1955-11-26 115 not exceedirp, 50 seconds . At the -,mnd of the e ener,,)-ency sign. pa ri od the al shall automatically be returned =to normal flashin,-, oper ,tion. Thi- rider is issued to cover the correct 7-Iiphway number which was ip-,,,error --rd the erilli.-pinent as inst,9-11ed-by the Town of �ueens- bury. This rider -hall be attached to =end become part of the Cozn-j,iissior, s hermit dated Au,�;u,!7t 17, 1953. 1,11 other conditions in the Co-t-nInis-'Jon' s .L - - -- 'Oermit dated AuZust 17, 1953 shall reqi-,,in in force and in. effect. STATE TRAFFIC CCIP11717'a"QION Isl Lloyd A—MaeOer, Director By /s/ E.J.Burl�e Asst. Director Discussion 7.a,Ta.F had or ir!Ftaliaticr of T°Uater -,-U�mp. .L) On Motior the rneetinL adjourned.. T o.-,Tn Clerk Regular Meeting November 26, 1955 Pre sent H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson t Councilman Raymond Walkup Council-man The board, convened 'at 7:30 P.M. Eva McCarthy and Lena 'Robillard were present, complainin� about the con- dition existing along Holden Ave. caused by tin cans -;)a per, old rags and junk :being thrown upon some lots in some areas.. The board discussed the matter at length with the matter referred to Dr. . Sellinger' s supervision. Names of offenders are to be Liven to the Health Officer. Bart ,Riordan, President of the Glen Lal.\-e Association, requested blac!".— toppinE, of Tee Hill road. The matter was referred to the committee. Mr . Riordan also requested signal crossing lights at railroad crossinE; he also requested that curves be straightened or the east and west a,-)proach to the D. & H. -1q. R. crossing, and. that danger signs be erected . The clerk read the following: STATE OF NE',l YORK STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION lk%h71,' ASSESSTIJCENT 107 Washington Ave. ., Albany 16, N.Y. T -"1-13 CERTIFICATE OF 7 IN A�L 7 tATT2 EQUALIZI`XTTCn T�7 71&112� Final STAT12, E^UALIZATIOK RATv For the Town of �;ieztenqbury I-1 the County of "Ararren FIDTJ '2,-LTE� 37, (7c ro"Ll completed , varirieC an(5 filed the ypar 1955) The 5t9te 33o,:;rd of E—palization and Assessment herewith gives notice 1 i_t fixed and determined the final rate of equalization for the 1,;=s above rnur_tciy-,ality as set forth herein. I hereby certify that the above rate i_s the correct state equaliza tion rate as fin,ally fixed and deter�mi_ned by the Get ate . Doa.rd of �;qual3 nation and assessment- STATE BOARD OF rrn TTQTr ^T ^ SN 1 fGl R iy nonce. B. Slac' , Secretary Nov. 16, 1955 STi".TEIU OF Y .141 `YORE' ST�L.T TR.IL FIC C OTT,_I S ION Q5 Washin;ton Lve. Albany 1, N.Y.. October 21.2 1955 Town Board Tawn of 10ueensbury .*barren County GentlsT—n: This Tr;1�_ su oplerncnt oiar 1_.=tter_ on rou-t�_st 1:=.t,, relative to the y�ast- ing of. speed restrictions estaib)_i ched by thhis Co?TL"lissiOn on several high- tsrays in the To?.m of Queensbury, '�a..rrer. County. Our field representatives had an opportunity to inspect the signing of y viation. Road, Ashley Place and Coolidge avenue and Dixon Road . The c�ostin6 of Aviation Road now conforms to Commission -standards. The posting. of the restrictions on Dixon. Road s Ashley Place and Coolidge Avenue is correct as to the number of signs and sign 1^cations. However, of the 4 signs posting Ashley Place and Coolidge Avenue , 3 do not bear the legend 7, C COSIM." in 1,/2 inch letters at the bottom of the sign.. Similarly of the , 6 signs-post-In-z th.e regulation on Dixon Road, 4 d.o not - bear the legend of authority.. 1 We believe that the legend may be added to the signs in the field. � "Se could a. precia.te being; advised trhen this has beer_ accomplished . An extra cc-py of ,this letter is being enclosed for the y ossible use Of the Town Superintendent of Highways. ~ We will appreciate .receiving a. re-,ply in answer to those ypart ons of our letter dated August 1st., which refer to the postinL of the speed, restrictions on Garrison and Ft. Amherst Roads. Very truly yours ,. STATE TRAFFIC C OVITIS SI ON /sl Lloyd A. Maeder Director cc :. aupt.Public 'Works. Supt.State Police Tn.Supt. of H'.,rays A petition bearinc, some 82 sivners' names asking to have Howard Street paved, was read to the board.�The matter was referred to the IIi hway Committee. The retort of the Supervisor for the month of October, 19551; was read to the board: 1 Receipts Source Amt.Rcd. f Date red. A Oct. I Return of Check #10888 replaced with Check ; 1144 126.00 to Fine Viej,r Cemetery 5 Highway Dept.to Emp.1 H for SS Cont.Fund , 24.8 Pine Vi ew ; 11 . „ „ „ If „ „ 2.29 4 From Capital Res .on note frrom Gsneral_Toi�m Fund 1055.00 4500.00 f 117 Cct. 3 Hovj--rd. Water Rent Collections to T*GF 11D 25.85 18 Town- Cl,erlr Fees tQ General Town Fund 98.50 Highway Dept. to Emp.11/H for SS Cont.Fund . 13.03 Pine View " u ii u u n u _. . . w_ ._ 2.77 earl Jones - 7.A,T,--_ter Rent-Collections-to-to �,�TGF AT 48.65 20 Zarl Jones 15.00 21 _,,Ilbany Audit c,.,,Control. Justice Fees to Gen'.-Toum Fund 742..00 Franii CoiLrless Sale of lots & Openings to Pine View Cem.. 410.00 28 Earl Jones 'Zater Rent Collections to ',;TGF WD 167.45 TOTAL REQ-241PTS X7231.34 Disbursement Fund or Account Oct., Employees W/H for SS Cont.Fund. 320*22 General Town Fand 7430.24 North Glens Falls WID Ext. 7.56 Pipe View Cemetery 593.74 Capital Reserve- 5555.QO North Glens Falls "ATD., 198..61 ,.,,Test Glens Falls M. 91.14 Ridge i!?.ter Dist, 9.00 Highway 11619.69 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $225825.20 Date : Nov. 20, 1955 /s/ H. Russell Harris Supervisor Town of Queensbury R.FD. No. 2, Connecticut Ave. Glens Falls , N.Y. November 8, 1955 Town Board Town of Queensbury Glens Falls ,, N.Y.- Gentlemen : I will appreciate it very much if you would consider this letteir as my application for the appointment of Dog Enumerator for the 'Town ;of Queensbury for the year of 1956. Very truly yours, /t/ Raymond. J. Hoague Resolution-No. 110 introduced by Councilman,Lampson seconded by Coundilman Walk-up: REMIVED that Raymond Hoague be any is hereby a-,-,pointed dog enumer- ator for Toirm_ - of Queensbury for the year 1955, Daly -adopted by the followina vote: Ayes - Mr. Walii_up, 'Mr,,. Bentley,, Tf.r . Lamlcpson., Mr. ?Ikjns and Mr. Harris Noes - none The Supervisor read a letter from LaP=n & Reardon: LApANN K4hRDON Attorneys at Law • 183 Glen Street Glens Falls , New York November 17, 7955 H. Russell Harris , Supervisor Town of Queensbury Star Route Glens Falls, New York • Re: Walter Ggmmill vs . Town of Queensbury Dear Tyr.- Harris : "Te have been retained by the Glens Fills Indgmnity Company to defend the Town of wueensbury in the lawsuit brought against it by Walter Gemmill for pirsonal.,injuries sustained on. December 12, 1954. Tile, shall give this matter our careful attention. rIle-ask that the Town officials do not discuss the accident or the lawsuit with anyone except a representative of this office or a represen- tative of your insurance company. .Ale shall appreciate your coopera.ti on in corLn.ection with th.ifi law- .1e ' Very truly yours, . LFANN & REARD ON x By /s/ J. Robert-LaPann A discussion was had on ordinance to regulate dump picking at the Towm Dumjr..- The matter was referred to the Dump Committee to take the matter UP with the County Attorney with the view pf having an ordinance prepared to restrict the picking thereof by unauthorized persons. Resolution No. 111 introduced by Justice Akins seconded by Councilman Walkup RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and' direct- ed to order from Ferro(and.)Enamelinc Company 130 street signs as follows :. TOWN N OF ')'UEI�TSBTJRY -tUGIPLA-Y SIGNS - TYPES - 2-(2-way) ,, 4-(4-v�Tay) (T-Town) ,(C-County) ,e(S-State) - NOT,ENCLATURE ITEM-INTERSECTION TOP BOTTOM 16. T 4 C/T Main Street (St.) Caroline Street r (St:) 2. X 4 C/T Main Street " Richardson. Street 3. T 4 C/T Main Street " Newcomb Street 4. T.4 C/T Main Street L, Pine Street 5. T 4 C/T Main Street '! Second. Street !' 61 T 4 C/T Perin Street " Third Street 7. T 4 C/T Main Street '! Rozelle Street ,t 8. T 4 C/T -Main Street q Ryan Avenue (Ave.) 9. T 4 C/T Main Street '! Central avenue It 10. X 44 T/T,,- 5th St. Ext. - Caroline Street (St.) 11. T 4 T/T Garner Street" Caroline Street " 120 T 4 T/T 5th St. Ext. Richardson Street 13. T 4 T/T Garner St. Richardson St.- 14. L 4 T/T Rives' St. Second St. 15. T 4 T/T River St, Third St. 16. L 4 T/T River St. Rozelle St. 17, T 4 C/T Corinth Rd , Big Bay Rd. 18. T 2' S/T Kansas Ave, _ 194_ T 4 C/T Corinth Rd. Ohio Ave. 20, T 4 C/T Corinth Rd . Connecticut Ave. _ 21. T 4 C/T Corinth Rd . Indiana Ave. 22. T 4 C/T Corinth Rd . Rhode Island Ave.. 23. T 4 C/T Corinth Rd . Van Deusen Rd, 24. T 4 C/T Corinth Rd.. Mountain Rd. 25. T 4 C/T Corinth Rd. Sherman Island Rd . 26. T 4 T/T Pitcher Rd. Van Deusen Rd. Sheet #1 27. T 4 C/T Pitcher Rd . Mountain Rd. 28. T 4 T/T Big Bay Rd . Twin Channels Rd . 29. T 4 T/T Big Bay Rd Big Boom Rd.. 30. X 4 T/T Central Ave. Ohio Ave. 31. X 4 T/T Central Ave. Connecticut Ave . 32. X 4 T/T Central Ave . Indiana Ave . 33. X 4 T/T Central Ave. Rhode Island Ave. 34 X 4 T/T Central Ave. Illinois Ave. . 1 35. X 4 T/T r - Central -=-ve. 1-2innesota 'v- 36. X 4 T/T Central ' e. 4v Kassa,chusetts Ave. 37. T 4 T/T Central 4,ve Vermont Ave. 38. T 4 T/T tuzerne Rd Holden Ave. 39. T 4 T/T Luzerne RiLd Richardson St. 40• T 4 T/T - Luzerne Ed. Newcomb St.., 41. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd. Pine St. 42. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd. DILine Ave. 43, T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd. New Hampshire �-ve. 44. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd , Vermont-Ave. 45. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd . Massachusetts Ave, 460 T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd . Rhode Island Ave. 47'. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd Connecticut Ave. 48. T 4 T/T - Luzerne Rd. Ohio Ave. 49. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd . Indiana Ave.. 50. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd. Illinois Ave. 51. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd . MichiEan Ave. 52. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd. Wiscorsl-n Ave. She e t2. 53. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd . - Yi-innesota Ave. 54. T 4 T/T • Luzerne Rd . East Drive 55. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd . West Drive 56. T 4 T/T Luzerne Rd . Van Deusen Rd 57. X 4 T/C Luzerne Rd . Mountt --,.� Rd . 58. T 4 T/T • Sherril-an Av P. Seward St . 59., T 4 T/T She rma n Ave. Mallory r.ve. 60.. T 4 T/T h e nap-n Ave. Harris St. 61. T 4 T/T- it 11 11 1 at 62. T 4 T/T Sherman ilve. Howar(f .'S 630 T 4 T/T Sherman Ave . Leo St. , 64. X 4 T/C Sherman Av e Mountain Rd. 65. T* 4 T/T Seward Ave., Grant Ave. �Y.t. 66. T 4 T/T Ripley Place Grant Ave. Ext. 67. T 4 T/T Barber Ave. Western Ave . 68. L 4 T/T Ripley Place Barber Ave. 690 -T 4 T/T Aviation Rd., Mt. View Lane 70. X 4 T/C Aviation Rd. Houf tain72(1. 71.. T 4 T/T Aviation Rd. Lanfear Rd. 72,'. T 4 T/T Aviation Rd . Seage Rd. 73, T 4 T/T Aviation Rd. Greenway North 74. T- 4 T/T - Aviation Rd. Quaker Hill ill Rd. 75. T 4 T/T A-viati on Rd. Carlton. Dr.* 76. T` 4 T/T - Aviation Rd, Cottage Fill Rd . 77. T 4 T/T Aviation Rd. Prospect Dr.. 78. T' 4 T/T - Aviation Dixon Rd. - t Sheet #3 790, T 4 T/T Aviation Rd, Schoolhouse Rd. 80. 7 4 T/T - Lviation Rd. Fox- Farm- Rd . 81. 7 4 T/T ' AViati on Rd Potter Rd, 82. T 4 T/T Aviat I on Rd. Owen Ave. 83. T 4 C/T ' IvZo u n t a in Rd. Gurney Lane 84. T 4 T/T ' 'June Drive Schoolhous-e Rd. 85. T 4 T/T * *June Drive Vista Court 86. ' T 4 T/T • -Greenway Circle Greenway North 37. T 4 T/T ' -Greenway North Carlton Dr. 8801 T 4 T/T - -Coolidge Ave. Ashley Place 89.. T 4 T/T ' 'Coolidge Ave. • Spruce Court , 90. r, 4 T/T ' Coolidge Ave. Queensbury Pl. 91. T 4 T/T ' Broadacres Rd. • Luzerne P1. 920 it 4 T/T * *Broadacres Rd. Ashley Pl. 93, X 4 T/T ' -Broadacres Rd* Spruce Court 94* T 4 T/T - -Broadacres Rd. Queensbury Pl. . 95. T 4 T/T Tershing Rd. Luzerne P1. 26. T 2. s/T Windsor Dr. 97., T 2, C/T Windsor Dr. 013., 1 4 T/T -Pershing Rd. 4 Ashley Fl. 99., 1 4 T/T -Pershing Rd. • Spruce Court 1000 T 4 T/T - Pershing Rd. rqueensbury Pl. 101.,- T 4 T/T - Pershing Rd. Hughes Court 102. T 4 T/T Dixon Rd, Park View Ave. 120 103. T 4 T/T Dixon Rd. Linden Ave . 104. T 4 T/T • Dixon Rd.. Bullard-Ave, Ave, Sheet 'A 105. T 4 T/T Dixon Rd. Northrup Dr. 106. T 4 T/T Dixon Rd. Dixon Court 107. T 4 T/T - Dixon Rd. Old Forge Rd. 108. T 4 T/T Dixon Rd. Quaker Hill Rd. 109 . T 4 T/T Dixon Rd . Hillcrest Ave. 110. T 4 T/T Dixon Rd. Cottage Hill Rd. . 111 T 4 ,T/T Dixon Rd. prospect Dr. 1.12:. X 4 T/T Cottage Hill Rd, Hillcrest-Ave. 113. X 4 -T/T Prospect Dr. Hillcrest Ave. . 114. T 4 T/T Dixon Rd. Ashley Pl. 115. T 4 T/T Dixon Rd.. Hughes Court 116.- T 4 S/T . Upper Glen St. Ft. Amherst Rd. 117. T 4 S/T Upper Glen St. Garrison. Rd... 118. T 4 S/T Upper Glen. St. Glenwood Ave. 119. T 4 5/T - Upper Glen St. Glendale Dr. 120. T- 4 S/T . Upper Glen St. Foster Ave. " 121. T 4 SIC Upper Glen St. gineview Rd. 122. T 4 S/T . Upper Glen St. .Aviation Rd. , 123. T 4 S/T Upper Glen St. Montray Rd*, 124. T 4 S/T Upper Glen St. Sweet Rd. , Upper Glen St. Kendrick Rd.. 125. T 4 S/T , pp Montra Rd 126. T 4 $/T Upper Glen St. Y , 127. T 4 S/T Route 9 Round Pond Rd. , 128. T 4 S/T Route 9 Glen Lake Rd. . 129. T 4 SIC Route 9 Farm to Market �.d. 130. T 4 S/C Route 9 Gurney Lane Rd*, Duly adopted by the .following vote : 4 s Ayes - Mr'. Walkup, Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Limp-son, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none " The board audited claims as follows -.. y SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE �; 'Ey BURY FOR THE Or U' Amt" r 7 a Amt• • r..±ONTO-_ Or NOVEj�IBER,. 1955.. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Cl?.im C1� , Qlowec 295 141 liamson Law Bk.Co.1955 CRS Town Law Supp. 2.50 2.50 w , 296.G.F.Post Co.. Pub.Notice . hearing Pre-- . liminary Budget 11/18 & 27 8.84 8.84 " 297' Edw.Thompson Co. McKinney' s Bk.62a and 155 + Pocket Parts 7.50 7,50 " 298 Kathryn E. O'Brien Services at Jury Trial, People vs.Lanfear for Mr. ` < Bentley - 8.00 8.00 ` 299 Kathryn E. Q'Brien 42 hrs .type.Min.Twn.Bd. 4.50 4.50 w 300 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr. Street lighting Qct.(147:15) Tra.f.siC.Cct.(25.65) 172..80 172.80 " 301 Gladys ,E-.LaFountain Serv.as iispector Elect. 59.00 59.00 ' 302 Clara F. Taylor Serv.as Inspector Elect. 49,00 49.00 * 303 Alice Kinderman Serv.aw Inspector Elect. 49,00 491,00 ' 304 Marjorie Murray Serv.as Inspector Elect. 49.00 49,00 305 Elva McDermott Serv.as Inspector Elect. 49.00 49.00 , • 306 Minnie E. Bidwell Serv.as Inspector Elect. 49,00 49.00 ` . j 307 Marina Martindale Serv.as Inspector Fleet.. 49.00 49.40 Y 308 Ellen McDermott Serv.as Inspector Elect., 59.00 59 .00 � .,. 309 Irene E. -Howe Serv.as Inspector Elect. 65.00 59.00 310 E.Doris Chadwick Serv.as Inspector Elect. 53,00 49.00 .E 311 Mary A. Kane Serv.as Inspector Elect. 53..00 49.00 ' 312 Mary V. Stillivan Serv.a.s Inspector Elect. 53.00 49.00 µ 313 Hazel M. Smith Serv.as Inspector Elect. 59.00 59.00 314 Marion J. Crannell Serv.,as Inspector Elect. 49,00 49.00" 315 Ann R. Hammond Serv.as Inspector Elect. 49.00 49.00+ 316 Viola A. Gooch Serv.as Inspector Elect. 49.00 49.00` 317 Pauline-Joslyn 5erv..as Inspector Elect.. 59.00 * 59.-00' 318 Mary J. Frasier Serv.as Inspector EleSt. 49.00 49,00 49.00 49,00 319 Marian Duell Serv.as Inspector Elect. i II i 320 Evelyn Grant Serv.as Inspector Elect. 49.00 49.00 321, Donald j ,,.Sullivan �erv.Custodian VotMch. 60.00 60.00 322 Scott Hop'l,,�,ins Serv.Custodian Vot.1,1ch. 60.00 60,00 323 S.Queensbury Vol.Fire Use Firehouse polling/stre. Co. Vot.equipment 60000 60,00 324 Matthew Bencler & Co, Morrison' s Gu-Ide W" 155 Supp. for 2 Justices 10.00 10.00 325 Meredith S.Bpntley,,JP Stamps 8.52 8.52 326 G.F.Post Co. Pub.Not.re Niagara Power 6.24 6.24 327 Kathryn E. O'Brien 4 hrs ..type.min.Twn.Bd. 4.00 4.00 328 Dennis & Co. Inc, 1 ,95 Supp.-Tustice Manual 24.00 24.00 329 George Savale Refund 'NTGrID Fd. 7.18 7.18 330 National ;fielding Hydrant wrench NGY.ID 5.00 5.00 331 Louis Corlew 43 hrs .f or NGF-,.TD Q 1.10 47.30 47.30 332 City G.F.1,1ater Fund Meter Water Rent NGFWD .1909,70 1909.70 333 City G.F.Water Fund. Meter 'Vater Rent RR11D - 60.00 60.00 334 City G.F.!Iater Fund IMP-ter 'later Rent WG7U 455.34 455.34 335 Sager-S-ouck Supply Co.WLsc .elect.motor.etc, ,- 602.00 602.00 336 Sager-Spucl: Su-,oDlyCo. Misc fittings 94.35 N.A. �tatp, 11 p 337 Assn.Towns ,N.Y. 14embershi Dues 45.00 45.00 338 Nathan Proller Audit 'Tlkma n- I s Comm. 93.54 93.54 339 Nathan Troller Audit ',T=an' s Co-ci-o. Gen. -Fund 484.71 484.71 340 Frances L.Turner Fees -due-Re��,-ist.of V.S. 58.50 58.50 M�,�, , , 7 3,11 Frances L,,Turner Post,4,as--, • .00 3 42 George Ferguson Hileage-assesFn,--phone 126.96 N.A. cj Q4 - 343 Ernest K.illis 1,ileaZe-kssessinZ 78.00 78.00 344 Ernest Hi11-'--- 1 guide book & postage 5.20 5.20 345 Olive M.Doty,Pres. Care- of old >.,r. of ',,*,IGF Cem- ofAssociation- etery 100,00 100.00 346 G.F.Hm-s:)-, tal Alcoholic content test 3.00 3.00 347' Cemetery Comm. Town Migene H.Collins) Zueensbury, F.Cowles Cutting grass &. brush in Treaqi Pr Gurney Lane Cern-.155 155.80 155.80 348 Nat.I111f7 , Co. ",lelding-FV equipitient, as e d i ne I;d - itemized 7.75 7.75 349 Mchican. Grange T1300 Strg.Votin-- equ.i-(-)roen. t Gertrude-VanDusen, Strs.Voting., Machines Sect. Rental Halls poll.place place 110.00 110.00 350 Stanley Bateese D1 t.#3 40.00 40.00 1 folding table s (polling place) 351 Char!'os D-. Giles Surveying as per statement 17.60 17.60 352 Leon M.Steves 25.30 353 Irving H. Crumley Clerical 52.50 52.50 354 Edward Sherman Rebate water rent-WG71D 9.00 9.00 355 Earl Jones 1 le(--,Ler boo? -7,.,1G?.ivT - 1.00 1.00 356 Raymonf, Hoap v ue i-Iilea&e 5erv.veniramen 13.44 13.44 357 Harold C. A!�:ins ilEscel.items 6.43 6.43 358 Elmer Corlew ; Ta s c e 1,1 ab o r-WGF"KD 75.00 75,00 359 Elmer Corlew.' Y-iscel.labor-Election 179.00 179.00 360 Russell & 'Tait Surnlies-Supervisor 8.78 8.78 A 361 'Russell Wait Supplies-,Tov,.rn Clerk 1.65 1.65 362 Eggleston Transport. Haulir* 1.73 1.73 Gould Pump 363 Mott-Manback Kch.Co.. Grotalite -qiw-ns(NYS Traff. 344.20 344.20 364 Paul Leduc (Comm. Strp,.f or vot.equipment & polling place 40.00 40.00 365 Niagara Mohaw!K Purr. Str.lio-hting Ft.Amherst & Garrison Rd. 168.46 168.46 366 Eaton Bros.Corp. Second gas ha-ra-qer,PVC 129.41 129.41 ;7068.73 X6831.42 On motion the meeting adjourned . �4-144 40. 4*Vgt--- To,;m- Clerk