1956-04-28 155 Further resolved that the compensation of Mr. Lavery for such services be and is hereby fixed at $900.00 annually,-to be paid as ,$75.00 per month. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampsen, Mr. Akins and NIr.. Harris n Noes - None - On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances I Town Clerk . Regular Meeting; April 299 1956 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley- Justies of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilain. Raymond-Walkup: Council The beard convened at 7:30. P.M. Resolution #32 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lamps on: RESOLVED that the following bonds 'we and are hereby approved as to form, amount, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties. Surety Principal Amount Bond # United States Casualty Co. Earl Jones $1000.00 54953 - United States Casualty Co. Lee W. Lavery •1000.00 39248 FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of the Town Board sign a certificate containing such approval on the aforesaid mentioned bonds. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr., Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - None The clerk reported that UAL Osborne, County Superintendent of highway highways , had returned the agreement for the ekpa moneys for the year 1956 containing his signed approval. Les Lavery, collectorand andidiscussed: North Water District, waspresent board water rates for trailers. • Resolution #33 introduced by Justice' Akins , seconded by Councilman Lampson: - RESOLVED that vmeters for authorized Glensn direct- ed to purehase three:-water Falls Water District. -- Further resolved,* that a water meter be installed for water service at the following premises: Parsons of Glens Falls Gale Motors, Inc. - Carswell Truck & Tractor Co. , Inc. 156 Duly adopted by the fallowing vote: Ayes - M.r. Walkup, Mr.' Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Nees - Norge Mr. Lavery was instructed to make a study in relation to mss wes and bA t=Bent of charges for water 'and for use in trailers d tra. ler parks. Fred Leuendbe.r_g, and Gerald La Claire of the Queensbury Central Vol- unte r Fire Co. ., were present in reference to a permit to hold a carnival- the week of May 7th - 12th. The carnival Company is known as the King Reed. shows. Resolution #34 introdueed by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice Bentley-. - RESOLVED that permission is hereby given to the Queensbury Vol- unteer Fire Company, Inca. , to sponsor a carnival as follows: Name: of Carnic:al - Rang Reed Shows; Date to be held - May 7th through May 12, 1956 Place - Broughton lot in the: rear of the Glendale Furniture store on the Lake George. Road. Further resolved that the license fee is $100.00 Further resolved that the Town Clerk he and is hereby authorized and directed to issue the permit. to conduct the carnival as aforesaid. upon payment of the fee of $100.00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - NOne.' The Clerk read the following bids: BITUMINOUS MATERIALS In accordance with specifications and terms, I submit a proposal t-o supply material as follows : 1 - 15,000 gals. Tar Prime br Asphalt Prime Tar 9 $.23 per gal for use on gravel base with the privilege Asphalt 0 $.18 per gal of decreasing or increasing 50%' 30,000 gals. or Asphalt emulsion to be j used for stone penetration and service trbati.ng_ with the privilege of decreasing or increasing 50%. $.18 per gal. I Name: NORTHEASTERN ASPHALT DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Address: RD #1, Vaughn Road, Hudson Falls, N.Y.. Signature of Authorized Representative: /s/ Bernard J. Kind; Secretary DEFIANCE ASPHALT CORPORATION 1 . - 5 Center- Street Fort Edward,, N.Y. -' Town of Queensbury Department of Highways Ernest Lackey, Superintendent Glens Falls, New York Marc. 2, 1956 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS In accordance with,,.:specifications and terms , I- submit a proposal to supply material as fellows : i 157 I - 15,,000 gals. Tar Prime or Asphalt Prime Tar $0.23 per gal. for use on gravel-,base with the privilege of decreasing or increasing 5%. Asphalt $0.18 per gal. 2 - 36,,000 €Als. of Asphq.It Emulsion to be ^ used for stone penetration and surface treating with the privilege of decreasing or increasing 509, $0.18 per gal. Name - DEFIANCH ASPHALT CORPORATION Address - 3-5 Center Street, Fort Edward, N.Y. _ Siguature of Authorized Representative /'s/ S.F. Fleckenstein. Secretary Resolution #35 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Walkup WHEREAS bids were received to supply the Town of Weensbury with Tar Prime or Asphalt Prime for use on gravel base, and Asphalt Emulsion for stone penetration and surface treating, and Whereas, 2 identical proposals were received from Northeastern Asphalt Distributors, Inc., and the Defiance Asphalt Corporation, and Whereas , the Town Board deems it in the best interest of the Town of Queensbury to award the contract to the Defiance Asphalt Corporation, and _ Whereas, Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways, recommends that the contract to supply such materials be granted to the Defiance As-ohalt Corporation for, the reason that better service would be received from the Defiance Asphalt Corporation, Therefore be it resolved, that the. proposal of the Defiance Asphalt Corporation be and the same is hereby accepted to supply the Town of Queensbury as therein provided as follows : 1 1 - 15 0,00 C � , gals. Tar Prime or Asphalt Prime Tar $03.23 per gal, for use on gravel base with the privilege of devrpasing or increasing 50% Asphalt $0.188 per gal, (2) - 30r000 galls. of Asphalt Emulsion to be used for stone penetration and surface treating with the privilege of decreasing or. increasing 509 $0.18 per gal, Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - None. The following letters were read: HALLAM G.. YOUNG,, M.D. , F.A.C.S. - 65 Crandall St. - Glens- Falls, T.Y. March 29, 1956 Secretary, Town Board Town of Queensbury i Glens Falls , N.Y. Dear Sir.: As you are aware, the situation regarding the new road on Assembly Point, delayed by the construction difficulties encountered at the south end where the Assembly point road. joins Dunham Bay Road, has been fully discussed many times in the past 4 or 5 years. These discussions have taken place in the presence of many tax payers from that part of Assembly Point and each time we have met promises have been made that completion: 158 of the W 1e as soon as practical. The original- contract drawn up s a e bud :8acj­'*O-jUjd b# e6iple.ted behind our cottages September 22, 1954. ( I believe this is correct date). That, however, was delayed by the change in plans. It seems that each year brings another delay with a very good excuse to delay Construction for 6 to 12 months again. During the summer of 155 I consulted my lawyer who advised me in writing that I was within my legal limits in closing the road which was constructed at the expense of we tax payers on that part of Assembly Point. I: am aware that in the latter part of• the summer and fall of 155, efforts were made to complete a pass- able road for -the use of the vehicles to and from Assembly Faint. How- ever, throughout the whole summer all cottagers in that area faced. an even more aggravating situation of having traffic both in front and behind their cottages with consequent noise and dust from both East and West. I am aware that attempt was made to produce a passable road in the latter.part of the summer and fall of 1955 behind our cottages. I believe I. am right in ,saying that all cottage.rs have an exit on the so-called new road and I believe all cettagers use the new road as a point of entry to their properties. I would. like to inform you that unless the old road is closed (along the Lake) and traffic diverted to the new road before July 1, 1956, I will close the new road behind my property and l believe several other cot- tagers will cooperate in doing the same as . I. To this time we have bean tolerant of the numerous delays that we have encountered but L, for one, am not going to tolerate Further delay and the passage of traffic on two sides of my cottage over one road which crosses my property and to which up; to the present time the Town has no legal right-of-way. Before the 4th of July week-end I- will completely close the above mentioned: new road both to your aggravation and that of my neighbors. This I have informed several of my neighbors about and thiss, I will do if very definite progress is not made and traffic is not stopped- on the road along the Lake shore. This will reflect somewhat on me , but in the long run it will reflect consid- erably more upon the Town Board and the road supervisor in turn. This is not a threat but a. promise of my intention. Sincerely yours,, /s/ H.G. Young ,M.D. CITY OF GLENS FALLS New York. Water Department April 3, 1956 Town Board Tawn of Queensbury Ridge Road Glens Falls, N.Y. - Gentlemen:: This is to advise you that the- Board of Water Commissioners have approved your request for the sale of. additional water to the West Glens Falls Water District so that the present district limits may be extended to take In the area known as� Westm©unt Terrace, formerly the Combs Tract, said extension to be known as• Extension. #1 of the West Glens Falls District. Very truly yours,. /s/ Garner C. Tripp. Supt. Resolution #36 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Councilman Walkupz - WHEREAS numerous complaints have been received by this board with reference to. the parking of motor or other vehicles on the easterly side of Glenwood Avenue , causing; a dangerous and hazardous condition to exist to persons and property, and C i r 159 ' EREAS. the board has been requested to pass an -ordinance for the PurPGAO-Of_alleviating such conditions. Now, therefore, be it resolved thadt pursuant to Section 1301 of the Tax Law of the State: of New York, a public hearing on the proposed Town ordin"ce to restrict parking, of said vehicles on the easterly side. of Glenwood Avenue for a distance of 200 feet northerly from the junction of Glenwood Ave. with the Glens Falls-Lake George State Highways be held on the 14th day of` May, 1956, at _7:30 o'clock in the evening of that day at the Town Clerkl's office, Ridge Roads-in said Town, and that a notice tf the tins and place; of such hearing eontaininS. the proposed ordinance be published once an or before the 3rd day of May, 1956. � I Duly adopted by the fell-owing vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup,, ,Mr.. Bentley,, Mr. Lamp'on, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Nees - None The notice of claim of Howard I. Dickinson for damages was read. Resolution,. #37, introduced by justice Bentley,.. seconded by Justice Akins RESOLVED that the claim of Howard 1. Dickinson for damages be re- ferred to the -County Attorney, Albert E. .Beswick. Duly adopted: by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - None - The supervisor read a letter from John D. Alden respecting damages to his automobile while being, operated by his wife, as follows: April 14, 1956 Dear Sirt Thist is to notify you of damage to g my automobile resulting from a -hazardous and un-safe condition, on the un-paved section of road known. as Mountain View Lane , which runs ))etween Aviation Read and the Glens Falls-Lake George-Highway, At approximately 11:00 A.M.,, on the above date, my wife struck a rock. which was concealed from view in the road bed., at a point approx- imately 4 mile West of the entrance to West Mount Sanatorium. The power-steering mechanisa of the car was damaged to the extent that a tow-truck: had to be summoned to remove the, czar from the road. At this date, the< car cannon be drive, and is placed in a repair garage. At this, time, a complete appraisal of the damage has not been made, but preliminary inspection indicates that the cost will be under 1100.00. l have. three witnesses who inspected the, road, and also the car, before it: was moved; .. and if it should be required, I will supply their, names and addresses. Ih view of the fact that there were absolutely no signs or other warnings to indicate the presence of this hazardous condition, and that my wife, because of the otherwise poor condition of the road, was driving at a speed of less than 151 m.p.h., I feel you will agree with us that we should hardly be considered responsible for these damages. I have alternately tried to reach bath of you gentlemen, Mr. Harris and Mr. Lackey, by phone, but have been unable to reach either of you. I expect- to have an exact estimate of the damages to my car by the first of the week,, and I will forward. this information to you. Meantime, I shall be availalkl.e at, home every evening after 5;00 P.M. Very truly yours, RFD#2,, Aviation Rd. John D. Alden Glens- Falls,N,y. Phone 2.-9052, GOT 160 Glens Falls,N.Y. Phone 2-9052.- Resolution #38 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded. by Justice Akins .t RESOLVED that the claim of John D. Alden for damages to his auto- mobile be referred to the County Attorney. Duly \adopted by they following' vote.:, Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - None: A. discussion was had with Mr. Lavery and the. members of the board in reference to a, supply of water-for Weeks property. - The: following letter was read to the Board BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Warren County Lake George, N.Y. April 269 1956 Mr. H. Fussell Harris , Supervisor Town- of Queensbury Star Route Glens Falls, New York Dear Russell-. Some time ago., I spoke to you in reference to the purchase of a Model.. 700 Addressograph and,- at that time, I. told. you that I would provide you with all the quotations and information regarding this machine. As you well know, last year the Warren County Beard of Super- visors invested nearly fifteen dhousand dollars in the purchase of equipment to set up our new Local Assessment Bureau and provide all the residents of the Towns of Warren County with a uniform,, legibly printed, and accurate assessment roll. At present, we find. that every- thing is working out as we planned. In addition to doing the Assessment Roll,, the local Assessment Office will also- print all the tax bills for the School District, and the Town Tax Collector. These statements will contain name- and address, description of property, boundaries and -valuation, identical with the information contained on the Assessment Ralf. In- order to complete the work, there is one other step necessary- and that is to imprint upon these tax statements the name of the Tax District, tax rate, amount of State Aid, name of collector, hours and place of collection. This information is not available either for schools or the town until long after the statements are printed. After Bauch researcrh, I found that many counties were using an antiquated rubber stamp method, which certainly does not fit in with all the * other fine work the addressograph machine accomplishes. Therefore, in cooperation with George Webster., we worked out a system which,, by the way, is the first in the State , which will allow the School Tax Col- lector and the Town Tax Collector to imprint then information. as stated above on this original and two copies of each tax statement in one simple operation. We conducted a meeting with the. School Principals of the various schools of the County and outlined the program and it meat with their whole-hearted approval. As you must- knows the Town Law provides that the Town must purchase the necessary supplies and equipment for the assessment work. Since the County has gone to a large expense, we would now appreciate the various towns to comply by the purchase of the Model 700 machine. This machine will be used by the School District Gollector in September and them will. be. turned over to -the Town Tax Collector in January for the completion of their individual work on the. tax statements. The remainder of the year, the machine can. be put to any number of operations ; printing of payrolls, t ift payroll envelopes , withholding tax statements , and any .type of repeti- tive writing that may be required in any of your Town Offices . This machine , complete with all the necessary attachments, sells for $256.50. We must allow from six to eight weeks for delivery! therefore, I mould appreciate your -advising me as soon as possible of the devision of your Town, I would like to include this order with the order of Johns- burg and-Bolton. Already some of the towns have sent in their order. I may add that the necessary plates which will be used on the machine will be stamped at the loeal office and will became the property of the town at no additional cost. I trust you will find this information complete and if there are any questions,. please feel free to eall me. Sincerely, is/' Leslie Hayes, Jr. C1erk,Warren County Board of Supervisors Resolution #39 introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice Bentley RESOLVED that the Tern of Queensbury purchase at a cost of $256.50, one Model 7010-Addressograph from the Addressograph Multigraph Corporation. Farther resolved that Leslie: Mayes. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, be and is hereby authorized to order the aforesaid equipment and to in - elude such order with the order of Johnsburg and B0lton for like .equipment. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Woes - None Reselution #40 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice Akins:. r _ - RESOLVED that the following cemeteries be cared for and conserved under the direction of the Cemetery Commission of the Town of Queensbury for the year 1456: Mt., Hermon, W.G.F. Old Part, Jenkins,,. Sunnysid:e, Gurney Lane. Further resolved that the grass., weeds and brush be removed at least three: tinges during the year and that the work be completed by Oct. 11.3-956. Further resolved that the sum of $100,00 or so much thereof as is necessary to accomplish the work be and .is hereby appropriated for each of said cemeteries. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr.. Walkup, Mr. -Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes None The fellawing was reed to the Beard: JOSEPH A. KESTNER, Jr. Consulting Engineer la9 North Lake Ave Troy, N.Y. .�' April 13, 1956 Mr. H. Russell Harris, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Star Route Glens Falls, Y.Y. Dear Mr. Harris : 162 I.n accordance with the request of the Town Board at the meeting -held. Wednesdays April 119 19569 1 am- pleased.-to submit a proposal for an engineering report in connection with the development of a new source of water supply and extensions to the existing Water Districts for the Town of Queenabury. The report would include the following:- 1' . Description of the present water supply. 20 Information on the existing water districts , including the number of water customers s: footage of' mains, revenue, and financial status. S. Methods for developing a water supply district in accordance with the rec r's .Sirements of the Town Board and State Comptrolle Office* 4. Discussions with the Town Board, State Comptroller' s Offices: Water Power and Control Commission and New York Fire Insurance Rating Organization regarding preliminary plans. . 5,, Estimates of cost for the proposed work, The extent of the engineering services required in connection with the report are necessarily somewhat indefinite. It is Mutually understood that the study is to provide ,equitable means for-developing and financing a new source of water supplyg, and should be pursued until this has been done. The most satisfaetory means for providing the engineering services under the circumstances is to base them. on per them rates for the actual time devoted to the proje-at. My estimate of the .engineering services re-- quired for the study as outlined is $1875, and I. shill limit my services to this amount unless further authorized by the.Town Roard to exceed it. I will make, every effort to perform this study within the established limit, and assure you .that unless unforseen additional work is neces- sary., that the study can be made within the limiting charge. The estab- lisped' per diem rates of this office are as fbilows:- J,A. Kestner $75. per day.- Engineers 55 ksst.Engrs. 40. The number of- days is based on the actual number of hours devoted to the- study divided by eight. Reimbursement for travel, blueprinting= telephone and other direct expenses are in addition to the above per diem charges and are included in the established limit. In undertaking this Study it is understood that I shall have the helpful cooperation of persons familiar with the existing system, and that the maps indicating the existing system and the existing water dis- triets will be furnished by Mr. Van Dusen. Tan paper bound copies of the report and accompanying maps, will be-furnished. , I appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal. If it is satis- ftatory, the return of one copy duly accepted may constitute -authorization for me to proceed with the study as outlined. Very truly yours. Isl Joseph a*' Kestner,Jr. Accepted for the Town of Queensbury Qn April- 289 1956, By, Jrs/ H. Fbassell Harris Isl Meredith S.. Bentley, J.P. IV Curtis Lampson Isl H. Akins Isl Raymond Walkup, Councilmen Resolution #41 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Akins: - ,.y a RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury enter into a contract fear ser- vice with Joseph A. Kastner., Hr., Consulting Engineer,, in acdordance with the terms set forth n a- letter dated April 133, 1956, and at a total. contract cost.not to 21875. . Further resolved that the members of the Board sign a memorandum. of this contract with Joseph A: Kestner, Jr. Duly adapted by the fellowing vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, -Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - None l Resolution #42 introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice Bentley- Y RESOLVED that the County of Warren be and -is hereby requested to take in the County System of Highways, the. road known as the Country Club Read in the Town of_Qlueensbury between the County rosy: knovn as the Pine View Road and the Country Club-Bay Road. . Duly adopted by the following vote: - Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr.- Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Nees - None. - Resolution #43: introduced by Councilman Walkup,, seconded by Justice. Akins: RESOLVED• that permission be and is hereby given to Ernest Lackey to use power shovel to Toad City truck and the rate to be charged is $1.00 per-load. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Nees - None ` The monthly statement of the Supervisor for the month of March was read and approved RECEIPTS Date - Amt Red. Souree Rod. March 9 Highway Soe.Sec.Ded Pr. #5: $ 1Rcd* " S Pine View Sac.Sec.Ded Pr. #5 • 2.93 9; Collector Taxes-Transftr Relaid Tax WGFWD 281.05 " 9 Collector Tastes-Transfer Relaid Tax Ridge Rd. 100.10 " 9. Collector Taxes-Transfer Relaid Tax XGF Ext. 51.16 -" 9 G,F. .Electrie •Supply 15.36 `-` 29: Frances Turner-Town Clerk Fees 185.25 " 29 Frank Cowles--Cemetery Funds 545.00 29 Howard Wallace Water Funds 9.62 DISBURSEMENTS Total $1201,91 Date Amt. Paid Fund or Account Paid Gene=ral $4659.57 Pine View 489.74 N.G.F.W. Dist. 225.60 W.G.F.W.Dist. 1062.00 Drainage - 6540.00 Cleverdale Lighting Dist, 41.08 Ft. Amherst-Lighting Dist. 168:.46 Total $131,186.46 164 The Board audited claims as follows : Schedule of Audits of the Town of Queensbury, Marren County, .,N.Y, f'or` the month of April, 195E Amt. Amt. No. Name. of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed - 100 a..F. Pos;t Co Pub.NotIce, on Or%inance m hearing on regulating use of. Town Du*p 1.4.40 14.40 101 U.S.Casualty Co. Town Official Bonds 87.50 87.50. 102- Kathryn 71. O'rBrien Type Twn.1d.Min.Mtngs 4.00 4.00 193 Glen Supply Co.Inc. V molded- lining,installed 12.60, 12.60 104 Frances L. Turner Postage-Twn.Clk.Off 3.00 3.00 105: Niagara-140hawk.. Farr. Str.lghtng.& traff.sig. 181062 lal*62, 146 Niagara-Mohawk Fwr. Str.lghtng.Ft.Amherst & 168.46 168.44 Garrison Rds. - 107' Russell & Wait Supplies-Supervisor 11.60 11.60 108 Russell i1c Wait Supplies-Town Clerk 1130 1.30 109 R.Thurston Scott Kerosene & Fuel coils storehouse 78,.36 78.36 110 N.Y.Terlephone Co. Telephone service Town Storehouse 18.05 18.05 1.11 Dennis & Co,. ,Inc. 1 pad #1500 Supv.monthly reports 5.29 5.29 112, Dennis 80, Co.,,Inc:. Supplies-M.S.Bentley,J.P. 5.23 5.23 Tl3 N.A..Hamay, M.D. Child Health C-onsultations 140*00 140.00- 114 Ferra Enameling Ge. .Street signs-re statements 785.43 N/A 115 W.T.Grant Co:. 2-184 Power Mowers-Pv C. 98..00 98.04- 116 Raymond Heague Mileage-patroling dump. 24.00 24.00 1117' Niagara-]Hohawk Pwr. Elec.Serv.7storehouse 30.09 30.09 118 Leon N. Steves Work performed under super- _ vision of Town surveyor 63.25 63.25 119 City of GF.Water fd.Miseel.-Luzern Rd. 31.58 31.58 120 Earl Jones , Supplies.-WGFWD 10.27 10.27, 123. Raymond J.Hoague Mileage on truck. 36.00 36.00 122 Niagara--lhkk Pwr. Str.lghtng-Clevardale-Apr., 41.08: 41.08 123 Niagara-Mhk Parr. I p' M March 41.08 41.08$ 124 The Town Press Supplies-Harold C.Akins 4.25 4.25 125 W.F.Gubitz &- Sons 2-1214 L Transfer cases (Mr.Russell Harris) 7.10 7110 12:6 G.F.Business Machines-Repair,ete.Checkwriter (Supervisor) 9.75 . -9.75 121(i Lillian C. Shepard Service rendered Ridge Rdd, Water District 9.00 9.00 12a Lillian C. Shepard Services rendered-WGFWD 20.00 20.00 129 Lillian C. Shepard Services rendered-NGFWD 26.00 26.00 130 George. A. Webster Material for mimeographing water rent notices 2.50 2.50 131 Lew W. Lavery Stamps-NGFWD XT. 9.00 9.00 132 William- Schultz Refund-water rent 22 mas. Nov.$55 to M4y 156 27.63 27.63 133 Nathan Preller Compen.port ion of .Multi--form 1FC.-737.7-Hwy.Dptt. - 370.53 370.53 134 Nathan Praller C`omp.part.multi form. c:on- traet< Pv,.Cem.Portiom 34.23 T. of Queensbury X171.11 20-5;.34 . 205.34 Totals -- $2583.27 $1791.84 On motion the meeting adjourned i