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.11 71 Regular Meeting May 26, 1956 Present r. H. Russeul.l ,Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley JustiCe of the Peace Harold Akins X'ustice of the Peace Raymend .Walkup Councilor x Absent: Curtis Lampson Oeuncilmax The 'board convened at 7:30 F.M. Resolution No. 47 introduced. by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Walkup: R=LVED that the Town aces - pts as a Town Highway a1.1 of the land as dear mokt in a Deed from Blanche A. Sweet to. the Torn of Queensbury, dated, 21st Of Ma.y, _1956• t It is further resolved that the acceptance of grant for street Purf"49 be and is: her6kY sub'Jeet to approval: of the County Attorney ag to fora and sufficiency of the steed of conveyance for such purpose. Duly, s"ptead by the following vote- : A-yes - Xr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr.. Harris lobes - Nye A Public Hearing was held on the purchase of machinery. Proof of Publ.icati0n read and filed. . The fbIl.eving bids were received: . R.x.. WING & SON CORP. Albany 1.., N.Y. Taxara of May 17, 1956 Q.ueenssbury Attentl « fiances L. Turner, Town Clerk 384 Edge Street Glens Palls, N.Y. Gentlemen«: We -Ware pleased to quote you f.o.b. your Tom, delivery via trailer within five days from receipt of order, on -- . l-Huber-Warao Model N52 Road Maintainer with Torque Converter, semplete. with electric starter$ horns -generator and.battery; oil filter;air cleaner; governor; hydraulic service 'brakes; band emergency brake; oil-,. heat fuel- indicators; anmeteer muffler; fende rs cushioned hydraulic seat;: 91, x 5f"8*, proem sliding moldboard, Hiller torque conver- - ter, `-+ red by 45. R.P. Continental. gas engine, model P-162,, equipped wi;� 5 40 x 16-a ply front tires and 12.00 x •38-6 ply rear tires, all filled with calcium chloride- solution. They machine will be equipped with a front and Loader attachment and standard material Bucket. This machine is enmplete as per your specifications. We would furn i-sh a jean. to thoroughly � - , Ably instruct your operat®r on the cares, maintenance, and operation of this machine. We carry a stock of parts for it at our warehouse. Price., f.o.b. your Town., is $59570.W. Hoping to receive your valued order, we are., - Very truly yours R.B. WING & SON CORP. Is/resident Charles C. Wing.. i i i 172 CARSWELL TRUCK & TRACTOR CO.., INC. Glens 'falls, New York. w - May 26, 1956 Town Board Town of Queensbury Glens Fbl,.ls, N.Y. Gentleeten we are pleased to quote you as fellows-.- aner 1956 International. Truck Model. R••19.2., 1570 wheelbase, 25,000 GVW, RD 406 6- cylinder motor with removable sleeves, 10,04 x 24 12, ply tires, pintle hooks heavy jduty rear springs,, 12 vol.,t, wasp. gen- erator, directional signals,, flares and reflectors:,, 140 clutch, five speed direct in fifth transmission., single reduction rear axle, 50 gal- lm L.H. Step; tank, eak grab handles, full width seat, fresh air heater and defroster, extra extension mirror, spot light, flasher—light, snow plow lights u mad Flaps, lettering, set of chains front and rear,-4 yard dui body size 9 a 7 with Gar Wood A.-40 hoist or equal. Coleman conversion four wheel drive unit with cemter differential tftnvfer case, Frink Rill power hydraulic Model 430 blade type snow plow with 12 ft. right hand wing and., front. mounted, pumps. Truck painted highway orange. Price complete Delivered Glens Fells, N1 .Y6 $1.49,995.00 Delivery of the equipment complete can be rude in from eight to ten weeks. Very truly yours, CARSWELL TRUCK & TRACTOR CO., INC. A discussion was had on the purchase , of macnineryrl �� Carswell , Resolution No. 48, 16y Mr. Bentley, Justice of Peace; seconded by Mr. - Akins, Justice of the Peace. WHERELS 9 the Town. Superintendent of Highways did, on .the 11 day, of May,; 19,56„ duly recommend the purchase Of certain machinery pursuant to the provisions of Section, 142 of the Highway Law, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Sectlon 1`42 of the Highway. Law the Te vn Superintendent of Highways is_hereby authorized to pury ase,-in aceordanee. w#4 the provisions of Article ,5-A of the General Mhnicipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, the, following; I-Ruber-Warev Model M52 Road McAntainer with Torques Converter, complete. with electric starter, horn, generator and.battery; oil filter; air clever;; gmm3.or;; hydraulic service brakes; hand 'emergency drake; olls, heat and fuerl _indicators; ammeter; nuffl�er_; fenders; cushioned hydraulic sea-t;. &' a 5;/80 power sliding moldboard, FW1 er torque ,con - verter, powered by 45.. H.P. CoAtinental gas engine, model F-16Z, equipped with 7650 a 1..g-a ply front tires and V.00 a 38-6 ply rear tires , all filled with calcium chloride solution. The machine will. be equipped with a front end loader attachment and standard material bucket, f for a maaimua priee of Five Thousand, Five Edred Seventy Dollars . j (15.,570.00) delivered at Tows of Queensbury., N.Y.., and to be delivered i on or about June 11th, 1956. ; The tests of payment will be as follows+. Check drawn. on Mae hinery ,Fund $470. Check from proceeds of obligations 5100.00 i Total f557G.00 A contract of purchase for the item purwhased shall be duly exe-- elated between the Teen Su,gerXAtendent of Highways and such vendor, and when duly approved,. by the County Superintendent of highways, it shall w i 73 become effective. When such contract, has been duly executed and approved, the .Supervisor is. guthorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the 1ten purchased in. 4ccordance. with the terms of such resolution and such contract and to pay the above amounts specified to be paid by check or cheeks. (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for $470.00 C2i by a check in the amount' 'of $5100.00 drawn on the .account es- tablished from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations .will be au- thorized to be-issued by this Board by a separate resolution. The resolution was thereupon put to a vote of-the Town Bard which resulted as follows Mr. Harris , Supe rvt s©:r voting Aye Mr. Walkup, Councilman a Aye Mr. Bentley, Justice of Peace Aye Mr. Akins, Justice of Peace Aye Noes - None 1 - Duly adopted by the foregoing vote. Resolution Igo. 49 by Justice of Peace Bentley, seconded by Councilman Walkup: Sfhereas , the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the 14 day of May, 1956,, duly recommend the purchase of certain machinery pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, Nom, Therefore, He ;Et Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the HighyayLaw, the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase-from Carswell.Truck & Tractor Co. , Inc. in accordance with the provXs ons of Article 5-A of the General. Municipal Law, with the approval of the. County Superintendent of Highways, the following One 1956 International Truck Model R-192, 1570 Wheelbase, 25,000 # G'VW',. RD, 406 6 cylinder motor. with removable sleeves, _10.00 x 20 12 ply tires �pintle hook, heavy duty rear springs, 12 welt, 50 amp. generator,. direptir�nal. signals , flares and reflectors, l4a Clutch, five speed direct in f1fth transmission, single reduction rear axle, 50 gallon L.H. Step tank..:, cab grab handles, full width seat, fresh air heater and defroster, extra extension mirror, spat light, flasher. light, snow plew lights, mead flaps, lettering, sett of chains front and rear, 4 yard dump body size 9 a 7 with Gar Wood A-60 hoist or equalL. Coleman conversion four wheel driva ur4t with .center differential transfer case. Frink full power by - draulic: Model 430` Vl.ade type snow plow with 12 fto right hand wing and front mounted pump. Truck painted highway orange. for a maximum price of Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-five Dollars, ($I1.4,,9 *00) delivered at Town of Queensbury, N.Y., and to be delivered ongor about;., September 1st, . 19:56:. . The terms of payment will be as follows: Check drawn on Machinery, Fund $ 199v.QQ; Check from proceeds of obligations 13004.00 Total: $ J A contract of purchase for the item purchased shall be duly executed 1 between the Town Superintendent of Highways and such vendor, and when duly I approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effect- '--' ive. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Super- visor .is.�authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item. purchased in acc=ordance with the terns of such resolution and such con - tract, and to pay the above amounts specified to be paid by check or checks. (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (:item 3) for $1995.000 f 1 17 (2) by a check in the amount of $13,,000.00 drawn on the account established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this-. Board by a separate: resolution.. The resolution was thereupon put to a vote which resulted as fol- Taws: . Mr. Harri s, Supie rvi s or voting Aye Mr. Bentley, .Tustice of Peace Aye W. Akins, Justice. of Peace Aye Mr.. Walkup, .Councilman. Aye Nees - None The resolution was declared duly adopted. William J. Hart was present. The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read and placed on file. TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY . Pursuant to S"e cti on. 119 of the T own_Law, I hereby render the f el.- l.owing. detailed statement of all moneys received and disbursed by me, as Supervisor, during the month of April, 1954. Date RECEIPTS Amount Received Source. ., Received Apr. Z Highway. Dept. highway Budget Note & Int. $: 909.38 Ft. Amh.-Lighting Dist.Pay't & Int. 1068.19 General Fund Water-Supply Payt. ; 3582.66 General Fund Extra Assess Purposes 4556.25 Arthur Hillis.. Penalties 135,76, Highway. Dept. Dad.. Payroll � - 20.30 Highway Dept. Dad. Payroll 23:15 - Pine View Cem.Fd.Ded. Payr®ll #6 .74 Me View, Cem-. -Fd. Ded.Peyroll_#5 1.47 24 • State Justice Fees - - 373.50 Fftnces Turner.. Town Clark Fees 94900 wank Cowles,- Cemetery Funds 137.50 Air Land Motors Refund _ 9129 Pine:-View Cemetery Funds Dad. Payron #7' 2.010 Highway Dept. Tied. Payroll #8 ._ 15,31 30 Howard Wallace- Water Funds 100.85 Howard Wallace Water Minds 330.50 Total $a, 29.95 DISBURSEMENTS Amount Fund or Account Paid General Fund Fine View Cemetery 503.49 N.G.F. Water Dist. 103.63 N.G.F.Water Dist Ext. 910Q Ridge lioad Water Dist. 91001 Cleverdale_ Lighting Dist. 82_114 Ft,. Anh.' Lights - 1236.65 - - Total Disbursements 959.76 Resolution: fo. 50 introduced by Justice Etantley, seconded by Councilman is Walkup: i RESOLVED that the Tawn purchase from Royden. Scofield the lands as designated-Parcels 19213, & 4 as described on a map showing proposed relocation of a portion of Tee Hill Road made by John Van Dusan, sur- veyor, dated May 25, 195:6. Du3.y adopted by the fb1lewing vote I r 175 Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Akins and Mr. Harr_.s. _ Noes - None . Resolution Na. 51 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury convey to Royden Scofield Parewl :-*Ap_as_described on a map-showing proposed relocation_ of a portion-of Tee- Dill Road made by John Van. Dusen, surveyor, dated May 25th, 19566. _ Further' resolved, that the County Attorney be and is hereby author- ized and directed to prepare the necessary instruments of conveyance. Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes - Mr. Walkup::, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris. Noes - None. The board audited claims as follows: SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN-OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE MONTH OF, - R - _... • . . Amt. Amt. Het.. Name of; Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 135 Vices L. Turner Pottage ste s_T .CIk. 6.00 6000 136 Dennis do-Co., Jae. Sup lies-M.S.,Ben.tley,dF •1.8.94 18.94 137 Idw. Thompson Co. Pckt.Fts.-Sapt.Avys. 2.50 2.50 138 Dennis & Co. , Inc:. 1 pad-Stagw.menthly rpts. 5.27 5.27 139 Russell do wait. Supplies-Tva.Clk.effice 2.00 2.00 140 rathryn E. -O�Brien Type.Tun.Bd.Mi.meetings 5.00 5.00 141 Glens Falls Post Co. Pub.Not.hearing ordinance restrict Ptrking 1.42 Kathryn, E. O'Brien Type trans e.action Nopl ��04 11.04 vs.Ray,K,Sutliff,also vs, Richard Sutliff 8.00 8..00 1' 3. N Y.Telephonee Co. Te .Sbry Storehouse 16.40 16.40 1.44 'Watervliet Iron' 1- 8, Cat basin frame & grater Arass & Foundry Co-. 2-1gt.grates(D3 .#1Q) 73.00 NfA 145 Kathryn. YXIBrien Type spee.on machinery for Town Picard 1100- 1.00 146 G.F. Pest Coo Pu'b.Nkt,ow Sea eed Proposals to supply Town with machin- ery 10.23 1.0.23 1-47 Defiance Asphalt'Cor.Bal.due paving; 2030 sq.yds. - roads. P Cox.. 375.55 375.55 3-48, Stewrart-Kul'lmsn Autw Overh .t Briggs-Stratton Service Motors 42.41' 42.41 149: Ilea& s Tire Sera'. Supplies--oil-Per Con. 5.40 5.40 1�0 q,.T.Nat.Bank..& Trust $:D. boat #1.532 name 9f Cea. C� .T of__Q 4.40 4.44 1:51. Capitol Equipment Cot. Automotive parts 48.96 N/A. 1ST Ni"ara_J.4&,.Fe rer Str.ltng. , .asis-n 1U.69 I*", 153- Niagara-Nhk.Pewe r 8tr.LtzC,Ft.Anb..&..Garrisex. 16.8..06 168906 3-54 Earl Aldous M gZydraht._wrench-NGFWD 6100 6.00 T U heeen No Stevee$ rveyer-services on m 37.40 37.41 156 City G,F.Wateer Fed. Metered Water rent #93 t NGF WD 1314.87 1314.8.7 1-57 CLty G.F. Water Pd. Metered Water rent #93A NGAD 373.77" 373.77 158 City G.F. Water. Fd. Metered-TpTater Rent RRWD 76.80; 7G..8a; 159 City G.F. 'Hater Fet. Metered dater Rent WGM. 38:4.35 384.33 160 N.Y.State Fietgrl.ayees' Town of Queensbury share 5244.00 524440 Retirement. Systex on Retirement System 76 1:61 &emm Fuel=Town Storehoixse '22.35 22.35 streets - M 162, Nathan P.reller Premium on Insurance a.s itemi zed.on stmn.t 211.42 211.42 8656.72: $8534.76 On motion the meeting adjourned. F t er - Town Clerk: Special Meeting June 6„ 1956 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Sustice of` the Peace Harold, Akins Justice of the Peace Raymond .Walkup Councilman Absent., Curti s, Lampson Councilman The board convened at 7:30 F.M. Mr. Dube, Attorney,, of the firm of Clark, Imrie and Dube, was present in reference to the laying of pipes on. New Pine Street and Carroll Street in the Town of- Queensbury. - a A discussion was had on the easement between the Village of Hudson Falls and the Town of Queensbury bRazi; ti?.�,A: 2 Re-.solu.ti on.. #52 y Mr. Bentley offered the following resolution. (#52) , seconded by Mr. Walkup:: • RESOLVED, that the Village of Hudson Falls, Washington- County, New York, ba. granted a permit to lay and.'maintain a water line or water lines under and along New Pine Street and Carrol Street in the Town of Queens- bury, and be it further. RESOLVED, that said Village of Hudson Falls be granted.aaperpetual right and easement to lay and maintain said water lines under and along the said New brine Street and said Carrol Street, and be it further 4 RESOLVED,, that Ernest B. -Lackeys the Town Superintendent of High- ways,; be, and_he hereby is, authorized and directed to execute said permit, and•be it further RESOLVED,, that H. Russell Harris, - 51ipervisor of this tom, be, and he•he-reby is, ..authorized .and empowered-to execute. said easement for and en behalf of this town, and that he be further authorized and empowered to•do all such other acts and things which may be necessary or advisable w eonnection with the foregoing,. and be it further RESOLVED r. that the form of the said permit aryl the said easement be offeredd_by_the County Attorney of the County of Warreen.0 Duly adopted by the following vote: .yes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and,Mr. Harris a a Noes - none. Also present, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of Spruce Court., in relation to sub- surface drainage.