1956-02-25 p 141 f ' Pine View Cemetery Soc.Sec.Ded.Ezployees 1..66 rt Total Receipts^ $44924 .85 DISRI]RSE1 �Tu Date Pd. - .__ _-_ Amount Fhmd or Account Paid _ General: 4421.12 Pine View 304.32; N.G.F,Water Dist. 194.06 - W.G.FeWdter Dist. 64.50 Drainage. Dist. 870.0E , Cleverdale_Lighting Dist. 41..68 Ft erst r o L .gmh -Gsr is n tgD - . ist. 148.44 Hio4ay Phmd Total Disbursements $13079.80, /ss/ Russell Karris ax ervisor - ' On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Claris. Special Meeting February 15, 1954 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice arf the Peace Harerld Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis I�Lapsox Councilman { The 'board convened at 7:50 P.M. —' Gamer Tripp, 'Engineer of the City of Glens Falls, was present and the members. of the Beart discussed.with him the probable cost of the pro- posed water supply system for the water district of the Town and pro- posed extensions of such districts. On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Clark . Regular Meeting February 25, 1966 Present: B. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley- Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace e Curtis Lampson Councilmn Raymond-Walkup Councilman The 'board convened at 7:30 P.M: Also present, Ernest Iackey,, Superintendent of Highways* F. IL Godfrey, a. direetor of the Sroadacres Association, was present and the supervisor welcomed him. Kr: and Mrs. La Mara were also present. The- Supervisor read an excerpt from a newspaper in reference to taxes:. Resolltati on Na. 24 introduced 'by Justice Al—ins, seconded by Councilman Walkup: 1-42 A * b WIMMS: On Jan. 28th 1956, the Town. Board of the Town of Queensbury di _,&4gpt_Re s o.luti en ;20,,. namely-,.. "RES61VED:. that there be established a Zoning Commission of ten members-,1,iaAhe,,Tawn of Queensbury for they purpose of-recommending bound- aries of Zoning:Distriets and appraisal regulations to be enforced there.- in in accordance-with law."; WEEREAS: The fallowing men were suggested by members of the Town. Board,, or�d each having been contacted and personally agreed to accept the- re- sponsibility . news, lE IT RESOLVED,, that the f'ollowimg persons; all residents of the Town of - Queensbury* be appointed as a Zoning Comi.ssion under Section 266. of the Town Law. Ckauneey -Didia 17 Luzerne Rd. - Glens Falls Francis Johns err RD 2: Corinth Rd. Glens Falls Arthur Freelove Gleverdale, N.Y. - Frank Bubbs Bay Rd. ,RD 1 Lake George Edgar Grant Ridge Rd.,RD l Glens Falls Richard Bartlett- Star Rt. , - Glens Falls Walter Baker Park Ave. ,RD l Glens Falls Warren Rouillard Pershing Rd. Broadkeres Glens Falls John. Regan. Glen Lake fiM 1' Lake George Janes .Cruiekshank Miller HillgRD 1 Glens Falls Ayes: Mr. Walkup:, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris - Noes: Mr. Bentley and Mr. Lampsen The foregoing resolution was thereupon declared adopted. The following correspondence from the Grange was read: M EICAN GRANGE No. 1300 - RFD 1,, Glens Falls, N-.Y. Mrs.. Frances Turner Feb. 2v 1956 �{ Twain Clerk., Town of `Queensbury ` Ridge Road - Glens Falls ,, N.Y. Dear Mrs. Turner: I am attaching hereto copy of resolution passed by Mohican Grange 00 at regular session on the above date* Will you kindly present it at the next meeting of the Town Board for their consideration's Thank you. Respectfully yours,, /sl Gertrude Van Dusan ` Secretary - (Raclosure MORICAN GRANGE, No? 1300 RFD 1, Glens Falls , N.Y." _ Feb. 2, 1956 WAS:: Moblean Grange #1300 is well. recognized for its interest in community of fairs, and WHEREAS: The Community Service Camitfige of Mahican Grange #1300 as one of the proJee:ts of the- 1956 progra,,, has feted a Utiaense Assessment Committee in the Town of Queensbury with the feel- lowing objectives: t I 143 (1) To review existing policies and methods of assessment in the Town of Que-ensbury. (2) To recommend changes in methods for the I - purpose: of insuring equitable assessments. (3) Te educates the voting public of the existing assessment situation and of the need for an enlightened approach towards improving them,, WHEREAS:: The members of the Citizents Assessment Committee are: William T. Clark, Jobs Austin, Robert Dempsey,, John M. Dilloh, Samuel Hoopes, Warren. Rouillard" Tom Rogers, Saul-Silverstein and Stephen R. Clarke, all of whom We: find to be hard-working, sincere citizens of the Town of Queensbury. THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED:: That Mohican Grange .#130A go on record .as approving the formation of the Citizen's Assessment Committee, amd its plan of work, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDx That Mohican Grange #1300 seek recog- nitien of the Citizen's Assessment-.Committee and their proposed objectives from the Towm Board of the Town of Queens". MOHICAN GRANGE #1300 Dated: Feb. E,; 1256 by /s/ Gertrude Vass Dusen Secretary A discussion was had on they cost of the proposed Town Hall. Resolution #2F& introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman 1[XSMS*- The Town Board has carefully considered for a period of at least tiro. years, they need of a Town Office building or Town Hall for the Team of Qaeensbury. WHEREAS: After such consideration the Town. Board finds that a definite need exists, 'and WHEREAS Milton L. Crandall was employed and directed to prepare Flans and: spexeifications for such a new Town Building. These plans have been prepared and studied by the Town Board and its Committees, and deemed by them to be of the proper size, type and construction to fit the needs of the Town of Queens- bury THEREFORE.: Be it resolved that the County Attorney be authorized and 1 directed to prepare the necessary resolutions,, ballots., etcw to be submitted to the qualified voters of the Town at a. special election. This election to be held at the earliest possible'date. The_ question to be• submi.tted as follows "Shall the Town of Queensbury construct a new Town Office_Building on the site owned by the Town at the. inter- section. of Pipe View Rd. and Route 4. { "Twat the- Town shall not expend more than one hundred thirtywfive thousand ($135,003) Dollars for the building, �- grading, preparation of plans, -etc." _ SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Monies held in the Capital Reserve ftnd .fear_ -building purposes (approximately x,,000.00) be used as a part pay�xeiat of the cost of this -new office building." 144 Duly adopted by the.follewing vote :. ,dyes - Mr. Walkup,, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none The following letter was read to the board: Glens Fall 2/13/56 Mr. H. Russell Harris : At a recent meeting of Mountainside Grange #13289 the- members expressed their views` en cleaning the scotch Cemetery on the Bay We have cone that work for` the past two years .as & commun3.tY service,, but it seems we are a litItle low on money, so` the members thought it -� would be nice if we could get fifty dollars, the same as we used to get. Trusting you will take this matter up at the board meeting sad inform.me of their action, I: remain /s/ Harley R1 hardy Resolution #26 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Walkup RESOLVED that the Mountainside Grange be and is hereby authorized and directed to clean and conserve Scotch Cemetery on stay Road for the , year 1956. It is further resolved that the grass, weeds and brush be removed at lease three times during the year and that the work shall be com- �.eted by October 13,. 1956, It is further resolved that the sum of Fifty Dollars be and is hereby.appropriated for such work and shall be paid-to the Mountainside Grange after audit upon receipt of° a certified bill after completion of the work. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes - Mr. Walkug, Mr. Dentl'ey, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and :Mr. Parris Noes - none A. letter of the Men' s Harrisena group was read to the ]hoard, which is as follows: The Men"Is Group of the Harrisena Church respectfully request the Town Board to-award the mowing and cleaning of the Harris Cemetery and. the Seelye Cemetery to them. We agree to m ow and clean at least three times during the season of 1956 each of the cemeteries, I We would appreciate your consideration of a price of $100.00 each or $200.00 for the two. A good job gill'be done. /s/ Denald StarkA Sect. Resolution #27 intr9duceA by Justice Akin , seconded by Councilman Lampson«: - I RESOLVED that the Mex s Group of the Harrisena Church be and are hereley-authorized, and dir8cted to elean. and conserve the Har s Cemetery and Seelye Cemetery for the year of 1956, it ip further resolved that the grass, brash arid. greeds be re mowed at least three: times during the year 1956 and that such work shall be completed by October 1,, 1956. it is further resolved that the sum of $100.00 lee and is hereby i appropriated for the work in each of said cemeteries and shall be paid I i E i 145 to the said Men"s Group. after gudit upon receipt of a gertified bill after completion of the work. Duly adopted by the following rjd vote Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mrs Lampson, Mr. Akins andMr. Harris X es - none-! Mr. and Mrs. Henry La Mora called on the board in reference t0 the con- dition of the. edge of the Luzern Read in front of the Red Room. The Board generally discussed the matter with Mr. and Mrs. La Mora and Mr. Van Dhsen, Tom Surveyor, and Mr. Lackey. The matter was referred to the Highway Committee, A discussion on conditions existing by reason of the presence of junk. yards, was had; also there was some discussion on dump trucks being uncovered, The matter was referred to the dump committee. Mr. Moran called an the board in reference to selling a Paymaster, cheek- writer at a cost to the Town of One Hundred seventy-nine. Dollars and. 50 cents, less trade-in on old machine, The matter was discussed and no other action taken. The members of the Town Board signed a -certificate on the bond of Ray- mond Reague, constable , approving the bend. n John Van Dusem was present and discussed the plans for laying out the proposed read across lands of Palmer as extension of the Big Boom Road. The beard audited claims as follows SCHEDULE: OF AUDITS FOR THE TagN OF gjEENSBURy - FOR THE MONTH -OF FEBRUARY, 1956 Amt. Ant. No. Name of• Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 42. G.F.Elect.S'apply Cec. Lamps & Bus fuses 15.36 15.36 43 G.. '. hospital Alcohol test-B.Brennan 3.00 3000 44 Z.E..Sawyer & Co,inc. Supplies-PV Cemet. 3.50 3,50 45 Louis Carlow Mowing FV Comet 20.00 20.00 46 SZ.Sawyer & Ce.Ine. Ash pit scoop-PGt cam. 2.50 2.50 47 G.F'.Pbst C.o. PUb.Not.Superv.Repert 38.38 38038: 48 Ad Resorts Press Sheets-Tax infa.field bk 21.25 21..25 49 hoag u s, Tire Service Rental for Tax Call. 35.00 335,= 50 Cty.G.F`.Water P`d, Mite.C&rltom Dr.-NGFWD 58.85 38.89 51 a " " 3 Misc.as itemized-NG 18:.40 18.40 5'.: Harold C .-Akin EaP.attend.Assn.Towns- mtngs. at Buffalo 69.77 6 .77 53 Russell & Watt. Supplies-Suprv.Offiee 14.26 14.26 54 Carswell T .& T. Co. GaS,etc.PV Cemet 11.71 11.71 55 Niagara-Mhk Pwr.Co:. Str.ltng.Ft.Amherst & Garrison Rds. 1.68.46 168.46 56 Niagara.-Mhk: Pvr.C.o. Str.ltng.&Traf.signals 172.80 172.80 57 N.Y.Telephone Co.... phone bill. & out of town' ealls ' - 2:4.00 24.00, 58 Kathryn N. O'Brien Type.min.for Town Bd. 3.25 3.25 59; Raymond Walkup Xtt.Assn.Twns.Buffalo 83.47 • 83.47 60 Stephen H. Dell a a 81.46 81.46 63L Curtis Upson 79..9 7 79.9' 62, Raymond_J. H®ague "' a' 79.83 ` 79.83 63 Raymond J. Hoague Mileage serving venire for J.P.Bentiey 18016 ' 18.16 64 Niagara-lAhk Pwr.Co. Cloverdale Lthg.Dist. 41.08 ' 41.08 65 Robt.Lattimore ,Treat. Shovel.hyds.WGFWD Fd. 20.00 20.00 66 Leon M. Steves . Surveyor*s helper - 63.80 63.8,0 67 City G.P';Water Fund RR Water-Dis t.Fd. 61.13 61.13 6a NGF WD Fund 93A 345.87 345.87 1 1 146 69 City of G.F.'Wa.ter Pd. NGF WD FD.. 93 886.38 886.38 70 a, a a - a u WQF WI).Pd. 95, 36€1.85 368.88 71 Rgtph_R. Shapire 2 covers field books with tabs ' 25.90 25,90, 72: Eggleston Transp. Frt.on 1 pwr.pump from Seneca Falls to G.F. 10.03 10.03 7$ R.Thurston Scotty 140 f`.** 45 kerosene 210 fuel oil 60098 64.98 2,907.44 f2907.44 On motion the meeting adjourned. s . -Toone r ` Tewn Clark.. Special Meeting March 15., 1956 } Present k R. Russell. Farris Supervisor Meredith Bentley- Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lsmps on Councilman. Raymond-Walkup Councilman The board convene: at 7:30 P.M.- Also present, Ernest Laek6y, Superintendent of Highways_ . discussion was had on special improvements to Town. roads. William Hart and Wilbur Price were present and presented a petition. signed by 13 residentss of the Town of Queensbury, requesting black. top on Old Forge Read for a distance of 3/10 of a mile from its - i junction with Dixon Read; also a black top surface on Clark Street$, beginning at its junetian with Old Forge Road and continuing along Reservoir Drive and connecting back-with Old Forge Road. pstitimn from Park Vier residents was als© presentee requesting black top: for' Park View Avenue. This petition was signed by 6; resi- den.tas. Resolution #6:, introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman walkup;: RESOLVED that the sum of $45,,000.00 shall be set aside to be expei ded for pprimary work` and general repairs upon 114 ikilas of Tewm r Highways, including sluices, culvert's and bridges having asap of 24 feet or less and board walks and the renewal thereof, and tat The fellav ng sums shall be set aside to be expended for the per- manent. improvements of Town highws.ys by a stone and tar_penetration an roads as follows 1. 550'ft. - Katherine St: 550.00 2. 2670 feet *- Assembly. Pt. from inter-' , section with 9 to Canal. 2500.00 3. 1206 feet ItTee.a Hill Road 500.00 4. 1500 feet Fark_View from Dilen Road ' to City Line. 1504.00 ' 50. 2150 feect;� Cleve rdale - back ream 1750.00 ---� 6. 530` feet Spencer Ct. 500,0 7. 500 feet Hughes Ct. 500•00 ` 8. 730' feet Owen. Ave. 750.00 S. 700' feet Careline St. from 5th St.' err.' Garner" St. 700.00: . i 1'0. 500" feet - Clines Ave. 300•