1955-11-10 10 Public Hearing November 10, 1955 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley . Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond- Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:130 P.M. Proof of publishing of notice of hearing filed. - Proof of posting of ,notices of hearing filed. _ Ernest Lacl:ey, Superintendent of Highways , present. _ William T. Clark, President of the BroadAcres Association, appeared and discussed portions of the budget with the Board. HeY expressed the wish that more people would, appear for this purpose. Resolution. No. 105 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded. by Councilman 'Yalku p: - t WHEREAS, the Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of hearing on the preliminary budget,, and having heard all persons appearing and desiring to be heard thereon,, and no one having appeared in opposition thereto to any items therein contained,; RESOLVED that the preliminary budget as amended 'in the annexed schedule of ,receiots and disbursements be and the same is hereby adopted as the annual budget of the ToNin of wueensbury for the fiscal year of 1956. ANNUAL BUDGET -1956- ' Town of Queensbury County of Warren f General Fund. - Appropriations. General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices Rentals,, (board room,,offi ce ,elections ,etc.) 300.00 Compensation of employees 900.00 Purchase of furniture and so uipm.ent 250.00 Repairs ,light,;heat and telephone 1000.00 Town Dump-expense 1900.00 Other-expense 150.00. Total t 4500.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (inc.mileage) ' 1300,00 Compensation of custodian of voting machines 220.00 Voting machines ,, purchase ,repair & storage 150.00 Erection and moving of equipment 150,00 Total 1720..00 Insurance .Compensation Insurance 7500.,00 Official bonds and undertakings 150.00 Fire and liability Total 3000.00 a 101650.00 Printing and advertising (all departments) 600,00 Services of attorney and expenses of litigation 1000100 Services of engineer and expenses 4000.00 ' Membership fee-Association of Tovms 50000 Social Security-payment Torun share 400.00 E�iployees'Retirement System (Town share) 4750.00 Total 4101,8001.00 Supervisor Salary 4000.00 Office and other expenses 200.00 Total 200,00 i 109 Justices of.the Peace salaries 5200.00 Office and other expenses 490.00 Compensation of employees 190.00 Total 5880.00 Councilman Salaries 2400.00 Office and other expenses 200.00 Total; 2.600..00 Tows Clerk ' Salaries 3000.00 Office and other expenses 50.00 Total. 3050.00 Assessors Salaries 5900.00 Office and other expenses 405.00 Compensattion of employees 2.50.001 Total 6555.00 Tax- Collector Salaries - 2600.00 Office and other expenses 125.00 Total 2725.00 Total-General Government Protection of Persons and Property Police ,, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Salaries and Usages of officers 850.00 Mileage and other expenses 150.00 Lights - 1000.00 Street sins 1500.00 Dog Warden 550.00 other expenses 100.00 Building Inspector-Compensation 300.00 - " Expenses A 50.00 • Education Total 6500.00 Town Library Contract - 100.00 j - Total--Educati on 100.00 • Recreation Pares and Playgrounds Compensation of employees 100.00 Other expenses _ 50.00 { • t - .Total 150.00 Patriotic Observances Purchase of flags 35.00 Memorial Day 90.00 Total 125.00 Total-Recreation 275.00 Public Utilities Cemeteries Abandoned Total 1000.00 PINZ =,.V-SCHEDULE-1956 BUDGET Cost of Improvements : - Improvements to cemetery 1000.00 New Equipment . .,200.00 Material for foundations 50.00 • s 1250:00 M�. intlana.nce : . k ' Personal services 600^,00 r Repairs to existi..ng equipment 150.00 Materi�_.l for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas & Oil for 100.00 Compensation Insuralnce 300..00 Bond for Corzn. 8 Supt. 50.00 Heat-and `light 50.00 1 sce�,,l 50.00 680Q 600 8 0.00 Revenues: - 2000.00 Cale of lots , less perpetual care 1000.0.0 fees for openinZ ;;raves 100.00 Fees for. setting monuments 25.00 Fees for. rental of Vault • .,Estimated. balance ,.Dec. 31, 1,255 75.00 39.00.00 Budget Appro� riation. �'�'850�00_ Total-Public Utili.ti_es 9050.00 11anici al Indebtedness .end Interest Redemption- of Debt (Principal) Temp orary- Loans 4500.00 . Budget notes 4500.00 Budget note Total 90001.00 Total-Red e,r ;ti_on o" Debt Interest on Debt 300.00 Interest on temporary loans Total 3()0..00. Construction and. Permanent Improvements Nature of Improvement To-un Nall or other buildings 1500..00 Miscellaneous Total 1500.00 Veterans ' -Organizations for Rooms Total 200..00 Contingent Purpos e s Section 112 of the Toirm Law 6000.00 Total 6000.00 GENM LL 70,7D Estimated Revenues - Unexpended. balances Sec,115,.Toirm Law) 10000:.00 Mortgage taxes Per Capita Assistance 20969.00 Doi; licenses from County 1.400.00 � ' Fees of Toum Clerk - 2000.00 Fees of Justices of the Peace 2000.00 Fees of assessors 20.00 Fees of,tax collector 50.00 Fees of_ •Cemeteries-Fineview 3200,00 • Total- Est.Revenue s-GenF�.ind 4498639.00 • General Fund. Summary `App roy:)ri_ations General Government - 52680,00 Protection of persons and pr-oy)erty 6500.00 Education 100..00 Recreation 275,,00 Public Utilities 9050.00 Redemption of debt - 9000.00 Interest on debt 300.00 Construction and permanent ir)provem.ents 1500.00 Ni s cel:lane ou s 200.00 Contingent purposes _6000 .00 • Total !ippropriati ons 85,6�5.Oa Total Est.Revenues (Gen.Fund.) .49.639.00 Amount of Taxes to be raised -for-Gen.Fand. $35,966..00 " Welfare Fund !Lj Appropriations Town Welfare Officer 250,00 Salary , Office 'and other expenses 1Q0.00 Total appropriat=ions 350.00 Amount to be raised by tax for 1elfare Fund 350.00 X11 HIG' °l; FUND Highway Fund (Item 1)- ,p�;ropriatz_ons ._ General Reba.-.rs 65000.00 Special ImpsQvPments 15000..00 = Total Appropriations 15000,00 Estimated. Revenues State Aid 4962.00 Total Revenues — 462.00. Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item 1) 475538.00 N1a.chinery Fund, (Item 3)-Appropriations ' - i Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 6070.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements 6000.00 Interest on machinery certificates 7930.00 Total appropriations 42.0000,,00 Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance 3000.00. Total Revenues 3000.00 Amount to be r�iised by tax for Highway Fund. (Item 3) 7 00;00. Snow and. Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4) Appropriations ` Salary town ,superintendent - 4800..00 Expenses totem superintendent 100.00 Removing obstruction caused by snore 16000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 4000..00 Other miscellaneous purposes 10001,00 Total. Appropriations �2-5900.00 Estimated Revenues M seellaneous revenues 3937.50 Total Revenues 0 3937.50 Amount to be raised for IlighToiay Fu.nd.(Item 4)_ .21962.,50 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Items . 1,3 & 4) X38962.50 T UIN HEALTH FUND Board of Health Salary of health officer 1500..00 �-` Other health expenses 150.00 Clinics 450.00 Total Board of Health 2100..00 Registrar of Vital Statistics Compensation (:'.,-)40,.00 Other expenses 10..00 Total Registrar of Vital Statistics 50..00 2150.00. .Amount to be raised by tax for town health 2150..00 i S EGLt L DISTRICT FUNDS N.G.F.Tdater District Appropriations Pump Installation 2500.00 Personal services 400.00 Office and other expenses 150.00 Repairs 500.00 Purchase of. water 1400.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Power Service 240.00 Total Appropriations 5290..00 R Revenues Water Rent 3800.00. Unexpended balance 1500..00 Total Revenues 5300.00 Amount to be =raised for N.G.F.W.D. None SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS W.G.F. Water District Appropriations - Cost of Improvement Bond principal 1000.00 1 C Dond Interest 25.00 Taaintenance 50.00 Purchase of Eoluipment 480000 'Personal services 150.00 Office and other expenses 100*00 snow shoveling 34040: Repairs 2000..00. Purchase of i ater 4105..00 Total appropriations Estimated Revenues - 6000«00 Unexpended balance 3500.00- - Water rents 16.--00 � Sale of water 9516.00 Total Revenues None Amount to be raised for .G.F.W.D. SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS Appropriations 1450.00 Construction Improvement 4000.00, Bond principal 1300 .00 Bond Int. 500.00- , Personal services 1Q0.00 Office and other expenses 350.00. Repairs 3000..00. Purchase of kiater �10'700.0Q ' Total Appropriations Estimated Revenues 8500.00 Water Rent 1000.00 Unexpended. balance 9500 00 ` Total Revenues 1200.00. Amount to be raised for W.G.F.��7.D. Extension SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS Ridge Road Water District Appropriations 1001.00 Personal services 75,00 Office and other expenses 250..00 Repairs Purchase of 'water 450 .Q4 Total Appropriations 8 75.00 1 Estimated Revenues 700,00 'Rater rents 0QsOQ Unexpended balance 0.00 Total Revenues �' 320 Amount to be wised. for Ridge Road. ?mater District None ' SPECIAL DISTRICT FUMS Queensbury Drainage District Bond principal .-5000..00 Bond. interest 3100.04 Repairs (extension of services) 10001•00 Total appropriations 8100.00 Estimated revenues r_ozze Amount to be raised for �,ueensbury Drainage District 09100..00 ` SPECIAL DISTRICT 7MTDS Fire Protection District Contracts (5) 15000.00 Miscellaneous 300..00 Total r.T�,propria.tions �y 5300..00 Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance 300..00 _ Total 300..00 Amount to be raised for Fire Protection District 15000..00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS Cleverdale Lighting Appropriations 500.04 Contract 500.00 Total Appropriations. � Estimated Revenues - none 500..00 Amount to be raised for Cleverdale Lighting District PECIAL DI8 RI 9517t.Amherst-Garrisor Road. w —Lighting District Appropriations Temporary lir,,hting Power for temporary i hti �N 133.00 Y g �g 133.38 3 mos. lightin},-1955 505.68 Lighting-1956-Contract , 2022.72 Total Appropriations 3061..78 Estimated Revenues-none Amount to be• raised for Ft.kmherst-Garrison Road. Lightin; District » 3061.78 Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes-Mr. trlalkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lan -)son,. Nor. Akins and 'Kr. Harris Noes - none Resolution No. 106 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman. Lampson: RESOLVBD that Theodore Turner be and is hereby appointed ca.retaler and collector of the Ridge Road later District. Duly adopted b r th follow inv vote .- Ayes_.yes - r. ti�al'��lzp, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, 7rr. TA.i:n.c = nc?- r.?_r. Harris Noes - none Mr. Lackrey presented a letter from, TT!3than Proller wn.ich was reach by the 7-upervisor resy)ecting water on Ft. Amherst Road . The letter s,ras retained by Mr. tac Bey. Resolution. No. 107 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Justice A'-,insr E,SOLVED that there be installed by the Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.. the follavring d street ligb.ts on Rid-,e Road- at or near the f-ollowi_n places : On a pole in front. of 1,i"r. Caffre:y�syproperty; On a pole in front of the To�%Ti Clerk' s Office ; { On a. pole in front of P goperty formerly owned by Potter; q On a ;hole in front of ,�"treet property. Such lights shall. be 2500 lumen incandescent lights. Duly ado-pted by the following vote: . .yes - Mr. 4 alkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamp son, IM :skins and Mr. Harris . 1 Noes - none . » On -,notion the meeting adjourned. Town Clerk Special Meeting Nov. 19 , 1955 Present: R,. Russell Harris Supervisor r Harold skins - Justice of the Peace � - , Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent: Merreciith Bentley Justice of the Peace Rai.mond t:alkup C ounci lm.an The board convened at 8:15 P.M. Ernest Lackey was als..4 present. A general discussion''on, the continuation of construction in the Queens- bury Drainage District was had with Mr. Lackey.