1954-01-23 164
RESOLVED that the following bonds be approved as to form
--of exeqqt ,,iQ11 -sufficiency of security and amount:
Harold C. k'ikiras , Justice of the Peace
amount .71,.000 s U.S. Casualty Co.
Earl Edward Jones , Collector
amount $1,000 U.S. Casualty Co.
Raymond J. Hoague , constable
amount X1,,000 U.S . Casualty Co.
Ral,ph Fenton Hill, constable
amount 21,000 G. F. Ins . Co.
It is further resolved that the board sign a certificate to that mcffmi
effect on each bond.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Rr. Davis , Mr. Lam-pson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
Resolution No.- 2l. introduced by justice Akins , seconded by Lampson:
It was resolved that Dr. Bernard Selinger be and is hereby ap-
pointed Health- Officer for a term of two years for 1954 and 1955.
Duly adopted. by the folloi..,ing vote :
Ayes Mr. Davis , Mr. Lampson. Mr. "Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
On motion the meeting adjourned.
• Town Cl.ri'
Regular Meeting January 23 , 1954
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampsn Councilman
Richard-Davis Councilman
The board ciavened at 7:30 P.M.
John Hurley and Kenneth Wood were present and and discussed the proposed
drainage in the Glendale area. The matter was referred to the Drain-
age District Committee.
The clerk read the following letter to the Board:
Broad acres Civic Association
47.P. Monthie , Secretary
1lughes Court
Glens Falls, New York
January 19 , 1954
Toi,,rn Board
To,,,mof Queensbury
c/o Mrs., Bert Turner, Clerk
388 Ridge St . , .
Glens Falls , N.Y.
Re : Broad Acres Traffic Zone
Enclosed herewith is a petition signed by many residents of the
Broad acres section requesting your honorable board to take immediate
Zteps to contact the State Traffic Commission pursuant to Sections
c (subdivisions 1 and 2) ,,and 95-Z (subdivision 11) of the Vehicle
95 � L,
and Traf-fic Law as stated in the enclosed petition. -
A delegate from our association expects to attend your board
meetinz on Januar- 23rd for the purpose
of discussing- this matter with
the board' memberso.
Than!:ir g you for your very kind consideration.
Very truly yours ,
By 'enr Y_T . 7, tzner
John Beals , William Clark and Charles 4 _,J
Adams were present in-reference
to tl e control of traffic and erection of traffic signs on Ashley
Place , Pershing Road , Broadacres Road, Coolidge Ive . , and %,Tfrin the
lLriits prescribed in the 1)etition.
The attention of -Ll-he board was called to the petition which was en
closed with the above-name( letter.
-to .-the,- Board by
Town of �,N;aeensbLiry 1.23.54
-- -, i5A
In In a c`cb r yftli a Teso -ti 1�as, �.Of I l
i q, CT -V
,"'�Oti' ad,,_'A&it-_s C± i d
A-S Ociati-cnw f'of__in
of f �6ntrol L
& ti�T-EA§ &461-18 s 'An their:area
after In _6.f Dthei,__V` ariblas tes tntstsdtti6nt-invall led
and ascuSsjOn 'over -- ,- f�ri6d ' of it�,,ds c 6nclud ad t
n w6ul(I be,-
so �Lit�o-
th e, b6it'_
1. T4e Q$tFblishment of a i-raited speed zone in this area.
t ii 3,t I,I I d of a St.Opii n on_VorehLi,�L Road: 5Et the iditer-
zed-tt 81-with Ashley Place .
a""SEOTWD : sign at
'61 It 6, the intersection of Lshley
Place.4 Co.oliCL�e ;-�ve,
It wes decided that their request for limitation of truck
impractical at t h i T time.
This association has petitions which they intend to oresent
at the , T,o%rn Board mneetin-c, of 1.23.54, requesting the above items .
It is the recommendation of this comi-rAttee that this petition
be apl)roved as being reasonable, worl:able & in the best interests of
the Town of Queenabury. It is suggested that further study of "Ll-rAted
Speed 11 zone be investigated with the thought that perhaps this _ShOuld
be included as part of a larger area coverin,7,, all of that thickly
populated area adjacent to & west of the City of Glens Falls .
Mr. Ernest Lacl,,ey also visited the above location with the
committee chairman & concurs in approval of the items listed above.
- Highway Committee ,
H.C . Al;.ins', Chm.
Richard C . Davis
Meredith,S-. _Bentley
Resolution No. 22 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
Akins :
RESOLVED that the Town Board requests the State Traffic Com -
mission pursuant to article 7. of tho Vehicle Traffic Lsw to establish
a zone to restrict the speed at which vehicles may proceed on the
streets and avenues lying between Dixon 'Road , Hughes Court and t51ie City
line of the C1 ty of Glens- Fals including streets by which the zone is
bounded and all intersected streets within the zone , all in- the
Town of yueensburv', and tha-C, the Town requests permission of the
State Trg,f'fic Commission to erect, ston, signs on Ashley Place at
intersection with Pershing
, Road and Slow si- s to be erected on
Pershing Road at the same intersection and to erect slow signs on
Ashley Place at the junction thereto of Coolidge Avenue.
Be it further resolved that the Town Clerk sign the request
and transmit tho same to the Cou4ty Superintendent of Highways for
his aproval.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes Mr. Davis , for. Bentley , Mr. Lampson, 11,1r. Akins and Harris
Noes none
The Broadacres committee discussed with the :Boa.rd the matter of a
meetin-, with the Broadacres Civic Association in order to enlighten
the members thereof of town problems.
In the matter of installation of traffic control lights for Oneida
Corners and Cleverdale , the following bids were read by, the clerk:
Wilbur F. Witherell
Jan. 22, 1954
Town of Queensbury
Bid for the -installation of lights at Oneida and Cleverdale. 1-It the
Oneida can install on messenger cable for $30P.PO _ or on steel pole
of six ,inches with arm over highway for -$400.00. This bid is also
the same for Cleverdale . Installations to be same. as- infront of
, Baker Bros. garage at S. Glens Falls .
"AT. F. Witherell,
Harold F. Dear, & Son ,
January 22, 1954
Town of Queensbury
Re :: bid on Flasher Lights :
Estimated cost to install two Flasher signals , one at Oneida- Su"y-
side corners and one at Cleverdale intersection.
This includes four (4) approved treated "'Doles , guys , anchors , etc .
to make a complete installation for the Sum of X860.00.
Ue carry compensation insurance and a public liability insurance for
$50.1000,,000 coverage.
i.lso if all four poles are npt Vse�, a credit will be alloiyed .
Harold Dean & Son
January 23, 1954
To the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Narren County, New York
Pursuant to and in compliance with your request for bids, the
undersigned offers to furnish all labor and material necessary for
the electrical installation of blinker traffic lights at the Oneida
and Cleverdale intersections , for the following lump sum of:
Oneida $158.85 Dollars
Cleverdale .232.75 Dollars
Total 391.60
Signed - T. R. Scofield
Resolution No. 23 introduced by Councilman Davis seconded by Justice
Resolved that the bid of Theron Scofield be and the same is hereby
accepted for the installation of two blinker lights (traffic lights)
as follows :
Oneida & Ridge intersection
Cleverdale Road and Fort George Brayton State highway
#91 at a total cost to the town of X391.60 in accordance with bid sub-
mitted,, con-tractor to furnish labor .-ond material necessary for the
Duly adopted by the following vote :
,",',Yes - Mr. Davis, err. Bentley, DIV. .Lampson, 1.,xr . inq
oTid Kr. Harris
Noes - none
Mr. Wallace., Superintendent and collector of the 1,1est Glens Falls Water
Dist-Viet., was - present and presented his reports -1,711lich were read by the
clerk as follows
(Old) North Glens Falls Water Dist. for 1953
Page #1 755.43 Faid to H. Russell Harris
.2 970,99 Sept. 29- - $2200.00.
3 404.42 Z2130.84 Dec . 23 - .1432.25
4 73-2..24 Total $3634.2
5 446.20
6 504.86 _x'1683.30 Reconcile received
Total Reed. $3814.14. 3814.14
To Harris 3632.25
Difference 181.89
Bank Balance 100.03
To Transfer
from Ext. 14.41
Cash on hand 67.45
Turn over tc Tax collector for collecting one V5.00 with penalty
Bills not paid
5 outstanding bills $88.20 with penalty
Howard 1.1allace
Supt WO 'Coll.
Total int. for both dist.
To Harris
Extension 6420.27 To City for water
Old 3632.25 Feb. l' - 144.61
$1-0052.727 May'l - 268.43 -
Aug.1 - 331.06
Nov. 1 - 243.29
North Glens Falls Water Dist (Extension)
Page 1 - 996.09 Paid , to Russell Harris
2 - 924.25 Sept. 29-to check - 3900.00
3 - 393.59 Dec. 23 to check - 2520.27
4 - 701.76 Total $6420.27
11 500.40 4021.09 Balance in bark 1 100.00
12 568.00 $6520.27
13 576,25
14 605.75 This. $100.00 is my money that I put
15 634.77 2384.77 in for change
. 14.41 The $14.41 belongs to the Old Dist.
Grand total 6420.27
Deposited $100.00 more than received in 1953.
Turn over to tax collector for collecting
1 ace. at 29.70 with penalty
1 14.85
Bac''- water rents
7 users ant with penalty $117.98
This is my report for 1953.
Howard ",Iallace
To city for water Supt. U311 ,Collector for the Dists.
Feb. 1- 153 206.99
IT 1 72 7.2 7
Au;.1. 1555.87
llov.l 1087.31
,�34 Total
?sir. Wallace also reported that a 12" gate valve should be installed
on Glen St. corner of Frrt Amherst Road. Matter referred to water
district committee . He --also reported that the proposed 6" water
main on Foster Ave. had not been installed.
The board generally discussed the 411 :main not being large -enough 1
on the Aviation Field Road. _ Y
The application of D. J. Rainville for appointment as, bul lding in
spector was read by- the clerk:. t -
Glens Falls , Ivew York
J a 9.7 1954
Members of `Gown Board
ToT,,m of 7�ue-ensbury, N.Y.
T understand• there is a vacancy for a building inspector for the
Town. I feel T am well qualified. for this job rd mare application
for same..
D. J. Rainville
Glens Falls , N.Y
Resolution No. 24 introduced by Councilman Lampson , seconded by
Justice Bentley:
RFSCLV`"D that D . J. Rainville be and is hereby appointed
j building_ inspector for the Town of Cueensbury to serve at the plea--
sure of the Totem Board. _
( Duly adopted by the follou,ir),,� vote :
fff _ 1
Byes - Iir. Davis , trim. Bentley, IMr. Lai��son, 1,,,'r. r:,uins and ^,r. larris
Noes - none _
The monthly statement of the S-cLpervi sor of the moneys received and
disbursed ,�,,,s read to the Board. .
The bond of Bernard Codner ws constable was Dr4;sented to the- Board
Resolution Rlo. 25 introduced by Justice Bentley, second' d by-Justice
RFBG ED that the bond of Bernard Codner as constable in the
amount of 41000 with the; U. S. Casualty Company as surety be-and the
same is hereby approved as to ford , amcunt, sufficiency, of surety
and manner of execution.
Lnd further resolved: that the members of the Toi,,-n Board sign a
certificate to that effect on the bond .
Duly adopted by the following vote :
eyes - F,ir. D .,vis , I"r. BentlPv 4sr. , La.ny son, Mr. Aki ns anca :"r. rani s
Ijoes- none _
E The mexibers o� the Board preser ci ;red the certificate in accordance
i with the resolution-, ,
Resolution D o.. 26 introduced b-v Justice Bentley seconded b17 Justice
RESOLVED that there be ordered a,ndpurchased for use of Ray,nond
Hoague , constable ,, a constable 's manual and that there shall also be
ordered for use of the assessors Mciviichael!s ap.praising
Prentiss Hall Co. , 1, fTeW _�!Orl, manual from
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - IMr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, 1411r. Akins and Ti1r. Harris
Noes - none
The board received and filed a petition for the establishment of a
lighting district in the Town of Queensbury to be 'mown as the
Cleverdale LightinS District,. The -same was read and referred to the
lighting committee.
Resolution No. 27 introduced by Councilman Davis , seconded by Super-
vi so,r Harri s
47AS, a- written petition dated January 9 , 1954, in due form
and containing the required signatures, has been present4_d to and
filed with the Town Board cf the Town of �ueensbury, Warren County,,
New York, for the establishment of a lighting district to be Imo-vm
as the Cleverdale LiShting District in the said town, to be bounded
and described as follows :
All of Ripley' s Point, also known as Cleverdale , in the Town
of Queensbury, County of 111arren and State of New York lying northerly
of a line beginning at a point on the shore of Lake George on the
west side of Cleverdale where the southerly line of the lands of
Richard Tefft intersects the shore line and running easterly along
the suth, line of said Tefft property to the main road and continuing
easterly on the same course to a point where such line intersects
the shore of Lake George on the easterly side of Cleverdale.
WHEREAS, the improvement proposed consists
of the maintenance
and operation of a highway lighting system in said proposed light-
_ ing district, and
,THEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended annually
for the maintenance and operation of a highway lighting system in
said proposed lighting district is the sum of X497.43 , it is here-
ORDERED that a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queens-
bury, Warren-County, New York, shall. be held at the Town Cle rl: , s
Office in* said town on the 6th day of February, 1954, at 7:30
otclock, P.M. of :that day, to consider _the said -petition and to
hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the
same , and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with
relation to the petition as may be required by law or proper in the
premises .
Dated; January 23 , 1954 (signed) H.. Russell Harris
Richard C. Davit
Neredith.,S. -Bentley , J.P.
Curtis Lamp son '
Harold C. Ak-ins ,
Members , of-the Town Board
of the own of Queensbury,
Warren County, New York
John Van Dusen2 Supvey6r rwas present and discussed with the Board
his proposed contract.
gesolution No. 28 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Coun--
cilman Lampson:
RESOLVED that the contract with John Van Dusen as surveyor
be extended for a term of one year with7the. same terms and con
ditions set forth in the contract for 1953w.
Duly adopted by the following vote :,:
Ayes -• TYr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr.. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
The Board generally talked over the matter of engaging a person to be
employed temporarily to perform clerical services for, Town. officers.
Resolution No. 29 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by
RESOLVED that Irving Crumbley be employed temporarily to per-
form clerical _services for Town officers to be paid from the funds
of the department or district where services we're performed at the
rate of $1.25 per hour upon presentation and audit of a verified
or certified claim for such services.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley , Mr. Lampson, Yx. Akins and. "-ir. rarri.s
Noes - none
The clerk read the following communications :
State of New York
Department cf Pgblic Works
Albany .
January 7, 1954
Mr.. H. Russell Harris , Supervisor
Star- Route
Town of Queensbury,
Glens Falls , New York
Dear Sir:
By direction of Deputy Superintendent Hughes and as requested
in letter from District Engineer Nickerson, recommending approval
dated December 301; 1953, we enclose herewith a certification pur-
suant to Section 1.71 of the Highway Law relative to the necessity
for town highway to be laid out in the Town of t'ueensbury, County
of 1.1arren.
It is assumed that you will attend to the filing of the cer-
tification in the office of the ;Town C1er1l;:, Town of Queensbury, where
the highva,y is located.
Very truly yours ,
L.H. Krick
assistant Superintendent
Operation end Maintenance
cc : Tom Lttorney , Toti°n of '?,aeensbury, jrarren County .
C.L. Nickerson, .-District :engineer
Frances "L. Turner, Town Clerk
V. L. Ostrander, s u-perintendent , Operation « llaintenance .
�T- REAS a R solution of the . Town..Board of the Town of :�ueens-
T ,�Rrren dated December 15 1953 b.as . declared the
bury, County of ° ' of a certain
intenti^n of the town to consent to the laying-out
proposed high-TxTay therein and ,
such Resolution,. together, with a map of such lay-out,
_ dated 7"ay, . 1399 , are ol). file in the office of the ToT,an Clerk of the
ToTi1n of �'ueensbury, County of ,%Tarren, and are also. oil file 1:i1 this
NO''', T JREFOR�E, after reviel-I of the matter herein , our
suant to ,section .-171 of the Nighwa.y Law, certification is hereby
made of the necessity for a corta.in to-om highway to be ]..,aid out less
than three rods in width in the To,,m of yueensbury, County of
'��arren , Stato of Nell Yor'w�, the center. line of said highway being
generally described as follows :
71.atherine avenue (Just outside of the
C._ty of Glens
�eGinnino at Glen Street,, formerly
called "The Plank Road" , extend.ir_a,
ea at erly a.-�_roxima,tel.y,_180 feet;
thence .-gin a. Seneral.ly r�ortji.erly
d-0 -!- about 600 feet; thence in
-a senerally westerly, direction about
200 feet interse,ctinL the southerly
site of Glenwood a,.venue , formerly '
��a,,ern as "Road t o. Bri,c1�: Yard.t, .
T .
ength of._r„a,the ring 908 r
.;7 fttr) of 35 feet.
IF ..4ITNESI.; OF: I have hereunto sot my hand and 'n_:a,ve
cs,as=.d . t ie . Offi o ial �e�,1 of th i�e,,,r 'Tor' ^{=:.te Department of ��-bl c
' ores to .be .hereu-nto ,alf-_xpd on this 7th da- of_Janu.�.rv, l�?5�?:
_ E. B. ITU-hes
vyi:,t�r :D.),)erIrtendaent o_" Public c '.:'ores
_lbert -'?C[r1C1�
"=ttorne-� °�t, Later
Colvi 7a .'di_n
vT Yll, .n,ry 21, J..Cvu
:r- T 71Zssn1 -1 Tarr-i c
tar Ro-atle
G etas_.71,118 , N.Y
Dear Russell :
Them ;sac Teen lresez:_tec? to one for - , ov-l_ deed fror.1 t'
7-n-T.or Free school. DiStr ct l.1o. 2 of the Tmm- of 7�ueensbury t s %,'_rat'
r -usensbur-,r-of !.,C s school_ hovise l_C`t of trl7 :� ,-)Yn�' :school
istr}ct To -1 cr the Fine VipT�T Road but excluding the school
build.in.'�- which Tres 'been. sold by the school G :strict..
y y to .,_ ._n ljrop..r _oLmand I haT.'" 1 nc 1_co ted
on the d'e d T117T 2 )1)rnV 1 .
Yours very truly,
nl_.bert E _7es'7ic1
(count,` Attoln1 3y
The bo"rdd, audited cl_ai ins ' ?.s foi 1 C}ws :
Tarma.ry, 1954 `��t. Burns•
17o. Pump of Clai rant Nature of Cl aim Claime:', . <'.7 l-otared
1. Kathr n "'Brien Tyne To?,:T , _d- . r?i na to s 2.50
: C . Inc . T cp2. Der_oi y. Gilbert' s Cri-mir-al
Code C',-
Penal .Law- -P -7.50 27.50
3. Ruth Thomas :Cteno.s:erv.PeolDie vs,John
Balr_ i\-'.Bent7_e T, J.P. - o.00 8.00
4. V. 1i. ''Jeej:s R.er�tal garage nor red.
vctir?g 40.00 ' 40.00
5. 1,71eredi.t . Bentley-Poste -e , forms . !'.C. 6.96. 6.96
6. Russell (31.1-`,Tait S111-1-lies for Town Clam= ?.56 ti.56
7. Niagara,-11'11ohaw Street ltng &. tr°a,ffic
signals 113.07 11.3.07
8. D e mm Co. , Inc . Justice Civil Docl et for
I _ T1 •8.B. _ 15.44 15.44"
` Q.. islencraft Frntg. Svc y lies for t%x coll. 67.35 67.35
�-' 10. G.F. Post Go. Pub, tax notice 13.44 13.44:
11. marl Suprena.nt Serv.typwrtr.Bentley 16.50 16.50
12. Frances L. '!�urner, Fostage stamps-T-Vai c111 3.00 3.00
13. Arthur G. Pfart _n zL eur�sbLiry lost. Ground Ob-
server Corps .11/15 to l.?,/31/
1.935, cards , stamps 4.24 4.24
14. 7ethryn 7�. 017-rien Type .-II-j-i,,Tn.bd.
31.00 71.00
For heat, t cc �_,-I',.ainten-
15. SIL dn,,--
onn�andvlr, On an,ce o- e c;.nos . or
ti;eeY,, Lary CL(a 4 of
7.ost .�_,.Viaticr by Sect-6 200.00
Town Law 200.00
qt M�f sc NG71D 216.91, 216-91
16, City G.F.,'Iater Fd. New hydrant , I
17. City G.F."Tater Fd Raise F-yd.Ft.A-,nst.Rd . 97.97 97.97
18. City G.,F.-,ater Fd Locate CU e t c .r
isc . Glen,- 61.58 61.5a
I.Q . WGF Fire Co.Y,,,O.l (wo cd Ave, . ,TIG7,"ID EXt
- -M h,Tdrants in
�'f r0i
Leon-Rich- Shovel sno',.,', 8.00 8.00
- ardson W.G.Wa-ter.- Dist. 9.35 9 .35
��&O. Carswell T &.1 T supplies ,gas ,etc - PV. Cem-
Zerosene-barnin'L at dump 9100 9 .00
�?1. Ursula Johnson 60 25.EO,
,22. Franklin Scoville vTilea,:,-P pine�,vielsy Cemetery 25.
I �- r statement 14.75 14.75
23. Chas E.Ho-t,�htaling Supplies as e
Z� -s �
24. David E. :taker Surveyor I helper for J .B.
VariDusen, DTTI 'purveyor 17.00 17.00
On �)oticn the iieetln� adjourned ;
L ty 146 �s Tu rne r
�T ol_M Clerk
Public Hearing February 6, 1954
At a -public hearing held or- the above date at the office of the
Tvwn:�Glerk,kdge Road, at 7:30 P.M. the following haembers were present:
H. Fussell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
arold A.k s Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson CouncIman
Richard- Davis Councilman
Proof of the publication of the notice calling for the Public Hearing
received and filed.
Proof of the posting of the notice for the Public Hearing filed .
The following people were present in connection with the hear-'Irk-?,: :
LeRoy Scrafford Chauncey L. Briggs
G. B. Allen Mrs. Robert Friehofer
J. G.. `Jhitmeyer Mr. 7jTm. Tarrant
r,'Trs. G. B. Allen E. S. Worster
Mrs. LeRoy Scrafford Robert W. Friehofer
Mrs. H. D. Meadbury Franl: H,, CiDnnkhite
1,,I.rs. *J. G. 'jfliitneyer A. J. Ylacj-,ey
"Ir e
H. Henderson. 'i rson. W llac6 Cowa
-Illiam K. Gilday Helen ITT. ,Cowan
Scott M. ,Henderson ' Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mason
ArthAr Freelote Alger Mason
Edith M. Freelove Mr. Ono Mrs. Ernest L8Lckey
Mrs.'!'Im. H. H6nderson Mrs . Hulsapple.
Robert I. CleLhcrn John L. Ostra- .der
The privilege of the floor was extended to John Ostrand6r who stated
that' he appeateO for Frank Tarrant Sr. ,, Frank Tarrant Jr. , and William
B. Tennant in opposition to. the formation of the district. He objected
to the signature of the Scott Hendersofi CoPporation on the petition.
Among those present , Scott Henderson, Leroy Scrafford, Mr.. and Mrs .
Ernest Lackey,, Arthur-Freelove , "DTs. s,flhitmeyer, G. B. Allen, Alger Mason,
and �Iilliarn qilda7T_expressed that they were in favor of the establishment
of the lighting district. Frank Cronkhite spoke in reference to the
matter and reserved the right tb ,file a legal objection to the establish-
rqent* of the district.