1955-12-17 1 Regular Yeeting December, 17, 1955 Present :Vii �-oervisor l... Russel Harris • Meredith Bentley TuStice of the Peace Srold A'r ns Justice of the Peace • 4Curtis Lameson t Councilman Raymond.,`;1a.1? ap Counc�lman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. . k discussion was held relating 'tc highway funds. Resolution No. 112 introduced by Justice Akins seconded by ,Councilman Tramp s on RESOLVED that •the- Supervisor be and, is hereby aathQrized and directed to order 26 street signs as, follows: _ NOA73NCLATURE ITEM INTERSECTION TOP B OTT CM 1.31 T- 4 c/t Dix Ave . Highland Ave 132 T 4 c/t Dix_Ave. Phillips _Ave. 133 T 4 C/T Dix Ave . Park Ave. 134 K 4 C/C - Dix 1ve. Queensbury eve. 135 T 4 C/T Dix Ave . Pine St. 136 T 4 C/T Dix Ave . Belle Ave. 137 T 4 C/T - Dix Ave. Quarry Crossing 138- T 4 C/C Boulevard Lower Warren. St. 139 T 4 C/T Boulevard Phillips .Ave. 140 T 4 C/T Boulevard. Par's,Ave. 141 T 4 C/T Boulevard Qu:eensbury Ave. 342 T 4 C/T Boulevard Pine St: 143 T 4 C/T Boulevard Belle Ave, 144 T 4 C/T Boulevard Quarry CrossinL 145 T 2 C/T `barren St. =� 146 T 4 C/T River Si*. Warren 5t. 1.47 T 4 C/T Lower Warren St.Highland Ave.. 148 T 4 C/T Lower Warren St.Green St.. 149 T 2 C/T Brayton Ave. 150 T 2 T/T Lynn Aver 151 T 2 T/T Lynn Ave . 152 T C T/T - Carroll St.` 153 T Q T/T - Carroll St.. 154 T :2 T/T Carroll St. 155 T e T/T Katherine St. 156 T .2 T/T Katherine. St.. Duly ad-opted by the followi-nL, vote: -Ayes _ 411r. 'dalzup,, Mr. Bentley,- Mr. Lamson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - m.one A letter from Burke Diefenaorf, District State _1iealth Officer, was read. to the Boa..rd.. The follos�?ing is is g. copy of the letter: 4 STATE .OF NL9 1t ORK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Dec. 16, 1955 _ Mr. H. Russell Harris Supervisor, Town of Queensbury 1 t Star Route Glens Falls , Nei York Dear Mr. Harris ICI This is to call your attention to the f`-,.ct that Dr. :fern=).rd Sell V - I i 12 linger' s term &s health officer of the tO,_n of Lueensbury, 'Marren County, expires on December 31, , 1955. Your r)oard should meet ca.t' its earliest c-�p_--)ortunity after the term �8xp ireires_ and. :na':e an appointment for a four-year term from the date on which the appointment is ma0e. Shen the a,p�aointment has been made . kind coo jlete the enclosed noti ! cation of a no,nt:rie , - ,_ - 'n•' e same , signed by the President or Secretary of the Board,,_. returnvit to this office at= your earliest convenience. Than' you for your cool eration i_n t_nis matter. Very truly yours, sfs BL'RKE DIEFENDORF, Pu .D.. r A• letter frog the udarren. County Civil Service Commission was read. to the Board. The follows ,,. is n copy of such letter- ` WARREN C CUNTY CIVIL S RVICE CON�iISSI0N rvisor Rear. H. Russell. Harris ,SUPe December l3, 1955 Star Route � Y , Glens ills ) Ne, York: 4 Re : enforcement Officer Dear Sir: Enclosed please ,find sueci'fication for the position of Enforce- , ►., •ment Oft_1cer in Warren. C,ounty,. which has been adopted by our Ccrmiil ssi on and o ,laced under Rule V. ,of the Rules of Civil Service, (non-com etitive , •part time _)osition) • I will ask that you give this near title to your present 1,1ilti,-le Housing Director or whatever title he uresen'ly ,holds. l Thank you for your cooperation. Yours very,. truly, WIIRRENT COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE ' - C01141vISSIOD; .,. • Lee ,F. Stockton, Chairman s/s Pearl C . Bra.yton, Secy. •The Town-Clerk ;resented a report of the examination of 'tYe accounts and fiscal affairs of the Town, -recently completed by examiners from the Department of Audit and Control and transmitte(-, under date of Dec. 5, 1955. The report was i laced on file. , Mr. J. Arthur •Norton,, representative of Milton Crandall, Architect, engaged to prepare plans for a tot,,n building., eras present and jresented -preliminary plans of the roposed. building. The members of the Board and •Mr. Norton discussed the y roposed. plans. , The statement of the ,:Supervisor for the month of November, 1955, was •read and•placed on file : Date ECBIPT Amount Received , - Source Received -Nov. 1 - Credit Check lost '7678,:repla,ced with Check -„8067 110.10 Credit Check 4229 never used by Est.of Tom Dube 3.50 • • Capital Reserve ,; by sale of note , to Highway Dapt . Item 1 430.00. Capital Reserve by sale of note ,to Hwy.Dept.Item 1 900.00 From Hwy.Dept.to Employees 'IH for SS Conet.Fund 10.73 From Pine View to .Employees `M/H for SS Cont.Fund w.20 7. Ea.rl. Jones 'dater Rent Coll.t o WGF 'ATD. 168.40 Earl Jones I'later Rent Coll.to WGF t7D. 215.00 9 Earl J ones ^rater Rent Coll.t o .GF 'ATD. 129,,60 ,15 Tri Co.Asphalt & Stone Co.Return of overpayment 222.07 Dept.of audit & Control Per• Capita Assistance 5242. 66 16 From Hwy.Dept.to Employees WIH for SS Cont.Fund 6.32. 124 178 From Pine View to 'Employees `'?/fi for SC Cont.Fund ' 540.20 16 Earl. Jones__Watero Gen, Cold. ,ToArn Cl rk Fees 451625 2,2, Frances Turner 121.50 28 Frank Couiles to PineView Cemetery 313.75 30 Theodore Turner-to Ridge Water Dist.Coll, 570.73 r 18 Howard Wallace Water Rent Coll-to NGFWD Howard Wallace 11 It to NGF WD.Ext, lg 60.76 29 Howard Wallace '! It to � � - 606.25 � Howard Wallace- '� "- " " NGF V�D. Total Reoeipts 16386,30 DISBURSE?`-TENTS 6531 .4? Nov. General Fund Ac c cunt 2116..52 NGF $D Extension 679.80 Fine View Cemotery 700.64 NGF N'D 580.34 10 IATD: Highway Total Total Disbursements 14501.3`7 The audit meeting will be held Dec. 28th,, 1955 at the Town Clerk's Office at 9:.30 A.M, The Board. audited. clims as follmTs : i Claim. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim ime pmt, � Claimod � �sllowed I No.. lts �c tra.f.signls 172.80 172.80 367' Niagara-Moha��rk Pwr• qtr gilts .Ft.�mherst 8� 368 ". i► I� Garrison Rds. 168.46 168,46 4 369 - Ruth .Thomas Stenog.serv.for Justice 8.00 8100 Bentley T E.0'Brien Type .T�Rm.Bd .Mlin.Mtngs 4,50 4.50 3 70 Kathryn 371 Russell 8. Wait Supplies-Twn Clk' s office 8.80 81.80 372 G.F.Post Co, Notice of ,States,Au:dit of Twn.of Q.fiseal affairs .1/1./52 to 2/31/54 2.24 2.24 - 373 Richard C. Mead Rebate water rent- 6 mos. 11/1/55 to 1/1/56 RR WD .00 8100 374 G.F.Rubb.er Stamp lh!ks. 1 Rubber stamp',IGEn 2.50 2.50 375 Edw.Thompson Co. pocket Pts.McKinney' s � � Bk,24 � 2.50 2,50 y Labor wore-PV Cem. 19.00 19.00 376 M.B.Sexton 377 Carswell T & T Co. Gasoline-PV Cem. 4,.05 4.05 378 Mead ' c Nursery Supplies-PV Cem. 7:84 7.841 t ,379 J.E.Sawyer & Co. Inc. Supplies-PV-Cem, 14,32 14.32 380 Qu.eer_sbury Cen.Vol. Use of Firehouse as pot- , Fire Co, 1_ir place 40.00 40.00 381 Defiance Asph.Corp.- For paving 2030 ,sq.yds.of roads in Pv Cem.9 85¢ per sq.yd. 17'25.55 1350.00 382 WGF Fire Co.#1 Rent & stg,polling pl, 30.00 30.00 383 Irvin H.Crumley Clerical work Super.Ofc. 53..75 53.751 384 J.E.Sawyer 95 l&;ths.4"- gal,,pipe 1995 ft. 763„09 763109 385 Sager Spuck Su-rply Co, 8" norizontal chk. value X17.50 217.50 with lev.. 386 Raymond Hoague Mileage-serv.veniremen for; Judge, Bentley 5.44 5..44 387 Theodore Turner Rental Twn Clk' s office,75,00 75.00 Total $3333,34 42957.79 , On motion the meetin adjourned. VT T own Cle rk. i. i ' I i I