1954-03-20 '1 i 4.. (4110 Ohio Ave .. Luzerne Rd. Corinth' Rd. j 4`1 ..0 Rhode Isla ' ,� na l�v, It �,, (2110 Central I'-ve Oh 10- Ave Rhode Is.rive. X33,600.00 5. 8110 Cronin Road' Ridge Road Meadow' Brook 3,200.00 I 6. w 2.5110 Dixon Court Dixon Rd.N. 11000.00 7. . 3110 Assembly Pt.Rd.Cutting Grading; f , New ri ght of way 12500.00 j (Owen Ave . ; c t 8. 3110 (We s tmore Ave . Cuunset Drive Aviation- Rd. ,Prorth 1. - 3,100.00 . I 9. 4.5110 Hill-crest Ave. ,aviation Rd North 12800.00 10.2.5110 x'la.rren Street Coldbrook douse tc Canal Bridge f 1,000.00 Further resolved that the members of this board sin an a Lreerent j Teich the Town Super ntendent -to that effect. D),T a.do �ted by the r,,• J d foll_o ing vote :, es - i,r. Davis , YIr. Bentley, 'INIr. La-mpson., Mr. skins and Lair. "Flarris T I oe s - none The members of the Town Board signed t'r_e agreement with the Town erintender�t who also signed the agreement. ' On motion the meeting adjourned. Toum, Clerk C ( � Adjourned Public Hearing March 20, 1954 --� At a.r adjourned Public Hearing held on the above datA at 7:30• P.R% the following members were present H-. Russell Harris P-utirvisor ZI Meredith Ben-tl ey Justice of the Peace Harold. A��ins Justice of the Feace Curtis Sampson Councilman l?icha.rd-Davis Councilman Cbuncilma:n- Davis , chei rman of -the Lighting District Comrri.ttee , reported that the committee had mot with the rest of-the members of the .Board and e -ermined the petition and assessment roll and checked thw names. of the signers of the petition with the assessment rolls and the properties assessed with the amounts and found that the petition was signed by the owners of taxable real property situated in the proposed district ©wnt.ng;, .:" E in the aggregate more than 112 of the assessed valuation of all "tho, taxable real property of the proposed district as shown upon the latest compl- ddassessment roll of said Town, and that the petition ..n_cli).ded signatures of resident owners owniriL taxable real property aggregating more than 112 of the assessed valuation of- all the taxable real property of the proposed district according to the latest completed assessment roll. i Nos. introduced by Councilman Davis seconded by Justice Akins : - RESCLVED that the public hearing held upon a: petition to establish a lighting district known as the Cleverdale Lighting District be ad - j ou_rned to the lOtb. dray of July, 1954 at 2:00 in the afternoon of that day at •the Fire House of the North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. at the junction of the Ft. George, Brayton and Cleverdale Roads . Duly adapted by the following vote : Ayes •- Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, NIT. Laiupson, Mir. Akins and Mr. Barris 1V o e s - none - Mr. Bentley reporting as a committee appointed to loop into the legal aspects of uncovered wells, cesspools ,, cellars and excavations , re -- ported that he had talked with the County Attorney in reference to the matter and found that there were provisions in the law providing for an ordinance requiring wells and cesspools , etc. to be filled or cov-- ered,, but there was nothing in th-. law relating to uncovered cellars. j He Stated that Attorney Beswick would prepare a proposed ordinance for the consideration of the. Board. On motion the :meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.. fiances L. Turner Toi-m Clerk �„ -1a Y+ r �: *. ',. 2", 1.954 :IC Present: H. Russell Harris SL,-oervisor fi _ �ulen:, -ith �i' n�i`� Justi Ce o1 thy? Peace Harold kins Just'-ce of the Peace Curtis Tampsor. Councilr�--n �,- Ri chard- Davis Councilman The board convene( at 7:30 P. .'. EdTrviz', '11. ai-d RL?th ;'inc'L.Ip iere n resent a-id discussed the y rCy O ae� y)le?1 of laying out Maple on nropert, oTm.ed by theme --nd Llso Jis- cussed ?r< ter supply, the copy of the map ard j-,lar. tc be filed later. f They a1-so-requested that -tlic. -o-rd supply thee- T,;ith a letter stating i that t the area of !,T ale was ir, the North Glens Falls `''titer ' - District. 9 Mr. 'and Mrs. Jose-,,-)h Robillard , 71,rs . Sweet and Mr. Rozell.,; all from Holder; Ave . Tall ory eve. ,. discussed with. the p Board the prospects of establishing a. li;_htin� district. Jacob Suess, Harley 2.ndraws , Ted Lemery and others were present in reference to lights an(-'I the establishment of the li�htir_g district.. T!rs . Carl Lyford,; Harley �ndre�rc , Eeimaet -i Cook, George Taylor, Herbert Ga,rant,, Steve Choppa, I,rs. Eugene Bartholomew and oth(--;rs ..sere p resent in reference to the repa._ir of Thomas St. There was a discussion on the matter and the matter �-Tas referre(7 to the hid hjay committee . The following co=T-artication i,.Tas read fro-M the -�ueensbury Central Vol- unteer Fire Dept. , Inc. weer,sbury Central Volunteer Fire De.Dartment inc. March 27, 1954 ` The Town Board To�lm. of ueensbury, 'N.si'. ` j } Gen,-lem-en: he .,,ia.eensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company again re guests the use of the lot on Upper Gler Street , :,cioTo?n as The Broughtcn Property to hold the King Reid ShQ1ATs as in otxier• ; ears.. The show this year is to be held from !,"ay 10 tizrough 1.5 if the perpit be granted. .. Thane you for T -ur kind attention to this -natter in other years, Very traly yours , (Signed) Clay ton L. 'Ramsey, Pr-,-s: ,g y