1956-10-05 SP 260 G.7.171ost Co. , Pu.b.Not.3pecial Election 53.04 53.04 261 Niorm;n 1%.T�qarvey,A".Z.,. Zueensbury Health Clinic (Qhild) 160.00 160.00 Co Post F G 232 rr3.ntr?z Ba.1lgts for 5cec. election - 67.89 67.69 283 N.Y.Telephon_e Co. Phone serv.etc. ,.Twn.Strhs 16.80 16.80 264 J.G.Piscatelli & Son - 3141 1011` Stn,,ct?)ra1 ®alv. - pipe - 301.48 301.48 285 M.S.Bentley,J.P, Posta�;e ,attch.receijpts 11.65 11".65 286 Stewart-Kullman Luto.-Over laid motor & pasts-Pv.Cerr1.33.65 33.65 287' Ca rF-Tell. T & T Gasolene PV,Cem. 6.63 6,63 288 Niaeara-71,1k Pwr. Str.lts.Ft.-,mherst &: Garrison 168.46.16�a.46 - � 239 Niaeara-M k Purr. M"tr.ltrZ.& tr`"f.sicnels 161.62 161.62 290 Harold. F.Dean & Son-Elect.aerv.as itemized 703.9,1 703.94 291 Elmer Corlew Setting up booths for Spec.Elect. rebuild elect.railin;-s e- y!:nts. 71.00 71.00 292 Arthur McKinney H�3.nd labor & misc.-as iielni zed-DD 60.00 60.00 293 Floyd Martindale Trucking; pipe & stone ,Hue-;hes job DrainaZe District 8.00 8.00 294 The Grastorf Press-5hi pinta tax forms to Bureau Granville JT.Y. Local Assessments, L. George 138.76 138.76 295 Raymond. L.Havens queensbury Town S`urveyort s ` - Helper _ 50.60 50.60 296 Leon M.Steves Queensbury Town Surveyor' s ` - Helper _ 77.25 77.25 297 Rem?niton-Rand Reconditioned. 1. R."Zrj-T/' (J133598.5) 37.50 37.50 Totals J22202.85 $Zv202..85 On motion the meetirL adjourned. Town. Clerk � Specira.l 11,eetinw, October 5, 1-056 1. Russel".se. ". CtcLZ'° S si-1i?e.L'v..!_F{�r Bentley �'ustice Of the Peace rc>ld n!<:ins JuJt_,_ce Of carte Peace Curtis Lanrr)son COunci1-flan Absent. Raymond a?_'-o--tp Coi.?7�t ,_1'�ran. The 7:30 F .1,7* The C e i>['c:sentecf-? _1,rC1,. r(-,ad, the of "4.C'l�a mtjSrj`Y,l O fr�.. C=.r-- "Acs '(�_}l- 1 IJ "at:1,ra-te of Supervisor for the Town of '.queer-,Fb lry" 1�"F5 7 - Ger?err�_1. Fund - ?'y;r c,y Y=is.t ions _ General. Government ToUr) Board of .,R.t, iia.i 217 r •..� lJV IVo utarir e ylz7,�3���exr� 100.00 _erect'in P.C;�.aijQr,t 2 OG.00 nsur.axlee' Comm of -,aratilee 75G�.�n .CsO Of"ic?al scuds cnc? unnertr.lz�_,l s IG;J .\ C " ' ty 50VG.0 � ASSOCilltiori of TnjejgjS 00 Socid.l` Securl ty ,a n?exit 500.00 Pr _rti_r r5d { averti (all de ;artrfjents) 800.00 ey j Services of erZineer and A ar,ses 4000.00 -�- EmrPloyees'' Ret-1 remex�t System (to,,�m share) 5300.00 6S'u,pervisor Salary cf -prvl s or p !00O 1_n �50.n�x Police , Crnstabl_es, �r ,, ,.nd. Lino, Other exl�e -es � ., 1.50..00 Traffic ` Si;�;nsr signalers _.nd yl> ? ; � i:;hti.x� TOTAL 3000,00 DoL J'v a,rd6n - Cornpq-rISatiar 550.00 M Other expenses - street s 100.00 Inspection Costs Bul-ldzn.L ix s section 300.00 ppnse s _ 50.00 Public Library Conti° .ct 100.00 Parks and :rlayLrcunds Compensat-T_on of em-,)loyeres 1.00.00 Otb.er expenses ' 50.00 Patriotic Observances TOTS: 150.00 Red.,;mption of Debt (Pri►.cl_,,a1 oxzly) Capital tal Notts _ _ f _ 4500.00 Irterest.on Debt Interest on Ca )ita.l Note 168.75 leteran.s Organ.1.zations for Ro:-71ns .inericax� Le; ion.. Post Rent & Heat %00.00 Pd W BNU ES General Fund Unexpended balances (Sec. 155 ToTon Law) 11000.00 Per capita assistance _ 20969.85 Dog license 1500.00 Jud-eGc .fees 00.00 To 2.0 wn Clerk 2000..00 Fees collector 500..00 _ I Ise/ H. Russell Harris Supervisor ANTv:ICAL BEiA:U�iTB 3MMITTED BY JUSTIC7,, OF Thy PEACE - T Crh7 OF yU v,SBURY For Fiscal Year beE;inn.t.nE January 1, 1957 EXPENDITUR 71S i Salary of Justice 2;200,.00 es, of other employees 20,00 Salari- 10,00 ,Zoste6e Don.&s 204-0 Associati-on, o.10 Tmms 100.-00 Dockets 50.00 Total Expenditures X2400.00 RW, ",,T,7U3S Fines , penal - ' -s and forfeit-u-tres 201-00 1001,00 Motor Vehicle I �17t�Atp,) Civil fees 2040, Civil. fees-doL (.reed . from County) 20,00 Civil fees-Conservation Law(recd. -fro-,, i d :-,fendants) aO.00 18,01.00 Total Revenues- Dated : September 21, 1956 (S-71L,,Ped) Harolfz C- Akins Justice of the Peace • ANI%JJAI, =ITUiTE SUBI-qTT7?,D BY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE T(TVIN OF Foj• Fiscal Year Beginning January 11 1957 EXPETZ)ITUIRES Salary of Justice 3000.00 Salaries of other em-ployees(StenoZrapber) 150.00 Postage 2.06, 00 Books 40,00 Lavy Blanks 301,00 Total E-Kpenditures- 5240,00 REVENTE'S Fines-, pehalties and forfeitures 100,00 Motor vehicle fees(recd . fro-k5-i State) 1000,00 Criminal foes-Indictable cases (reed. from. County) 2,5,00 Civil fees 125.00 Civil fees-dog (reed. from County) 15,00 Civil. fees-Conservation Law (recd . from defendants) 10,00 Total Revenues f2-75.00 Dated : September 22, 1956, 4 (SiSped) Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace ANNUAL E:STINATE SUBT�,ITTED By CO',1j-CTLMkN TCT.,-TN 00" For Fiscal Year January 1$ 1957 RXPEYDITURES Salaries 1200.00 Offide and other expenses Total Expenditures 1300,00 R zzn-,IN�S None * Dated September 22; 1956 (Signed) -Raymond Walkup Councilman • MITTED BY COUNCILMAN -UNUAL ESTTT,,VLTE SUBCOUNCILMAN T(T2., OF 'TE"L'-,NSFU',1y For Fiscal Year Beginning Janu ary 1, 1957 EXPENDIT"ORES Salaries 1200,00 Office and other expenses 100..-00 13- 00.00 Total Expenditures REV 7117TUES None Dated : September 53. l' (Signed) Curtis Lampson Councilman 219 ANNUAL !-1�STI"j'AT:,, SSUBT BITTED BY �.G,°I1 CILFR-' - . ,To"N uT �,UE'LjrSBURY. _ - - For Fl.$pal-Ygar_3gginninL; January 1, 1957 EXPENDITTiTn^ES4 � _ - Salary of Tgwn. Clerk 4000,00 Postage 50.00 Bonds 2.50 Total Expenditures 4052.50 REVENUES Dog Tags 295.00 Trapping 4.75 Marriage licenses 136.50 Hunting and fishing licenses(res. ,, non-res. & alien) - 982.50 Filing (conditional sales con.tr;-ct & chattel mtgs.) 442,.00 Transcripts of records , searches , etc. 2.50 Big game - res. , non-res . & alien 425.25 Archery-Res. 7,00 Junk dealer licenses 90.00 Explos}ve licenses 4.75 Circus and Carnival, permits 200,00 Total Revenues 2590,25 Dated: September X30,. 1956 w (Signed.) Frances L. Turner - Tovm Clerk- ANNUAL ESTIMATE 5 -71 TT:ED BY ASSESSOR - Town- of. Queensbury For Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1957 EXPENDITURy�S Salary of Assessors 4000..00 Office, traveling and other expenses 200.00 Postage 25..00 TOTAL ,EXPENDITURES 4225.00 REVENUES _ None Dated : September 28,, 1956 (;Signed) Ernest Hillis C Assessor ANNUAL ESTIT,;.kTE SbBMITiED BY ASSESSOR -Ta'vm - of. Queensbury- For Fiscal Year beginning January 1,, 1956 EXPENDITURES Salary of Assessors 1200100 Office,, traveling and other expenses 173.45 Total Expenditures 1343.45 REVEIM S None Dated. : September 17,, 1956 (Signed) Stephen B. Duell Assessor - ANNUAL ESTIYU11TE TBTVIITTED BY AS}SESSOR t Totrm. of Queensbury - - For Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1957 EXPENDIT1u1TES Salary of Assessors 2000,00 Office, traveling and other expenses 200,00 Total Expenditures 2200.00 REWENUES None Dated : September 28, 1956 (.Signed) Fred E. Ri ckett s Assessor uG ANNUAL F^TTMATE SUBMITTED BY RECEIVER OF T_ "`,"S - _._ -- _ TQwA,of Queensbvry. For Fiscal Year $eginring January 1, 1957 =171TIDITU 11 Salary 2600.00 Office and. other expenses 125.00 Total Expenditures 2725.00 RJ ENVES None Dated : September 18, 1956 • (Signed) Arthur J. Hillis • Receiver of Taxes ANUTUAL ESTIMATE BUEiLiITTED BY SUPERINTEIV'DM7 OF "TCTH.°'JAYS - Tmm of Queensbury. - For�Fisca.l Year beginning; January 1, 1957' Highway Fund : (Ite_ri 1) Expenditures General Repairs 74000.M- Special improvements ^ 16000.00 Total Expend itu.re s 90S .00 Revenues- State Rid < 4,275.00 Total Revenues 4,275.00 .amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund. (Item 1� 852725.00 Bridge Fund (Item 2) Expenditures None Revenues Unexi?ended balance 8..30 Machinery Fund (Item 3) Expenditures P rcbe-se of mach L nery, tools and 4335.00 Repair of it n u n 8000.00 --' Redem,otion of Lzachi..nery certificates 3450.00 Interest on machinery certificates 215.00 .Note due borrowed for rep. 3500,00 Total Expenditures 20,000.00 Revenues None Amount to be raised. by tax for Mecri_nery Fund- (Item 3)203,000.00 SNM AIT T1'ISICELLANECU,E FTMD (Item 4) _ Expendit-.ures Salary of Town Superintendent 4800.00 pease s- of town superintendent 100.00 Removing obstructions cause(1 by snow 20000.00 Cutting; and removinL: noxious weeds and brush 4000.00 Other miscellaneous pur-coses 1000.00 - Total Ex_penditures 293900.00 Revenue s Miscl. Revenues froTn Warren Co. 4900.00 Total Revenues 4,900.00 AmountC to be raised by tax for Snol�r anc, Miscel- laneous Fund. (Item 4) - - - �.5,000.00 M-11,Zned) Ernest B. .Lackey --� Superintendent of Highways ATv'Tv'UAL EST i,1:T E ;-'MD"fTTTED BY BOARD OF HEALTH ToU-n of Queersbury- - - For Fiscal .j- ar be innin January 1:,, 1957 , EX�PrTZ,ITL?gES" Salary 1500.00 221 Off' cue , t 'avel irL, 'arm 0',her el as 100.00 ZcstajZa , t9lephone , et-c . fnclu�led in salary I Total, Exi)effi tu.req 1600.00 D�.ted : 6'eptember 18, 1956 (Signed) Bernard 'Selirger , ".,'.D. Health Of ficer 'T T T^m-7C MJBT-71TTED B)-" OF VITA AT TT"�Arl`,, Town o^L. '.uaensbury , F tj For 7;..-cal Year Beginning January _MEE Compensaticr 0 Other expense Tot?. .1 Txpendlitures 40.00 Yone - - - - Dated:. September 1950 r)ed Frances L. rl"Nlrne-r T -,--' strap of Vital Stati -t- es 171LTB1�1771ED BY 7707.77' -77HV ICJ E C771C=11 5qr Fiscal Year, be,innin'-.-' J--nuary 1, 1.957, 5 X'Y7- ,\Tl' E )IT'UTL Elz Sal r�T -225.00 Office ate- Q'the r expenses 50.00 Tolal, MIc pendi ti res 277.0,0 "Tone September 19, 1-956 Drirs Am-it). TICU'a�,�' " ey Service Officer 1957-Budget C'F I� 'PR Ov ED S Improvement to, cemetery 550.00 Neif,y (Dump truc'-,-�) 750.00 Materiel X,for foundations 100,00 1400.00 'TA TNITTER-417CE Personal_ services 6000.00 Repairs -11-o- existin 1150.00 N'Tateriall for zrocmd imaintenance 100.00 Gas & Oil for eq:aipment 125.00 CoT2tensatian Insurance 7100.00 Bond, for Comnissioner & Supt, 50,00 - c, 50.00 Cosl.-, of Malxtenance of mit.s:tid- Cameteries 800.00 I — 7575.00 RDYERMSS: Sale of Lots , less Perpetual care 2500,0.0 Fees for- oakeninL graves- 1200.00 Fees for rente1 of vault 60.00 Fees for setting monuments 125.00 2--t.1-mated Balance , Dee. 31,, 1956 150,00 4035,00 Budget Appropriation 14940.00 (Signed) Sidney Van Dusen Secretary - Cemetery Commissior Town of '-;ueensbory EST11= FOP, N8.G.F., 7ILT-EIR DISTRICT Mla--I-ntenance 6013.00 Personal services 222 G^ '3_ce ..nd other expenses 1-50.00 ^,-e pa l rs 400,00 Zowe r a nc 1_:'Eht 500.00 Purcnase of water 1550,00 Purchase of equipment 100,00 ?urchase and installation of meters and services 200,00 Total Expenditures 3400,00 REVENUE S Mater rents - - - - 4700,00 Total Rev�mues 4700,00 .mount to be raised by taxes - none. (.Signed) H. Russell Harris • - . Supervisor AMIUAL ESTI'.MTE OR No. G.F. Ext. '.,a.ter District Exy:�e nd_�_'Lures Cost of Improvement Bond y rirc )a1- 4000,00 Bond interest 1200,00 Total 5200,00 Mai ntenance Personal services + 600.00 Office a.rlc other ex ,en.ses - - - - 150,00 Repairs 300,00 Purchase of ester 5000,00 Purchase and installation of meters end services 400.00 Total 6450,.00 Total Tperd itures $ ,650.00 RITE MME Water rents 9000.00 Unexpended balance 1000.00 Total Revenues 10,.000.00 Dated : Se utember 30, 1956 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor . A ANN, JAL ESTIi,,i4TE FOR ,°dEST G.F. :^CATER DISTRICT Ma 1.ntenance Personal. services 600,00 Office, and other expenses Envelopes and stamps 20,00 Preparinw bills 50,00 Printing 25.00 -Repairs 150,00 ]Fainting, flushing, shoveling 175,00 Purchase of water 2100.00 Total apenditures 31.20.00 Revenues Water rents 3940,00 Misc. -revenues - Relaid. rents 4971.00 Unexpended balance 7500,00 Total Revenues 11,,937.00 • (Signed.) Ti. Russell Harris - Supervisor AIVT JAL ESTIMAX13 FOR RIDGE RO.'iD INAT Eta DISTRICT Expenditures Mai ntenanc.e Personal services 100.00 Office and other expenses 75,00 Re naArs 250.00 purchase of water 450,00 Total - 875.00 REVENU�'�S _ "dater rents 1000.00 Unexpended balance 3200.00 Total_ Revenues 4200,00 Dated: ' Septeober 30, 1956 T (Signed') H. Russell Harris Supervisor ANATUAL ESTTYI1,TE FOR FIBAE PROTECTION FIRE DISTRICT _ Town. of -Queensbury - For Fiscal. Year Beginning January 1, 1957 - EZ PE11DITL?RE,S Contract • - - 153,000.00 Misc. 300.00 Total F.xper_d.i_tures 15x300.00 RrdM ES Unexpended balance 300.00 Total Revenues 300.00 Dated . September 30 , 1956 (Signed) H. Russell. Harris Board of Coriissioners ANN'ITAL ESTIMATE FOR ENSBURj DRAINAGE DISTRICT Tolfrn of �ueensbury ,_ For Fiscal year beginning January 1, 1957 Mr-PMTDITURES Cost of Improvement Bold principal 5000.00 300_0.00 Bond interest Total 48000.00 REVENUES Unexpended balance. 1200.OQ y Total Revenues 1200.00 Dated : September 30 , X956 (Si ned) H. Russell Harris Supervisor ANNUAL EStI •SATE FOR CL EVE13RDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT - To,wr� of Queensbury For Fiscal year beginning January 1, 1957 EXPENDITURES Mlaintenance Payment on contract 5004,00 Total 500.00 REVENUES Nome Dated : September 30, 1956 _ (Signed) H. Russell H a.ri�,s m Supervisor ANNUAL ESTI -U T E FOR FORT AIVERST-GARRISOA; LIGHTING DI.yT. ` Town of Queensbury - - r For Fiscal year beginjling January 1, 1957 ` .E�i Eiv'DITURES r aintei ante Payment on contract 2022.72 Total Expenditures X2022,72 . REV E MES None D,ted : ySeptember 30 , 7.956 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor 224 The boarO i%or-,ed ors preliiainary budget. Resolution. 1x'85 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Courci?'nan Laxnp- son RESOLVED that the Tcwn Board. hereby proy.)oses and approves as the Preliminary Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 195 7, the statement of, the revenues and expenses as set forth t in the annexed schedule entitled the "Preliminary Budget, 1957, Town of Queensbury, Cous)t�% of ",arren, t' ;and._i,t Is further, RJSCLVBD that such preli.mi.na.ry bud et shall be filed in the Town. Clerk' s office t-There it shall be available for inspection by any inter- ested__person at all. reasonable hours , and it is further RUSCLVRD that the board shall rn..eet at 7:30 P.'i-% , E.S.T. on the 8th day of Nove:Tber; 1956, for holdix;� a uublic hearing upon such prelim.lna,ry budget; and'be it further 7- 21J31OLVED thU t tine To,.-in Clerk dive notice of said pi)blic in the _i.n erection 1.13 of t��.e Tol,:rt Law and the rot'.i-cue to be in. substantially the follos,TixiL for . TT Cm 1.C Ll Notice is he7°eby �il7e..n th,,a_t they pr-1imznary bud.E.et of the Tr-i'i of Cueens'oury fog" tie f7 ncal yea-{' January 1, 1957 l.,.as been c �'wirlle-- ted and filed in t��.e office of T� e Toi-r� Cl.er'T, Rid�;c� Road, T�,��ey, . l'i; s caV"I-lab,"I.e 'or insnectio�n by e. -Iv "�:11� ?'� test �:�t?rs'on at all reaso-a.ble ?ht�iars F?rtiler :Trot:i_ce is hereby tci-1,t the Teen Board. is-3t r"d re-yiefwr t j-e said -or elirn-T.nary budget ` -t he said. Toy":-n- CIerl,-.' s o f f i c =i.t 7:70 B.S.T. on the Sth da�7 ^f T'r.,ves ber, 1956, and at such hear.-In,-1 ,-In,-1 , ,.n.y uArsc:z-i may be huC-.ru. t f voi- of or a-a. nst the stt..id budg-et as ecmy fled or for or ,aEatr: t :n r °.t or i L,ems t herein contallred. • Section '7 1" n }1 m T .i 11t t) weC�zOn .i v yt�:1°f ���i, l,i'i: -proposed �:�,�r, ; -•e; off' ' ` `: f0'.1aT l.n- Tot^T, O " .ers r„ °pecifiec� -s fcl ov. -, " Supervisor � f,4000.00 Justices -of the Peace (2) 00 Councilmen (2) .2400,00 Town C1 Fir': _ 3600.00 c�900.00 CG ...lczi or 2600.00 '�.!y)t. of XTi.�--hTAT a.ys 42300.00 er of T c,rrn Bora.rd. J, ..PF.6 I'1':-2�CT?C. L. Tla;'Yier.,, Tow-, CC. ? 225 - 04-toli t 01 0 0 0 e c"I-,, -I 75 0( 0 0 Of c=al '0 C'11v s a�nc) ur(l .e, i(D0.00 Fi re ---,71 W 7 iab 11 1-46y 7 t -' v e,f-t Cal.11 dle -D.-M---aents) 11 f�&a` r v 1-c 5 moo..` (7�'F- o 1-000.00 5erv.-'Lcp-s c, eli IL.iYieel 11 71 r,Q- 14 Av, C'C jl�-tes J- `ect--trl ty Pa,.Tment 5 0 1 3 Soclal i�, 'ay,I oysesl 71,etTre3ziart 73y t e--i (4-mpm 5300.00 Total Salary 4000.00 Of"ire an(3 ot-her exj)erses 250201., justices Salaries 5200.00 Z-lr*9 0 11 0 0 of emi.LpIcyees 190,00 7,alar:l.es 2 1100.00 Of"-..-' `c, 12111Q, 0- ter exy�"enres 200.00 Tdtai Town Clarik Salaries 3600.00 OJ-7-jce. aunu- 1y 75.00 -7 400.00 Tote-! L a 2.a r 1-, 6900.00 Cf -ice and other ex-er, les 4o"),00 • Total 7300.00 Tleceiver of Taye--- (Tam collactcr) Salaries 2600,00 •c e and o ti- e-v,-e r, E i25100 Total— 2725,00 Total - Genergi. G ove'vl-ume nt `,58 470.00 4 PROTECTITCY, OF ' ND f'ol-Lce , Constab"Les and De�m.ty �heriffs Sala ries- axid. waZes of- ofllicers 750.00 . ?L41eaLe MO other ex;1�7-nses 150.00 - Li6hts 4 hi,c;hway 3000.00 Ztreet sins 1500.00 Do'c wa�rdnp. 550,00 mi le avo-'- p- 100.00 Buildli2z, imspect!on 300,00 if ,use 5O,OC--" Total 6400.00 3MM,,' T I ON J-Ibrary - Contract 10:),0.; R CR' Tom.017 ParkF and F*1' Y6, rounds Ccu,pensatl*'o Y.i c,f e r.n..pj". r2 a s 100.00 'Ex.,)e E,C" 00 Total 150.00 226 - ~ ', s 35,00 Day 100.00 Total 135100 Tot�+I Racre<: i.on 285.00 Ce7eterie� - annexed sobedule Total 8975..00 i'17i\TICSI':L Ilii� T. PiJS,C 'Di INTEREST (exclusive c-r distr .ct and . special improvement debt) Redemption of Debt (rr.incipal) 'TernT�orary Loans Capital note („!2) 4500.00 Total - pt er)"ti oni of Debt 4500.00 Interest on Debt a _ Interest or temporary loans 168.75 Total. (:ntarest on debt) 168.75 CON=L CTIOiI ATM ^�- .iu r T I". ^�C7�' ;'- 171 13 Nature of 'Im-c)rove hunt . - 7011Tr!. Storehouse add. 1000.00 V?T rRAN:S C)RG�1,T,,IZAT%ONS FOR ROOI•S: Total 200.00 CONTINGENT PTTRPOSES Sectior, 112 of the TcrATn Late. Total 1000.00 Schedule "All PINEVI7,4 CEI7TERY 1957-Budget C'bST OF I°:.�-ROVE!•'CNTS Improvements to cemetery 550,00 Ne�•a Equipment (Dump tru c'�) 750.,00 P Material for foundations 100.00 f a 1400.00 M 2-1 INI TENA.NCE: .Personal Services 6000,00 Repaips to existine equi ).ment 150.00 Material for ground m— r.-tenar_ce _ 100,00 ` Gad & Oil for equipment 125.00 Compensate on Insurance 3001.00 Bond for CoT=issioner & Supt. 50.00 1"li-sc.. 50,00 Cost o°.Tvointenance of outside Cemeteries 800,00 75fi5.00 _ 8975.00 RE ES Sale of Lots, less Perpetual C.re 2500,00, Fees f or openi r.P* graves 1200.00 Fees for rental of vault 60.00 Fees fcr settinL monuments 125.00 Estimated balance , Dec . 31, 1956 150,00 4035.0:0 GENERAL FUND Estimated. Revenues Unexpended balance (,Sec . 1.15, Toi,m Law) 12,000.00 MortE-tie taxes 3.1 ,.000.00 Per capita assistance 20,969.85 Doi; licQnses 1x500.00 Fees of toi,.rn clerk 23,600.00 Fees of justices of the peace 2,00.0.00 227 Fees of tax collector 500,00 lees of ceqieteries - Plne, View 4035,00 Total J54*604.85 General- Fund Summary Approprtations General Government 58,470.00 Protection of persons and property 61400.00 'Education 100 100 Recreation 285,00 Public- utilities '- cemetery 8,,975.00 Redeil ,ti on of debt 4,,500.00 Interest on debt 168.75 Construction and permanent improvement 1V000.00 Miscellaneous 200,00 Contingent purposes 61000,00 + Total Appropriations 86,098.75 Total estimated. revenues (Gen.Rind) 54,004.85 Amount of taxes to be raised for-Gen. -Fund 31,493.90 T,7ELF ARE FUND Town Welfere Offic�er- - Appropriations Salary 250,00 Office and other expenses 50,00 Total 300,00 HIGIRVAY FUND Highway Fund (Item 3) Appropriations General repairs - 749,000.00 Special imprdvemnents 22$000.00 Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273 Highway Law 2,075,00 Total Appropriations 963075.00 Estimated Revenues State aid 4,275,00 Total Revenues 4,275.00 Amount to 'be raised by tax. for Highway Fund (Item 1) 93,800.00 MIACHITNERY FUND (ITEM 3) - Appropriations Purchase of machinery, tools and. implements 5,835.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements 60956.25 Redemption of machinery ie,4tXf;Yc1t.4s1- loans 6,950.00 Interest on machinery loans 258 75 4 Total Aop-Topriations .000.00 AT1,70UNT TO BE R,,'�!-OED BY Ti,,X FOR THIG17,111Y FUND (Item 3) 20t000.00 S'N,UAT ALT 7-jISCELLANEGUS FM (IT7:,,Tvi 4) Appropriations Salary Tc,.n.. st.perintend ent . 42800.00 Expenses town sia.�ertntendent 100,00 Removing-obsttuati ons caused by snow 20,000.00 Cuttine,land. removing noxious weeds and brush 43,000,00 Other misc. purposes 1,000.00 Total appropriations 293,900.00 Estimated Revenuds7 Mis6elldneous revenues rent machinery 41900.00 - Total Revenues 4,900.00 Amount to be raised for Highway Fund (item 4) 25,000.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (items 1,, 3 & 4) Total - ;:45r000.00 TCr,,TN IMUZ7, FUND Board of Health * * - ' Salary of heaTth officer 1*500,00 Other health expenses 100,00 Clinics 500100 Total Board of Health —21100.00 v2O J.L'rU T. L!-SR. OF VITXJ STL.iT.L��STICS _ _ c9ml; ensatiors. Cthe r o . �' . � _ _ �� 30.00 expenses 10.00 Total 40.00 (Registrar Vital. Stc .stics) $2=140.00 -A-Tount to be rs.ised by tax for Town Health _ Total s ;SPECIAL DISTRICT' FMS FIR^ FROTECT_ICN DIST. Y _ Aio pro-uri_:_ti on - Fire protection contract 15,000,00 r�113c'r r 300,00 Total al propr:i..ati_ons ��15,300`,.00 Estimated Revenues - none Unexpended balance 300,00 _ 300;00 Amount to 15e ra.l sed. for Fire Protection District -Total j15,000.00 t SPECIAL DISTRICT 7_JNDS Z10iiTN CrLF�NS FALLS u11ATFR DIST. Appropriations Personal . ervices 600.00 Of*`ice and other expenses 150.00 Repairs 400.00 Power and li;ht 500,00 Purchase nf joater 1550.00 Purchase of �eauipm.ent 100.00 Purchaso and installation of nryeters and. ser- vices 200000 ' Total �2'400.00 t Fsti.inat;ed Revenues v'at4r rents � 5550.00 Total Revenues _ Amount;, to be r i-1-sed. for North Glens Falls Water District n,,ne 550.00 PECaAL DISTRICT FIT DS 'NOETH GLENS F;J,LR ,11ATER DISTRICT T T T n T A1spropriati.ons Dond ;principal 4000.00 Bond :interest 1200.00 Persor.El. services 600.00 . Office and other expenses 150,00 ReprA rs 300.00 Purchase OL water 5000,00 Purchase, and, Installe.ti.on of meters _Yid serv- ice 400000 Total 11,650.00 C "-ir st'1_mated T nev(7,3,nues ` •Water rents 9000.00 Unexpended ba1_�{nce 1000,00 Total Revenues 10000,00 Amount to be raised for North Glens Falls 6,ter Dist. Extension _ � 1,650,00 SPEC:LJ DI STRICT 77NDS ,,, ST GL Jl`,5 !,',:AT^^ DIST. � - Person.al Services _600,00 Office and other expen.ses-envelopes , st -Mps ,,etc.95.00 Repairs 150,00 229 ra,irt a_r�, r�L�sh't.n j;� sh ovelin..P . 175.00 �u rchase or ,.,��.ter 21.00.00 Total a-oprop.ria.tions X120.00 �sta mated. Tevenues rerts Relaid rents 7500.5 00 00,00 Unexpended balance Total Revenues 1.1= .�7.00 amount to b .raised for ',lest Glens- Falls W,�ter District None SFECTAL DTcTRTCT FONDS RIDGE MID Tn,wTER DICT. Appropriations Persona,: services 100.00- 0 f` C- t',; ;fit per evicenses- �10C) .y r Fr airs 250.00 ay PuLchase ofi r 4:50.00 Total 1 A�.—Y'n1�riat.l axis ,75.-CO ;'.'!7't.l_TTiate( Revenues rater rents 1000.00 Un?zl�ended balance 3200.00 Total Revenues s Ci?.nt t0 'i?? r''ir.a� f� iii d-e Road �.I'atgr Di Str- Ct . none '� tri,r+ 1'i j?'`l ii,�" , i�T Tai G4 D_.i.�T ^TCT LIZ PICT ,ti a�:SFURY DR.�-�IN& I �_ i;ro joriat.i ors Bond principal 5000.00 .Fond interest 3000.00 Total a1-pro uriati ons 8 sC'�0.00 3stl._!lated Revenues Un.e,'nended balance 1200.00 `— Total revenues � ,a00.00 Amount to be raised. for �.ueensbury Dra.in.aZe District e,800.00 SPECILL DISTTICT S CLEVIE17;.D.LLE ILL THTII .z DISTRICT Approi-xiati ons Payment on contract 500.00 Total appropriations 500.00 Estimated. revenues . .. none Amount to be raised- for Clever-dale LiL tine disti'ct 500.00 apZCJ.'.L DISTRICT FtmTDS FORT AIN L1RST LIGHTINT DIST.. Appropriations Payment on ccrtract Tcta± dppro,priatiarC 2 02P•72 2 0:�2 .72 E'st 3_.mnated revenues . . none 1-mount to be raised. for Fart &T-T erst Lie; itinf Listrict x;,022.72 Daly adopted by the follo<a3.ng vote: Ayes -- K". . 'Harris , V_:r. Bentley, T,ir. Akins ; Ir. Laio_.,�,$on Noes - none 280 es-*Iut_-Lon ITo. 86 Tntrod-,_i.cod by ,7 1 Ddt)tleyl seconded byjjp. jj B;a rd _217]SCIEVED that the To of ,-.ti ueensbury hereby make alplica'tion to' make openinws-for water pipes connections under 'he St-ate hi-b-oyay (Route ;,99 - U.s.) oj)(posite Glendale r)-PT_vP, . Further resolved , tlt the supervisor be and is hereby authorized to maka. eand s_JLP_ the necessary aj_-,j)!Ica-1Ao_n for the -periu- It, arid. -further resolved P The Supervisor be and is 1-jeraby authorized to pay from: any av- ailable funds in th-e North Glens 74,Ils ',!a t e r Diqtrl..ct jT!',xt. by cbr-,cT-: the necessary fee for such perml.t. Duly adonted b, the follovrj r T M Ha r 21 es s - Mr. Bertley T,�'r. L- iqoscn, 7t,r. "--in - no r r is . 1'�oe s r.Qne.* I On i.-Qotlon t1be _rneetj-P.np' ad j ourne(5 7'J7/) aces L. Turner To .,n Clerk Regular Meting October ZT., 1956 Present,: H. Rassell Harris gapervisor Iftredith Aostl"- Justice of the Peace -Nar6ld Akins Justice of the peace Curtis Lamps on` councilium. Raymond-Walkup Councilman The- boarti -eonvened at 7:30 P-34s. ReAry Me Cormackj Bullard Ave. ., spoke in reference to a petition for paving Bullard Avenue. The petition was read as follows.- WITICK Sept. 270- 1956 To the Town-Board of' Queensbury Township. W41s, the Undersigned residents anA/er land owners, of Bullard Aive., Town of Queensbury, do hereby request aad petition the Tom Righvay Dept., to pave the present dirt surfaced street known as BMULrd Ave.., In its p4tsext condition, spring thaw and rains reader the rokdvay impassable to vehicular traffies, As taxpayers, we represent an assessed valuation of 423,,000*00, (Signed) Jobs K. Hum Andrev T,. NbCormack Lyza B.- Parker - F. Rimy Adams Mr. and Mrs. K. Tance, Nathan Prollar A. T. Stoddard D. V. M&PtiX. K.Y. Edward Patitiox received and placed on file. Drainage allo was discussed relating to charges. Linwood Chase *ad Vernon Brows asked extension or the N,G.P*Water Dis- triet to include about 800 feet east from the and of Linwood Drive.