1956-06-23 179
York,, is within every debt and other limit premcriueu by the uonstitu«
tion and laws of the State of New York. _
IN WITNES$ WHEREOF,, the Town of Warren County,
New York, has caused this bond. to be signed by its Supervisors and its
corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested bytits Town Clerk,
and this bond to be dated as of the day of 19
T OLIN OF Warren County, N.Y.
By . . . . .
Se al
- Town Clerk
t 6. The Supervisor is hereby delegated the power to prepare such
bonds and to sell such bonds at private sale at not less than par and
accrued interest, and at such sale to fix the interest rate to be borne
r n this resolution.. The
t limitations set forth i
by such d '�
bon within he f_
Supervisor shall deliver such bonds to the purchaser thereof only .
r against each certified check, aril. the purchaser shall not be obliged
I to see to the appli-cation thereof.
7. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
I% The foregoing; resolution was duly put to a vote which resulted as
H.: Russell Harris Supervisor Aye
Nlere4ith Bentley t Justice of the Peace Aye
Harold C. Akins Justice of the Peace Aye
Raymond Walkup Councilman Aye
- Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent
The resolution having received at least a two--thirds affirmative
vote of the members of the Town Board: was declared by the Supervisor
to be duly adopted.
On motion the meeting; adjourned.
- t -Town Clerk.
Regular Meeting June 23, 1956
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Harold Akins Justice of.' the Peace
- Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
j Absent: Raymond Walkup Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M;..
Milton. Daugert and Charles Martin were present and: discussed the noise
being, made at a dog kennel near Glenwood Avenue.
i -
The matter was generally discussed with them, and no other action taken
by the Board.
The fallowing letter-was read to the Board:.
j -
Village of Hudson Palls
Hudson Falls, N.Y..
June 13,, 1956
Mr H. Russell Harris
Star- Route, Ridge Road
Glens Falls, New York
Dear_ Mr. Harris;
I .havg gnglQsgd ,certifigd ,copy of resolution adopted by the 1
Berard of Tmistees of the Village of Hudson Falls on June 11, 1956,
in connection with the permit proposed to be granted .to the Village
of' Hudson Falls to lay and maintain a water pipe in New Pine Street
and. Carrol -Street in the= Town of Queensbury..
We would appreciate receipt of` thg pe=:Lt,, eXQcuted by the Town'
Superintendent of Highways and the Town Board at your earliest jop--
portunity. Very truly yours,
Isl Bertram J. Dube
Villiag Attorney
1,67 Main- Street
Hudson Falls, New York
Trustee Werner offered the following resolution and, moved its
ad.opti on
RESOLVED,, that the Village of, Hudson Falls accept a& permit, in
the form required by Section 1149 of the Highway Law, authorizing this
Tillage to lay and maintain a water pipe in New Fine Street and Carrol
Street in the Town of' Queensbury, Warren County,_ New York, and be it
RESOLVED,, that the Mayor be, and he hereby is-, authorized and i
empowered toe p execute said permit for and on behalf of the Village, and
that he be further authorized and empowered to do all such further
acts and things which he may consider necessary or advisable in connect-
ion therewith.
The foregoing resolution was seconded by Trustee Mayotte, duly f
put to. $ vote:, and declared unanimously adopted.
Resolution #56 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
Akins: -
WHEREAS this Board on the Gth day of June, 1956., did adopt Res-
alution #52__whereby. and wherein among other things, it was authorized
and direct d that the Supervisor execute an easement to the Village of
Hudson Falls.
'%SOIVED that the Resolution aforesaid be amended, by striking out
that portion of the resolution which authorizes- and directs the Super-
v4sor to execute an easement for and on behalf of the Town of Queens-
' Drury to the Village of Hudson Falls for_ the laying of a maln along New
Fine Street an& Carr_al Street in the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote,:
Ayes Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Resolution #57 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded,by Justice Bentley:
RESOLVED that the Town purchase from J.E. Sawyer & Co 50 lengths
of 24 galvanized pipe for sign posts;
Further resolved, that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized
and directed to order the aforesa,,d pipe.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
k Noes - none
Leander Dickinson was present and discussed with the Board the re.
location-of a portion of the Rockhurst Road..
Resolution #58 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by
Justice Akins: --
WHEREAS the Town of Queensbury purchased from Royden Scofield
lands for _the purpose of relocation of a portion of the Tee-Hill Road
at a cost of $400,00s, and
- WHEREAS the said Royden Scofield has given a good and sufficient
deed conveying the. premises for the said relocation,
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he is hereby authorized
to. pay to the-said Royd e xa. Scofield the said sum of $400.00.
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes Mr. Bentley,, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
k -
Noes - none
Mr. Lackey was present and orally recommended that the salary of
Grader Operators be increased from $1.35 per hour to $1.40 per
hour.. '
Resolution #59: introduc_ed by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
i - Akins•
RESOLVED that the County Attorney be and is hereby authorized
to prepare-the necessary Legal steps and procedures to abandorL the
Town Road from approximately the foot of Burnt Hill Road on Assembly
Point to what is known as the Canil. -
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. stns= and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Henry Metzner was present on behalf of the Optimists' Club and
requested permission to hold a circus on behalf of th4lClub on
Eproperty owned by Owen Kane or_ Bay Road.
ResolutiorrL #60 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
` RESOLVED that a circus be held in .the Town of ,Queensbury as
Name of Sponsor - Optimists7l� Club
Name of Circus - Christiana Bros.
Date -► July 27,, 1956
Place _ Owen Kane lot, Bay Boad.
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she is hereby authorized
and directed to issue a permit to hold the circus aforesaid upon the
payment of a fee of $100.00.
Duly adopted by the following voter
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and. Mr. Farris
Noes - none 1
Mr. Griffin was present and discussed with the Board the speed at
which motor vehicles travel on the Country Club. Road in the vicinity
of his home. He asked that some restraint as to the maximum rate of
speed at which vehicles may travel be; placed on the Country Club Road.
A general discussion was had in the matter.
Resolution #61 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Justice Bentley:
RESOLVED that the Town Board request that speed at which motor
vehicles nt-ay be operated.. be restricted upon the Town Highways as fol-
lows:: Country Club Road from Glenwood Avenues to the Glens Falls-Lake
George Highway Ar Glenwood Avenue from the Lake George Highway to
Bay Road.
Duly adopted by the fallowing vote : j
Ayes -- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Resolution #62 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Justice Akins:
RESOLVED that they Town hereby accepts. for Highway pixrposes the
lands as described in a deed from Ovide D. Prince, Sr. and Mary Prine 1
his wife, to the Town of Queensbury, dated June 14,, 1959. j
This acceptance is subject to the approval of the County Attor-
ney as. to the sufficiency of the deed of conveyance:. j
Duly adopted by the following vote: j
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
,Noes - none
The monthly statement of the Supervisor wc.s read and approved:
Monthly Statement of Supervisor
May, 1956
Receipts Source Received
General $5449.96
Pine View 745'.75
N.G.F.W. Dist. 1892.44 j
W.G.F.W.D. x.044.03
N.G.:F.W.D. Ext. 3649,88 I
Capital Reserve Amd, _ 5044.27' {
Soc.Sec.C ont.Fand 19.13
Highway 1338,42
Total receipts $19183.68
M -Disbursements Amount
. Fond *or Aecount Paid '
General 8391,81
• Pine View 1053.22:.
N.G.F.W.D.I, 454,77
W ,G.F.W=.D.I Ext. 424.33
I N.G.F.W.D.Ext. 6536.12' '
Capital _ 600.00
�I Ridge ist. 76.80
Ft. Amh. Lights 168.86
Total Disbursements $17705.11
The board audited claims as follows:
For the month of June, 1956 '
Amt. Amt.
No. Name of Claimant Nature: of Clam Claimed Allowed
163 Russell & Wait Envelopes--R.R..W.D. . 1.25 1 2
164 Russell & Wait Sagpl.les-NGFWD _&_Ext. 7.20 7.20
165 Niagara-Mohawk Purr.Str.ltng.&tref.signals 1-81. 2 181..62;
166 Niagara-Mohawk Prr.Str.ltngsFort Amherst
& Garrison Rd,.. 168,46 168.46
1*7 Heard A. L Rose Mi scel.,for excavation
& erection of a Pump
vault at the intersect-
ion of Aviation and L,
George Rd.NG74D - 975.00 975.00,
1.68 Alice M.Kinderman Insp.of ETect.(Prim.)
_�1. � 3.2:00 12,:00
169 Marjorie Murray �� " 12_.00 12,00
170 Clara F. Taylor 12:.00 '12.00
173 Gladys-E.LaFmuntain 177.00 171-00
172 Marion Martindale ts #2 12.00 12:,00
3-73 Russell & Wai.t Supplies-TwnClk-Office 4.80 4,80.
174 Mtnside Free Library-Annual Donation 100.00- 100.00
1_75 Kathryn Z.O'Brien . Type.Twn.Sd.Min.Mtngs. 5.00 5100
1..76 Mrs.Ruth Wallace 11 days pay 9 2,50 per d,
• from Apr.l to 12th. 27.50 27.50
17? N.Y.Tel.Ce. Pike .`serv.Strhouse 15.60 15.60
178, Edw.Thompsoz_,, C:o. McKi=ey''s Pkt,pts. 7,50 7,50
179 Elmer Corlew Inst.ltooths-Primary 68.00 N.A,.
18:0 Fero- Enamer.Go. Str.sgns as itemized 924.96 924.96
181 City G.F.W. �d. Misc.-leak-NGFWB 149.28, 149.28
182 " a " NGFW l yd.Garrison Rd. 64.29 64.29
1.83 n a a Repgir Hyds. M NGFWD 30.98 30.98
184 Teak:-Upr.Glen main
NGFWD 25.44 25.44
185 " '� Misc.leak .as itemized
t NGFWD 31.42 31.42
186: Nathan ProllOr Audit P'.L.Gen.G.F-.
MFC73-92r-A , - 133.84 133.84
18 7 Nathan Prolle r Audit F.I. .s,h�M 71
925.-A. Pv..- - - 17.07 17.07
188 City G.F.Water Fd. Mis:c.as itemized-NGFWD 15.56 15.56
189 City G.F,Watter Td. " a u _ ._127.24 - 127.24
190 City G.F".Water Fd. Woodbury-Lumber Yd.
NGFNiD - 56.5:7 58.57
1191, Scotty's Fuel, .Oil-Storehouse 18.85 18.85
1:92 Mrs.Lottie S, La- Refund 3 _mos.water
-Brllr rent-NGFWD 7,'87 7,87
193 Nat.Welding Co.. Thawing -pipe(Huletts)
NGFWD 10.00 10.00
194 N.Y.S.Dept SUdit Supplemental Pension
& Control Fund: 50.76 50.76
195 N.Y...S.Soc`.See. Anngost Admin.Art.6
Agency Sect.108 of� C.S,L. 3.65 3.65
196 G.F.Rubher. Stamp Wks.
1 Rubber stamp -NGF'WD 2.20 2.20
197 Mrs.H.Dewey-tiller 10__hrs.Help.Mr.Lavexy 10.00 N.A.
198; Niagara.-Mhk. Pvr. Str.Ttng-Cleverdale 41.08 41.08
i Total $3349.99 X3271.99
On motion the meeting adjourned to Tuesday, June, 26, 19569,
at 7:30 F.M. alt the Clerk"s office. I -
-Town Clerk.
Adjourned Meeting June 26, 1956
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of' the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup. Councilman
Ab§ent Curtis Lampson - Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M:- '
The Clerk read the following communications :.
V May 279, 1956
Mr. Frances L. Turner
TdQn.-Clerk . ' .
R.F.D. 1, Glens Falls, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Turner:
Lifted below are the names which we recommend for election inspectors
foil the year 1956 and 1957
Alice Kindermeh Box 565 Glens Falls R.10.1
` Mar4orie Murray R.D. 1 Glens Falls _
Elea McDermott, R.D. 1 Glens Falls ' '
` Eileen McDermott _ R.D. 1 Glens ral.ls '
Mary A. Kane Bray Road Glens- Falls
` Maryy' Sullivan 7 Saxgent St. Glens Falls
Vi vl:a.Gooch - R.I . 2 Glens' Falls
Ann 'R. Hammond ' R.D. 3 Glens Falls
Evelyn Grant R.D. 3 Glens Falls
NZarion Due1T 6 Second St., -W.G.F..
Sincerely yours,,
" /s/ D. Frank Sullivan
` Democratic County Chairman
` County of Warren
Mr.' Earl R. Vetter, Chairman
Warren County 'Republican Committee `
Chestertown, N.Y.' '
We hereby recommend for appointment as inspectors of election
in Dist. of' the Town of for a term beginning July 15, 19563
the`-f oll owing
Name:: Clara Taylor Address'. Boulevard'
Name : Gladys. LaFountain " 11 Warren St.
` Very truly yours,,
%s/ Anna McCaghey