1956-09-22 211
All rates to remain as heretofore fixed .
FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing rates shall take effect
Novembar jst, -
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and N'r. Harris
Noes none
On motion the meeting adjourned .
��,we `.�
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting September 22„ 1956
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of- the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup
CQU soilma -• t�
Absent: Curtis Lampson Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M.
Clifford: Coate and Dr. Robert A. Reid, owners of the former Mulholland
property, were present in reference to Rolling Ridge Estate.
Resolution No. 79 introduced by ;'ustice Bentley, seconded. by Justice
- Akins
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts all the lands
conveyed in a_d.eed from Clifford M. Coombs and Robert A. Reid, dvb.a.
Rolling Ridge Estates,, to the Town of Cu.eensbury dated September 21st,
1956,for highway purposes.
Further resolved that the highways accepted herein shall be 'mown
and designated as Sheraton Lane , Lyndon Road and Wincoma Drive as des-
cribed: in the deed_and laid.- d own on a map of lands of Section No. 1 of
Rolling Ridge Estates,
Further resolved , that the foregoing acceptance is expressly on
the following conditions: -
i -
1. That the Grantors �h�ll convey- an ea-sment -of 50 Feet-- square
off the northeasterly end of Wincoma Driver
2. That the lands shall be clear of all mortgages , liens, or other
encumbrances except as noted in. the aforementioned instrument of convey-
3. Further resolved that the foregoing acceptance is and the same
is hereby subject to the approval of the County Attorney as to title ,
aforementioned conditions and sufficiency of the. instrument of convey-
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - MV. Walkup,, 'Mr. Bentley,, Mr. Akins and 2Vir. Harris
Noes - none
lair. n. F. Brown 6f Ft. Amherst Road. discussed with the board a drain
,eThicI4 runs•,into the cellar in his house and is apparently clogged.
The following; letter was read to the board : `
Glens Falls x N.Y..
Sept. 22 1. 1.956
Town Board -
Town of Queensbury
Glens Falis, N.Y. -
,Members of the Tmirn Board _
Dear Sirs :
I wish to express my appreciation for my leave of absence as
Constable of the Town. of Queensbury.
I am now in a position to carry out the duties of that office.
Our section of the Town is groti�ring rapidly. I have had several re-
quests for services. in the last few weeks. -
I would appreciate it very much if I might be reinstated as an
active . Constable in the Town of 7,ueensbury,
Thank you.
Respectfully submitted,
/sl Bernard Codner
Resolution No. 80,, introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Council-
nan Walkup
RESOLVED that Bernard J.` Codner be and is hereby appointed con-
stable to serve at the pleasure of this board .
Duly adopted by the following vote : k
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley , Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris . I �
Noes - none
7, P p
Mfr,. Akins presented' the follo?rin , letter:
September 1.41 1956' `
Mr.. Harold C . Akins
Justice of the Peace
Glens Falls, New York.
Re : 27SAP-37191K -- Town. of Queensbi?.ry vs
Ralph Hicks
- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . .
Dear R1r. mains:
Thank you for your letter dated September 12, 1956 on' the
above,. ,
0ur inspection of the dama.yed street sign would indicate that
I the post earl be reset, and that the signs themselves can be" replac-
` ed. We would , therefore , appreciate receiving an itemized bill for
1 the necessary parts and labor.
We shall be glad to give the matter .further consideration upon Li
receipt of your further a.dvi ces .
Very truly yours ,,
i /s/ Edward D. Mogel
A discussion i,ras had on the cost of the _Ibove ; the matter was re-
ferred to Ernest Lackey.
Rezolution No. 81 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
•WHEREAS Certorari proceedings have been instituted against the Town
of Queensbury by Caroline P. Brovrn to review assessments made one her prop-
RESOLVED that Harry Reoux be and is hereby authorized to appear for
and on behalf. of the. Assessors and the Tolian of �uepnsbury to tal�e the
necessary action a:-,-- is deemed advisable, in the matter to protect the in-
terests of the tax district.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes Mr. Walkup, 17r. Bentley, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris.
-Noes none
Pesolution No. 82 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
707,REAS Certorari proceedings have been instituted aga.l.nst the
assessors of the Toian-i of Queensbury by the City of Glens Falls to re
view assessments on its property,
RESOLVED that Harry Reoux be and, is hereby authorized to appear
for and on-behalf of the assessors and the ToTai of Queensbury to t,:):K-e
necessary action, as is deemed advisable in the ire,+-ter to protect the
interests of the tax district.
Duly adopted by the follo�-Tin ' vote
liyes - Mir. Walli)-, 7.11r. BLntley, 1-Tr. AId-rip and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
'solution No'* 83 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded. by Just-4-ce
RESOLVED t'liat the Town of Queensbury ()urcnase from t1nle Automatic
Voting Pesach-Ine Corporation t�%To votinC machines (1,Telq York State time) 3
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby aufhorized
and directed 'to order_-L(Ihe aforeissid',machine
Duly adopted by the follo,.-Ting vote :
Ave_- Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Akins �,-.nd Mr. Harris
toes none"
The followinc; letter -,.�Tas read to the boqrd :
142 Mc.in Street
Warrensburg, N.Y.
September 19, 1.956
Mr.. H. Russell Harris
Supervisor,: Towln of Queensbury
Glens Falls , RD 2
Ne, York
Dear Russ :
This is to in-form you that on Tuesday, May 22, 1956, a conference
lastInZ, about two hours occurred in my office at Warrensburg; bet,,,!een 7V.,r.
Robeft W. Im-rie and myself in connection with the possibility of com
L 1- L
3romr?_sin,c� and adjustIng, out of Court all of the differences existing
b,,-tl,een the Cj'ty of -Glens 7alls -and the Town of Queensbilry with re-
s----t to the assessn-grit on-the -,:eater-shed --roperty and improvements
o-iD.,P d. by the City of Glens Falls and located in the Toy-,.,n of Queens-
- bury. At the Qqtset of the Gonference I- informed Mr. . L--rie that as a
result of a meetinE with the Town. Board and the Board .of Assessors of
the Town of Queensbury previously held on 'INSay 16,,; 2.956, 1 was author-
ized. to make certain proposals which the Town of Weensbury hoped mi�,�,,ht
eventually lead to a t,h settlement of
4 --.e various controversies which
would be in the permanent interest of both parties. I briefly outlined,
the offer of settlement as follows :
1. 1 stated. that the assess-merit on the water-shed proj)erty
herein referred to would be reduced to the surf, of 6524,,08,00.
2. 1- said that in addition to this all �.ssessments relating to
fences would. be stricken from tht') asslessmenI, roll. This latter offer
was made without specific authority from the Town of Queensbury offi-
cials at that time , taut the Assessors have since done this anyway.
3. I- said that the Town of Queensbury would require the ' cencel-
lation by the City of Glens Falls of the certificate filed with the
-Conservation Department under Section 13 of the Tax Law and which is
now in the process of revie-,.! by the Court.
4. 1 further explained to Yr. Imrie in great detail that the
Officials of the Town of Queensbury3, that is the Town Board and Board
of Assessors , had. unanimously agreed upon a program of. revision of all
dssessments in the town; that the Assessors were certain it could be
accomplished in not more than three yeb_rs , that they thought it could
be done in not more than two years and that I myself was quite confi-
dent it could be done within one year so that the revised assessment
would be completed and in use for next year.
Thereupon, Mr. Imrie said that with respect to the provisions of
Section 13 of the Tax-Law the To-t,�Tn of Queer-sbury would be entitled to
certain nominal payments and I. told him that I- would assume the re-
sponsibility for the O`fficials of the ToT,-m of.waiving !?Lny such pay-
ments which miSht be due,
Mr. Imrie then said. that the offer was less than he had hoped
for but more than be expected. He sa-d he would. take the matter up with
the Officials representing the City of Glens Falls and would notify
me of their decision at, the earliest convenient mement. He said that
it might take some three or four weeks or possibly longer to get them
together, consult with them and go over the matter and I said that this
was perfectly all right with the, Town of Queensbury. I pointed out to
M s engaged in Imrie belief the Town of Queensbury war. Imrie that it gas my
every reasonable effort to .try to �L -permenent,
- a)rovide ling-term and
program in relation to this entire situation which would, we hoped ,
forever settle any controversy between Glens Falls and Queensbury. I
sai-d that it seemed to me if the program proposed by the Town of Queens-
bury were carried into effect as I was sure it would be, this entire
matter would be solved to the general satisfaction of all concerned for
possibly 50 or 1100 years and without future Court action. I said that
it seemed to me that this element was by far the most important one in tt
the offer made by Queensbdry. Mr. Imrie agreed that this VT,9s _-O- Fin
ally, I told Mr. Imrie that if after a full and. complete discussion
of the •proposal the oflici,-3.ls representing the City of Glens Falls had
any counter-proposal to rial,�(-, to the Town of Queensbury, I was -author
ized to receive it but rot to accept. it either in whole , or in part
without submittInE it to the Officials Of Queensbury.
On Tuesday July 103 1956, 1 had a brief tall-, with Mr. Imrie
upon the pecasion of the Grievance Day Hearing by the Assessors of
the Town of Queensbury and I then aslll°ed. him whether any decision had
been, made in regard to the proposal which had been submitted on behalf
of tlae Town ,of 'Queensbury. Imrie infQrmed me that .although he had
had. con$iderablQ di-Scussion. or di-scussions witn various Officials' whom
he did, not name to -me , that the C.ueen!-,bury proio*os'al tires= not acceptable.
The fQrAego1_nL is the situation as briefly as I c6x.,,_ state 'it and
so f,4r. as I !,,,-now anything about it until I saw the article. -published in
the Post-Star on September 1£3, 1§56. I - - . I
Very truly yours,
Is/ Harry A. Reoux
1,71r. $entleyjntrod,uced Resolutior- No. 84 and Moved JL t s adoption, second-
ed by Mr. A 74-1 n,,,!,,
7,MER:�S9 it is provided by'Article 17 6f_th1.e'Tu,Tn La-4 that the title
to every Parcel, of laid wnicl:1 shall have been used by the'in'no"bitants of
r.ny to-vm- as ,a cer
aetery or burial,ground for the space of fourteen years,
and -vhicb is not owned by any -person, cl,_)ur&- or corporation, shall be
vested es ir i tf,e t o,�an and shall be subject to the control of the Toli..7r Board
lhlhere�LS , Ch�%,.)ter 314 of the Laws of 1948 astablisheC a Board of
Cemetery C o m i,i s s i o n e r s in the Town- o f yu e e,n s,bury pr o t I d e d- that the
Board of Ceqietery Commissioners should have the entire mhnaeement,, su-oer-
\T1.sion and cc-ntrol of the ce-me- teri-es and --laces .-,rovided for the b-arila-L
0_f7 txe dead belonging to or urder the control of the To-on i o"I �ueensbury,
Whereas , it aT)-,Dears tlhat , In additfon to Drinevie,,,i Ceps-ater-,,'- -vt' ch
U -L _W' . 0 Ll�
i7 as cqnveyep to, the Town,, of '.�ueensbury, there are other calraeteries
I 1� the Towr Off to; t,�YTZch have been used for b-,irial for
more than fourteen and ers not o-zned- by ,::x.y ,-c�rqcn ,
or corporation,
MMOT-VM thst It be and ne-f-eby is Oetlerialiiod. by the Tol,,n-, 'oo.-ar-61
tc 'r. cle
`.J-e Tu,,fnof I, , J X
title to the GUrrey Lane Cemetery, "a ?"C'U111- 010,
i !, U-
Glens FF'�.11s Cemetery, the Jenikins tle'! 7urT)ysi6, Cer:ie-11.ei-y,
the �,ay Road C
L--lie Seelye Cemetery, tale Harrisena ',-_-,�letery, a e k?i fit,
i, L
all s-1tuated -'-.n the 1oi,.rn c)-r' ueejo-bury, is vested -1-n the Tcin o' '-,,ueeris-
bi).ry; It .1-s - urt'hP.r
RESCLITEED that., pursuant to Chapter 31,� of the LEi:,,--7_s c_" •943, the
f Queensbury be and th,-y
'oce'.'d of CenjeterY Conr,issloners of the ToT,�,n ol 1,
hert3by are 5_�.uthorized to manar,_',e , s-uperviaee control the afc),resadid
cemeteries _,_nd to tf-.Ke ,, hold ar,.0 invest an.-y, or morey PJ_ven,,
devised or be ueatlfied to it for the care of tole aforesaid eemet9ries- , or
ar..N,!, of them-, or any buriLl ,,lots in any of thi-ey and to do
have the bower to do all thi%s authorized by lair with re' ect to said
Duly adopted by the f cllol.rin- vote:
Ayes Tex. 1,'7all-up, '!,7r. Ber,,.tl--y, M.r. A!::_T r s an6 TJr. Hlarris
N none
Jolu-i Van Dusen discussed with t",,s Toi,,n Dc�,,.rd ,Drc,-,,-;csed re-loc�,tA.'-mi
enir,g I e
ff of t�)c- 14jake Sumiysid.-� Road. (north. s d
The b o af"6. auc._i.te0 c 1 a i--P,s a9 To-1lows
T 1 T
FIC-7. T = 0777 OF
SEEPTFE,,�ER4 1956 AM t
N., MT.1� CF CILILIM CLA-41"r, �.LLC
J_ 1!J 7JED
No. N= OF C-L-1,T"'"T I LTru
78 aJ �p
KEithryn '".O!Brien ^- . 7.00 7.00-
3.68 3.68
79 G.Y.Pcst Co.- Pi)b Not Bids cast iron
2SO G P o s t Co. Dub.ITot.-`7pecia1 Election 53.04 53 .04
281 11-,ioirm ,,,n 2*i.T4Tarvey,Y,'-I:,. Zueensbury Tipa.lth
Clini-c (child ) 160.00 160.00
28> G.F.Post Co. Zrirt-Ink Ballots: for Z-,-Cec.
Election 67.89 67,89
2833 NI .Y.Telerhone Co. Phone serv.etc . -Tvm.0-trhs 16.80 16,80
284 J.G.Piscatell-i &- Son - 3141 ICII Ztructi)ral- gale.
pi pe - 301.48 301.48
. -
285 M.S.Bentley,J.P. Pc s tee_-e I at-L-.-c h.r e c e io t s 11.65 11.65
286 Steltiart-Kullman kuto.-Overl-iaul motor 8(,, parts-Pv.Cem.133.65 33.65
28'7' CarEwell. T & T Gasolene PV,Cem. 6.63 6.63
2.96 Niazara-1,11, 'Pwr. U & Garrison 168.46-163.46
289 NiaVELra-T,,Ihk P�rir. 5tr.ltr4,,.& 161,62 161,62
290 Harold F.Deen & Son-"-Elect.serv.as itemA.zed 703,941 703.94
291 Elmer Carlew Settim, u-,,� booths for Spec.El-ect.
rebulld elect.rail-in,-'s 8-, y,nts. 71.00 71.00
292 Arthur McKinney H�.nd labor & misc.as i term zed-DD 60.00 60.00
29a Floyd Martindale Truckine pipe 3.- -,tcr-e ,Hi--hs job
Drainage District 8.00 8,00
294 The Grastorf Press-Shi-o.Anq tax 'cims to Bureau
Gran-ille ,,IT.Y. Local Assessrients3 L. George 138.76 138.76
295 Raymond L.Havens Queensbury Town Surveyor' s
He 1 p e r 50,60 50,60
296 Leon M.Steves Queensbury Tov.,n Surveyor' s
Helper 77,25 77.25
297 Remington-Rand Recond.-ItIoned. 1. =- .!-T/'T
(J1335985) 37450 37.50
Totals J21202.85 $2-1202,85
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk
Special '14pel-inw
October 5, 1056
Russell T -tp-ris 7ui,erw---or
7,7ered-7.th "Bentley Justice of the Peace
Tlarold Just llce of the Peace
Curtis 'amidcoil Counci livan
Absert: Ray-mond- C01-11-le'T "man
t 7:30 F.,ij
T?-)e 1 0! 1, 11-,-V(�ned
The und read tlh.pl of the TIO-vrn
2,-Ml rr!:te of Sapex-vl i c r .!'or tile Tow-a of �ueen.F,,b- v
1c5 7
Gerler�'-I oils
Gereral Govemment
Tovm Board
Toc<Ri Ha11 �anJ ToT.�Irn OL'flces
in - - F, , el3ctioli, tc,. -0
Rentmls (board room,,, off'ic,, 40O .0
Purchase of n.irritui-e & equ-,-rlment, 200.00
5 0 0
Li b L,
Town dumip, labor and equipment ' 1900,00
Compensation of election officials JI,n c. mil I e a 6e 1.3 0 0 0
Com()ansatJI.or, c)c* custodiians of vot.--Tn.L., Dachines 130.00