1957-05-25 297
Regular Meeting May 25, 1957
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
.Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman.
Raymond-Walkup Councilman.
The board convened at 7:30 P.M.
The question of protection of members of the emergency squad was dis-
The following letter was presented by Justice Akins to clarify the
Glens Falls, N.Y.
Mr. Harold Akins May lQ, 1957
23 Main Street
Glens Falls 40, N.Y.
Re: Volunteer Firemen and Emergency Squad
Dear Harold:
In reply to your inquiry as to whether or not the meers of the
emergency squad would be covered, this matter has been discussed
with the Glens Falls Insurance Company who is writing your coverage
and they advise--that the emergency squad who are active members of
the Queensbury Volunteer Fire Department would be covered as pro-
vided under the provisions of the law affecting volunteer firemen.
Yours very truly,
Isl Nathan Proller.
Mrs,Edwa,rd Lathrop: was present and requested that water mains be laid
along Lafayette St. in order that there may be a water supply to her
The Board generally discussed the matter.
The matter was referred to the Water Committee to ascertain the dis-
tance of pipe to be laid required to give the service.
Resolution #52 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
Lamps on
RESOLVED that these may be established, pursuant to' the provisions
of the general municipal law or other pertinent statutes , an Emergency
Relief Squad in the following fire companies in the Town of Queensbury:
'Nest Glens Falls Fire Co. #1 Inc.
Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc..
Bay-Ridge Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc..
North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc., and
South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, `Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Barbara Toomey was present and discussed with the Board a deed for lands
which was abandoned by a reMca.tion of a part of the Tee Hill Road.
Application was received and read to the Board requesting permission
to hold a carnival as follows :
May 18th, 1957
To:. Members of the Queensbury Town Board
Dear Gentlemen:
It is respectfully requested by the Queensbury Central
Volunteer Fire Co-. , Inc. , that a permit be granted for the
Carnival, Continental Shows , to be held at the usual lot op-
posite the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company on
Upper Glen Street -for the week of May 27th to June 2nd, 1957.
Check for the 'amount of one hundred dollars is herein
Thanking you for past considerations,
Very respectfully,,
Isl Frederick Leuenberger
Resolution #53 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that permission is hereby granted to hold a carnival
as follows:
Sponsor M Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co.
Carnival - Continental Shows
Location - Vacant lot on the west side of Gleam
Street opposite the Glens Falls Nat-
ional Bank and Trust Co. on` Upper
Glen Street.
Dates - May 27th, 1957 to June 2nd,, 1957
Fee - $100.00
RESOLVED that the Town stark be and is hereby 'authorized to
issue the permit upon receipt of a check for $100.00 in payment of
the fee.
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr... Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
r A
John Van Dusen was present and discussed the width of Fourth Street
at its junction with`Thomas Street.
The following letter was read to the Board:
4 Ackley St
Glens Falls, N.Y.
May 8, 1957`
Mr. •H. Russell Harris, -
Board of Supervisors ,, Torvm. of Queensbury
Star Route
Glens Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Harris:
I would like the Board of Supervisors to consider raising the Physi-
cian"s Fee for the Queensbury Childrentis Health Clinic from $20.00
to $30.00 per clinic.
My reasons are as follows:
ae There has been no increase in rate since the clinic began,
in 1952.
b. The clinics have grown (especially since the advent of polio
vaccine) from an average of 10: to 15 patients to about 35
patients.. For example:, at our last clinic held on May 3,, 1957,
L I examined and/or innoculated 48 children. At another recent
clinic,, the number seen was 51.
c. Because of the increased patient load., the clinics now take
about I2 hours whereas they formerly took only 1 hour or less.
I hope this suggestion will meat with favorable consideration from.
yourself' and the Board. .
Very truly yours,
/s/ Norman A. Harvey, M.D.
Mr. Harris was to answer the foregoing.
The following application -to clean cemeteries was read -to the Board:
May 259 1957' •
The Men' s Club of- the Harrisena Community Church asks
to clean the John J. Harris and Seelye cemeteries for
the year 1957,
Is/ D. L. Branch, Ares,,
Mr.. Harris stated that the Mountainside Grange had. requested permis'
sion. to clean the Scotch Cemetery on Bay Road.
Resolution No. 54 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
Akins :
RESOLVED that the Men' s Club of the Harrisena Community Church
be and is hereby authorized- and directed to causes to be gemoved grass,
weeds and brush from the John J. Harris Memorial. Cemetesy and the
Seelye Cemetery.
Further resolved that such weeds , brush and grass be removed
at least three times during; the summer and shall be completed before
October 1 , 1957,
Further resolved that the sum of $100.00 each be and is appropri-
ated for such work.
Duly adopted by the• following vote: •
Ayes -- Mr.. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Resolution #55 introduced by Councilman Walkup., seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the Mountainside Grange be and is hereby authorized
to remove grass , weeds and brush from the Scotch Cemetery on Bay Road.
Further resolved that such weeds , brush, and grass be removed at
least three times during the summer and shall be completed ,by October
Further resolved the sum of $50.00 be and is hereby appropriated
for such work. ,
j Duly adopted by the- following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr.. Akins and Mr., Harris
Noes - none
The following petition was read to the Board:
Lafayette St. being veiZy dark and running practically through
yard a lumber rd with shade on either side of same„ and, whereas ,it is
more or less dangerous at night due to speeding cars and joy parkers,
we, the residents of Lafayette St.,, having young girls and boys , feel
that it would be a great step toward more safety to our children and
adults to have the street lighted. ,
We , the undersigned, do petition the Town Board to place lights
on Lafayette Street,
Charles E. Dickinson Mr. Nelson Mead
Jessie E. Dickinson Mrs. Nelson Mead
Robert F. Dickinson Mr. Erwin La Fountaine
Geraldine V. Dickinson Mrs. Erwin-La Fountain
Mrs. George Kilmer Raymond G. Mallaney
George J.. Kilmer Myrtle Mallaney
The following letter was read to the Board:
Attorney at law
Glens Falls ,N.Y.
. - May 22, 1957
Mrs. Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk -
Ridge Road:
Glens Falls, N.Y.
Dear Mrs. Turner:
There has been delivered to me the enclosed Petition of John
DeGraff, doing business as Granville Bus Lines , for consent to oper-
ate in the Town of Queensbury on River Street between Hudson Falls
and the City of Glens Falls.
Under section 67 of the Transportation Corporations' Law, the
Town Board must hold a public: hearing on this application before the
consent can be granted.
T have taken the liberty of drafting and enclose a proposed
resolution for the public hearing and an original and two copies of
the notice of hearing. The notice must be pubs ished in the official
newspaper once at least` fourteen days prior to the date of the hear-
ing and must be posted on the bulletin board at your office,
If II can be of any further help: to you or the Town Board in con-
nection with this matter, please call on me.
Yoitrs very truly,
Is/ Albert, E Beswick
C ounty' Attorney
Encls. (5)
The clerk_ also read a petition of John DeGraff, d/b/a Granville Bus
Lines for consent to operate a motor bus line between Granville, Wash-
ington County, New York., and Glens Falls , Warren County, New York..
The following resolution,, No. 56, was adopted:
Mr. Akins introduced Resolution #56 and moved its adoption, sec-
onded by Mr.. Bentley: -
WHEREAS, John DeGraff, doing business as Granville Bus Lines , has
made written application to the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury for
consent to operate a bus line between Granville and Glens Falls over
River -Street , in the Town of Queensbury between the village line of Hud-
son balls and the city line of Glens Falls; it -is
-RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a public hearing �be held by the Town
Board @upon- said application at the office of the Town Clerk, Ridge Road,
Town of Queensbury, on the 11th day of June, 1957, at 7:30 o'clock
(D.S. T.)Rin the evening of that day at which € ll persons interested will
be heard with respect to the: aforesaid application, and that the Town
Clerk •be and she hereby is directed to give notice of such application
and hearing by publishing the same once in the official newspaper of
the town and by posting the same on the bulletin board at the office of
the Town Clerk.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none '
Justice Bentley offered the following resolution (No. 57) which was
`sd.conded: by Councilman Lampson:
1. That the Town of Queensbury, pursuant to Section 218: of the
Federal Social Security Act and Article 3 of the Retirement and Social
Security .Lew, will provicTe old:-age and survivors insurance coverage for
eligible officers and employees effective on the following date:
' June I-6th,, 1956.
2. That the following official is hereby authorized to represent
the Town of Queensbury and is directed to cordply with the regulations
of the Director of the State Social Security Agency designed to extend
old-age . and" survivors insurance coverage to positions-- of officers and
employees pursuant to Section 218 of the Federal Social Security Act
and Articld 3 of the Retirement and Social Security Law:
` Name and. Title - H. Russell Harris, Supervisor
Address - Star Route , Glens Falls , N.Y.
Duly adopted by the following v=ote:
Ayes - Mr. 'Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akfiw and Mr. Harris
Noes - none '
The monthly statement of the supervisor was read and placed on file.
' A.pri l, 1957 .
Date RECEIPTS ' ` Amount
Received Source ' Received
A.pri1 16 New York Returned Insurance $ 645.43'
W 117 Fine View & Hwy.Soc.Sec.Ded. on Payrolls `31.88
1:6 Arthur Hillis Tax Penalties 193.51
'� 24 Frances Turner Town Clerk Fees 97.50
April 24 State Justice Fees 2
„. 30 .Lee Lavery,, Water Funds 89'7
TQtal 'Receipts 82328.77`
Fund or Account Paid
General Fund $3343.50
Pine View Fund 531.66
North G.F.W. District 186.04
W.G.F. Water Dist. 92.45
N.G.F.W.D. Ext, 35.95
Ridges Water District ,22.50
Cl'evgrdale Lights 41.08
Ft. Amherst- Lighting 16§.46 ,
Total Disbursements $4421.64
/sf H. Russell Harris
The board audited claims as follows :
Amt. Amt.
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
141 Monarch 'Freight Freight charges $ 16.71 N.A.
142. J.E.Sawyer & Co. 2-LC18 Rake s-Pv Cem. 6.40 6.40
143 J.E.Sawyer & Co. Misc .as itemized-PV Cem. 5,87 5.87
144 Thorne''s Pvr.Equip. Serv.on 18" Rotary Motor
Pine View Cemetery 10.00 10.00
1.45 Mead Nursery Turf bldr,utility seed-PV 12.80 ' 12.80
146 Russell & Wait 1 bx.bond.paper--Twn Clk 4.95 4.95 -
147 Russell & Wait Pads & folders-Supervisor 5.30 5.30
148 Russell & Wait Envelopes RR "Mater Dist. 1.60 1.60
149 Tri-Co. Asphalt & lginter` Mix as itemized
Stone Co. Highway 255.88 Y: N.A.
1.50 C.0.Webb,Co.Clk. Recording; Deeds 3.00 ' 3.00
151 G.F.Hospital Alcohol content test-
Earl J. Canavan 3100 3..00
152 Niagara Mhk Pwr. F't.Amherst-Garrison Rd.
street lights 168.46 168.46
153 Niagara Mhk Pwr. Str.l'ts.& Traf.signals 199.82 199.82;
154 Frances L.Turner Postage stamps--Twn Clk 3.00 3.00
155 Sandy Hill. Iron `& 3 prints a 50¢ for Mr.
Brass Works . Van Dusen 1.50 1.50
156 Nathan Prol.lei` NGF.4D Coverage Dept.
Public Works - 25.68 25.68
157 City G.F.W.Fd.. Water rent-RRWD Fd. 104,00 104.00
158 City G.F.W.Fd. Water rent-WGFWD ,Fd. 497.84 497.84
159 ' City G.P.W.Fid. Water 'rent,,93A,NGFWD Fd. 596.68 536.68
160 City G.F.W.Fd. Water rent„93,NGFWD-Fd. 476.43 476.43
161 Frank 0. Smith Refd..water rent,NGFWD 21.41 21.41
162 Louis Corlew Shoveling Fire Hydrant
NGFWD 20,00 20.00
163 Scotty''s Fuel -oil, kerosene 37.64 37.64
164 N.Y.Tel.Co. ToiNm of Queensbury 15.15 15.15 -
165 N.Y.Tel.Co. Town of 'Queensbury 21.30 21.30
166 Leon M.Steves Town.survyr.helper,App.
by J.B.V. 47.25 47.25
167 State of N.Y. Contribution 66.54 66.54
168 ' N.Y.S.E.R.System Contribution 5,257.00 ,52.57.00
169 Harry A. Reoux To legal services--Town
of Queensbury 3500.00 3500.00
170 Chas.E.Houghtaling Supplies-Judge Bentley,
- Town Clerk 28.40 28.40
Totals 11413.61 ;11141.02
pn motion the meeting adjourned,
Frances L. Turner
-Town Clerk.
Public Hearing June 11r 1957
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Absent: Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 p.m..
The hearing was celled to order by the Supervisor
Proof of publication of Notice of Hearing filed.
Proof of posting of Notice of Public Hearing filed.
The petition of John DeGraff, d/b/a Granville Bus Lines was read to
the Board. -
Resolution No. 58: '
On motion of Mr.. Bentley seconded by Mr. Lampson., the matter
entitled 'The Application of John DeGraff d/b/a-Granville Bus Lines
f°6r Consbnt to . Operate a Motor' Bus -Line between Gra.hville, Washington
County, New York,, and Glens Falls, Marren County, New York't, be and
the same is hereby adjourned -to the .regular meeting of this Board to
be held on June 221. 1957. '
_ Daly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson and Mr.. Harris
Noes - none
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Frances L. Turner
Town Clark- • -
Regular Meeting June 22, 1957
H. Russell Harris . Supervisor
Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Absent: Raymond.-Walkup Councilman.
The Board convened at 7:30 p'. '
Also. present: Mr. Frederick Torchettit and John DeGraff', in reference
to the Granville Bus Line.
Gilbert-Mullen and Leon Ogden were present , representing
the Glen Lake Association. -
Resolution Djo. 59 , introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr.. Akins.