1956-06-26 i
196 G.F.Rubber. Stamp Wks.
1 Rubber stamp -NGFWD 2.20 2.20
197 Mrs.H.Dewey�V lier TO__hrs.Help..Mr.Lavgry 10.0O N.A.
j 198. Niagara..Nhk Parr. Str.Ttng-Cl.everdale 41.08 41.08
Total $3349.99 0271.99.
On motioh the meeting adjourned to Tuesdgy, g'ujae. 26, 1956,
at 7:30 F.M. at the Clerk'is office.
-Town Clerk:
Adjourned Feting June 26, 1956
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Ha°bold Akins Justice of the Pea4pe
Raymond Walkup _ Councilman
Abeent r Curtis Lamson _ Councilman
The board conlenued at 7:$0 F.M - '
The Clerk read the following communications ::
May 27,, 1956
Mr. Frances L. Turne-r .
R.F.D. 1, Glens Falls, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Turner:
Li9ted below are the naves which we recommend for election inspectors
foe the year 1956 and 1957
Alice Kinderman Box 565 Glens Falls R.D.l
Mar4orie Murray R.D. 1 Glens Falls
El:va ,McDermottr R.D. 1 Glens Falls * .
` Eileen McDermatt _ R.D. 1 Glens Falls '
Mary A.. Kane Bay Read Glens- Falls
' Mary Sullivan 7 Sargent Sti. Glens Falls
Viela-Gooch RX. 2. Glenn Falls
Ann *R. Hammond R.D. 3 Glens Falls
Evelyn Grant $.D. 3 Glens Falls
Marion Duell 6 Second St., -W.G.F..
Sincerely yours,
. Isl D. Frank Sullivan
` Democratic County Chairman
` a County of Warren
Mr.` Earl R. Utter, CheIrman
Warren County 'Republican Committee
Chestertown, N.Y.' '
We hereby recommend for appointment as inspectors of election
in Dist. of' the Town of for a term beginning July 15, 1956,
the'-following r`
Name:: Clara Taylor Address': Boulevard`
Name Gladys LaFountain. " 11 Warren St.
Very truly yours,:
/S/ Anna McCaghey
Town: Queensbury E.D. lst
Mr. Earl R. Vetter, Chairman
Warm County Republican Committee
Chestertown, N.Y.
We hereby recommend for appointment as inspectors of election in
Dist. 2 of the Town of Queensbury for a term beginning July 15, 1956,
the following:
Name :: Minnie Bidwell: Address: Star Route, Glens Falls
Name : Marion Martindale Address: E.D. 1, Lake George
Very truly yours,
/s/ -Bernard C. Allen
/s/ John 0. Webster
Town Queensbury E..D. 2 Committeemen
Mr. Earl R. Vetter, Chairman
Warren. County Republican Committee
Chestertown, N.Y.
We hereby recommend for appointment as inspectors of election in
Dist. 3 of the Town of Queensbury fora term beginning July 15, 1956,
the following:
Name :: Doris R. Chadwick Address: Lake George R.D. #1
Name Irene E. Have Address: 88 Glenwood Ave.
Very truly yours,
z /s/ Leon Lavery
/s/ Theodore Turner
. Committeemen
Town Queensbury E.D. 3
Mr. Earl R. Vetter, Chairman. _
Warren County Republican Committee
Chestertown, N.Y.
We hereby remommend for appointment as inspectors of election in
Dist. 4 of the Town of Queensbury for a term beginning July 15, 1956, the
Names: Hazel M. Smith Address:. Aviation Road
Name -. Marion Crannell Address ; 95 Dixon Road
Very truly yours,,
/s/ Leroy Phillips
/s/ Stanley B. Miller
Committeemen j
Town Queensbury E.D. 4
Mr. Earl R. Vetter, Chairman -
Warren County Republican Committee I
Chestertown, N.Y. I
We hereby recommend for appointment as inspectors of election in
Dist. 5 of the Town of Queensbury for a term beginning July 15, 1956,
the following: ,_ ,
Name :. Mrs. Pauline Joslyn Address : R.D. 2, Glens Falls , N.Y.
Name Mrs. Leon Frazier Address ; R.D. 2, Glens Falls , N.Y.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Leon S. Richardson
/s/ Warren T. Varney
-Committeemen' .
Tolm Queensbury E.D. 5
Resolution $ introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Justice Akins:
RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby appointed inspectors
of election for the ensuing year
Republican E. D. #L Democratic
Clara Taylor Alice Kinderman
Gladys. La :Fountain Marjor$e ,Murray
E D. #2
Minnie Bidwel3- _ Elva McDermott.
Marion Martindale Ellen McDermott
E. D. #3
Doris Chadwick _ _ Mary A. Kann
Irene Howe Mary Sullivan
E. D. #4
Hazel Smith _ Viola Gooch
Mari on._Crannell Ann R. Hammond
E. D. #5
Pauline Joslyn Evelyn. Grant
Mr's. Leon Frazier Marion Duell
Resolved that the cbmpensa.tion for each of the aforesaid inspectors '
be and is hereby fixed at $14.00 per day for each registration, primary
and election days..
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. mentley, Mr. A1,Ans and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The following letter was read to the board:
Ridge. Road
Glens Falls, New York
June 23, 1956
Town of Qu.eensbury Water District
Glens Falls, N.Y. -
Bid -- Lawton Road, Pipe line
Excavation, laying and backfilling 500' of 6" pipe line at Lawton Road
9 80 cents per Lin. Ft. _ -
Installing Valve and Hydrant $15.00
Pipe and. Tap, Sleeve, Hydrant and Valve not included
Installation of Tap and. Sleeve not included.
Is/ John Kub ri cky,
1 Resolution # ` introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice Bentley:.
RESOLVED that the proposal of John Kubricky for the excavation,
__=a-h4ckfilling of 500, of 611 .pipe._line at Lawton Road at 80¢
per lineal foor and $15.00 for installing valve and hydrant,. be and the
sane is hereby accepted,, and that the contract for laying of the aforesaid
pipe be, and the same is hereby awarded to John Kubricky in accordance
with the proposal received.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
A.yes4 RCS, Walk-up, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The following com un.icati on was read' .-
Consulting_ Engineer . _
189 North Lake Ave. Troy, N.Y.
May 100 1956
Mr.. H. Russell Harris, Supervisor
Town. of Queensbury
Star Route <
Glens Falls, N..Y.
*Dear Mr. Harris:
This is to acknowledge and thank you for the accepted copy of, my
Proposal of April 13, 1956 which was received yesterday. I look forward
to working with you and. the members of the T&m Board on this project.
I: will write or telephone you during next week and arrange to begin
the study.
Very truly yours, .
cc--.- 'Frances 1L. Turner, Town Clerk Joseph A I�estner, Jr.
-Resolution #0 e
introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Justice Akins:
RESOLVED that Supervisor Harris is hereby authorized and directed
to cause to be installed 500, of 6" cast iron water pipe with hydrant and
valves beginning at the Sweet Road, running north on Lawton Road for a
distance of 5001,,
Further Resolved, that Supervisor Harris be and is hereby authorized
and directed to purchase at the expense of the North Glens Falls Water
District the necessary materials for such installation not to exceeG
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins an Mr. Harris
Noes — none
Resolution introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Justice Akins:
DATED:: June 4.6, 1956
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,
New York, by resolution adopted on the 26th day of Mak, 1956x authorized
the Town Superintendent of Highways to purchase a 1956 International
model 819,2 truck and equipment at a total cost of $14,995.00, subject to
the ,a.ppsQQal of the County Superintendent of Highways, and provided that
;13;,000000 of such cost should be paid from the proceeds of obligations
to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law, and
WHEREAS, a contract of purchase for such truck and equipment was duly
entered into by the 'Town Superintendent of Highways on the 26th day of May,
1956,, which contract has been approved by the County Superintendent of
Highways ,.
Now,: therefore , be it RESOLVED:
1. The specific object1or' purpose for which obligations are to be
issued pursuant to this resolution is to finance the cost of a 1956 Inter-
national model R192 truck and equipment.
2. The :maximum cost of such truck and. equipment is $143,995.00 and
the plan of financing* such cost is t,s follows** X1,,998.00 is to be pro-
vided by current funds to be paid from the machinery fund in the current
budget, and the balance of $13,000. of the vost is to be provided by the
issuance of serial bonds pursuant to this resolution.
3. The following determinations are hereby made :
(a) The period of probably usefulness of such truck and
equipment is five years,
(b) The subdivision of paragraph 2 of Section 11.00 of
_ the Local Finance Law which is applicable in the
circumstances is subdivision 28,
(c) The proposed maturity of the obligations authorized
by this- resolution will not be in excess of five years.
4. That the Town of Queensbury shall issue its serial bonds in
the amount- of $139,000.00 to-finance such cost in accordance with the finan-
cial plan set forth above. Such bonds shall be dated approximately as of
the: date of the delivery of_such truck and equipment and the power to fix
and determine the exact date of such bonds is hereby delegated to the
5. Suchrbonds shall be numbered l to 5 inclusive, and shall be in
tha denomination of $2,,600:.00. each, and shall mature in numerical order
in the years and amounts as follows: 19579, $29600.00;; 1958* $2:600.00, _
195,9 3, $29,600.00;, 19601 $2,,,600.00 and 1961„ $29.600,00. The power to de-
termine the date upon which such bonds shall become due is hereby de1e-
gated to the Supervisor. The bonds shall be issued in bearer form without
coupons and Shall not contain a pourer to convert to registered form. The
bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding two and one-half per
centum per annum payable annually and, payment of such interest shall be
evidenced by notation thereof on the bonds at the time of the payment.
The bonds shall be in substantially the following form:
State . of -New-York -
County of Warren
Town of
No. Serial Bond of 19 �
The Town of in the County of Warren', a municipality
of the . State of New York, hereby acknowledged itself to be indebted and
for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this bond or,, if it
be registered, to the registered holder, on the day of
19 , the sum of and. to pay interest on said sum at
the rate of per centum (. ) per annum semi-annually on the
day of and ^ in-each year from the: d ate of this bond,
it it matures, upon presentation of this' bond for notation of the
until _
payment of such interest thereon, or, if this bond be registered, to the
registered holder. Bath principal of and interest on this- bond will be pa
paid in lawful money- of the Unitee States of America at the office of
This bond may be converted into a registered bond in accordance with
the provisions of the Local Finance Law. `
This bond is one of an authorized issue, the aggregate principal
amount. of -which is ! the. bonds of which are' of like tenor,
except as to number and maturity, and are issued pursuant to a bond
resolution entitled
The faith and credit of said Town of , Warren County,
New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of
the principal of and interest on said bond according to its terms.
I_t is hereby, certified and recited• that all conditions, acts and
things-required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of Neer
York to exist., to have happened and to bave been performed precedent
to and in the issuance of this bond,; exist, have happened and have been
perfermeds, and that the issue of bonft of which this is one, together
with all other indebtedness of the said Town of
Warren County, New York, is within every.debt, and other limit- pressidbed
by the Constitution and laws of the State of New York.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Warren Count
New York,, _ha S caused this bored. to be s y'
signed by its Supervisor, and its
oerporate seal to be hereunto affixed anal. attested by its Town Clerk,,
and this bond to be dated as of the day of 19
TOWN OF Warren County,, N.Y..
By . . . ... .......... .. . .. ...
Sea.I Supervi� r
Town Co
Vii. The Supervisot is hereby delegated the power to prepare suvh
bonds and to sell such fronds at private sale at not less than par and
accrued interest, and at such sale to fix the interest rate to be borne
by such bonds within the limitations set forth in this resolution. The
supervisor shall deliver such bonds to the purchaser thereof only .
against each certified check,, and the purthaser shall not be obliged
to see to the application thereof.
7. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote which resulted as
H. Russell Harris Supervisor Aye
Meredith Bentley Justice Qf the Peace Aye
Harold �%. Akins Justice of the Peace Aye
Raymond Walkup; Councilman Aye
Curtis Lampson Councilman absent
The resolution having received at least a two-thirds affirmative
vote of the members of the Town Board was declared by the Supervisor to:
be duly adopted.
Resolution #67 introduced by Jusieist,zlseo� .
. ustlet.Bentley::
RESOLVED that the hourly compensation rate of the° Grader Opera.
tors of` the Town of Queensbury be increa fr.om� '
Duly adopted by the following vote::
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harms
Noes -none.
On m= adjourned,
• , own Clerk