1952-12-06 SP 355 Lester Viele Insp.of Elect.D„No..5 40.00 40.00 356 Victoria Hubert " " " '! No " 64,00 64.00 357 Lura . Lord !! " " '! No." 64.00 64.00 358 Evelyn Grant " " " " No." 24.00 24.00 359 Lo-kiis Hartman 15 h.plowing & .disking PVC 60..00 .60.00 360 Carswell T & T Gas, PV Cemetery 3.82 3,82 361 Doyle's Bal.acct.PV Cem., 2.95 2.95- 362 M.R.Sexton Parts for power mower,weld. frame on mower,sharpen power 27.19 27.19 mower,etc.PV Cem.. 363 Evelyn Siraco Insp. of Elect.D.. No.3 40..00 40..00 364 Arthur J.Hillis Postage used by .tax cull .. 96.00 96.00 365 Arhbur J.Hillis Set.up,take down booths 49.00 4900 a 366-- Carson & Duffy Prem.on bond-H.J.Sleight 4..00 4.00 l._ 367 Kathryn O'Brien Type.min.Twn.Bd. 5.50 5.50 368... !ioward Wallace ` Patg.&Pcntg.coll-NGFWD 152.05 152 ..05. 369 Geo.Kilmer Labor worked-NGFWD - 85.00 850.00 370 Samuel T.Bennett Labor worked-Glenwood Ave. t NGFWD 17..60 17.60 371 J.G.Piscitelli & Galv.pipe 9 pes-21' L. `Son ` NGFWD 102..06 102..06 372 City of G.F.Water Fun d Water rent-NGFWD 895.03 895.03 373 ,City G.F.Water Fd„Water rent-Ridge Rd.W.D.. 76.80 76.80 374 7City G.F.Water Fd.Water rent-WGF W.Dist. , 41.6.68 416.68 375 G.F.Post Co. Pub.Not.Drng.Dist.#1 34.02 34.02 376 The Letter Shop Mimeo.28 pgs..Cont.Drn.No.1 95,20 95.20 377 Sarah N.Hastings Cutting stencils &.supplies Drainage No. 1 37/80 37..80 378 Leslie Coulter Serv.as Engineer-Drng.D.##1 1200 00 1200 000 Total $15 $ 5,009.93 i On motion- the meeting adjpurnedj ran a L. rner Town Clerk -- Special Meeting December 60 1952 - ! Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight - Justice of the Peace j Raymond Walkup - Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent: Meredith Bentley Justice of the' Peace The board convened at 7:30 P.M.. 'I The following recommendation was read to the board: t I. Ernest `Lackey, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, do hereby recommend to the Town Board of the Town of Queens- bury the purchase of a used 1947 F.W.D. . truck model #SU, serial #723089, Motor #6842549 complete with -full -hydraulic snowplow-and one wing, for a price of $3500.00. t (signed) Ernest B. Lackey Superintendent of Highways : Town of Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y.. Dated: December 6, 1952.1 Ysolution xo. 101 introduced by Councilman Walkup,, secondod.by Councilman man amps n:. RESOLVED that the Town Clerk- be and is hereby authorized anal d1rected to. cause to be published:. once in the Glens F&A's Times"a..: notice in s}:bstantially the following form: Notice Notice is hereby given in with Section 142 of the Highway Law, that Ernest, Lacey, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town ofw Queensbury,, has recommended to the .Town. Board as follows :: I. Ernest Lackey, Superintendent of Highways of" the Town of I Queensbury,+ do hereby recommend to the flown Board. of the' Town cif'; Queensbury the of .a used 1947 P.W.D.. truck modol' lserial ,, Motor #684254,, compl6ts.With full .hydraulic snowplow and one ' gyring, for a price pf $3500,00 (signed) Ernest B. L' ckeay Superintendent of Highways r Town of Queensbury, Warren 'County,' N.Y.. Dated: December 6, 102 Furt1j.er notice, �s ,hereby given that the Town Board` wal meet on the 13th day of Dee®mlger, 1952 at 7:30 P.�. ` t. the Tdwrft ler '4 'office 4n Ridge Rcaad in.said Town' to consider such *recommendation and the purchase o$ such equipment._ µ v I Sated: December 6th, 1952, <* crs�- .T�i * antes L. rner Town Clerk, :'Town of Queensbury Warren County, New York.. j Further resolved that the Town Board of said Town shall meet on the -13th day of December, 1952; at. 7:30 P M.; to` pun.side�r--the ' purchase of said machinery,. Daly adopted by the following vote:: I Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr., La,mpson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris _ Noes - None 1 is Notice of claim of Martin H.. ,Lavine and Frances Lavine` of the Town of Queensbury were read. The matter was referred- to 'the County .Attor- ney.' .': The Clerk read the following communication: Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Department Inc, Foster Avenue Glens Falls, New York November 25, 1952 Town Board, Town of Queensbury E r c/o Town ,Clerk's Office t 388 Ridge,.St. , Glens Falls, New York Gentlemen: . Please add to my September 17th list of active members the following : 1 - Clifford F. Robillard Country Club Road 2 .. Stanley Kos inski - Aviation-Road 3 .. Carlton R. Freiberger - RD 2, Glens Falls .. John Lanfear - Miller Hill 5 Andrew Butz - Upper Glen Street Also delete the following: 1 Norman Walbridge, Jr. - Glenwood Avenue 2 - George Stewart - RD 2, Glens Falls 3 - William Jones - Aviation Roid V0116 termer Davey f Thank you (signed) G. Verner Davey t Secretary, � � introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman esolutio 2-- a p: RESOLVED that the Town Board'. hereby confirms the following Is active members of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company, as follows:: Clifford F. Robillard, Stanley Kosinski, Carlton R. Frei- berger, John Larfear and Andrew Butz.. � i Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris I Noes - none j[�r ntroduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman x s alkup: RESOLVED that Edward Sleightbe and is hereby appointed dog enum- eratcr for the Town, to receive the compensation fixed by law. Duly adopted by the following vote: "' Valku Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. a AYE # e�' ' ''' Noes,,,!-- non ` ., the matter- of the Ft. Amherst Realty Company, Inc. conveyance to the,xtoWA of Queen lands for.street purposes by dead dated Nomrs "�5s 1952, was deferred for the reason no map filed with the C toa C erk read a communication from the State Traffic Commission advising The 1 -- the -Board that �the State Traffic Commission has under investigation and study the propos4l to restrict speed on oupper lens Sherman.Avenue for a disc f the city tan:ce of one mile westerly o Y A notice' of a public hearing on the transfer of the frawn8siread,orks and system of*the Hudson Transportation Company, Inc. , t The board audited claims as follows:: Schedule of audits for the Town of f Quensbury, Warren' County New York, t. Amt. ` Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed Name- of Claimant Labor gas lines & 3 79 Floyd u1 Scoville 625 6925 water lines , Ashley pl/$ I Labor gas & water lineS 6.28 6.25 38th` ' %dw'ard Hermance Ashley Pl.. 3€ 1: , t .G.. Howland Serv.rel�d.Drainage Dist, 264.00 NO. 1 16.00 16.00 382 Ruth-Thomas Sern.. rend,as stenog. Ins. of Election 3100 � 3100 ze1.M. Smith bulldozing at dump96.00 96.00 383 ` ?� 12 hrs. 384 gghn rubricky 25 days,8 h.eaa.m $1.10 220.00 220000 385 Eugene Johnson g olli 386 _,Saward Z�ampson Rent & storage of .P 60..00 60.00 plaee equipment i' 387 Quoensbury-Cent.VFC Rental� firehouse-poll- 40..00 4.0.00 i purposes 11,08 11.08. 388 ,City Gl ns Falls Misc.storehouSe NGFWD 389 City Glens Falls a 4 NGFWD Fd. 94902 94.02 f F k y i tG 390 City of Glens Falls Misc. Glenwood Ave.GFWD 12,02 12.02 391 City of Glens Falls " repair hy .NGF1 19,82 19082 392 Curtis Lampson- Percentage col.WGFWDF- 132,19 132.19 $980..63 $980.63 On motion the meeting adjourned. ♦ - `Frances L. Turner w Town Clerk t Public Hearing December 13, 1952 ` k Present:: j' H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley w r Justice of the Peace Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace - Raymond Walkup Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman j The board convened at 7:30 P.M. E Proof of publication read and filed; no one appeared in opposition. i Resolution No.. 104 introduced by Town Councilman RAymond Walkup,' second- ed by Town ounc man urtis Lampson, WHEREAS the Town Superintendent of Highways did on the 6th day of December, 1952iA duly recommend ]Lh.e purchase of certain machinery-pursuant f to the provision of Section 142 of the- Highway Law, and a notice of such ! recommendation has been duly published as provided in such section. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized-' to purchase. from Howe Brothers of Troy, New York, with the 9pproval of the County Superintendent of Highways : One used 1947 F.W.D. Truck, Model SU, Serial #72308, Motor #6.84254, complete with full hydraulic snowplow and one wing,, for a total-.price of Three Thousand Five Hundred'Drall.ars,. j' {-#3500.00) delivered. at Queensbury, N.Y.. and to be delivered immediately.; The terms of payment areas follows .: j Check drawn. on Machinery Fund $ 175.00 Check from proceeds of obligation 3325000 Tonal 3500000 I A contract of purchase for the item purchased shall be duly ex» ecuted..between the Town. Superintendent of, Highways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent. of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the Item purchased in accordance with the terms of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amount specified to be paid by _cheek or checks. ` (1) By a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) foa-•$175.00 (2) By a check in the<_amounts of $3325.00 drawn on the account es- tablished from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursit to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase, Such obliga•tio -will be Authorized-to be issued-by ,thiq Board by a separate resolution,•. Vote of Town Board Aye . . . H. Russell Harris Supervisor - Aye Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Aye Meredith Bentley - Justice of Na.ce Aye . . . Purtis Lampson Councilman Aye . Raymond-Walkup Counclman r tion No, 105 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Mkup;, RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is duly authorized to contact *contractors by letter and otherwise, requesting such contractors to ; omit a bid for the laying of 1400 feet (approximately) on Ft. Amherst