1956-11-05 SP Special Meeting November 5, 1966
X. Russell Narri s Supervisor
MeroAuth Bentley - Justice of the Peace
Harald. Akins,; Absent Justlee of the Peace
Curtis, Epson.,. . _ Councilman
4aymondIalkur - Councilman
The board convened at 730 P.M.
Mr, Lavery spoke to the board in reference to laying of a, p pe Lander
Rte..-S near Butz. State required a bond or a $100 frond to the State
for. tke laying. of the pipe.
Resolution No;.. 90 introdueed by Justice- Bentley, seconded by Councilman
REKSM . that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorised to post
a $1,00 cask deposit to tire. State of New York for..a permit to lay a water
main under Route 9, a State_kigkway near Glendale Drive.
Fartker resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorised
and.directed to draw a check upon the Rands of the North Glens Falls
Water District.Extension,for suck purpose. -
Daly adopted by the following-vote: -
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr.-Lampson and Mr. Rarris
Noes - none
Resolution No. 91 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
WRERKAS there are two voting machines used for general election to
be held Nov. .6th, 1966, in Election District #3 of the•Town of Queens-
bury pursuant to tie .provisions of--the Election Law,
RESQLVED.tkat Edna Tracy, Republican, and Dorothy Barker, Demo-
I crat, be_.and .aae..hereby appointed additional clerks in Election District
No. 3 for the election to be held on Nov. 6th, 1956.
Further resolved that the compensation of the said clerks be and
is hereby fixed at $14.00 per day for election day.
Dally adopted by the following vote: .
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr~. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr. larris
I Noes - none -
I _.
Mr. .Bentley stated that Mr. Kaiser wanted to meet with the Board and
discuss the straightening of- the extension of Hughes Court..
On motion the meeting{ adjourned.
ces L. .Turner
Town Clerk ,
Budget Meeting . November 8,. 1966 _
Present: .
R. Russell Iarris Supervisor
Meradith Bentley Zustice of the Peace