1956-12-22 49 Regular Meeting December 22, 1956 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond-Walkup Councilman The board convened. at 7:30 P.M. F. Karl Kreiser was present and discussed.a proposed relocation of a road.. The following letter was read to the board: • Albert K. Beswick , Attorney at Law Glens Falls ,- T.Y. December ?, 1956 Mrs.. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Star Rt.. Glens Falls , B.Y. , Dear Mrs. Turner: Re : Extension loo. 1. West Glens Falls Water District Your Tern Board adopted a bond resolution on December 1, 1956, authorizing. the issuance of $159,aOO.00 of serial bonds to pay the cost of the improvement in Extension No. 1 to the West Glens Falls Water District, and further authorized the issuance of bond pntici- pa,tim-notes and delegated to the Supervisor the power to make cer- tain determinations. Mr. Harris has advised me that the Torn will need only $79,500,00 at this time and he asked me to prepare the necessary papers for the issuance of a bond anticipation note in the amount of 57„500.00, and for the purchase of this note by the Town for its Capital Reserve Fend.. AGC:orfiingly, I have prepared and enclose herewith the following papers 1. Determination by the Supervisor relating to the issuance of the bond anticipation note, i 2, Bond anticipation note in the amount of $7,500.009, 3: Resolution authorizing the purchase of the note for the Cap- ital Reserve Fund.. j I: assume this will have to wait until Mr.. Harris retuiqns, ;lint 1 since I expect to be away frog. December l9th to the end of the year, I wanted to get these papers in-your hands. _ V Yours very truly, js/ Albert E. Beswick County Attorney The following determination was signed by the Supervisor., The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, having adopted a resolution on December 19 1956,, .entitled "Bond Resolution Dated December 1, 1956. A resolutiou Authorizing the Construction of a Water System in Extension No, Ito the West Glens- Falls Water: District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren .County, New York, at a Total Estimated Cost 1, _ J 250 of not exceeding $15,,800,, and Authorizing the Issuance of not Exceeding $15,,OOQ Serial Bonds of said Town to Pay the Cost theregf", r , wherein it was provided in Section 4 that the power to authorize the issuance and sale of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds therein authorized was dele- gated to the Supervisor, and that such notes be of the terms , form and contents as prescribed by the Supervisor consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law.. . Now, Therefore, I, H. Russell Harris, Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, by virtue of the power and I authority vested in me by the aforesaid resolution, do hereby make the f oll owing de to rminati ons __J 1. That of the total amount of $15,40Q.00 of serial bonds authorized:. by said resolution there is .at this time need only for the sum of $7,500.00 for the purposes for which said serial bonds were authorized. - 2. I hereby determine that the Town of Queensb �ry, Warren`County, New York, . shall issue a bond: anticipation note in the amount of $7,,500.00 to become due and payable on the 1st day Qf. December, 1957, with interest at the rate of two and one-half per cent- (�) per annum payable at maturity. 3. That said bore anticipation note in the amount of $7,,500.0 be sold at private sale: for a price of not less than par value there- of and accrued interest, if any,µ to the date of such sale. i - 4. That said bond anticipation note shall be payable at the office' of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York. I IN WITLESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Town of Queensbury on the 22 stay of December, 1956* i t • I (signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor SEAL Resolution No. 101 Mr. Bentley introduced Resolution No. 101- and moved it adopt-- ion, seconded. by Mr.. Akins: WHEREAS, ;the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, on December 1,. 1956, adopted a. resolution authoriAng the issuance and sale of serial bonds of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, for payment of the cost- of improvements i1i Extension No. 1 to the West Glens Falls Water District in the total amount of $lt,,800.00, and for the issuance: of bond anticipation notes prior to ,the issuance and sale of said serial bonds , and in which the power to authorize the issuance of said bond anticipation notes and to determine the amount, terms and contents thereof was delegated: to the Super- visor, and . WHEREAS the Supervisor has made a determination that of the j total- amount of $15,800,00 authorized by said resolution a bona an- ticipation note in the amount of $7,500.00 shall be issued and sold to be payable at the office of the Town Clerk of the Tarn of Queens- bury,, Warren County, New York, on the lst day of December, 1957s with interest at the rate of two and- one-half per cent- (2-219) per annum, j payable at maturity, and - WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has heretofore authorized the establishment of a Capital Reserve Fund and there is i at this time a surplus of funds therein, f 4251 RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorised and direct%1_to__jnvest $79ZO0 0 cif the funds in the Capital Reserve Fund of the Town of .Queensbury by purchasing said bond anticipation note in the amount of $7,,500.00. The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as follows: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Aye Meredith Bentley, Justice of the Peace Aye Harold C Akins, Susti ce of the ' dace Aye ` Raymond Walkup: Councilman Aye Curtis Lampson Couricmlmari Aye Resolution declared adopted. The statements of the Supervisor for the months of October and November, 1956,, were, presented to the board as follows.- Monthly Statement of Supervisor October, 1956 t RECEIPTS Date Rcd, Source_ Amt.Rcd. Oct. 17 Ernest Lackey, Junk sold $ 46.00 117 Insurance Co.. Bal_.claim Grader 109'.00 17 Highway Dept. S.S. ded Pr. :40" 17 _ Pine View 2.25 • 17' Pine View !' " " n 18.58 17 _ Highway Dept. " 2.39 1f Lee Lavery, Water Funds 257.78 26 Lee Lavery, Water Funds 298.25 29 Frances Turner, Town Clerk Fees 67.60, 26 " Lee Lavery, Water Funds - 579.75 29 Albany Justice Fees 752.60 29 Frank Cowles Cemetery Funds 352,.50 22 Loan. Highway 13000.00 - Total Receipts W495.`14 DISBURSEMENTS Amt, Paid General - 4226.80: Pine:: View 539.93 N*G*F*W*Do 51.75 W.G.F'.W.D. 74.47 N.G.F.W.D.' Ext. `161.67 ' Ridge Rd. W'.D. 6.75 Cleverdale Lights 82.16 Ft. Anon Lighting 168,.46 t Highway - 25505:#72 Total Disbursements $3—D 17.71 Monthly Statement of Supervisor November, 1956 Date Red. RECEIPTS Amt.Red. Source Nov. 9 Lee Lavery, Water Funds 251.9757— 489.00 16 Lee Lavery, Water Funds 292.00 - _ 447.62. 23 Earl Jones, Water Funds 842.85 23 Frances Turner, Town Clerk Fees 51.9.25 State, Per Capita. Assistance 5242.46 28 New York City Insurance Claim 25.00 27 Frances Turner Town Clerk Fees 370.23 28 Lee Lavery, Water Funds 390.63 30� Lee Lavery, Water Funds 394.75 - 505.04 23 I4v,- Lavery, Water Funds 616.47 "52 23 Highway 8c Pine View Soc..Sec.Funds 31.23 Total Receipts_ A $10#44.50 DISBURSEMENTS j Flxx�d..or_Ac o nt Amt. Pad. General Fund 9:77 .94 Pine: View 751.27' N.G..F Water Dist. 1451.52 West -G.F'.Water District 570015 N.G.F.W.D. Eat._ 2754.04 Ridge Rd. Water District 114.56 Cleverdale Lights 41.08: Highway ` - 66e81.52 Total Disbursements $209. The following roster was noted.- WEST GLENS FALLS FIRE COMPANY NO. 11 Inc. Glens Falls , New York Active Roster as of November 26, 1956 Chief Leon Richardson Phone 2-2051 1st.Asst.Chief Leslie Hillis 2-7432:, 2nd.Asst.Chief Clarence LaPoint ' " 3-0343 3rd.,Asst.Chief James Rutell "' 2-320.7' Captain Paul Campagnon U. 2-3338 1st. Lt. Forrest Lilly " 2-7612; 2nd, Lt., Percy Ruzell " 2-75301 Steward Frank Harris " 2-0682 Allen, Francis MabW, Fred Akins, Hold Martindale, Lloyd, Sr. Akins , Hubert Martindale, Lloyd, Jr. Akins, Sterling Minor, Joseph Baker, Setn.ard Norton, -Henry Brothers , "Harald Phillips., StaAy Burnham, Kenneth Fersutti, Francis Cassent, Bernard Potter, Crandell Clark, Alon!ior Richardson, Herbert Carpenter, Richard Reynolds , Arthur Chadwick, Royal, Sr. Reynolds-, C.eylmr Chadwick, Royal, Jr. Saville ,- Paul. - Curlew, Gordon Scoville-, Lewis Denton, Kenrieth Shoemaker,-George Didio, Chauricey Trombley, Charles Finch, Ge:orje Trombley, Thomas Finch, Robert Turner, Ralph Flynn, Edward Tucker, Pliny Gifford, Harold Granger, Stanley Mavens, Robert The: following are carried on Hopkins ,,Robert our active roster rbut are in Hermance, Fred the armed service . " Hermance, Harley Huagua, Ray�iond Baird, Fester , Joslyn, Kenrieth Richardson, David Joslyn, William Tangrady, Anthony, Jessey, Hubert Jones , Earl-' Lapoint, Richard Burch, Frank Lattimore, Robert Lambert, John Lilly, Robert Monroe, Richard X53 Resolution No. 102 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Council- man Lamps on n RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby confirmed as active volunteer firemen in the. West Glens Falls Fire Company #1, Inc.- Chief Leon Richardson Phone 2-2051. 1st.Asst.Chief Leslie Hillis " 2-7432 2nd.Asst,;Chief Clarence LaPoint " 3-0343 3rd.Asst.Chief Fames Rozell " 2-3207 Captain Paul Campa,gnon-.. " 2-3338 1st. Lt.. Forrest Lilly 2-7612 2nd. Lt. Percy Rozell 2-7530 Steward Drank Harris a 2-068Z, Allen, Francis • Mabb, Fred ry Akins, Harold Martindale, Lloyd, Sr.. Akins, Hubert Martindale, Lloyd, Jr. Akins, Sterling Minor, Joseph. -Baker, Bernard Dorton, .Henry. Brothers, Harold Phillips, Stanley Burnham., Kenneth F`ersutti, Francis Cassent, Bernard Potter, Crandell Clark, Alonzo Richardson, Herbert Carpenter, Richard Reynolds , Arthur Chadwick, Royal, Sr. Reynolds, Ceylon Chadwick, Royal., Jr.. Saville, Paul Corlew, Gordon Scoville , Lewis Denton, Kenneth Shoemaker,-George Didio; Chauncey Trombley, Charles Finch, George Trombley, Thomas Finch, Robert Turner, Ralph Flynn, Edward Tucker, Pliney Gifford, Harold. Granger, Stanley The fallowing are carried on Havens ,, Robert the active roster but are in Hopkins, Sccott the armed services: Hermance , Fred -- Hermance, Harley Baird, Lester Hoague, Raymond Richardson, David Joslyn, Kenneth Tangrady, Anthony Joslyn, William Jerssey, Hubert Jones, Earl LacPoint, Richard Burch, Frank Lattimore, Robert Lambert, John Lilly, Robert Monroe, Richard Duly adopted by the. following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley', -Mr- Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none ]'donee of Inquiry to Scott Hopkins filed with the Board. They following report of the Health Officer was accepted: TOWN BOARD, Town of Queensbury Duties performed by your Health Officer during 1556. 1. Issued milk dealer permits to 13 dairies. 2.. Reported 8 c-ommunicable diseases within the Town to the State District Health Officer. X54 3. Conducted 3 immunization clinics at the Queensbury School and West Glens Falls Firehouse at which 619 inocculations of Salk Folio vaccine-were given by the undersigned.. 4. Instrumental in the committment of a mental patient. 5. Investigated the circumstances surrounding the death ac 2, residents who did not have a physician in attendance, 6. Received numerous complaints concerning alleged violations of the Sanitary Code, all of which were able to be corrgete4 without. resort to punitive measures.. ! 7. Personally collected 4 samples of water used as public supply at Cleverdale & sent to Albany, State Laboratory. Three of the samples, were reported not fit for drinking. Chlorination has been advised. 8. Attended meetings called by the District Health Officer concern- ing matters of interest to theHealth of the Community. , 9, Issued 2 Public Bathing Beach Certificates, 10. Submitted reports- to. State Health Department on 2 typhoid, car- riers known to reside .in the town of Queensbury,. as required by the Sanitary Code. Respectfully submitted,' /s/ Bernard Selinger, M.D. Health Officer - Queensbury, B .Y. The following petition was; received by the board: PETITION Sept. 27v 1956 To the Town Board of Queensbury Township.: We , the undersigned residents and/or land owners, of Bullard, _ Ave. , Town of Queensbury, do hereby request and petition the Town Highway Dept. to pave the present dirt surfaced street known as Bullard Ave. In its present condition, spring thaw and rains render the roadway impassable to vehicular traffic. As taxpayers , we represent an Assessed valuation of $23,,000.00. (Signed) John M. Hume Andrew T. McCormack Lynn B. . Parke r F. Ray Adams Mr. and . Mrs. M. Lance Nathan Proller r A.T. Stoddard J.W. Martin H.F.Edward The fallowing letter was received by the board: December 22,1956 Town Board 4 Town of Queensbury I hereby make application for caretaker of Town Dump for the year 1957. _ /s/ Eugene Johnson Star Route Glens _Falls , N.Y. The following letter was presented to the board: 255 State of New York STATE TRAFFIC 0011-IISSICN .,-35 Wa ghing�op Abe,._.• Al.beny 1, N.Y. , ^ December 7, 1956 Frances Turner, Clerk _ Town of Queens6ury Route 1 Glens Falls, New York Dear Madam:: This concerns Signal #12-F„ which is located on Route 91,S.H. 18699 at its intersection with the entrance to the North Queensbury Fire Company Fire House and Cleverdale Road. A permit for this signal, which is essentially afire signal, was issued by the Commission on August 17, 19531, The permit was amended by a rider issued on November 15, 1455. At the time the permit and rider were issued, the law prohibited the. use of State funds for signals on State Highways in those cases where the main purposee of the signal wa,s the, regulation of traffic at Fire Houses.. Chapter 3019, Laws of 1956, which became effective on April 4 , the date of dovernor-Harriman's. signature, now permits the use of State funds for signals. regulating traffic on State Highways at Fire Houses , provided that the Fire Houses are located outside of Cities and Incorporated Villages and are located on and have direct access to a.State Highway maintained by the State. The location of Signal #1Z-F meets the intent of the new law and accordingly the Commission has issued an order to the State Department of Public Works which provides that that Department shall., in the future, maintain the signal. It has been given a new designation, name- ly„ Signal- #12F-S-0 As a corollary action, we have also cancelled the 1953 permit- and November 15, 1955 rider. A copy of the order and the - cancellation are enclosed for the records. of the Town. Very truly yours, i STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION /.#/` . L1oyd ,A. Maeder ENCLOSURES: Director State of Nets York STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 95. Washington Ave. Albany 1, N.Y. December 71 1956 j To: Hon. N.F. Ronan, Supt. -Div* of Operation, & Maintenance � Department of Public Works Albany 1, New York TRAFFIC CONNISSION ORDER Pursuant to authority conferred by Article 7 of the Vehicle and Traffic law, the State Traffic. Commission hereby directs that: a 1. Signal #12--F, whi k,is located on Route 9L, S.H. 1865, at its intersection with q1everdale Road on the north. and the entrance to North Queensbury Fire Company Fire House on the south in the Town j of Queensbury, Warren County, shall. consist of a 4-face , 2-section �II signal head and shall be maintained by the State of New York and further shall be designated Signal #12F-S. 2. This signal shall include a timing relay and switch located in the Fire House. 3.' This signal shall normally operate as a flashing signal displaying '256 amber indications easterly,and westerly on Route 9L,S.H.18699 and red indications northerly on Cleverdale Road and southerly on the entrance to the Fire House . It may be placed on emergency operation by the actuation of the switch located in the Fire House for a period not to exceed 40 seconds when fire apparatus is responding to alarms. When placed on emergency oPeration, this signal shall display steady red indications easterly and westerly on Route 9L,S.H.1869, north- erly on Cleverdale Road and a steady green indiction southerly on the entrance to the Fire House . At the termination of the emergency period , the signal shall automatically be returned to normal flashing operation. t and requests that the work necessary to carry out this order be per- — formed by the Department of Public Works . Kindly advise the Traffic Commission when this order has been complied with. STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Isl Lloyd A. Maeder Director The following letter was read to the board by the Clerk: STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 95 Washington Ave. Albany, N.Y. December 7, 1956 Frances Turner, Clerk Town of Queensbury Route 1 Glens Falls , New York i Pursuant to authority conferred by Article 7 of the Vehicle and j Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby cancels its permit - and rider thereto dated August 17, 1953 and November 150 1953, re- spectively, issued to the Town of Queensbury, and which authorizeA j the Town to provide, erect, operate and maintain a flashing-fire _ ' signal on Route 9L,S.H. 1869, in front of the North Queensbury Fire Compax}y Fire House and at its intersection with Cleverdale Road in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County. This cancellation is issued by reason of Chapter 3G91 Laws of 1956, effective April 4, 1956 , which permits the use of State funds for fire signals regulating traffic on State Highways at Fire Houses under conditions which are present at this location. STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION /s/ Lloyd A. Maeder Director A letter on Glens Falls Insurance Company stationery dated Dec. 1Q, 1956,: addressed to Harold Akins , was presented to the Town Board. The Supervisor read letters from Nathan Prolle r and Andretta relating to assessments . The Supervisor retained the letters . } Resolution #103 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Walkup: RESOLVED that there bg installed street lights as follows : I j Dix Avenue at the junction of Bell Avenue ; � Bay Road at the junction of Lake Sunnyside Road(sodium vapor'] Corinth Road at junction of Central Avenue ; Ridge Road - at or near the house of Dr. Possonr Glenwood Avenue - junction of Pineview Road (sodium vapor) . Duly adopted by the following vote : I Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley , Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none i i i I 257 E Mr. ,Harris presented a No Ch4rge statement for excavation which he 4ad d own,for Ernest Lackey for w4i ch no charge was made. Garner C . Tripp who was present, presented the Following letter to the ,Town Board and discussed the proposed extension to the West Glens Falls Water,Distriet.. Garner C . Tripp, Jr. P.E. 6 Mason St. Glens Falls New York December 21 , 1956 Town Board Town of Queansbury Gentlemen: I am enclosing herewith two maps showing the extensions to mains made .fin the past month. One map shows the extension made to Glendale Drive in the Nort4 G1ens .Falls Water District Extension. The other shows the mains on Caroline and Fifth Sts. in the ex- tension to the West Glens Falls Water District. On the Glendale Drive extension, you will notice that ,t4e hydrants were not installed at this time. This Is due to the fact that they were not available for installation and because of the cold weather and wet ground conditions it was not advisable to leave the trencbr open awaiting their delivery. These two hydrants can be installed in the spring as one lateral is .ready for ,the hydrant and ,the other can be made with a tapping sleeve and valve installation. I would like to have yor Board decide if you ,went a hydrant with a steamer connecti qn for pumper use or one with ust 2-2j" hose outlets. -My opinion Is to install the onq with 2- a" hosq outlets together with a steamer connection. The original cost is only a small amount more and it gives better protection. On the extension to the West Glens Falls District, the hy- drants that were ordered by' your Board did not have steamer con- nections . TY4ere were no fittings availle on the pipe shipment so these were Furnished by the City Water Departient and Will be billed in the near ,future . All existing connections to the gale. main in- stalled by Dunn and Stevenson were reconnected over to the, new main by the City ,Department. There are other residents in the new ex- tension that have private lines from the City Main on Thomas St. and these should be connected over to the District extension in the spring. Respectfully submitted. /s/ G.C. Tripp, Jr. Eng. The Board audited claims as follows : SCHEDULE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1956 Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 446 Ruth M. Lykens Taking Jury Trial in the People vs . Edna Rivette before Judge Akins 8.00 8.00 447 Kathryn E. O'Brien Typing minutes, for . Town Board 1.75 1.75 _44& N.Y.Tel.Serv. Telephone service at Town Storehouse 19.3b.. 19.35 449 Adirondack Resorts Supplies for Tax Co]i- ' Press lector 77.35 77.35 454_ Stephein B. Dwell Phone call & Mileage travel assessing as per invoice 9.87 9.87 258 258, 451 Ernest Hillis Mileagge tray«assessing 102.32 102.32 452 Niagara-Mhk.Pwr« Str.ltng.& traf.signals 181.62 1:81.62 453 Niagara-Mhk.Pwr.. Str.ltng.-Ft.Amst-Garrison 168.46 168.46 454 Glencraft Prntg. Envelopes-Twn.Clk's Office 17.65 17.65 455 Glencraft Prntg. 4500 6-page folders re Queensbury Re-assessment. 62.50 62.50; 456 Carson-Duffy Agy. Justice Bentley's Bond . . 10.00 10.00 457 Niagara-Mhk.Par. Str.ltng.$155.97 Tra,f.signls $25.65 181162 181.62: ' Str.lts .Ft.Amherst & a Garrison Rds. 168.46 168.46 458 Frances L. Turner Fees due to Registrar of Vital Statistics 46.75 46.75 45% R.D.Wood Co. Pipe as ordered on Inv.774Q j WGFWD Ext.. 1 3722.87 3722,87 G 460 Assn.Towns of NY Annual membership for the- Town of Queensbury 110.00. 110.00 a 461 John Kubricky Labor perf.in the WGF"dD Ext. 1 as stated on invoice- 1869.00 1869.04 j 462 Carswell T & T Gasolene & Chaim-PV Cem. 16.8(1 16.80 463• Jointa Lime Co. Stone dust-PV Cem. 75.73 75.73 464 Defiance Asphalt Portion of contract complete Co. to date . 325.44 325.44 465 Niagara-Mhk.Pwr, Cleverdale Street ltng. 41.Q8 41.08 I 466 C.G.Woodbury Cement & shiplap-PV Cem. 61811 6180 467 J.E.Sawyer & Co. 2 barn shovels-PV Ceir. ' 4.00 4.00, 468 The Trailer Shop Sharpen.cutting units-PVC 17.00 17,00 463 Auto Vote Mach, 2 Presidential Electoral) { Corp« cards 2.23 2.23 474 Auto.Vote.Maeh, 5 Presidential Electoral Corp. cards 5.58 5.58 471 R.B.Wing & Son Overhaul Barco Gas Hammer,, Corp. labor & Misc.itemized-PVC 33.20 33.20 472 G.F.Ins. Co. Metered pstg.on.re-assess- • ment pamphlets 66.94 66.94 473 Horace Dean Labor perf.surveying under superv.John B.VanDusen Town Surveyor 5.75 5.75 474 -Leon M. Steves Work perf.under supervision of Town Surveyor 34.5(1• 34.50 475 Garner C.Tripp,Jr. Eng.serv.on WGFWD Ext. 1 125.00: 125.00 476 J.E.Sawyer Co. Supplie s-NGFWD 16.20 116.20 477 Elect.Supply & Equipment Parts NGFWD 7,33 7.33 Totals $ 7541. ; X7541.-$5 On motion the meeting adjourned. ex Town Clerk Regular Meeting. 28, 1956 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor. Meredith Bentley Tustice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis LLampson Councilman Raymond-Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Resolution No. 104 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council- man Lampson. WHEREAS the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace, Supt. of High- ways and Town Clerk have presented to the Town Board dockets,. can- celled checks., books , vouchers , minute book and- other records for ex-