Modification I Is Dxc 4� I f Tr�ww o Q Xeewsbur w pLawiwg Board 5/2o/os-AKC Ho[,Awos, MorT� CltCow RESDU.tTION APPROVING MODIFICATION EDR COPY SI.tF�AIVISION ND.�--2001-DKC f-tOLAINGS RESO LAALTI O N NO. SU 7-01M • C� INTRODLACEAgY: LtqrrU Riwger Wf-to MOVED ITS ADOPTION: SECONDED gY: Avvthov,� Metivier Wf-tEREA'S, aw appLicatiow has beevi,vu.alee to this board for the foLlowiwg: Subdivisiov\, No. 7-2001 64LLrawt/praertU Owwer• AKC f toldlv�s previous SEQRA Zowe: SCR-20 MODIFICATION t-ocatiov�: South side Sherwtav��ve., east of swto�e Ridge Road AppLicawtproposes to vuodifU a previousL� approved subdivisiow. Modifi,oatiow of previousL� approved subdivisiows requires review awd approvaL from the PLpvw,vV.g Board. Tax Map No. 93-2-20.1 pubLic I-teariwg: Not rectu.ired for Moc i-ficatiow Wf-tEREAS, the appUwtiov,was received 4/1.5/03, awd WHEREAS, the above is supported with the foLLowiwg docuvu.ewtatiov�,, awd iw Lusive of aLL wewLU received iwforvu.atiow, vLot iw Luded Ls this Listiwg as of 5/16/0S, cmd .5/20 Staff Notes ,5/7 Meetiwg Notice WI-tERE.4S, a public heariwg is wot required for a wtodificatiov�, awd WI-tEReAS, the PLavwLiwg Board has detervvL vued that the proposal con pUes with the Subdivisiow requirevwewts of the code of the Towvx,Qu.eewsburU (Zov,,iwg); avid WhjEREAS, the pLawwiwg Board has cov,,sidered the ewvirowvwewtaL factors fouwd iw the Code of the Toww Of Queewsburu (Zowiwg); awd WHEREAS, the requirevwewts of the state EwvirowvwewtaL Qj.taLitU Review Act have beew cowsidered avid the plawwiwg Board has adopted a sEQRA Negative Aeclaratiow; awd/or if ap?Uocltiow is a vwodifLcatiov�,, the requirevwewts of the state Ewvirov,,vwewtaL QuaLitU Review fact have beew aowsidered; awd the proposed vwoAfLrntiow(s) do wot resuLt iw awU wew or sigwificawtL� dif ferewt ewvirowvuev\,taL Lvwpaets, awd, therefore, v,,o further SEQRA review Ls wecessar�; awd Town of Qu.eensburu Plawwing Board 5/20/03-DK-FtDLAi gs, ModifLoat%ow i NOW, Tf-FEREFORE,g15 IT, RESOLVER,that we fwA,the foUowLmg: The appUontiow for Modifi,catiov Ls herebu gramted amd Ls subject to the foLLowLvg comdLtLows: 1. The pLat K&LkSt be fUed with the couwtU CLerl� wLthLm r'0 daUS of receipt bu I>LammLmg Departvu,evt staff of outside ageKoU approvals voted. DuLu adopted thLs 20th dau of Male 2003 bu the foLLowLvg vote: AYES: Mr. MetMtr, Mr. MuwsLvger, Mr. "er, Mr.Samford, Mr.Strough, Mr. MacEwam NOES: Nome /k-r,SENT: Mrs. LagOvKbard Cc: Vaw Dusem,�j Steves 169 I-tavLLamd Road atxm&sburU, NY 12004 " rn r QWWT HKAJ 7.9 1,40 ME SHERMAN AvE W(c NUS DAM A&Y WPM JAWAW WT 17.2W, ! „x F , 001134? } ry � a a F , 41,11 r q p. fin'.S.$ " 3 o 1 , 29, sq.ft. « 0, 7or w { a d' a i3 C2-D 444 LaJ C LOT 12 4Vow Qj • aft® l T 1 1, 1 -r TO 49 QONWW TO A l CY a acros r2 ,- low vparrw ., �a aa as a strjf NEW T rr .- a W. 083 � a M, a a a , ' 50135 \ . CAS b s LOT 11 �l , 7,9BI 00t. 3 T UAW .�t m Alo a 49 ) « r• Duwo log"A Uumm L400 amollow oft is , , .. 0 It t )' jr vo .. ' mamdaft M`ft Imumotwiffink s .i =t z:" , I- .. «` Land Surveyore T4M of QUO «. a :: �:. ... �• y foom" ► p� « =NO D tPNow Ygfu �q Now York Uc. No. 50135 x+ , , ,w,