1956-02-11 SP 140 Special. Meeting January 31, 1956 Present: 1, Bissell. Karris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond-Walker Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. .Also present: George C rr 1, Jobat 1, Derty, ,Jr. , Nelson Vuuk:, ! •Delbert Berwick., Herman F'redrickson,�.Clff Veysey, ;Harolid Dean, -Harold Dean, Jr. - The important questiog of the assessment of the corner lots in the -drainage district in the Broadacres section was discussed. Mr. Dean xvibcRkt•asked that Park View Avenue tie imp;,oved. Cliff Veysey and Mr, Fredrickson asked for the improvement of Worth- •up Drive.- _ An informal discussion was--had with persons for the Zoning Committee. Mr. Akins stated-he had--requested Mr. Beswigk to advise the.Board of the status of the Glen Lake Railroad crossing. ' _ on motion the meeting adjourned.' -Town Clark. . Special Meeting February 119 1956 . Present: , H. Russell Harris Sdpervisar Meredith Rentle3r. Justice of the Peace Rarold Akins Justice 'of the Peace Curtis -Lampson councilman Raymond-Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. , ' J. Artboar Morton of the office of Milton Crandell, Architect,, was present and discussed plans- of _the proposed Tawn la-U.._. ` The Board discussed Drainage District Assessment.. _ The statement of the Supervisor for the month of Jaary, 1956, was read and•plaeed on file: Date Red: RECEIPTS Aatt ' Source . Roeeived' Collector Taxes Tr skar-Ft.Am.-Garr. Lights. - # 3461.78 Frances Turner,,Town Clk fees 63• ' • Audit & Control,Justice Fees 692.00' Frank Cowles,Cemetery FUds 6334.04' » 29 Coll.Taxes Trans. Clev.Lights 5000" - Cell.Taaes Trans. Drainage Dist. " 91".ew I • Call.Taxes Trans. N.G..F.W.D.Ext. ' 12ffie000* . . Coll.Taxer-Trans. SbcoSec.Comt.F;d. 4e000a __i » S7 PV Fund Ded.Sec.Sec.fos Explayees 2.6& Highway d.Ded.Soe.See.for Employees 12.17 Collector Taxes Trans.#4 Fund 21962..50: Crty Dept. Snow Removal- 4750.00 Highway-Dept.Antie.Nate #4 & Int. 2505.21 Howard Wallace,, Water Call. - 43.45 441 x Pine View Cemetery Sec.See:.Ded.Empleay4es 1. � -- Total Receipts- $44924 .85 DISBURSFINTS Date Pd. ..- _ _ _ f.^ Amount Farad or Account Paid General $ 4421.12 Pine view 308.32- N.G.F.Water Dist. 1.96.05 - W.G.F.Water Dist. 64.50 N4.F.W.D.Ext, 117.51 Drainage- Dist, 870.04 CTeverdale-Lighting Dist. 41.08 F`t.A*erst arri son Ltg.D s t. 168.46 H.i 4hway Fwd _ _ 5892,70: Total Disbursements $13079.80, Isl IG'Russell Harris 3 .ge rvi s or . On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Clerk. Special Meeting February 15, 195E Present H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akkfns Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampsca Council The board convened at 7:30 P.M. --' Gamer Tripp« 'Engineer of the City of Glens Falls,. was present and the members. of the .Board discussed witk his the probable cost of the pro- posed water supply system for the water district of the Tenn and pro- posed extensions of such districts. On motion the meeting adjourned. Town. Clerk . Regular Meeting February 25, 1456 Present H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley- Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice wr the Peace • Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond_Walkup Councilman The board: convened at 7.3C P.M: Also present, Firnest Lackey., Superintendent of Highways. F. I. Godfrey, a. director of the froadacres Association, was present and the supervisor welcomed him. Kr: and Aft. La Mora were also present. The- Supervisor read an excerpt from a newspaper in reference to taxes. i ResolUti on No.. 24 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Walkug i