1952-11-22 structed with brick 'for leveling purposes. Further resolved that Leslie Coulter, Engineer, be and is hereby authorized and directed to inform the contractor that such manholes are to be mmxffJcnmx so constructed and installed: Duly adopted by the following vote: i Ayes - Mr.. Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none Resolution No. 96 introduced by Mr. Sleight, seconded by Mr. Lampson WHEREAS water rents and penalties are unpaid in the Ridge Road Water District as follows : 11/1/50 to , 5/1/51 5/1/51 to 11/1/51 Pearl Hubbell Rent $23.50 $23,50 Pen. 2 35 2.35 Total 25*85 $25,85 i 11/1/ 51 to 5/1/52 5/1/52 to 11/1/52 23.50 23.50 2e,35 2,35 5.85 25.85, George Hubbell 11/1/50 to 5/1/51 5/1/51 to 11/1/51 Rent $13.50` ` "$21.50 ` Pen. 1.35 2 15 J Total 14.85 239.65 11/1/51 to `5/l/52 5/1/52 go 11/1/52 13.50 $21.50 1.36 2.15 I $14.85 $23.65 RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause tuch delinquent water rents and penalties be relaid in accordance with the law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none On motion the meeting adjourned. / Town Clerk Regular Meeting November 22, 1952 Present: ,H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peacg Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Raymond Walkup Councilman - Curtis Lampson Councilman ' The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Ernest Lackey was also present. Mr. John Daggett and Mr. Roy Burch called on the board in reference. to., the laying of additional pipe in the West Gleus Falls Water District. --They were informed that the bid for the laying of such.pipe had been accepted. i I ` called on the board in reference to trucks. F.E. -Wiley of Howe Bros. , Troy,. He _state a that Mmy. had a used FWD truck which they would sell for $3500 in its present condition. , Tinklepaugh, Inc. , discussed trucks with Ralph`-E -Graves, Jr. , of John R. Oskosh cabin chassis used for $5 00 0• the town board and stated they had an BgSQ ,at1pri 'to. 97 introduced by Judge Bentley, seconded by Councilman T,ampson: t of S£fMD that the compensate.00eleetiondaytbesand thecsames sot the extra hours of service on ge neral -1 hereby fixed at $3 each for the year 1953.. pu ly adopted by the followingtvote: on Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Ayes .. Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamps , Noes - none ed by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Resolution No. 98 introduc Walkup: ROLVED that the compensation of stenographers for Justice Court when needed, be and the same is hereby fixed at $8 per day. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes _ Mr. Walkup, ,Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noels : 'none. ion No. 99 g 1:ei ht, seconded introduced by Justice S by Justice Bentley: _ is he�eb appointed". RESOLVED. 3that Charles Howland, Sr.be and Y inspector to perform the usual service Q f inspection in connection. with tho.ss,ying and din-stalling of the, drainage system in Drainage District No*. 1 of the Town of Qu.eensbury to serve at the, pleasure of the board. Y position It is furth fixedsatvthe ratetof $1050 for such each actually be -and is hereby f zr�ae ces sarily worked. do ted by the following votes. p Mr., Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr'. Harris. Ay,00 ,, Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Noes none w • ' < "seconded sby Coun- gs�,.g6lution No. -100 introduced by Councilman Walkup, c ilman Lamp son. RESOLVED that the election supplies and equipment for Election i District No. 5s be stored in the West Glens Falls School on the Big Body Road. ` adopted by the following vote �., Aye Mr, Wa13tuP• Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamp son, Mr.. Sleight and . Harris. Nc$s"'= none.. ` The -mthly statement of the Supervisor for moneys received and dis- i u'�`cad during the month of October, 1952, was read and paced on file. The.: lerk read the following communication: State of Nov York Executive Department < f State Building Code Commission } 1740 Broadway ' *New York, 190 New York Dear Sir: November 17, 1952.. The Commission has noticed that occasionall.y,, when a community has ` adopted a resolution accepting the applicability of the State. Building Construction Code, a considerable time has elapsed between the actual adoption of the resolution and the filing of a copy with its. and the Secretary of State. Since the filing of a copy of the resolution serves as ngticea to the # Commission of the acceptance of the applicability of the C6de,;,we are unable . to make available to connUtties the services which the Com- mission stands ready to provide unless such resolution is forwarded to the Commission. j For this reason, if your minicipality has adopted a resolution accept•- i ing the applicability of the State; Code, we urge that a certified copy be mailed to us as soon as possible. A suggested form of resolution 'is enclosed for your convenience. Very truly yours, : (signed) Edward J, McGraw, Jr,, 1. ` Enclosures Chairman The clerk read.a communication from the County Superintendent of high- ways approving application for State aid .under the Erwin plan-,,. { The board audited claims as follows:,` Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury for the month,of November, ,1952. Amt. Amt.. No. Name of Claimant Natu re of Claim Claimed Aljowec 322 Niagara Mohawk Power Street light. & traf. signals. $ 72,06 72;,06 323 G.F. Post Co, Pub.Not.hearing on t.: budget 91:88 9.88 324 Kathryn E.0'Brien Typ,min.Twn.Bd. meetings 9,.50 9..50 :, , 325 Carson & Duffy Agency Bond for M.S.Bentley' 4,00 4x00; �., 326 WGF Cemetery Assn. ' Cleaning old cem.-WGFCeml00.00 10010b' � 327 Mftesg Hillis Mileage trav,on Assess- ment work 102.40 102.40 328 Frances L,Turner Postage-Twn Clk 3,00 , 329 Russell & Wait $uppliee-Supervisor 6,96 �•`�ta: 330 Aussell & Suit - $upplies-Twn Clk 4.15 331 Frances L. .Turner Reg.Vital. Statistics 56.00 56,;'00` 332 Dennis &. Co.Inc.. Suppl.Just.manual 15..00 .15.00 333 N.Y.. Tel. _Co. Qbsrv.post-Civ,Def. } Tel, & toll. chgs. 19,44 19,,44 334 Auto,.Vot,Mch.Corp.. 5 cards splitting pres. electors 4084 '4084 335 lingis Sales Rent.for Registr.& Elect, a days 40600 40.00 336 Donald J,. Sull-ivan Custodian voting mch. 75,00 56x,40 337 Scott Hopkins " " " 75,00 5500'3 338 Clara F. Taylor Insp.of: Elect:D-No.1 52.00 , .59*DO 339 Jophine T.Sullivan " " to " No 520.00 52#00 340 Helen Jane Sullivan " a ": n No.", 52.00 52,.,00 341 Gladys E.LaFountain " " " " No." ` 62,00 62,00 342 Marion Martindale n n n x No.2 52.00 52.00 .343 Minnie E. Bidwell " " " " Noe" 62,.00` 62.130 344 Elva. McDermott " " " No." 5240 52..00. , 345 Ellen McDermott No." 40..04 40,00 346 Doris Chadwick " " " " No.3 52,00 5'2',,00 347 Mary V,Sullivan " " " * -NO** 52.00 520,00 348 Irene E. Howe " " " No." 62.00 621;00 349 Ethel Stevens " " No.4 62•.00 629.00 350 Hazel MSmith. " " " " No." 61.,.00 610.00 351 Mabel N.Sawn " " " " No." 16,00 16,00 352 Viola A, Gooch a " No," 36000 360.00 353 Viola A.- Gooch 1 0 No," 16,00 16000 354" Fred Fisher 0 V No.6 79000 79,x.00 w 355 Lester Viele Insp*of Elect.D.N6e5 409DO 40.00 356 , ictoria Hubert « « a No a 64000 64000 357 .Lura_. Lord. " " " " No,"_ 64.00 64900 358 Evolyn Grant N e w N t6,M 24.00 24.00 359 , 41s Hartman 15 he Pl owing &^.disking PVC 600.00 .60000 360 Carswell -T & T Ggs, PV CO=otery 3e.82 3.82 361 Doyle's Bal.acct:FV C+em 2:95 2.95) 362 M.R.Sexton Parts for. power mpwer,weld. frame on mower,sharpen power 27.19 27.19 mower,ete4PV Come. 363. ,Zvelyn. Siraco Insp of Eleet.D.. No.-3 409:00 40..00 364- Arthur J Hillis Postage used by tax toll .. 96.00' 966A0 �- 3-r-A,rbhur J.Hillis Set.up,take down booths 49.00 49..00 3 ,`�smn & Duffy Prem.on bond-H.J.Sleight 4..00 4.00 5*30 5.50 � ? thryn 0!Brien � Type.min.Twn.Bcl. 36 oierd 1iJfallace tg.&Pcntgcoll-NGFWD 152.05 152 0.05:. 365 -e0,03.�ler Labor worked-NGFWD 85.00 85.00 370 Samuel T*Bennett Labor worked-Glenwood Ave. NGFWD 17..60 17.60 371 J.G.P:iscitelli & Galv.pipe 9 pes-21' L.. ion NGFWD 1'02.06 102.06,:. 372 City of. G.F.Water t 895,03 895.03' Fwd dater rent-.NGFWD 373, tClty .G*F'Later Fd.Water rent-Ridge Rd.W D, ?6.80 76.80 374';City G;,�':�'ater F'd.Water rent `W.Dist. . 416,68 416.68 375, G.g.Post Co.. Pub.Not.Drng.DiSt. l 34.02 34.02 376 The setter Shop gimeo.28 .pgs.COnt.Drn.No.l 95020 95.'20 377 Sa eh N.Hastings Cutting stencils &.supplies Drainage No, 1 37J80 37..80 3 78 L*I Alie Coulters ' Serv.as Engineer-Drng.Djl 1200 Soo 1200 j&OO Total IV59049493 50009493' On motlon.;the meeting adjgurned, 4r_a'n_e~eV- n Town Clerk Special Meeting F December 69 1952 - Present: H.. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Raymond 'Walkup - Councilman. Curtis Ls;mpson Councilman Absent:: Meredith Bentley justice of the' Peace The board convened at 7:30 P.M.. The following recommendation was read to the board: Is Ernest `Lackey, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury,. do hereby recommend to the Town Board of the Town of Queens- "I the purchase of a used 1947 F.W.D. . truck model #'SU, serial #72308,, Motor X684254, complete with fall hydraulic snowplow..and one wing, for a price of $3500.00. (signed) Ernest Be Lackey Superintendent of Highways . Town of. Que e s Warren County, N.Y.. n bur Y� _ Dated: December 6,. 1952.. ea .,'