1956-03-24 148 Sec. 1. Declaration of Policy. I-t is hereby determined that the practice of s-cavenging and removal of junk and waste material and the setting of fires at the towns dump by unauthorized persons is dangerous to persons- and property. Sec. 2. Definitions. The term "person" as used in this ordinance shall includes an-individual, firm, partnership corporation or association of persons' and the singular number shall include the plural number. The terms "dump" or "town dump" as used in this -or- dinance shall includes the existing town dump situated easterly of the Ridge Road and any and all other town dumps which may hereafter be pro- vided and designated by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury. The term "scavenging" as used in this ordinance means the picking up, collecting and removal from the town dump of any iron! (Eepper, metal, good, paper or other discarded material, or parts thereof, which shall have bee;.n placed in the town dump,. See. 3. Scavenging at the town dump, including thepicking up,, collecting and removal from the town dump of any iron, copper, metal, wood, paper or other discarded material or parts thereof which-shall have been placed in the town dump for disposal is hereby prohibited. Sec.. 4. The setting of a fire at the town dump and the burning df waste material deposited at the town ounp ter slopes" is nereby pro- hibited except by an offices or employees of the Town of Queensbury. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof be _punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.00 for each offense or by imprison- ment in the County ,fail not exceeding 60 days , or by both such fine or imprisonment, ,and upon failure to pay any such fine, to be imprisoned in the County jail until such fine be paid, not to exceed one day for each dollar of the fine imposed. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. i Dated::: March 20th, 1956 TOWN BOARD -- Town •air, Weensbury By Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Jown of Queensbury Ridge Road, - Town of Queensbury On motion the meeting adjourned,, Frances L. Turner - Town Clerk . Reiular Meeting March 24s 1956 i Present: j R. Russell Narris Supervisor Meredith Bentley justice of the Peace Harold Akins justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent-. Raymond-WalkuP Councilman The beard convened at 7:30 P.M. Also present were William J`, Hart, Don. No lza and Drank Rothke, residen,tO of Old Forge Read, Town of Queensbury, who called-on the Board and were welcomed by the Supervisor. . A ceard of grateful remembrance for sympathy from the family of Seward Lampson was read. i 149 The Supervisor, read a letter as follows ALBERT E. BESWICx_ _0tornQy O-La Qolvin Building Glens Falls , N.Y.. March ter, 1956 Mr. N. Russell Harr-is Supervisor Star Ht ' Glens .ftlls, N.Y. ' Re: Town Mau , - Dear Sir: You have indicated that your town board is considering the con- struction. of a town hall on premises now owned by the Town of Queens. bury., with a portion of the cast to be paid from the Capital Reserve Fund established by your torn board, and the balance to be financed by -the r issuance: and sale of serial bonds. There are two sections of the Town Law which apply to the'con- struction of a tear hall. They old section is Section 81 which providers that a town, board may upon its own motion and shall upon a petition cause to be submitted to the qualified voters of a town the proposition to construct a town hall. There is a later section, and particularly subdivision 3 of Section:. 220,, which also provides that upon the adoption of the proposition, sub- ject to permissive referendum, the town board may purchase, lease or con- struct a town hall, acquire necessary lands therefor, and equip and furnish 'such building for such purpose-. However, Sectio& 35.00, subdivision. 5:, of the Local Finance Law, provides that the bond resolution adopted by the finance board of a town of the second class shall be subject to mandatory referendum,. An opinion by they State Comptroller report in 4 Qpin. State Comp- troller 149, holds that the bond resolution adopted by the town board of a town of the second class -for the purpose of financing the construction. of a town hall is subject to mandatory referendum if the bonds proposed maturity is more than five years. It thus appears that under Section 220 of the Tawn Law your town board can adept a resolution -to .construct a town hall on property you now owns by adopting ,a resolution to that effect subject to permissive refer- endum, and then, if no petition were filed against it, the resolution would become effective thirty days from date. However, since you will have to submit your bond resolution to a. special election, and particularly since you propose to use funds accumulated in the Capital Reserve Find, I would recommend that at your special election either that two separate . propositions be submitted an one ballot, or, if the bonding attorneys ap- prove, that the two propositions be combined. It seems to me that your first step is to complete your plans to a poiffit where you can establish a fairly accurate figure of the cost of con- structi anal detenaine• how such of the cost is to be paid out of the Capital Reserve Fuel, and the amount of your bond issue. They voters of the Tpwm pf Queensbury are certainly entitled to know exactILT what you propose. to do, and I would suggest that before you fix a date for a special election you have your plans completed and be in a position to tell the voters the whole story. As I understand- it, you proposer to use a portion of the Pine View Cemetery property as a site for your new town hall and I believe the Cem- atery Commissioners have made a determination that the site you propose to use along Route 3 is neither usable for nor required for burial purposes. However, since this land was conveyed to the town for cemetery purposes, L think the use of the land for another purpose. should be approved by the 'voters in a proposition.. i 150 Section 82 of the Town Law provides that a town board shall adopt a resolution at least twenty days before the special town election designating the hours of opening and closing of polls and the place or places of holding the election and setting forth all propositions to be voted on. The hours mist tie -at east six between eight in the morning and eight in the evening. The Town Clerk has to give notice at east ten days in advance of the special election by one publication and five postings. It is not necessary to have a polling place in.each election dis- trict in the town, and your town beard may designate just one place. The town board acts as inspectors of election and have to file in the - I office of the town clerk after the election a certificate under Sec- tion 83 which will show the total votes cast, votes cast for the - proposition, the beach person wh�mavatedthe propositions and the noes and a ` Section 84 of the Town Law provides the qualifications of vot- ers. A_voter must be a legal resident and qualified voter of the town, -and in addition must be the owner of real property in the town which was assessed on the last competed assessment roll. Thus a person living in Glens Falls, Schenectady, or any other place, is not en - titled to vote even though he may own property. vote eve eitherta corporation nor an officer of a corporation may corporation awns real property in the town. Where real property is ocaned jointly by husband and wife, or by two -or more persons, all of them nay vote if they are otherwise qualified. it is not necessary that the name of the voter appear on the last assessment roll but the property which he owns must have been assessed on the l&st asse§sment roll even though it was assessed to some one else. Also,, a purchaser under a contract who is in possession of real property in the town, is entitled to vote even though the property is assessed to the record owner-. S- shall be glad to draft the proposition as soon as you are able to give sae the complete information. Yours very truly, ,Ls/ Albert E. Bjswick The Supervisor read. �IESWICK a letter as follows: . ows: ALBERT E. Attorney at Law Colvin Building Glens- Falls,. N.Y• March 19s, 1956 Mr. H. Russell Harris , Supervisor Star Rt Glens _Falls, N.Y. Dear Sir: John B. Van Dusen, your town surveyor, has delivered to me a by of series of maps and-three descriptions of parcels to to conveyed o Alford. J. Babcock, Dander Dickinson and. A.K. Wolfe Queensbury- for the relocation of the road...leading to the Hotel Millard property. I have prepared these deeds but have left the names of the grantors blank because I am not certain at this time as to who may be the record owners , and also whether there are any mortgages,,, assignments or other liens which must be released tot give tt eFtow a Blear title to the rights of way. I are .qu rst National Bank of Lake George ..holds a.mortgage on the Babcock property.. I assume that. the relocation of this road ill involve awn ofhQaeens- expenditure of quite a sum of money on the p bury and it seems to me that should clearstitle eto theirights of can be certain that the to 56.00 to obtain searches for way. I assume it might cost as much as i �I - 151 these three properties and I should like to ask whether you will authorize me to incur that expenditure on behalf of the Town of Queensbury. Yours very truly, ls! Albert E. Beswick., A. discussion was had on ordinances to regulate the use of lands for junk yards The Supervisor read a letter as follows : U. Grant Bethel & Sons The Landscape Gardeners Lake-Luz'erne., New York February 159 1956 Mr. Russell Harris - Supervisor Town of Queensbury N.Y. Dear Sir: In regards tG trimming trees r would very much appreciate cutting or trimming trees on the county roads in your township. I have the equipment and have worked for different towns. Respectfully yours, 1s/ U. Grant Bethel The Supervisor read a letter from Joseph L. Kestner, Jr.. in refer- ence to water and sewage. The letter was retained by the Supervisor. The following letter was read to the board by the clerk: WEST GLENS FALLS FIRE COMPANY NO. 13 •Inc. . Glens .Falls, -New York February 28, 1956 Town Clerk Town of Queensbuiry RD# 1 Mrs. Bert Turnerz, Enclosed in this letter you will find a corrected form on our Active roster of this company. Is/ Leon S. Richardson _ Chief. ENCLOSURE _ February 28, 19,56 Fictive Roster \ Richardson, Leoru CHIEF 5d Main St. Mispa:rd,La wi s-lst As s't CHIEF RD#3 Harris St. Hillis, Leslie -2nd Asst CHIEF 2.7-Newcomb St. Le,point,Clarence-3rd " CHIEF a Harris St. Rozell, James -► Captain RD#3 Campagn.on,Paul - 1st Lt:.. RD#3 Jennings, Robert - 2nd Lt. Allan, Francis Carpenter, Richard Akins , Harold. Akins , Hhbert Chadwick, Royal Sr. Akins„ Sterling Chadwick,, Royal Jr. Baird, Lester Jr. Corlew, Gordon Baker-, Bernard - Denton, Kenneth Brothers,, Harold Sr. DiDio, Chauncey Burnham,Kenne th Finch, George Caessant,Bernard Finch, Robert Clark, Alonzo Flynn, Edward i i 152 Gifford, Harold B. Phillips , Stanley- Granger, Stanley. �?ersutti , Francis Eichardson.r Herbert Hopkins, Scott ' Hermance, Fred o Richardson, David Hermance, Marley Rozell, Percy Hea.gue, Raymond. Reynolds., Arthur Joslyn, Kenneth Reynolds, Ceylon::. Joslyn, William Saville, Paul. Jessey, Hubert Shoemaker., George Jones, Earl Smith, Carl- Lattimore, Robert Sumer, Joseph Lambert, John Trembley,, Charles - Lilly, Robert Trombley, Thomas Lilly, Forrest La.Point, Richard Tromblee, Donald N1abb, Frederick Turner, Ralph Monroe, Richard Tangrady, Anthony Martindale, Lloyd, Sr. Tucker, Pliney Minor, Joseph Washburn.,, Orlie Jr. Norton, Henry /s/ Leon S. Richardson, Chief Resolution #30 introduced: by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman. Lampson z RESOLVED that persons contained in roster of the active firemen of West Glens-Falls Fire Company #l, Inc., dated February 28, 1956, which was filed on March 1, 1956 in the Torn Clerk's -Offices be and are hereby confirmed as aetive volunteer firemen of the-West Glens Falls Fire Com- pany Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Nentley, Mr.. .Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none The fallowing letter was read to the board: S. WEINBERG COMPANY Granville, N.Y. March 99, 1956 Prances L. Turner R.F.D. No. l Glens Falls,, N.Y. Dear Madam: We would appreciate it r invitations to bid� s� o soon as areis - mailing list to receive y sued on any of the following items: Galvanized. Gorrugsted Culvert Pi-pe either plain or coated Calcium Chloride y ,Rock Salt _ Culvert Pipe Thawers Peer Driven Brush Saws Or any-other items in our line - Trusting to receive your cooperation$ thanking you very kindly for your attention and awaiting your further advice, we are Yours very truly, S. WEINBERG COMPANY By /t/ Nathan Weinberg The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read and plaged on file: Moneys received: and disbursed by Supervisor, during the month of February, 1956 153 RECEIPTS Date Rcd. -1 -'sougco Amt. Red, Feb. a, Highway Dept. Soc,.Sec.Ded.Payrall #3 12.97 - 2 Pinw View Cemetery Fund 0 .. " 1.29 - 2 Collector Taxes Trans Spac.Acet.(Goneral) 38466.00 2, General Fund Calle4850.0101 Taxes Trans (P.V.) 4850* * 2 Collector Taxes Trans Spec.Acct(Fire, Dist) 15000.00, it 20 Frank Cowles Cemetery Funds 315,00L *20 County Trans Dog Tax 1730,13 1 20 State Per Cag.Assis-t. 5242.46 '20 - Collector Taxes Trans Spec.Acct.(Highway) 92538,,00 20 Pine View Can Funds S.S.Ded.Pr.#4- 1.28 20 Highway Dept* 21.23 20 earl Jones Water Rent- 21,60 20 Frances Turner Town Clerk Fees 349,25 29 Highway Fund Note &: Int. Truck 1779,17 Total Receipts $16028.38 DISBURSEMENTS-. General 628 Pine'View 433.17 N.G.T. W. Dist. 508.19- W.G.F.W.,Di s t. 428*85 N.G.F.W.D. Ext, 884436 Ridge Water Dist. 61.13 Cleverdale Lighting Dist. 41.08 Ft. Asherst. Lighting-Dist, 168.46 Total Dis'sursements $ 10826.54 Mr. Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways, was present and requested a new snow plow. The 'board generklly discussed the• need of equipment, SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE- TOWN-OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1956, , - , Amt. Amt No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim. Claimed Allowed 74 Morf Auto Service 1 Ned.T.coil-Serv.& test Pineview Cemetery 5.75 5,75 75 John G.WeUster Bond for F.ScovillesSupt* PV 33.75 53075 76 G,F,Cemetery Camm­* Opening grave at PV Cem. 10*00 10*00- 77 GY.Post Co.` Nb,Not,Bids to Us red. far z Bituminous Material 1,28 1.28 78., Niagara..Nhk Pair' Zlect,Serv,at Aviation Rd. 25.65 25*65 79 Kathryn E.011rien Type Twn.3d.Min.mtngs 1 2*00 2*00 80 Niagara-Mhk� Pwr Street lighting and traffic signals 181.62, . 181.,62: 81 Niagara-Mhk- Pwr Street Lighting for Ft.Am- herst &.Garrison Roads 168.46 •168.46 82 scettyl:s Kerosene & 'Fuel Oil,Avia tion Rd. - 56*60 56*60 83 Russell & Wait Supplies-Town Clerk 4,15 4.15 84 Russell kWait SUpplies-Supervisor 4.30 4,30 85 , Russell & Wait Supplies-Supt.Hwys* 190 86 Call Hardware Corp,*Sup.plies-PV Cemetery 3*38 3.38 87 Frances L. Turner 'Postage stampo-Town Clerk 3,00 3,00 88, Sager-Speck Sapply Plpe fittings- 94.35 94.35 89 Sager-Spuck. 6upply AU U611 t66 56,25 56,25 90 N*Y*Tel. C,a*, Phone serv*storehouse 14.55 14. 91 G,F.Hospital AJ,,cbholic test-J.Mahoney 3.00 llr�9L, 92 Leon M.Steves Towii surveyor helper 12.65 12..65 193 Reqmond ,,T, Heague Miles trav*notify jurors 12,72 12072 94 Niagara-Nhk- Pwr Lighting Dist.Cleverdale 41008 41.08 95 R.Thurston Scott oil & Kerosene-Aviation Ed. 98*08 98.018 15.4 96 Nathan Psoller Ins.offiee equip.Dwelling Garage„ Storage Bldg,. & Contents- 195.71 195.'71- 97 Nathan Proller Ins.Vat.Machine Floater Cevg. 56.25 56.25 98 Nathan Pralleer Premium-Compensation Insurance Highway 1157.90 1157.90: 99 Nathan Proller Premium Property and Equip.. Floater 274.48 247.47 Total $2514.85: $2513.95 On motion the meeting adjourned ' `D. rner -Town Clerk. Special l et iXg April 12, 1956 Present: , No Russell Harris Supertitet ' Meredith Nutley Justide` of the- Peace H6rold Akin Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampsom Council Raymond-W'alkup Councilman* The board convened at 7,30 P.M.. . Mr. Jahn Van Dusen was also present.. Mr. Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , was present and discussed with the members of the board and Mr. John Van Dusen, Town Engineer, the proposed water supply system for the water districts. in the Town of Queensbury. The Board discussed highway work and Town road machinery, Mr. Harris stated that Mr. Liapes and Mr. Neswick had talked to him about, the position of eollector and 'superintendent. A commmication from Lee Lavery was read: to the Board as follows: Glens Falls, New York April 7, 19.5 . , Queensbury Town Board _ Glena Falls, ,New York Gentlemen: - I, Lee. W.'. Lavery, wish to 'be considered as custodian of -the North Queens- bury water-district -and extension. Sincerely yours, /s/ Lee W. Lavery Glens Falls, N.Y.. RFD #2 Resolution #31 introduced by Justice Bentley; seconded by Councilman Lamp*on: _ WHEREA4 a vacancy exists in the position of collector and super- intendent of%the North Glens Fallt Water Districts and its extensions by reason of the death of H6ward Wal,laea,,- Y RESOLVED that Lee W. Lavery'be and is hereby appointed collector and superintendent of the North Glens Falls Water District and its ex- tension to Fill such vacancy,, who shall serve at the pleasure-of the Board, i i I