1956-11-24 243 Regular-Meeting , November 24,, 1956 Presents. N. Russell Harris Supervisor. 'Ha.rold Akins justice of. the Peace -Curtis Lampson Councilaau Absent:,Meredith Bentley justice of the Peace .Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.NI., Justice;Akins reported that he had received a check from the Glens Falls Insurance Company- in payment of a street sign which was Docked down at the corner of Lucerne Road and Pine Street by Ralph Hicks. in an accident for the• amount- of, $25.0 which he-turned over to, the Supervisor. The Clerk read the following application; . Connecticut Avenue , . . Glens Fial.ls , N.Y., November, 12, 1956; Town Board Town of. Queensbury - Glens Fialls , B.Y. _ Gentlemen . , I hereby apply for the position of Dog Enumerator for the Town of ® Very truly yours , Is! RaymoAd J. Raague Resolution Now 98 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson: RESOLVED that Raymond Roague be and. is hereby appointed Dog Eiumer- ator for the enumeration of dogs to be licensed for the year of 1957', pursuant to the provisions of the Agriculture and ,Marken Law. . Du1y adoptedd by the following vote:: Ayes - Mr. Lampson, Mr.. Akins and Mr. Harris i Noes .- none The Supervisor read a petition from the residents on :the north side of Grant Avenue in reference ,to the.drainage ditcl}.. Tae matter was laid on the table until a full board: is present. Join Van Dusen was present and discussed with the members of the board the proposed widening of the Lake Sunnyside Road. The board audited claims as follows: a SCHEDULE OF AUDITS F0�L THE TOWN, OF QUEENSBURY { W EEN-COUNTY,.� YORK. , . FOR.THE M0M OF NOVEMBER, 1956 Amt. Aht. No. Name of Cliaiaaat Nature of Claim Claimed: Alloired 347 Gladys E. ountain p. , ct.Dist.l $ 51.00 $ 48.000 34d, Marjorie Murray " -w 1 46.00 43:00. 349 Clara F. Taylor - " " 1 46.00 43.00 350 Alice Kinderman 46.00 43:00 i 351 Marion. D. Martindale " " 2, 45004 43.0 352 Bnva McDermott " �' " 2 59.00 55:00 353 Minnie Bidwell 2 64.06 681.00160 354 Ellen McDermott � - " " 2 64.00 se-owl", Irene Howe 3515 a " " � 3 62,00 65.00. 356 R..Voris Chadwiek a " 3 52.6 0 3 52.00 5 357! Lary A. Kane- k 5'.00 1 244 358 Mary V. Sullivan Insp.Elect.Dist. 3 52.00 55.00 359 Edna S. Tracy ►t -u 3 15.00 14.00 360 Dorotby Q. Barker U _ u 3 15.00 14.00 361_ Hazel- M.,,�S.Jth to - 4 71.010 05.0O 362 Viola �.. G.00ch p 4 61100 55.003 363 Marion.,J.-Crannell "- 4 61.00 55.00 364 Gerald E. Hammmd 4 16.00 15.00 365 Ann E. Rammand " 4 303.00 26.00 366, Mary To Frasier 5 55.00 55.00 36T Evelyn Grant . 5 555.O0 55.00 3" Marion Duell 5 55.00 55.00 369 Pauline-Joslyn A A " 5 65,00 65.003 370 Scott Hopkins Custodian Vote Mch. 75.00 60.003 371 Donald- J. Sullivan " ' " 75.00 60.03Q 372, City G.F.Water Fib:. Water Rent-N'GFWD493A) . 5a7.41 5a7*4I 373 City G.F.Water Fd. 14 It u - (93) _ 209:2.79 2092.79 374 City G.F.Water Fd. to RRWD - 104.00 104.00 375 City G.F.Water ft. " " WGFWD 495.09 495.09 376 City G.F.Water Fit, Misc.Upr.Glen-NGFWD 76.63 76.63 377 City G.J'.Water- Fd. Misc.Imp,.Arms NGFWD 44.29 44.29 378 City G.F.Water, Pd, Mise..NGFWD - 16...82 16.82 379 City G.F.Water Ind.. Misc.Repair $yd..NGFWD 34.15 34.15 380 City G.F'.Water Fd. Gate Rubbers GFWD- _ 15,06 15.06 381 City G.F.Watar Fd. Postage-RRWD _ 1.J56, 1.56 382= Queensbury Centres Use of Fire -house for Vol. Fire Co.. Polling-Place 40,00 40.0 G 383 G.F'.Post Co. Pub.Not. on meeting of 21.28 Not.Aud. Water Parr. & Control Cm. 384 Sc:otty',s of G.F. Fuel oil-Twn strhse 14.88 , 14.88 38:5 C.G.Woodbury &-San Bids.mate<ri al Twn.s t rhs145.203; 145.20 386 Niagara-Mhk Pair. Cleverdale Ltng.Dist. 41.08 41.08 387 Carswell T & T Co. Gas,anti-freeze,Pv Cem, 7.75 7.75 388 Louis Corllew Clean & paint hyd., - NGFWD 441003 44.00 389 Lee W. Lavery Misc, as itemized- NGFWD 4.60 4.60 390 a.E.9awyer & Co. 1-dz.torch wicks-NGAID 2.201 2.20, 391 C.G.Woodbury & San Misc.items-Pv Cemo 11.06 11106 392 Mead Nursery Knife head. & back r1r felt washers-PV Cem. 6.10 6110 393 G.F.Machine Works Furnish wrench-hydrant as _ per sample-NGFWD 28.403 28.40 394 Nathan Proller Protective liability C coverage NGFWD 25.68 25.68 395 Kathryn E. O',Brien Type min.TranBd mtngs 4.00 4.00 396 Automatic Vote.Mch. 2 vote mch. 97311, Jamestown, N.Y. #97372 Model 61 2.6903000 Not Aud. 397" S.K.Barton Repair a office chairs 5.75 5.75 39a Albert S.Smaldone & Miseclo as itemized 141.23 141.23 i Sons y 399 Russell & Wait 3 add.mch.rolls-fty 190 190 I 400 Russell & Wait Supplies-Supervisor 6.90 6190 401 Russell & Wait Supplies-Town Clerk 5.801 5.80 i 4032 Niagara Mhk Parr. PVr.serv.strhse 42.42 42.42; 403 N.Y.Telephone Co. Phone serv.strhse 16.65 16.65 404 G.F.Post Coo Pub.Not.Prelim.Bdgt 8.58 8.5& 405' G.FXospital Blood Alcohol test- R. LaDue 3100 3.030, , 4016 G..F'.Bospita . Blood-Alcohol test- Thomas Myot°t, 3.:003 3100 407 G.F.Rospitai Blood Alcohol test- ` - William Cox 3..00 3000 408 R..Cohen & San Pi.ge-NGFWD Eat. 130.00 . 130.00 409 G'.F.Elect.Sp,pply Co. Electric supplies 17.99 17.99 410 C'.G.Woodbury & Son Bldg. supplies Twn.Q. 1-60.00 160.00 41:1 The Ames Chem,Wks Muriatic Acid-Hwy Dept. 1.501 1.50 412; C'.G.Woodbury & Son Bldg.materrial-Hwy Dept/ 21.60 Not aud. 413 X.C;.Warner Comp;. SPC Shiplap-Rwy Dept. 172.50 172.50 4T4 Finch Pruyn• Co. Bldg.bmaterial.-Nwy Dept. 57-92 57.42 i r i ' "-X" 415 Pinch Fruyn Co. Bldg. material-Hwy Dept. 83.15 Not Aud. 416 lathen..Troller Comprehensive Gen.Liability 1232.46 ]:2321.46 incl.highway payroll 417 Nathan Troller Comprehensive Gen.Liability payroll,PV Cem.5/28/56 to EV56 77.70 77.70: 419 C.0.Webb,Co.Clk Rec.Deeds as itemized 2.80 2.80: 419 G.F.Post -Co. Pub.Notice to Bidder' on inst: water main`WGFWD Ext. 3.8.4 3.8.4 420 Automatic: Voting Transp..c s for-2 Model 61 Machine 'Corp. Vote.mch 7371.;#97372 44.54 Not Aud. 421 Mahican Grange #1300 Storage vote.mzchs.,,equi.pment - and use of hall, polling 110.00 '110.00 422 Cez.Cc=.T%;n.Qsby Cutting grass .& brush-WGF Frank Cowles ,See. Cemetery 91.90 91.90 423 " 0 " " Cut.grass„brush-Jerkins Cam. 91.8.0 91180 42.4 " u a �� N N -Gurney Lane Cemetery- 110.10 110.10 425 It to if -Mt.Hermon Cemetery 1:01.00 101.00 426 to to it It If 'n , K -Sunnyside Cemm.101.00 101.00 427 " '-' " Repairs to iron fence at NW corner Mt.Hermmon Cemd.,,material and labor PV Cem, 83.60 83.60 428: Save-On-Plumbing, 1.4 check valve-PV Cemetery 7.21 7.21 693-7001. Glen St. Glens Falls, N.Y. 429 'Walter J.Barthel Misc.labor-Town of Qsby 41.00 41.00: 430 J.II.Moynihan Co. Sewer pipe-storehouse 39.04 39.04 431 LeRoy Ball Jr. Digging for septic tank 20.00 20.00 432 Clarence H. Elms I yd. washed sand loaded on twn truck: 1.25,ba1 due 7„ 50 8, 75 8.75 433 NathaA Prdlle3� Irieurasiee 'as per statement 1919.95 1919 .95 434 Nathan Prol.le3` ' Wkmn's Compensation & multi- form contract Cem.portion--PV 126.39 126.39 435 Monalauz. & Loughlin, Inst.roof on new addition Inc. - Store house 369.00 369000 436 Adirondack Glass Misc.as ite)nized 64.73 64.73 43T Raymond f oague Mileage tray.serving, Veniremen 9.28 9.28 438 Falmer Corl"ew Setting up Election railings and booths 681,00 68000 439 Lillian C. Shepard Prepare,approve current bills for WGFWD 20.00 20.00 440 Lillian C. Shepard Serv.iln 'prepare old & new water bills in NG1,WD 30.00 30.00, 441 Lillian C. Shepard Serv.rendered -in preparatioaL water bills for RIM 9100 9.00: 442.; J.Frank Kelley,. Serv.rendered as consultant on assessment City of G.F.Water sheds-legal litigation: 500.00. 500900, 443 Raymond L.Navens Labor pert under 'supervision J.VanDusen, Tcmmm Surveyor 10,92 10192; 444 Leon M.Steves Labor-perf.under supervision Tatum Surveyor 36.00 36.00 445 John B. Van Dusan Reimbursement for supplies pursuant to annexed bills 16.95 16.95 TOTALS 140081.60 $119146.11 i On motion the meeting adjourned Zee'sti. Town Clerk - i