -from said triangular parcel and northerly along the east- erly-, bounde.rys of Pine View Cemetery and has offered to pay to the Town of Queensbury the sum of $1,000.00 for such easements , and Whereas, the Board of Cemetery Commissioners have certified, in L writing- to this Town-Board that the granting of the requested easements to Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation will not interfere with the use of said land-s in Pine View Cemetery for cemetery purposes , and t dt bppears that it will- be advantageous to the ToVM of ; Queensbury` to °convey the easements requested for the sum ;of X1,000.00, RESOLVED that, subject to permissive referendum,, the Town Board of the Toinm of Queensbury.,, grant and convey to Niagara Mohawk Power Corporatioh't'&" a consideration of $1,000.00 the permanent right and easement to construct and main.tain an electrical transmission line over and across a small triangular parcel at the extreme southeasterly corner of Pine View 'Cemetery together with the }permanent right and easement � to cut and remove all brush and trees in that portion of the Pine View Cemetery which is 75 `feet in depth measured, from said triangular joarcel 1 and. northerly along the easterly boundary of Pine' View Cemetery , and it is further RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and here'�y is authorized and di- rected to execute,' acknowledge and deliver on behalf of the Town of 103 Queensbury to Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation a deed conveying toe 4foresaid easements and rightg under the condition that the ,said cor- poration,. its successors and assigns, shall not .use any cheii;ical for control Of vegetation in the areas covered by said easements , upon re ceiving from Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation the sum Of ;ltOOO.00 which shall be paid.-over to_the Board of-Cemetery Commissioners , and it is further RESOLVED that -this resolixtIon shall take effe.ot thirty days from the date of the adoption h%reof•-by the Town Board unless in the meantime there shall have been filed :a Petition under. Section-,91_of the Town Law. The foregoing resolution was-,duly .putto votewhich .restilte'aas- follows : H. Russell Harris Superylsor ; -.ijye Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace _Aye Harold D. Akins Justice of the -Peace - -Aye Raymond - Ialkup 4 Couricilman_, Ayq Curtis Lampson Councilman - '— Aye 4 The foregoing resolution was -declared adopted. . The monthly statement of thd --Supervisor for S'eptembwerTeas reacT and placed on file : RECEIPTS Date Red ,Source Amt.Red. Sept, 2 Howard Wallace Water Rent Coll. NG70 27.57 12 Howard Wallace -Water Rent Coll, -NGYRD 2:20.78 • Howard Wallace Water Rent Coll. NGTArD �xt. # 19.47 • Howard Wallace Transter of Money in his- Account, to Town o0pQueer-sbury Acct. NGYdD, 672.58 Howard Wallace Trbansfer of money in hisj ,-._ Aect.to Town of Queensbury Acct. NGYND Exto 1924.16 • 20 Earl Jones Water Rent Collections to Frances! Turner'jown Clerk Fees to WGF ' 11.55 To�.m-Employees for SS Deductions Gen.Z,444.. 75 Fine View PR 16/17 Highway PR 17/18 65.44 23 Howard Wallace 'dater Rent Coll. NGFn, En.* :,' :35'.Oo • 27 Frank C(n-!les Sale Lots &, Opening Pin-view Cem.407.50 30 Earl Jones Water-Rent Coll. to WGFW1PV;i".1' This money was deposited in Howard 15fallace's Bank Account, under NGFdD & NGY,,fD Ext. Tota-1 Receipts • DISBURSEMENT Fund, or Account Sept. General Fund Acet. 4 Drainage 15­4­0._OO_' NGY,'M-Ext 6,75 Pineview Cemetery 686.64 NG?KD WG74D 62.-00 Highway 14752.38 • Total Disbursements $20689.35 • t t Isl H. Russell Harris Supervisor -Tcnin of 0gueensbury A discussion was had with Mir. Lackey in reference to Highway finances . The Board audited claims as follows : SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TG;rN OF NSBURYj WARREN CC=,, N33,1 YORK FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1955. i "104 Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed k1lowed -256 4l.F.Gubitz '& Sons Envelopes-NGF� D 10.50 10.50 257 N.H.Harvey, .M,D. Queensbury. Child Health s Clinics 120.00 120.00 258 -Men's Group Harri sena Care & mowing Seelye & 175..00 1:75..00 Harris Cemeteries 259 D.L.Branch Mowin`, N7t.Herman,Jenkins , Sunnysid.e Cemeteries 300.00 300.00 260 Russell & "Wait Su:ppl3.es-Superv.Office 2.10 2:.10 261 Frances L.Turner Postage Stamps-Twn.Clk.. 3100 3.00 262 Automatic Voting Mch. Sets of Elect.Syst. 5.x31 5.-31 G'orp. . 263' G.F.Fost Co.. PUb.Not.on petition -dM� 2,2.08 22.08 - estab WG71D Ext.#1 264 Warren Co.Clerk' s Filing Deeds-Town ,o f Q ,3.60 3.60 Office 2.65 Glencraft Printing Co.Envelopes-H.Harris •r 4 .28" 45.28 266 Niagara Mohawk Power Str.ltng.& traf.sig« . 17:2.80 . 1721.80 267 Howard T'dallace Postage stamps-NG?XD x5.-00.' 15.00 268 Kathryn E. O'Brien Type T-�m.Bd.Min.mtngs. 13.83 13.83 2.69 Dennis & Ca. ,Inc. • SLtpplies M.S.Bentley',J.P. 2/23 ' 2.23 270 Carswell T & T Co. Gasolene-Pineview Cem.. 12.15 12.15 271 Cline Sleight. �Irtting School Tax-Bk .2 85:.00 ` 85,00 272 Arthur. J.Hillis Postage for Tax Coll.f_or 1955 120.00 120.00 273 Irvin H.Crumley Clerical Jor'� Supv.Ofc. 61.25 61.25 274• Raymond Hoague Mileage Serving Venire 17,60 for Justice Bentley 17..60 .. 275 -Lillian C.Shepard To" services rend .RR74D 9100 9100 276 -Lillian C.ahepard 14GFWD 22.00 22..00 277 Lillian C .Shepard GFTi D 26.00 26.00 278 Earl Jones 250 envelopes-,for WGYM 9.14 9.14 279 -Nathan Proller Audit of Worimen' s Compen-53.21 53.21 sati.on-PV Cem..Assn. 380 Deihl' s Radio Shop P.k.Rental vVGF Am.Legi on .+00 15.00 I Post 1797 :-", I . 281 Charles O.Perkins­ Oil: cloth. banners for Dec- oration Day parade r - 5:0.00 ; 282 -Butz florists Artificial memorial wreath.&-40 15._00 283 Ralph-R.Shagrin 2C yds.36" Reliance< bunt- ing 2�-.18 29.18 284 Harold-C. Akins- M.il:e s tray.on com ittee t,T r car ex eases °1.8� 1..82. 285 • Leon M.Steves Services on the itemized roads surveying 15.40 15.40 287 J.A.Orr Company Parts for Rotary Trimmer Pine View Cemetery 25..38 25.38 2.88 Cty.G.F.,^later rand Mj:sc:4S;ATeet Rd.NG71D 19.92 19.92: 289 Cty.G.F.Ila.ter Fund Misc.Scoville-NGYID 7.56 7.56 290 Cty.G.F.'later Fund M.isc .Roads as itemized 52.19 . ;;. 52.19 N.G.F.D. d 291 Garner C.Trip.,,Jr. ZnSineerir . Services,,, 850.00: NGn-FID 150.04' 1000.00 292 Glens Falls Hospital Mss.1,11olly Nolette treat- ed alcohol intoxicatir 5.00 3.00 283 Elmer Corl'ew Repair broken hydrant- IATGF;^'D 20.00 20.00 294 • Niagara-Moha.t,*k Corp. Lights ,Ft.inhArst- Garrison Road 14,82 14.82 P 21589.65 22589.65 On motion the meetirrZ adjourned... Ja J To��n C3erk