1956-10-27 6330
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Regular, Meeting October 27., 1956
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley, Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Iampsoz Councilman
Raymond-Walkap Councilman
The- boardeonvened at 7:30; P.M*
Hehry McCormack, Bullard Ave. .. spoke in reference to a petition for
paving Bullard Avenue. The petition was read as follows.:
PETITI Sept. 270 1956
To the Tt*m,Board ofQueensbury Township.
We,, the undersigned residents and/or land owners, of Bullard
Ave. , Town of Queensburyq do hereby request and petition the Tcnm
Highway, Dept. to pave the present dirt surfaced street known as
Ballard Ave. In its present condition-, spring thaw and rains render
the rokdvay impassable to vehicular traffic.
As taxpayers, we represent an assessed valuation of $23,,,000,00,
(Signed) John. K. Hume
Andrew T. McCormack
Lynn B.- Parker-
F. Ray Adams
Nr. and NIrs. N. Lance
NathaR Pr011Or
A. T. Stoddard
D. W. Marti&
H.F. FAwaTd
Petition received and placed on file.
Drainage also was discussed relating to charges.
Linwood Chase and Vernon Browny asked extension of the N.G.F.Water Dis-
triet to include about 800 feet east from the and of' Linwood Drive,
Rasolution. #8.6 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Council-
man LAPS-on..
SOLVED that permission is hereby granted to Linwood Chase and
Veratln Brown to make a temporary 3,x'4" tape at the end-of 6" water main
on Wincrest Drive in the North Glena-ftl.ls Water District-to supply,
water to twee-lots outside of the district.
Further resolved that Lee Lavery, Superintendent, be and is au-
thorized to make application-to the Water Commissioners of the: City of
Glens Falls for its consent t0 said tap, and to supply water to the
said, Linwood Chase and Vernon Brown.
Doll idopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Walkup.,, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
)Wsolution #&T introdueed by Justice Bentley, seconded by Coun-
cilman Lampson:
RESOLVED that all of the lands conveyed in a deed dated Oct. 26,,
1956 from Charles 0. Sicard to the Town of Queensbury be and the same
are hereby accepted for highway purposes.
,FUrther resolved that the ®oing acceptance he and the same
is subject to the approval of the County Attorney as to sufficiency of
the i rument of conveyance. "..
Daly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes -, Kr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none j
Mmost Lae::key discussed Sunnyside Road. It was agreed that the Highway
Committee meet with the Town Superintendent at Lake Suxxyside" at 8-030
A.Ni* the neat day to. leok over the road. -
The plerk read the following..
Monthly Statement of Supervisor
August, 1956
Date Amount
Aug. 91 Earl Jones Suter Rent 41.88
Pine View Cem.S.S.ded Pr.13 9.50
Highway Fund S.S. dad Pr. 41.97
Dept. Audit & Control Justice Fund 545.00
171, Lee Lavery Water Rent 45.52:
Lees Lavery Water Rent 105.80:
22; FNLak Gowles Pins View Can Funds 618..75
Albany Ear Cap. Assis. - 5242,.46
24 Frances Turner Tom Clerk Fees 286.50
Pine View Can. S.S. de Fr. - 6162:
Highway Fund S.S. ded P.r. 20.99
30 Lee Lavery _Water Rent 170,12-
Lee Lavery water Dint 714.61 {
31 Theodore Turner. Cash to replaces check 54,00
_ Total Receipts f79
General Ftntd 3001.30
Pines View Can. 991.12
N.G:.F.Water Dist. 1348.94
W.G.F'.Water Dist. 642.09
N.G.F.Water Dist Eat. 1623.37' i
Drainage Dist. 109.10
Ridge: Rd. Water Dist, 100000
Cloverdale__Lts. _ 41.08
Amh. Its. 168..46 _
TOM Disbursements $80 5.46
Isl H.Russell Harris
monthly Statement of Stn eervi s or
September„ 1956
Date RECEIPTS Amount
Received Source. Received
Sept, 14 Capital Reserver ®axe-
14 Lee Lavery Water unds 137.77
14 Lee Lavery Water Funds 25.99
24 Frances Turner TOWN, Clark Fees 1O8.50
24 Frank Cowles Cemetery Funds 484.25 --�
7 Fiore. View S.S. Dad. Pr. - - - 2.67
7 Him " " 24.31
24 joakwasew "_ " " 16.22
24 Pine: View n " u' 2 91 --
Total Receipts4 X32.62
Ftmd or Ace9yat
Oexeral Faxi `
Pine. View Cemetery Fund 588.54 '
West Glens Falls W.U. 51.00
North Glans -Falls W_.D. Ext. 75.00°
Drainage Dist. 1538004
Ft. Amherst Lts. 168u.46 .
- Total Disbursements $6199.81
/sl H. Russell Harris
Louis Tilly asked abrout applicativx of Forrest- Lilly fax Gonstable
appointment. Mr. Lilly spoke about the experience of Forrest Lilly
in the Sheriffl�s Department. -
Resolution #88 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Couxcilmax,
Lamp son
RESOLVED that Forrest Lilly be: and is hereby appointed constable
to serve - at the pleasure of the Board at an awmal salary of 11.00
payable annually.
j. Daly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - W. Walkup:, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - xoze '
Resolutios 89 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council
RESOLVED that the Pine View Cemetery lands be posted pursuant to
the provisions of tha Conservation Law, against huxtiag and fishing.
f _
Further resolved that pine Vier Cemetery Commissioners be and are
hereby authorized to take the necessary-steps to cause the same to be
posted axel 'purchase the necessary signs for such pasting.
Duly adopted `by the following vote«
` 4
Ayes - Mr. 'Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamps ox, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
li The board audited claims as follows:
Amt. Amt.
No. Name: of: Claimant Nature. of Clain Claimed Allowed
,998, li agars- k Power Cloverdale Ltag.Dist. _41.08. -41.08,
299' Mrs. Lottie LaBelle- Refund. Water rent-NG79D 3.37 3.37
304 Helveta Motors-.Court Refund 'Water rext?-NGF0 43.75 43.'75
301 Dennis & Co.,rise. Budget forms 10.84 10.84
302 Call Hardware •Co. Galv-.pipe-Lackey 3.03 3.03
303 Frances L. Turner Postage Town Clerk 6000 6.00
304 Deanis &-C.owix e. Justice Manuals 24000 24.00
305 John Rubricky Cleaning brook-Lafayette
Street 160.00 N.A.
306 Russell & Wait 1#1434 Indexr-Supry.. 1030 1.30
307 Niagara-Mek Parr. Cloverdale Lt.Dist.Sept. 41.08 41.08
! 308, Adk.Resorts Press Printing for Town-item-
ized 1.70.07 170.07
30S N.Y 01Telephone Phone serv.Twx Strhse 21.55 21.55
310 The Bullard Press Printing water 'sills
NGFWD 21.30 21.30
311 The Ballard Press Printing water 'bills
WGFWD 11.25 11.25
312 The Bullard Press Printing bills-MM- 6.75 6.75
313 Dwais & Go.latc. Dexco.-blanks-M.S.Bogtley
J.P* 2.29 2.29
314 M%.side Grange Cleaning cemetery ,
Scotch Church 50.00 NA,
315 Harald Mountain 0verekg,..an hose-NGFWD 8000 aooa.
316 I t W_vaQkkr?wr.
317' Niagam-Nkk Parr. atreet Itng & traf.sig. 161.62 161.62.
318 Niagara Mhk Parr. Str.lights -Ft.Amherst
&.Garrison 168.46 168.46
319 Arthur J. Hillis Postag*-stamps 1956 -
Tax Collector 124.00 124.00
320 Automatic Voting Mch.5 sets election systas Corp* -AMR 5.29 5.29
321: Roag t s Tire Serve 1.-5 gal:.pail #30 oil- ,
P.V.Cem. 5.30 5030
322 Louis Corlew Mowing F/V.Cenetesry 24.00 24.00
323 Cmaereeial Supply Spee.el6at.aupplies 7.44 7.44
-324 Xathryn 9.012rien Type.Twn 3dxtngs 440. 4.50
325 gtas.E.Houghtaling Supplies-M.S.Bentley,J.P. 11.86 U."
326 , Va, H.Buseh Serv.Insp.Zlection. 15.00 14.00 I
52:7 C4rswell Z &: T C-o. Gas &,GasketTPV Can. 11.67 11.67
328 Ernest Hillis. Guide book,postage,tot- 001.00 T-.60
aling tax real]: 57.60 N.A.($50)
329 Leis Corlew Shoveling fire hydrants -
- IGFWD 50,00 50 000
330 Harrisena Menke Clb. Cleaning John J. Harris
&. Seelys Cemeteries 200000 2010.00 a
331 J.E.Stwyer & Co. Hydrant washers WGFWD 2.10- 2.10 �
332 WGF Fire Coo Flushing hyds.WGFID - 10.00 10000
333 Earl. E. Jones • Envelopes- GFP'D -- 9.52 9.52:.
334 Elmer Corlew Setting up .booths for
spec. Elect. & regis. 220.00 220.00
335: Richardson Store 4 gal.oil-hlri.flares
WGFFD 1.60 1.60
33W No Voucher
337 Harry J. Sleight Hyds.1-3-5 Cement Hwy 24.10 24.10
338> X=tgonexy Ward Co. Miser. X. Lackey - 59..68 59.68 j
339 2.T*ft$$ph=9 Co. Misc. Highway Dept., 70.10 70.10 !
340 Scatty"s Fael, Oil-E. Lackey 37.60 37.60
341 Stephen B. .Duell Mileage tray.assessing 82.27 82.27
342 Williamson Law Bk.Co.l CLS Twn.Law-reeompiled 7050 7450
343 Icon Stoves- Surveying under supervis-
ion J.B.VanDusen 16.50 16.50
344 Raymond L.Havens Surveying under supervis-
ion J.B.VanDusen 12.65 12.65
345 G.F*Hospital Blood Alcohol content
Son test 3.00 3.00
346 Albert F.Sual.done & /Miseoitems-Highway 316.17 316.17 1
TOTALS JZn9.39 v2M.39 .. .
- tion the meeting adjourned,
, Town Clerk j